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Aion PvP 2.0??? Summarization of why this game might fail.


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Laggy, Unresponsive Abilities and sometimes you completely DC from the game.....yeah thats what i am seeing? I am not the only one either so its not my system. Me and my buddies regularly have the same issues and have a variety of different computers. I sure hope this is on your radar bioware.


Seems like every mmo that comes along is exciting and feels like a potential WoW dethroner to only end up in the can because the endgame sucks. I know that I dont want to go back to easymode WoW but i think if you dont have some fixes in place and in place fast I am gonna be heading back to WoW with my head hung low.


to sum things up on why the other mmos have failed so miserably I will give you my take. I have max levels toons in all these games btw...


Aion: PvP was beyond terrible, great idea that it was, controls unresponsive, lag beyond imaginable and random disconnects during fort sieges. Collapse came due to BAD PVP.


Rift: PvP rofl haha laughable. Flavor of the week nerfs and buffs. This week saboteur OP(BROKEN OP to the point of absolute funtime pwnage if you were the sab) next week nerfed into oblivion not even playable. Next week broken op fire mages following week broken and pretty much nerfed to all hell. Following week next class buffed and broken subsequently the next week. Continuos nerfs buffs and renerfs again. I had 3 50s in this game trying to keep up with which class was op and which wasnt......end result Borked because PVP was bad due to not bringing other classes in line with op classes instead total destruction of a class week in and week out.


Warhammer: Do we even need to get into this one lol bad game was bad.

Age of Conan: Same as above not even worth mentioning.



TLDR: Fix pvp or this game is gonna fail bad! Aion and Rift failed because PVP was bad. Same is gonna happen here if something isnt done and done fast.


with all the hopes in the world that this game will be fixed i bid you farewell

Vladimal Crucible Pits

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after I got rid of my abilitiy queue I haven't been experiencing much ability lag, and I don't think i've ever DCed during a fight.



IF those games show anything it's that it is incredibly difficult to make pvp balanced during release, and while pvp isn't completely balanced it's better than just about any other MMO out right now, including wow imo.

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I coudlnt agree more that this game is better. I am by no means a star wars nerd dont even care about the lore. I really enjoy this game and i really dont want to see my friends leaving because pvp is bad its just an observation. I do feel however that this game has a chance i just hope that they aren't gonna fail on this one like they did warhammer.


I will try removing ability que and pass it along to my buddies thanks for that tip I sure hope it works.

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WoW's crowning achievement that pretty much every developer of "WoW Killer" games misses is its UI. Ridiculously customizable and probably the most responsive of any game I've played.


I do really hope they work quickly to optimize the UI so that abilities active on key press and animations line up with ability timings properly.

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I coudlnt agree more that this game is better. I am by no means a star wars nerd dont even care about the lore. I really enjoy this game and i really dont want to see my friends leaving because pvp is bad its just an observation. I do feel however that this game has a chance i just hope that they aren't gonna fail on this one like they did warhammer.


I will try removing ability que and pass it along to my buddies thanks for that tip I sure hope it works.



I mean, where are they going to leave to?


In all the games you listed, people left wow for a month then went back, but right now wow has some of the worst pvp it's ever had, and in many people's minds this game's pvp is better than wow's.

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Honestly I think the game is already failing...I am seeing less and less people in Republic fleet and even less in the world zones...People are always talking about how unhappy they are with it.


I just think BW made a mistake putting Mythic in charge of PvP. They just don't seem to have a firm grasp on it anymore.

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and while pvp isn't completely balanced it's better than just about any other MMO out right now, including wow imo.


Agreed, WoW as far as I'm concerned was the epitome of unbalanced class design.


Roll a Feral, Rogue if you want every advantage in most all pvp formats in the game and want to feel as if you are better then 90% of the players you meet, when in reality its because of the class.


Roll a warrior if you are completely unable to play but still want to crit peoples face off and be an unstoppable killing machine that is the center of group pvp. Yeah.. this was bad.

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Agreed, WoW as far as I'm concerned was the epitome of unbalanced class design.


Roll a Feral, Rogue if you want every advantage in most all pvp formats in the game and want to feel as if you are better then 90% of the players you meet, when in reality its because of the class.


Roll a warrior if you are completely unable to play but still want to crit peoples face off and be an unstoppable killing machine that is the center of group pvp. Yeah.. this was bad.


you know how i know you don't play wow heh

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I still think the biggest issue is going to be the implementation of brackets this late in the game - Why?


Those that got to 50 quick were able to get fast queues and farm low lvl characters for valor and coms, getting them top quality PvP gear easily - So soon they are to implement the 50s only bracket making queue times longer and also making it so new 50s have a WAY harder time getting the gear because: 1) They are facing the 50s that were able to farm lowbys for gear 2) Queue times are way longer so it takes way more time to get valor etc. 3) We cannot sit and farm low lvls to buy bags over and over to get gear (RNG being a big issue)


See new 50s (and I will be one of them as I started playing later because of holidays) do not have the low lvls to sit there and farm so they can get tons of gear bags.....


So the issue being will we ever be able to catch up? If so then it is not a big deal, if not then those that got to 50 first will always destroy in PvP and you will always be behind.


And please dont come in here with the "Well they got to 50 first they benefit " - ya I get that and that is fine but I should have access to the same gear if I work hard enough for it - and I dont see how getting to 50 in a month after release is unreasonable or "slow" - I shouldnt be punished for liking to enjoy the quests and story, space combat etc.

Edited by Torn
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rofl i think he meant feral or rogue...maybe???? maybe not....


anyway go back to wow is where they will go. I mean the game responds to every command with minimal amounts of fail and its pretty solid game, even if some aspects are messed up. Its still playable.

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What do you mean with might ?....swtor isnt that great already and I dont think they can change a lot. Some small things like pvp balance and stuff, at least I hope they are doing this soon.


Are you subscribing for these 3 mini Battlegrounds and 2 new flashpoint at lvl 50 ? A dull world with nothing to explore ?


Do you ?

Edited by BobaFurz
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What do you mean with might ?....swtor isnt that great already and I dont think they can change a lot. Some small things like pvp balance and stuff, at least I hope they are doing this soon.


PvP balance is not the issue. And I hope that they go with Baby Steps to balancing. Class nerfs are a great way to piss off a playerbase.


People rushing to burn their way through all the content in the game as fast as possible, then complaining they have nothing to do at 50 is the problem. And that they don't have enough opponents is the problem.


We're at roughly 4 weeks since launch for Early Access. If you've played 150 hours, then you've gotten your money's worth. If you played 1/2 the game in beta, expect to get less form release


I think the next great MMO will have 3 factions, and only allow you to play 30 hours/week with a subscription. And no account option for more play. If you want to play more, subscribe twice!

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I had these issues on my dual-core 2.6ghz DDR2 800 setup... then I recently upgraded to a quad-core 3.6ghz (3.88ghz OC) DDR3 1600 setup... those problems are gone and this game runs quite nicely, unless my roommate is eating my bandwidth :p


Even on 280 person Imerial Fleet, in PvP on Alderaan... problems solved by this upgrade.

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I still think the biggest issue is going to be the implementation of brackets this late in the game - Why?


Those that got to 50 quick were able to get fast queues and farm low lvl characters for valor and coms, getting them top quality PvP gear easily - So soon they are to implement the 50s only bracket making queue times longer and also making it so new 50s have a WAY harder time getting the gear because: 1) They are facing the 50s that were able to farm lowbys for gear 2) Queue times are way longer so it takes way more time to get valor etc. 3) We cannot sit and farm low lvls to buy bags over and over to get gear (RNG being a big issue)


See new 50s (and I will be one of them as I started playing later because of holidays) do not have the low lvls to sit there and farm so they can get tons of gear bags.....


So the issue being will we ever be able to catch up? If so then it is not a big deal, if not then those that got to 50 first will always destroy in PvP and you will always be behind.


And please dont come in here with the "Well they got to 50 first they benefit " - ya I get that and that is fine but I should have access to the same gear if I work hard enough for it - and I dont see how getting to 50 in a month after release is unreasonable or "slow" - I shouldnt be punished for liking to enjoy the quests and story, space combat etc.


This. The problem is now steamrolling and getting exponentially worse. And they're silence on the issue is difficult to accept. No word or acknowledgements. The current state of affairs currently has me paying a subscription so the other faction can farm me. Is this really what any wants?


Expertise needs a nerf. Heck, expertise shouldn't have been in the game at release to begin with. This is heartbreaking because before people were geared out, the pvp was completely enthralling. I mean, I loved it! And still do assuming both sides are equally geared.


But I'm watching a scoundrel topping both damage and healing charts, my burst abilities crit for a whopping 800 on sages and games so lopsides I don't live long enough to even work for medals.


The drop rate is atrocious. I'm rank 56, and I have 2 pieces of gear - 2!


Their silence bothers me more than anything. It gives the impression that they're unsure about the solution. I'm afraid its veritable slippery slope, now bioware is losing control of the pvp situation, its only going to get worse.

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People rushing to burn their way through all the content in the game as fast as possible, then complaining they have nothing to do at 50 is the problem. And that they don't have enough opponents is the problem.


Do your think before you type? You just said the players are the problem, either for playing too much or for being on the wrong faction. No buddy, the players are the CUSTOMERS, and many of us are depressed about the product we bought.


The guys who played the game too fast did it wrong? Yeah god forbid some people enjoy the game so much they play a lot of it. Are you kidding me? Getting bored at endgame means those people are detecting a frightening lack of end-game content - and endgame content is absolutely crucial to any long-term success of any MMO. Implying we should just play slower is the most absurd defense out there, it killed a few brain cells reading it.


You're a complete fanboi for blindly defending legitimate issues instead of letting them be addressed, which is the only way they'll ever get fixed. You probably have cancer you're infected so badly.

Edited by Mhak
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IF they wanted to not have new 50's get "steamrolled" all they have to do is implement an experience lock like wow has. Allow 49's to lock their character so they can farm gear then unlock once geared and then level to 50 to wear their new gear and be able to compete.


Instead it will just be nerfs led to the slaughter. Seems like if you want to pvp you'll HAVE to skip questing in late game and just do non-stop pvp to get your gear before 50 if you don't want to die endlessly to "skilled" (at powerleveling) players.

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I would also like to add that not getting credit for wins is pretty nasty considering on my server our faction almost never wins.


3 wins since i logged on today at noon 0 thats ZERO nada zip nothing towards my daily or weekly. 5 and a half hours to get 3 measily wins and not getting credit towards daily and weekly is painful.


Instead of playing an alt or doing something different i am left to continue the painful grind without getting credit for wins. This has got to be fixed!

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I just think BW made a mistake putting Mythic in charge of PvP. They just don't seem to have a firm grasp on it anymore.


Actually they never did ... AOE Mezz and the assist train were "great" pvp ... good lord, DAOC pvp was a crock. Realm Ranks? Only the time wealthy profited.


Mythic didn't have clue. Never did.

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Do your think before you type? You just said the players are the problem, either for playing too much or for being on the wrong faction. No buddy, the players are the CUSTOMERS, and many of us are depressed about the product we bought.


The guys who played the game too fast did it wrong?


I'm saying player expectation is out of whack. 150 hours into a game (that's 30-40 hours a week, more for the people who hit 50 in <2 weeks) not even out a month, and barking for: MORE, BETTER, NOW! NOW! NOW!


And yes, people who blew through content as fast as possible to get a leg up on the competition and are demanding changes because they're bored are part of the problem. There is a wide and interesting sub-50 game with story, content, quests, dungeons, crafting and a little humor. There is an interesting L50 game with minor to medium balance issues (expertise, class, etc). Crafting, flashpoints/operations, world PvP and some other stuff needs some work


But there CAN'T be enough in this game for someone who is going to focus an excessive amount of time on one aspect of the game. ie, just L50 PvP. Or just endgame crafting.

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