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fix the sniper or do we all reroll to gunslinger/sniper


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get pvp gear still taking 4k even picked the bloody absorb /def rating gear to see if it helps.


Nothing and please don't come here and say all this talk and videos are people using adrenal its on a timer 3 min CD and this snipers are doing it all the time 4k 3k 2k dead next.

No other class can come near this type of dmg at all.


Its bad enough you invented the failed bolster system for pvp can you at least balance the classes properly BW?


Free month is nearly over how you balance your game now is very crucial and do it now before people reroll sniper .

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get pvp gear still taking 4k even picked the bloody absorb /def rating gear to see if it helps.


Nothing and please don't come here and say all this talk and videos are people using adrenal its on a timer 3 min CD and this snipers are doing it all the time 4k 3k 2k dead next.

No other class can come near this type of dmg at all.


Its bad enough you invented the failed bolster system for pvp can you at least balance the classes properly BW?


Free month is nearly over how you balance your game now is very crucial and do it now before people reroll sniper .


Did you get owned in pvp me too..we should be friends

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I don't play a sniper, but I consider myself somewhat of an expert on beating them, and I've comprised a simple guide on how to defeat a sniper.



Step 1: Find pillar


step 2: Stand behind pillar


That's it.


And when he stuns ,he can do easily 2-3k without cover!

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I must be playing a different game. Damaging a full pvp geared heavy armor user is like attacking a raid boss. Our damage is very good, yes, but you sure you aren't mixing our burst with scoundrel / operative?


Ps. We take laughable amount of damage. I admit it's fun to faceroll behind everyone, but when someone actually targets us... Let's just say we die very *********** fast.


Pps. Cover. Lol.

Edited by Bosseking
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why would anyone whine about snipers/gunslingers?, no mobility, no heals... its a turret


This is my feeling on them, and I don't even play one. They seem incredibly predictable, one dimensional, and easily taken down.


Protip: If you have knockbacks, use them everytime they are off CD and the sniper is under cover. Makes them not only re-enter cover but start over their cast.


Gunnery with six second CD knockback, I backhand those snipers around all day barely trying.

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Hmm..I get shadows doing that much dmg to me all the time when they are on top of me...of course its usually more like 4k, 3k, a bunch of 600-800 spam and one or two more 2 or 3k hit..all in like 2 or 3 seconds...whatever, i'm sure any of the dps classes are capable of doing damage like this.


I feel like i'm 'okay' geared atm, but only one piece of champion gear..If i'm in the fight the whole game and busy I may do about 70k dmg and 110k healing (as a sage healer). But I see healers doing well over 300k healing..so there must be a pretty big difference between being not geared and well geared.

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get pvp gear still taking 4k even picked the bloody absorb /def rating gear to see if it helps.


Nothing and please don't come here and say all this talk and videos are people using adrenal its on a timer 3 min CD and this snipers are doing it all the time 4k 3k 2k dead next.

No other class can come near this type of dmg at all.


Its bad enough you invented the failed bolster system for pvp can you at least balance the classes properly BW?


Free month is nearly over how you balance your game now is very crucial and do it now before people reroll sniper .


What a bs! Snipers are doing weapon damage and ALL defenses of a tank work against it - opposed to attacks from e.g. BHs or sorcerers. You won't see such numbers.


Either you are not 50 and on top of it terribly geared or your opponent is up to the brim with expertise and you aren't.



And when we are at this topic: the class is a bloody joke compared to a BH: cover is clunky like hell and you are still not better protected than a heavy armoured BH while he has mobility and heals plus ranged cc and I dare to say better dps - especially on heavy armoured targets.

Edited by Desgarden
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I don't play a sniper, but I consider myself somewhat of an expert on beating them, and I've comprised a simple guide on how to defeat a sniper.



Step 1: Find pillar


step 2: Stand behind pillar


That's it.




I'am myself a gunslinger and those pillars are just OP. Please nerf pillars, or give me xray googles! Thx! And please nerf all other classes who prevent me doing uber damage.

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I played an elemental shaman in WoW

Gunslinger has infinitely more mobility

It's really a bit OP tbh


"I played a derpy class in pvp in wow because im a derp, I then compare classes ACROSS GAMES, to try and say snipers are fine, derp"


in conclusion, cupie is derp

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Lol really?


We had one knockback and one snare, both on long cooldowns, and one slow, in a world where every melee class had multiple ways to break slows and snares and close gaps

We had one defensive terrible cooldown, it was a bubble on a 45 second cooldown for about 4k hp

And knockbacks in WoW were AWFUL. You would knockback a warrior and he would get caught on a pebble. In this game you can knock players back over rails, its great

It was seriously awful. Glass cannon ultra-dependent on other people.

Gunslinger looks like a tank comparatively

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get pvp gear still taking 4k even picked the bloody absorb /def rating gear to see if it helps.


Nothing and please don't come here and say all this talk and videos are people using adrenal its on a timer 3 min CD and this snipers are doing it all the time 4k 3k 2k dead next.

No other class can come near this type of dmg at all.


Its bad enough you invented the failed bolster system for pvp can you at least balance the classes properly BW?


Free month is nearly over how you balance your game now is very crucial and do it now before people reroll sniper .


To be honest we're being trolled.


1. 4k 3k 2k dead? You take 9k damage and you die?

2. The fact that you're a tank spec and can mitigate a lot of our damage.

3. How do we pop adrenals all the time when they're on a 3 minute cooldown?

4. You think 4k damage is excessively high?

5. No other class can do more damage than a sniper?

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We had one knockback and one snare, both on long cooldowns, and one slow, in a world where every melee class had multiple ways to break slows and snares and close gaps

We had one defensive terrible cooldown, it was a bubble on a 45 second cooldown for about 4k hp

And knockbacks in WoW were AWFUL. You would knockback a warrior and he would get caught on a pebble. In this game you can knock players back over rails, its great

It was seriously awful. Glass cannon ultra-dependent on other people.

Gunslinger looks like a tank comparatively


I still play WoW ;) And the fact is Ele Shaman are useful for offheals as well, with lots of utility. Purge and Wind Shear are pretty great! They've even been buffed for Cata with both survivability and damage (gotta love fulmination). That said they are pretty crappy in serious PvP. More of a Battleground hero type but they do have mobility with snares and Ghost Wolf. You also have http://www.wowhead.com/item=71155/glyph-of-unleashed-lightning#comments.


If you want a turret with no mobility you could have at least suggested a Demo Lock. Wizard Cleave was fun back in the day on my Shaman.


Normally I'd say different classes are different but bloody hell, they're not even in the same game and a Gunslinger plays nothing like a Shaman.

Edited by Beelzebubs
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