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I wish the 20th would hurry up and get here..


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I know it depends on the time, but right now the forums are already alot better than they were 2 weeks ago. On the 20th it will be even better.


Can't wait for the first content patch and the improvements it will bring aswell. :)

Edited by Nemmar
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So what are you going to do about the people still subbed who complain? Demand they shut up and unsub?


My suggestion to people who subscribed to the game would be to offer insightful critique without resorting to childish namecalling, threatening to unsub, or various other passive-aggressive tactics.


The reality is that the forums really are only a small tool that the developers use for the purposes of crowd-control and information dissemination. Rarely, if ever, are they going to make policy or gaming decisions based on posts made on the forums. Even more rarely are they going to respond to threats.


The things that cause change are cancellations and exit interviews after that cancellation. People that use the forums as anything more than a community sounding board, or as some weird tool for social change are going to end up disappointed. All that does is increase the noise when the developers are looking for signal (when they actually do listen).

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Nope 6 month sub here. Loving the game so far. I just wish I wouldnt have rolled a Sent to start with.


Im having those same thoughts! Good thing I'm liking the story because its a hard class to play and I wanted something more casual to start with!

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you dont really think any of the people posting good bye threads are actually unsubbing do you?



how would they enjoy their lives without something to complain about? publicly where they feel everyone hangs on their every word?

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Hey Everyone,


We ask that topics posted in General Discussion stay focused on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Since this thread is off-topic, we're going to close it. We encourage you to make threads about specific game-related topics if you like. In the meantime, we also suggest you to check out Allison Berryman's reminder about feedback and the Forum.


Thank you for understanding.

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