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To the hutballers that pull me into the acid...


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OP wins.


I love when a good move combo or a well coordinated attack takes place, whichever side of it I'm on.


When the enemy side pulls off an impressive pass chain that gets the ball to goal in no time flat, I smile almost as big as when my team does it. Then I go knock one of those buggers off the ledge to break the chain.


A couple nights ago I saw a sequence that made me laugh. all within the space of about 5 seconds a SW leaped from a ledge onto a sorcerer in mid, got knocked back by the slam, got drug back up onto the ledge by a friendly sorc, and then got yanked off to the side by a bountyhunter's scorpian move...


The poor guy looked like a pingpong ball.


I really need to learn to keep fraps running...

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Stun on fire is good.

Knock back into fire and acid is also good as its hard to do.


Not like the void star bridge!

Had some guy run at me on the bridge all by his lonesome and it wasn't until the last second that i realized what he was doing. Too late.


Man I love assassins/shadows that wait in stealth for the whole team to come rushing across on the bridge.... uses his kickback.... insta kills 6 people. Absolutely beautiful. Even if I am on the team that got killed its still awesome.

Edited by DarthDartheous
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I am a fan of stunning on the fire. :)


Extra points if you are the ball carrier and are near the goal line. :D


Screw that...it's more fun to throw the ball in to the enemy's safe zone at unsuspecting targets, watchign them explode, getting the ball back, and doing it again.

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I am a fan of stunning on the fire. :)


Extra points if you are the ball carrier and are near the goal line. :D


Rofl I did that to a guy last night on my heal spec sage. Half my group was on the other side of the map and this guy grabs the ball and gets to our side uncontested in a matter of seconds. I stun him before the fire comes up and a second later it turns on and he's dead, just as his teammates get to him. Too late! So funny. But then I died when everyone ambushed me, not realizing I had the ball. I was too busy typing "lol" in Ops chat to pay attention to myself. O.o


It's also fun to AoE knockback a bunch of people into Fire or Acid or off ledges. But what's really a let down is when they're in the perfect spot and someone stuns you before you can hit the knockback and they all destroy you before you can have your fun lol. :\

Edited by Leiloni
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Force Stun plus Force Lift combo is also a lot of fun in group fights on that Sorc or Sniper sitting on the edge of combat. Poor guy thinks he can happily destroy us one by one unnoticed until I take him out of the fight for a good 12 seconds. Well, fun when some idiot doesn't destroy my CC before it's up. As a healer I get lots of lulz from the CC's. Edited by Leiloni
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