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Lets face it WOW pvp > SWTOR pvp


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I never thought i would be posting that title... and i really didn't enjoy wow pvp all that much.


Give me a ^^ if you agree or a @@ if you disagree


I understand it is only a month in... but learn from other MMO mistakes and corrections and don't release a pvp system that is not fully developed.

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I would agree but WoW has had a much longer time to improve on their game and see what works and doesn't work. Even though SWTOR has been in develpment and has been beta tested for years, BW probably couldn't have predicted all of the issues that people are complaining about post launch(not that I agree with all of them). I think that it is something that will improve over time.
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Ive just watched level 50's get utterly destroyed in pvp in less than 5 seconds...so much for balanced and "skillful" pvp. makes sense as to how i ended up unsubbing after two days of playing...but i dont plan on going to wow either cos the pvp there is pretty sh@! as well due to the class imbalances and I for one will not pay for swtor's incomplete game cos this game has a shizz load of bugs and the ability delays just wreck pvp


(http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/585/swtorabilitydelay.png/) - ability delay example f you dont know what everyone is talking about concerning ability delays

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People seem to forget that WoW cross-server PvP wasn't there at the start, it was a feature they added later.


As someone who was there the day WSG, AB, and AV launched, when you had to actually travel TO the battleground to queue, I tend to agree with the OP. As frustrating as WoW PvP was at the start, I don't remember it being THIS frustrating, or faction imbalanced. Of course, I was playing a rogue back then so that's something to consider :p


I do hope it gets better in SWTOR. But I wish people would stop comparing SWTOR launch with WoW launch, because Bioware has had 7 years to learn from Blizzard's mistakes. (I felt the same way at WoW launch with people comparing it to EQ).

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Hmmm let me ask myself this question:


Am I playing swtor OR wow at this moment?


Uh yea I think I am playing SWTOR, most evidently because I am browsing swtor forum and not wow forum.


Which bring myself to this conclusion,


I definatly prefer SWTOR pvp over WOW pvp because I'm actually playing SWTOR and not WOW.

Why would I prefer something I don't play over something I play?


Doh, that was an hard answer.

Edited by Paradoxe
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To make this more correct GW > PvP over WoW SWTOR at it's current state. However, that doesn't even bring up GW2 that's going to be going out fairly soon. That game is designed around PvP.


GW2 pvp is probably going to put all other MMO pvp to shame when that game finally releases. But it's not out yet, so I'm enjoying SWTOR pvp for what it is, and most of the time, it's fun.


I'm not really an optimist, but sometimes you just gotta appreciate what you have in front of you instead of what's down the road. ;)

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I quit WoW a little over 2 years ago so I dunno how much has changed since then, but going by how it was when I was playing I'd have to disagree with the OP (except for that really annoying ability lag that I often get in Warzones). The wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am style of PvP that existed in Arena was pretty annoying; stupid "Wizard Cleave" teams dropping our Shaman healer in a single non-trinketed CC on me wasn't particularly fun.


So far I've seen some super-fast kills (including on level 50's) in this game too, but I think that's at least partially due to consumables and Warzone buffs. With a few changes there and a couple class/spec tweaks, I think overall PvP balance here might be better than it was when I was playing WoW (though I *really* hate playing a non-pull/non-knockback class on Huttball, gets rather annoying when it happens 400 times per game and I can't at least return the favor).

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Crazy gear inflation, flying mounts affect on world pvp, welfare epics for instanced pvp... these were the first reasons that come to mind for why I left WoW... but now that I think about that SWTOR has crazy gear scale (inflation TBD), very little world PvP, and welfare epics for instanced PvP. lol
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I never thought i would be posting that title... and i really didn't enjoy wow pvp all that much.


Give me a ^^ if you agree or a @@ if you disagree


I understand it is only a month in... but learn from other MMO mistakes and corrections and don't release a pvp system that is not fully developed.


disagree 100x.


ToR PVP is much more balanced, with no fotm classes.


it will always be better, even if ToR went to cross-server.

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People seem to forget that WoW cross-server PvP wasn't there at the start, it was a feature they added later.


As someone who was there the day WSG, AB, and AV launched, when you had to actually travel TO the battleground to queue, I tend to agree with the OP. As frustrating as WoW PvP was at the start, I don't remember it being THIS frustrating, or faction imbalanced. Of course, I was playing a rogue back then so that's something to consider :p


I do hope it gets better in SWTOR. But I wish people would stop comparing SWTOR launch with WoW launch, because Bioware has had 7 years to learn from Blizzard's mistakes. (I felt the same way at WoW launch with people comparing it to EQ).


Haha, I'm glad someone here goes that far back. There were some epic battles outside the alliance AV cave.


As for TOR, their PvP has a lot of potential. Aside from the lame stim-relic-adrenal-warzone buff stacking ala ToEP-ZHC-AP-PoM-Pyro, I want to see the ability delay fixed as soon as possible. It makes playing melee an act of frustration right now.

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I have to agree, I really dont like wow but the pvp was way better, just for the fun factor anyway, at least you could choose the battlegrounds you liked, for me that was Alterac valley, Arathi basin, battle for gilneas and my favourite Ilse of conquest, why the hell cant we have big 40 vs 40 outdoor battles with enemy npc bosses, siege vehicles & tanks etc in swtor?

Even rift has fun innovative pvp these days, the only swtor warzone i find acceptable is Alderaan, & even thats compromised by not having level brackets & getting constanly stomped on by premades when joining the queue solo.

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