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Who would YOU like to see as added companions? [Potential Spoilers]


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I'd also like to see Alilia for a Smuggler companion, I really liked her character and she is so cute (I am totally jealous of SW's for having Vette!). I haven't finished the Smuggler story yet though and I suspect that might mess something up . . .



with her being the new "pirate queen" and all.



And I really want to have (Imperial) Captain Biron as a companion choice for Republic classes:




You meet him on a non-class quest on Hoth. He and one of the Republic officers have teamed up in a temporary truce to fight a mutual enemy. The joint mission is a success, pleasantness is maintained, and it ended with my Smuggler basically telling the Imperial Captain "you know who to call if you ever want to defect". He says he will be watched carefully because he made nice with the Republic, so I could see him taking your character up on that offer if he got in trouble for it.




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I think I'd like Darth Zhorrid for imperial agent. Frankly, I'd like a force wielding companion for each of the non-force classes, simply because it gets irritating to recieve a moddable lightsaber only to realize no one you can get can use the thing.
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Plenty of people have llisted specific characters from class stories so I'll add a few general ones:


A voss who's frustrated with nuetrality

An akk dog (plus other non-sentient 'pets')

More droids (droids are a huge part of SW yet only 2 classes get droids as a real companion with storyline o.0)

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1.I want a male(Not romancable for obvious reasons, but he becomes a good friend of your character's if he's max affection) Kel'dor jedi knight as a jedi consular companion.


2. Mirialan scout, uses sniper rifles and vibroknives. Romancable, trooper companion.

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Yeah. A freakin' dark council member whom you can send on crafting missions :D

Makes perfect sense.



Maybe he refuses to help you with anything and just stays on your ship and bosses you around, but on missions that are incredibly hard, your team is getting pounded, he just walks out and slaughters everyone you're fighting single-handedly, looks at you and goes "I need a drink." *goes back on ship* or something xD

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Maybe he refuses to help you with anything and just stays on your ship and bosses you around, but on missions that are incredibly hard, your team is getting pounded, he just walks out and slaughters everyone you're fighting single-handedly, looks at you and goes "I need a drink." *goes back on ship* or something xD

In that case he should have a 30min cooldown :D

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For IA's it would be cool if you could flesh out Ensign Raina Temples story a tad more...


and by that i mean help her hone her force sensitivity, maybe through calling in a favor from a sith that owes you that can train her more in the ways of the force, hell she has that force blast ability already...


so all in all TECHNICALLY IA's do have a force user :p



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So much fun stuff in here :)


I would have actually liked Tarro Blood, but, yeah... :p


LOL. That would provide so much (awesome) tension on the ship... XD I've not gotten that far on my BH yet (still tooling around on Tatooine) but...



the impression I have of Blood is that he's enough of a weasel that, if you gave him the option of "work for me or die", he'd probably choose to work for you, if only to plot your demise in the meantime. Makes for a terrible working environment, but could be entertaining ;D From what I've heard of Skadge, I might prefer Tarro Blood... :p



The IA I haven't played much yet, only to Dromund Kaas on her but there was one guy on Hutta, blanking on his name but he was outbidding some other npc for spice and I was like damn no flirt options....


Ha, yes, I was disappointed there was no option to flirt with that guy or this guy:


OMG Bioware, PLEASE give us Guard Kullin as a companion. I wouldnt care which char I had him on....I'd roll any class for that companion lol. Any trooper companions would be great but this one IMO takes the cake.


For anyone that doesnt know who this NPC is, he is the trooper you meet on the way to Kaas City on Dromund Kaas that tells you the road is blocked. Not really anything to spoil since he is part of the smallest side quest I have seen in so far in game. It may be the smallest but it is absolutely one of my favorites.


He was completely adorable, it's true. XD


I vote for Watcher Two for IA, Juda for BH (Nem'ro's Twi'lek assistant; maybe she'd play like a smuggler/agent? :p), and.. I can't believe he hasn't been mentioned, Sanju Pyne for IA (the agent you work with on Balmorra).


I don't even PLAY an IA -- I'm leveling my BH side by side with my friend's agent so I get to see most of his story -- and the IA seems to have a lot of interesting contacts. Haven't really been a fan of anyone specific to my BH's story yet. :p (Well, the Lady of Pain is pretty cool, but she doesn't strike me as the companion type. ;D)

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more female charactters for the JC. We only have one, when most have at least 2.


By most you mean 3 out of 8? Well unless you are count Sith Inquisitor I guess, but that one shouldn't count. >.> And even then it only brings the ratio of classes with 2 female companions(no class has 3 or more) up to 50/50.

Edited by Ranadiel_Marius
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Mandalore for BHs. Obviously.


No Thanks too many sausages on my ship already!


Thana Vesh for BH's would be funny. She could think that she's in command of the ship, she seems like a little looser, I would be happy to accommodate her !

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