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How would you buff your crafting skill?


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Armormech (400) here, I have a few ideas each existing in a vacuum:


-Change Blue and Purple armor so there is a BOP version that uses the materials of the previous quality version, so for what it takes to make a Green Chestpiece now, I could make a BOP Blue Chestpiece or a BOE Green Chestpiece.


-Remove Armoring mods from whoever has them right now (Cybertech?) split them out between Armormech and Synthweaving based on the stats they provide. Give Cybertech something to compensate.


-Armor Repair Kit. Allow me to make a reusable device which will allow me to repair my armor either partially or fully, long cooldown welcome. Again, shared with Synthweaving.


-Some special "augment" that I could add to my own equipment. Not like the current system, but maybe a temporary buff I could use to increase Alacrity, Crit, or something like that. Should not be as powerful as a Stim, but still worthwhile.

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Armstech 400.




1 - Remove Advanced Prototype (purple) Rank 23 Barrels from the Dailies/Vendor system, Replace them w/ Rank 23 Prototype (blue)


2 - Rank 23 Barrels go into Armstech, same as all previous ranks have been


3 - Add Rank 24 that is BOP and requires Hard Mode FP material (the name escapes me atm, sorry) to make. Possibly make this BOP Hard Mode FP crafting material also available from PVP vendors for those who want the top end barrel but don't want to run FPs for it. (Or, make this Rank 23 and make what's available from dailies Rank 22 Blue with Rank 22 purple being BOE and coming from Armstech. The rank itself is irrelevant. What matters for end-game viability is that there's an Armstech-specific benefit for grinding the skill and that they can provide something to their guild/community/server that players will want that is not available otherwise. This brings Armstech inline with Biochem.)


I haven't seen much of the endgame weapons available yet other than what can be crafted & what's available from PVP (which is its own deal anyway) so I won't comment on that. Presumably they should be better quality than anything available from grinding dailies/commendations but not as good as anything gained from Operations (for PVE. PVP is still its own deal.) Maybe on par with HMFP drops in terms of rank.

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Artifice 400 here.


Throw out the current crystal system, go to a color seperate crystal.


Step 1: Create a new slot called Color Crystal. Make items in this slot affect the COLOR only of the item. No stats.


Step 2: Grandfather all existing crystals so they can be put in EITHER slot but once slotted they become the new model, either color, or stat permanently.


Step 3: Remove all references to color from the existing crystal schematics & ADD new schematics for other traits, i.e. not just crit and endurance.


Step 4: Introduce a color crystal system to the Artifice class. Here's how it goes:


At Artifice 1: Republic gets 1 Blue pip, and 1 Yellow pip. In tier 1 they get access to make 1/0 Blue color crystals, 0/1 Yellow crystals, and 1/1 Green crystals. Similar for Imperial, but they get Red and Yellow.


At Artifice tier 2: Republic 2 Blue and 2 Yellow, to make 2/0, 2/1, 2/2, 1/2, and 0/2 resulting in more color combinations between blue and yellow. Darker and more saturated + the lower tiers. Imperial exact same but with Red and Yellow.


Etc...through tier 5 where crafters would be able to make a range of colors between a deep Blue and deep Yellow, or deep Red and deep Yellow depending on faction.




You grant access to the opposing faction main color 1 pip at a time via various methods.


PvP granted at Valor 50 or 60.

PvE granted in some Hardmode.

PvE granted finishing your personal quest line.

PvE granted World boss

Crafting granted crit deconstructing a 5/5 color gem.


In that way a Artificer could end up with access to 5/5/5 pips of Blue, Red and Yellow and be able to make all kinds of colors. 5/5/5 being a black blade.


Unlocking a rare 0/0/0 schematic for future white crystals, black cores, and metalics for future material.


This way the real deep rich purples would be very rare but doable. The whites would be as rare as the schematic. And people would have LOTS of flexibility to make all kinds of color combinations IF they were willing to put in the effort. And metalics would still be left out there for expansion purposes.


~216 color combinations not counting cores, or metalics. Not to shabby. Artifice would be cool.




Additionally: a reusable consumable for saber damage buff would be nice if they don't remove the Biochem heal reusable. But that's not really to make Artifice better it's just to keep it on par with Bio.

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My main has Synthweaving. My buff would be:

1) RE level 50 Prototypes (purple) to give lvl 50 Artifact (dark purple) so that Crafted gear remains competitive with Orange gear.

2) Add "Valorous" purple pattern to all gear. Valorous would have expertise on it to help with both selling of gear AND with Low level vs high level PVP in Warzones

3) Add a BoP pattern that makes Synthweaving worthwhile. Right now, I don't make gear for myself anymore. not worth it when I can get an orange piece that not only looks good, but has better stats! Making a BoP piece that is better than an equal level orange piece would be nice.. maybe like a guarenteed augment slot, and critting gives 2 augments?!?

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snip, if you want to read what he wrote, scroll up.


This. All the way THIS.

Also as someone else said, remove the bloody vendor that sells the hilts/barrels/armor platings since its BREAKING our profession.

Also reduce the rating on the daily PvE questrewards, handing out the same stuff that we can craft with the exception that we need to farm mats and /pray to get the blue and then the purple versions.

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Instead of the mess of recipes we have now, you can learn a Grade of item, as well as a Type. So, you can learn to make Critical, Fortitude, Power, Defense, etc. Crystals, and you can learn to make Grade 1, Grade 2, and so on. Grade 1 would be made with the Grade 1 materials, Grade 2 with Grade 2, and so on. Similar to how hilts are noted, you could then have "Red Fortitude Crystal 1" or green, blue, and purple qualities, "Red Fortitude Crystal 2" or green, blue, and purple qualities, etc.


As far as hilts are concerned, allow us to train more than just Might and Resolve hilts.




Similar to Artifice, get rid of the insane number of different schematics and allow crafters to learn different traits they can apply to a single item. So instead of having to learn the Redoubt and Overkill versions of the same item, you learn to make the blue-quality version, learn the Redoubt and Overkill traits, then when you craft a blue-quality item, you can choose to apply either the Redoubt OR Overkill traits to it. Purple-quality items can have an additional trait applied.

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Ive artifice, cybertech, and synthweaving all at 340ish.


1) Reduce effectiveness of commendation gear. Its nice to have the option, and will help prevent rediculous GTN prices, but should only give 75-80% what a player crafted of same item gives.


2) All crafters should have a consumable to offer. Some crafting skills should offer more than 1 type(biochem for instance should offer a variety). Examples include damage boosters/reduction(either for a player, or reduction in targets)


3) No consumable should be infinite. Give purple quality extra charges, 10-20% effectiveness bonus, etc. But don't make them infinite use.


4) Purple consumables should not be restricted to any given crafter. Likewise, materials for purple consumables should be more common, or larger batches of consumables should be produced per workorder, or both. Same can be said for any real BOP crafted items, they should not exist, it should be a bonus for the crafter, not an exclusive.

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Allow us to sell the reusables to non-biochems. Since the reusables have worse stats than prototypes, I don't see it as unbalancing. I only use my reusables when I run out of prototypes-except the stat buffers- reusable is 1 hour, protos are 2 hour, but that's fixable, drop the power add to the reusable, make it proto only.



PS- I'd also like to see world drop meds breakable:P I can only RE what I make right now.

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I haven't done enough crafting to be able to really contribute to this conversation, but I like what I've read so far. I have to thank you for making this post. It is so nice to see people talking constructively in the crew skills conversation, and my hope is that Bioware is paying more attention to threads like this one.
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I would remove most of the vendors that provide items that crafters can provide. That way, the game can focus entirely on being a player-run economy. For example, I would remove all speeder bike vendors and add the ability to craft these bikes alongside the existing cybertech bikes. Then I would remove the BOP (seriously how *********** stupid was it to restrict one of the only decent items that cybertech could make). That way, all bikes would be provided by cybertech. I would move armour mods to armour mechs and then add a level 24 mod that can only be made by crafters. There is no reason to make the level 22 crafting mods because you can buy a level 23 mod with a commendation. I would also reduce the costs that crafters have to face since it is generally cheaper to buy than it is to craft. For the rest of the crew skills, just apply this same logic. Obviously a lot more work needs to go into than that but this is how I would start.
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If it was MY game, I'd like to have a 'progression' system for crafting once you hit 50. Like talent tree's and you wouldn't be able to respec them, it would be VERY hard to progress up the tree's and the talents would be things like new recpies maybe some speciality unlocks that are only usable to you.



I <3 crafting, wish it had some more depth :D


For this game I'd like them to just do a cut/copy WoW style thing, where each crafting crew skill gets something unique to them. Like in WoW Enchanters got ring enchants, blacksmiths extra gem slots etc etc.


All this Biochem nerf needs to stop though -.- I'd much rather see the other professions get buffed than nerf one of the only ones that appears to be as rewarding as crafting should be. I am not saying the others are USELESS either.. but they are in clear need of a little love.

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Remove PvP buffs and go to a straight bracket system with no stat-balancing. Making PvP bracketed for similar levels keeps the skill levels pretty balanced while taking away the auto-buff makes gear matter a lot more in PvP. That boost to gear dependance makes buying weapons, and all GTN items actually, a lot more attractive and will boost the economy.

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Crafted armouring, mods, barrels, hilts, etc... should be better than any vendor gear. Make it so we can craft expertise gear/mods.


Synthweavers should have something other than gear they can make- or, something that's BiS at least- even if only one slot that's bop.


All skills should have at least one thing that makes people say 'oh, I want that profession for min/max'- biochem have it with buffs, medpacks AND adrenals, cybertech grenades to a degree have it- nothing else has it though.

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  • Make mounts BoE so we can sell them
  • Lower the CD of the grenades/or give them all a separate CD
  • Make BoP Cybertech only mods. Possible ideas for these:- Make them equal too(with low mat cost) or one tier ahead of the best mods/armoring available. Another possible idea is account bound orange mods that scale with level and spec for your alts.
  • Give us schematics to make mods/armoring for all specs. Example:- Currently we cannot make tanking items
  • Make a series of ship parts that are unique equipped, as in, if you have the special shield generator equipped you cannot equip any other special part. Give these bolstered stats compared to the highest level equivalent ship part. Letting you customize the way you do the missions. Like if you get hit a lot, get a suped up shield. Like to go in guns blazing, get the suped up beam generator. Give them a massive CD or credit cost to remove to prevent abuse when doing different missions.

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Easy buffs for Artifice, any of which would make it worth having at max.

a) Make the trinkets less fail, put a slot on them or something so they actually have PASSIVE stats, not just on uses, and maybe drop the CD to 90 seconds, from 120.


b) give us high end Hilts which are better than what can be obtained from Ops/PvP



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grenade reuse timer to at least the same as medpack timer, more than 1 grenade per craft

mods/armoring via commendations are too cheap and are exact same as crafted counterparts

make reverse engineering show possible patterns that can be learned and also increase chance of blue->purple (i'm on probably 50+ ear pieces with no purple)

being able to craft tanking items (ie elusive mods)


as someone posted before i think that moving the armoring part to an armor crafting profession while compensating cybertechs with an alternate item to make might be nice. Cybertechs have so many items they need to RE if they want to be able to provide useful items to people its insane (people aren't looking for green armor plates+mods when they can get blue versions from vendors)


droid armor production has no value classes without a droid companion

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I agree actually about how commendations should be brought down. Like..bring it down to green quality!


Also allow crafters to at least make starter 50 gear. Right now you need to do dailies to get starter 50 gear and crafters just get left behind :(

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level 40 pvp gear is pretty much on par with lvl 43 crafted gear.

no reason anyone would need crafted 20-23 and 40-43.

including myself.


the orange crafted gear looks extremely underwhelming.

why make orange synthweaving gear the most bland looking in the game.


commendations beat out crafted gear.

and vendors too.


balance those.


i dont want to be rich.

just useful

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Every crafting skill gets something unique only they can use.


Armormechs get high end armor, Biochemists get reusable consumables, etc.


But Cybertech? We get 5 minute shared cooldown CC nades.


What's up with that?


I'd lower the cooldown to something reasonable OR make them no longer shared cooldown.

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I agree actually about how commendations should be brought down. Like..bring it down to green quality!

I agree. Quality = effort. Commendations are easy to get, so they should reward green mods only.


If people want improved versions they ask crafters to make blue/purple mods, this is how it should have been all along.


And reduce the cooldown on the epic Cybertech grenades make them 1 min, 5 mins is waaaay too long.

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A lot of things being said already...



- I like the purple resuables that are not tradable. However once you drop ur craftingskill (like the min-maxers do) you should not be able to use them anymore. Also ALL craftingskills need at least one reusable buff/debuff/whatever thingie.


- Considering how easy it is to get blue mods through quests and vendors but how hard it is for crafters to get those, there needs to be a change quick. Either give crafters an easier access (learn blue schem no later than on the 3rd RE) or remove most of the from the quest rewards and vendors, eg make those all green versions.


- One of the best ideas I have read here: Allow crafters to learn traits that can be added to items, instead of spamming up the crafting list with a trillion different schematics and no flexibilty on the user side


- also a good idea: redo the color crystals, remove stats from them and make them for color only. Move the stats to a new "power crystal" slot or alter the other mods a bit.


- cybertech should loose the armortech and synthweaving mods, thats just silly that those cant make mods. cybertech should be able to make vehicles and trade them and yes, those should be a bit better than the vendor sold ones!

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