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Companions are a part of you , you should roll for gears for them.


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Well, I for one don't. Just saying. I have zero problem with rolling need for companions and think cross server LFD are one of the worst things that can be implemented in an MMO.


Strange then why you will not post your characters names and the servers you play on:eek:

Afraid of being black listed got it.....

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And this is why people dislike cross-server dungeon finder tools. At least with a server-only tool, being a greedy putz has consequences since you'll inevitably build a good or bad reputation based on your actions.


Technically, if you want to include companions, people would be Need rolling on everything. If your companion isn't being used by the group, too bad. If companion gear is such a big deal to you, choose it every time it's offered as a quest reward. After all, YOU can gear up just fine in flashpoints, and it doesn't make you look like a greedy jerk to the rest of your groupmates.

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We needed another thread about this?


It's like watching Jerry Springer - "YOU DON'T KNOW ME! I DO WHAT I WANT!!!!!"


Loot away, while the game is young and you might slip between the cracks, but in a few weeks when a lot of players are max level, you may regret doing so. Yes, Bioware's current loot setup ALLOWS you to do it. So go ahead and do it. Be a REBEL. Go YOU! It's your rep on the line, after all... Just don't come to these forums QQing about not being able to find a group in a few weeks, blaming it on some external forces, or you will be laughed at.

Edited by KippTabor
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I guess there are a lot of ways to look at this.


I am level 48, my main companion (Ashara, I am darkness tank) is in a full set of oranges/blues and on ilvl or near ilvl with me. I have asked a couple times if i could roll need for her, but if someone in the group needs it for their upgrade I am 100% ok with that. I run the flash points to get gear and like to have good gear for the next flashpoint. I get my gear from flashpoints and have had 0 issues through normal questing to get all the good commendation gear for my alt, and the fill in pieces I might need for me.


I just did my class quest on Voss and it was tuff. With Ashara (fully geared) I failed... I then pulled out Andrikos (horribly under geared) because he is ranged and would not stand in Zash's lightning and I won. I level as tank and I can say that while nice to have a companion geared to the teeth it is not needed at all and you can kill and level just fine with just normal quest upgrades for you companions. Just about every other quest offers me 1 item to choose for any one of my companions.


Flashpoints as you get higher, require the toon to be geared not the companion so I let the players in my group get their upgrades and I keep my companion geared on my own. By the way there is a full set of gear for every companion that you can get at 40 from PvP. It is super super easy to get... The set is all orange and blues and took me maybe an hour to earn for Ashara when I hit 40...


This is just my view on it.. I do think it comes down to personality and the fact that some people just want everything. I can also say that i run 2 or 3 flashpoints a night, but I now do it with guildes almost exclusively because of all the people rolling need on everything. So funny to see posts like "Oh my god, there are no tanks, we need duel spec"..

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A companion. When do you use your companion?

Do you use it while in a group? No?

Yes, you use it while soloing, and only while soloing.

When you're in a group you are not trying to gear for soloing. You are trying to gear yourself and your group mates to more easily conquer material that is intended for a group (where your companion is useless btw). This is much easier if your group mates are friends, as you don't want to spoil a reputation with them. However I do understand the gaming community has been made into anti-social basement dwellers of single children who don't know how to behave when put in a team environment.


There are gobs and gobs of ways to get gear for your companion, like drops (I have 3 purples on Khem Val that dropped while soloing) Commendation points can be spent on gear for them. You know, since you're grouping so much you should have plenty of gear from those instances and so wont need to spend them on yourself. There is even crafting!

There is no reason to EVER take gear that is used by someone who is actually in the group or helping the group so that you can solo easier. That is selfish and deplorable, and will end with you not having very many friends.

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There are people who feel it's right to roll need on loot for ONLY companions that participated in the fight, but NOT for companions who are running slicing missions back on the ship.


This only holds (by a string, mind you) for groups of 2. In a group of 3, you should have no more right to roll NEED than anyone else. If you think so, then you should politely tell one of the other players they should use their companion to fill that 4th slot so they can get that extra NEED in. See how that flys :D


For 2 players + 2 companions, I still don't think players should roll NEED for their companions. I don't care if the companions participated. Companions are separate entities (who come and go) and they shouldn't be used to get an upper hand with the loot system.


NEED what you NEED for your main character. Everything else is GREED (you win some, you lose some). If you fight for anything more than that, you're just being a greedy player that's not willing to give a little to get a little.

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This only holds (by a string, mind you) for groups of 2. In a group of 3, you should have no more right to roll NEED than anyone else. If you think so, then you should politely tell one of the other players they should use their companion to fill that 4th slot so they can get that extra NEED in. See how that flys :D


For 2 players + 2 companions, I still don't think players should roll NEED for their companions. I don't care if the companions participated. Companions are separate entities (who come and go) and they shouldn't be used to get an upper hand with the loot system.


NEED what you NEED for your main character. Everything else is GREED (you win some, you lose some). If you fight for anything more than that, you're just being a greedy player that's not willing to give a little to get a little.


I dont actually do it myself (I ask) but I dont mind it. If your pet is there, helping the group, then it gets its fair share on the rolls. Obviously it has to be gear the pet uses but otherwise ifs its helping, it rolls. Rolling on something for a pet thats in sitting at the ship is like rolling for an alt. I dont care thats its "yours" your alts/pets are not contributing to the run therefore it its no more important than the credits id get for vendoring the item.

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A companion. When do you use your companion?

Do you use it while in a group? No?

Yes, you use it while soloing, and only while soloing.


Just as a note, this isn't true for everyone. It's best not to make assumptions about how and why people play.


Some people care about their companions more than others do. Some people use their companions more than others do. Some people group with one or two other people, and use their companions some or all of the time when they group.


Personally, I value live people more than companions, and I think it's simplest and best to reserve the "need" button for players... but then I'm open to a mature discussion about loot rules beforehand. The important thing is to be upfront and honest about how you'd like to play, then find others who share those preferences.


Loot rules are a source of drama in every MMO. The only rational solutions are 1) don't group with others, 2) only group with friends, or 3) talk about your loot rules when the group is formed.

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Absolutely agree with groups having the sense to agree loot rules beforehand in this regard, and then having the courtesy to stick to it.


I also agree that having an additional tier of "need">"greed" to make it "my-need">"my-companion-needs">"greed" would not go amiss.


I do feel that if it became general practice to default to "need"-ing for companions then by the time you reach level 40+ with your entire cadre of possible companions in tow - with in most cases almost every role type covered in the group, i.e. healer/tank/dps - then before long everyone would feel entitles to roll "need" on just about every drop!!! Slippery slope people... very slippery indeed...

Edited by Kalthorine
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Gotta say it again, people, although I know it sounds sort of elitist: get in a good guild NOW.


There is no reasoning with these ninja looters. They will toss up ridiculous examples ("my companion did all the tanking!") but when it comes to reality, it will be 4 people, in a flashpoint, and a sniper rifle drops, and the Sith Warrior will roll need because Vette can use some of the mods, and say he has every right to roll for it over the IA.


It's not about rudeness, or entitlement, or anything else. It's about a playstyle that is very simply giving ninja looters a rationale for being ninja looters. Engaging them in conversation is pointless when they have stated "companions are the same as the character" and refuse to move off of that point.


Three changes need to be made.


1) BoP items can't be equipped on companions, period.

2) Class-specific gear needs to be locked to the classes.

3) Nothing that drops in raids should ever be allowed to be equipped on companions, period.

If I am two-manning a heroic with some guy and some heavy armor drops that I can use and his tank companion can use, I could care less.


If I've been grinding BT for 2 hours hoping for an orange chest, and we are four-manning, and you need something for your companion who hasn't ever been a part of the run, you're a ninja looter. I'm going to kick you, ignore you, and let everyone know about you.


If you don't like the consequences, don't do the act. Don't say "that's not fair". And please, don't say anything at all if you aren't going to list your chars and server, because you come off just looking like yet another ninja looter.

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A companion. When do you use your companion?

Do you use it while in a group? No?


Yes. Every time. I always have my companion out when running, even in group dungeons and Flashpoints. Always.


Don't assume that just because you play a certain way, others do the same. There's more than one approach to gaming in SWTOR.

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Unless i specifically agree to not roll need before joining a group for any reason than if i need said item for compainion or not than i'm rolling need. If the group leader states no looting for companion and i join than i agree to abide by the group rules but of the group leader does not state so than i'm doing whatever i want to better myself and companions.
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This entire issue can be dealt with just by being courteous to whatever group your currently running with. Ask if you may need for a companion. Or set the loot rules before you even start the instance. Still, IMO if a player can actually use the item, he should get priority over a companion. This is a social game meant to be played with other people. So be nice to them. Not to mention companions are completly worthless when i comes to end game content no matter how 'geared' they are.
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A companion. When do you use your companion?

Do you use it while in a group? No?

Yes, you use it while soloing, and only while soloing.

An inaccurate assessment.


I use my companion when grouped. My friends and I like to two-man flashpoints (although with our companions in tow, so really we're four-manning it, but minus two additional players to mess our experience (fun) up). It, of course, requires our companions to be adequately geared to perform their roles.

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i disagree with OP,


but i would like a function like


need > companion > disaseemble > greed


Not really sure why you prioritize reverse engineering over greed. RE'ing drops only gives you materials. You can't learn to make an improved version of a dropped item. And the whole reason someone would want to break down a drop is to get the components and save money on acquiring them through other means. Likewise, someone looking to sell the item to a vendor is being motivated by money as well. They're both "greed" situations, and you can just as easily collect those materials on your own time.

Edited by Apax
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There is something wrong with it if a player in the group can directly use it on their character. Character need -> Companion need -> Greed -> Pass


We need that other lot button:


Need > Greed > Companion > Disassemble


We also need a Need Before Greed lot mode. In NBG, you can only lot Need on an item your char can use.

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What you should do is to discuss this with the group and agree to loot rules BEFORE YOU BEGIN.
^^^ This.


really, all the people getting in a tizzy about how it's ninjalooting... they need to get over themselves. If you don't discuss loot rules before the loot drops, it's not ninjalooting. period.

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