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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You blew it BioWare


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srsly...i ignored all the threads about expertise but this is too much.


people asking for it to be removed have NO CLUE about pvp whatsoever.


They are the kind of people that usually PVE's alot,raids,gets good pve raid,goes to bgs/wz and gets off from seeing BIG CRIT NUMBERS.


they usualy are terrible at it,cliking everything,keyboard turning,backpaddling..but whenever they egt a huge crit and one/two shot someone they get thsi ilusion they "own" in pvp(jsut like in Wow vanila)


expertise/resilience...w/e you wana call it is NEEDED and any pvper with a slight clue knows it.PVE GEAR IS WAY OVERPOWERED to PVP WITH when some people dont want to PVE.


Therefore we need gear that is easy accessible to everyone and that is BETTER TO PVP WITH THEN PVE GEAR!







FFS...all you baddies can get the expertise gear...it is handed free!!!NO RATINGS REQUIRED(or the crying would be greater...and i DO AGREE WITH RATINGS..to set the skilled from the scrubs)

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I sort of agree with your point. What I'd really like to see is just ONE WZ where every player entering gets the same exact stats (for their class, obviously) regardless of the gear they are wearing.

This would be something different and fun, and wouldn't detract from all the hard work the people with "good" gear have done.


How exactly would that not detract from all the hard work geared PvPers have done to obtain their gear? Giving a fresh scrubadub the same exact stats as someone who has gone through the valor grind and spent countless hours in warzones and doing dailies makes doing those things utterly pointless. Your comment was completely moronic and I move to have it stricken from this thread for all of eternity.

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I really don't see the issue with allowing PvE to PvP as is. It's their character and it's who their character is...all the experience and gear they have obtained throughout the game. Why can't they decide to PvP when they wish? PvE is "the" game. PvP is a fun little side gameplay much like space combat. The game doesn't revolve around it. MMOs rarely do unless it's designed FOR PvP such as DAoC and WAR.


I just wanted to disagree here... completely. "The game" isn't PVE and if it were you'd have a lot fewer subcribers.


I'd go so far as to say that the PVE in this game is terrible. Aside from the single player storylines and voice acting, it is total rubbish. Grinding through unimaginative Ops to get gear? Eternity vault, where it takes about 2 minutes to figure out and master the encounter? That's "the game"?


I guess once you're bored with normal mode, you can hop into hardmode ops where the devs spent 30 seconds coding an enrage mechanic into the mobs and then pretend like its a whole new experience.


PVP will keep this game on life support far longer than PVE raiders will. At least the PVP experience, even with only three warzones and a couple of world PVP areas, changes each time you do it.

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You mean PvEers? This post is about PvEers crying that they need to wear PvP gear to PvP. PvPers in this thread aren't complaining.


As for Modecrypt's suggestion, I disagree. If they got rid of Expertise and PvP gear were identical to PvE gear, then people could and would do raids and operations and then jump into casual PvP and be on equal footing with everyone who had worked their butt off. Conversely, you could PvP a ton, lose every match even and be horrible, and earn gear that was equal to the best raid gear available. All the raiders who worked their tails off learning and beating encounter and then repeating it over and over hoping for a drop, would QQ to no end that you jumped into your first raid with better gear.


So what? Raiding obviously would gear you up far faster than a loser grind in PvP.


I fail to see the issue.


Then make gear have no effect on PvE, either. The only thing that should effect your success is your skill. In fact, we should just get rid of stats and gear entirely.


I think that could be a pretty compelling multiplayer game, actually. We've never really had an MMO action game....

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Originally Posted by Klajo

For absolute equality BW would have to make gear have no effect on Warzones at all.


When you load in, you have 'x' amount of all your stats, and so does everyone else adjusted of course for what class you are.


No variances whatsoever


Then use your commendations for gear that you can use in other parts of the game.

The only thing your gear would do for you in a Warzone would be alter your appearance.


Then the only thing determining your success in PvP is your skill.


Of course, out of Warzones, that would be a different story.


Then make gear have no effect on PvE, either. The only thing that should effect your success is your skill. In fact, we should just get rid of stats and gear entirely.


See how dumb that sounds?



I was not advocating that BW should do that. I was commenting on what would have to occur for total equality in Warzones.


But, since you mentioned PvE. Last time I checked, I didn't hear any NPC mobs complaining about imbalances when they are competing against us humans in this game. I suppose when that happens, we can worry about equalizing their stats with ours so they don't feel disadvantaged.

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How exactly would that not detract from all the hard work geared PvPers have done to obtain their gear? Giving a fresh scrubadub the same exact stats as someone who has gone through the valor grind and spent countless hours in warzones and doing dailies makes doing those things utterly pointless. Your comment was completely moronic and I move to have it stricken from this thread for all of eternity.


People on both sides make this idiotic claim, and it sounds just as petty.


"Why should someone who never learned a boss or earned their gear be able to come into MY raid and perform just as good as someone who put in the work to progress through that content!?"


"Why should someone who's a PvP scrub be able to come into MY warzone and beat me who spent all this time grinding my valor rank!?"


Both sides are full of entitled idiots.

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People on both sides make this idiotic claim, and it sounds just as petty.


"Why should someone who never learned a boss or earned their gear be able to come into MY raid and perform just as good as someone who put in the work to progress through that content!?"


"Why should someone who's a PvP scrub be able to come into MY warzone and beat me who spent all this time grinding my valor rank!?"


Both sides are full of entitled idiots.


You realize you just described the exact opposite of entitlement, right? You're probably one of those guys who collects unemployment and thinks that people who work are wrong for being pissed about paying you to sit on your ***.

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This is much more important, despite doing good with it my commando has died so many times due to stupid delays, not to mention full auto doing 66% of the damage it is supposed to do if someone sneezes your way, while unload is unaffected.


As a Bounty Hunter I can Guarantee you that my unload only does 50-66% of the damage majority of the time as any sort of damage takes chunks out of the channeling time away. Not to mention getting knocked back stunned during it.

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There should not be any gear rewards. Gear should all be crafted.The pve and pvp content should all be enjoyable and fun. If they could provide enjoyable content in both aspects this would work great. I am sick of treating mmos like a second job.


As it works now you have to spend many days doing content to get all the gear you need and then what? Do it all over again. That's not fun in my eyes. These companies are greedy and only care enough to keep taking your money. People need to stop feeding them for the same ideas redone.


I lost all respect for Bioware with this game.

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People on both sides make this idiotic claim, and it sounds just as petty.


"Why should someone who never learned a boss or earned their gear be able to come into MY raid and perform just as good as someone who put in the work to progress through that content!?"


"Why should someone who's a PvP scrub be able to come into MY warzone and beat me who spent all this time grinding my valor rank!?"


Both sides are full of entitled idiots.


if both sides are full of entitled idiots..everyone that doesn't belong to one of them and is complaining form the outside lacks a brain and have some sort of disability.

want PVE gear...hcs+raids


want pvp gear...Wz.....its easy and free and "disability" freindly


its not even that much time consuming either.So i dont see your point..

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You realize you just described the exact opposite of entitlement, right? You're probably one of those guys who collects unemployment and thinks that people who work are wrong for being pissed about paying you to sit on your ***.


They believe they are ENTITLED to dominance in their particular field for putting "more work" into it.


Definition of entitlement.

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if both sides are full of entitled idiots..everyone that doesn't belong to one of them and is complaining form the outside lacks a brain and have some sort of disability.

want PVE gear...hcs+raids


want pvp gear...Wz.....its easy and free and "disability" freindly


its not even that much time consuming either.So i dont see your point..


There shouldn't be PvE and PvP gear. There should just be gear. Flavor it slightly towards one or the other by providing benefits like set bonuses or procs or what have you to make it more desirable, but they should not be separate entities.

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There should not be any gear rewards. Gear should all be crafted.The pve and pvp content should all be enjoyable and fun. If they could provide enjoyable content in both aspects this would work great. I am sick of treating mmos like a second job.



I think the content is fun. If you don't then maybe MMO's are not for you. And most people in MMO's hate crafting which is why Bioware lets you send your companion to go do it.


As it works now you have to spend many days doing content to get all the gear you need and then what? Do it all over again. That's not fun in my eyes.


I'm sorry but this makes me laugh. "Days"? That's considered a very short amount of time in an MMO to earn your gear. It took longer in WoW, takes months to get the best gear in RIFT, and in Aion, well that's a different story. Until recently you could spend half a year gearing up. A large part of MMO's is working on your character. It's what keeps people interested. When they have nothing to do, they either reroll an alt or quit the game.


This game makes it easy and fun to gear up in a very reasonable amount of time and effort. I think they did a nice job. I will be able to earn a good PvP set without wanting to rip my hair out and then I can happily enjoy the content and PvP all I want and just have fun. As it should be. As for the PvEers, they enjoy doing raids. They like playing through the encounters. Personally, I don't like the repetitiveness. But there is a group of players that enjoy earning gear that way.

Edited by Leiloni
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I think the content is fun. If you don't then maybe MMO's are not for you. And most people in MMO's hate crafting which is why Bioware lets you send your companion to go do it.




I'm sorry but this makes me laugh. "Days"? That's considered a very short amount of time in an MMO to earn your gear. It took longer in WoW, takes months to get the best gear in RIFT, and in Aion, well that's a different story. Until recently you could spend half a year gearing up. A large part of MMO's is working on your character. It's what keeps people interested. When they have nothing to do, they either reroll an alt or quit the game.


This game makes it easy and fun to gear up in a very reasonable amount of time and effort. I think they did a nice job.


I like when people are proud of how much time they waste playing MMOs. They'd probably suggest things take even longer if given the choice.

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Instead of bolster stats why dont we normalize stats...like no matter what you are wearing everyone has same amount of attribute points wonder what that would do.


That is a nice idea. Everyone has the same gear in PvP.


As it is now it is impossible to enjoy the game as a casual player in PvP. The PvE is nice, both levelling and endgame you can do casual.

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I like when people are proud of how much time they waste playing MMOs. They'd probably suggest things take even longer if given the choice.


If you read what I said I was praising BioWare because it's easy and quick to gain gear here. I am advocating for it to be easy. The quoted poster thinks it's hard and I'm disagreeing, saying Bioware did a good job. Reading comprehension? Do I need to go back and bold my last sentence for you???

Edited by Leiloni
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