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Why does no one do flashpoints after BT/esseles?


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To be honest, if you want my personal viewpoint, I can't go to the fleet and not hear multiple people looking for & forming groups for flashpoints, but I don't go for two reasons. Firstly, once you've done them once there's little incentive to do them again, and secondly, all the flashpoints so far after Black Talon/Esseles (to 30ish so far) have been rubbish. I'm told they get better later on, so perhaps I'll pick them up again towards 40+. Mindless tank & spank is already available in heroics; why bother with flashpoints that just replicate that? Black Talon & Esseles at least had some design & branching to them. Edited by Grammarye
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I've done a few flashpoints, but usually I don't fuss with them. Why? Because, to be honest, it's just a PITA to shuttle all the way up to the fleet to fuss around in a Flashpoint. I'd rather just carry on questing.


Flashpoints don't feel very integrated into the environment. They feel very separate. Makes them easier to ignore.

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It's horribly inconvenient. I don't want to spend my hour of gametime spamming general looking for a group. I want to spend my time playing, and if I can get a group at the same time I'd be happy to divert to a flashpoint.


I know there are a lot of haters of the LFG tools, but they honestly make the game tons better for honest folk. It may also bring some pain, but overall it makes me much much more likely to do the flashpoints.


As it stands, doing a flashpoint means that I have to login with the intention of doing nothing but that flashpoint. I have to park myself on the fleet and spam general (or watch general) until I get the group together. That can sometimes happen fast, and sometimes happen slow. But either way, the time looking was time I could have been progressing my character in some other way.


People do PVP in this game more than they do flashpoints for that very reason. You can queue for PVP while doing other things.


That's how it should work; I don't care what the WoW haters say. I was super disappointed when I queued up for my first PVP and then found I could not do the same for a flashpoint.


Don't be selfish, you're making the server a tighter community by lowering subscriptions, via lack of basic functions.

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Black Talon/Esseles is the most run Flashpoint because its the first FP you do at level 10, so everyone and their legion of alts are looking to run it at level 10.


Also, at level 50 Black Talon/Esseles is by far the easiest Hard Mode so everyone is looking to run it for easy commendations and crystals.

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because I want to play, not sit in a chat and spam.


Once i leave the fleet at 11 or so on my characters, that's it, I go play and level. and as utterly boring it is to level level level without a instance break (i lol at pvp, even more so at low levels), i prefer boredom to tedium. So I keep leveling instead of going back to the fleet and spam.

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It's just you

I am level 42 SI on Lord Calypho



The Black Talon – Multiple times - Pick up groups with friends in it

Hammer Station – Multiple times - Pick up groups with friends in it

Athiss – Multiple times - Pick up groups with friends in it

Mandalorian Raiders - Multiple times - Pick up groups with friends in it

Cademimu - Multiple times - Pick up groups with friends in it

Boarding Party – Multiple times - Pick up groups with friends in it

Foundry - Multiple times - Pick up groups with friends in it

Colicoid War Games - Once - Pick up group with friend in it

Red Reaver - Not yet done ( level reasons )

Directive 7 – Not yet done ( level reasons )

False Emperor - Not yet done ( level reasons )


Never had a problem to get a group.


Actually it is not just him. My DPS Jugg never did FPs because I could not find groups. If I wanted to do a FP, I was looking at a 30 min-2 hour spam session. No one wants to do that.

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I personally HATE Flashpoints. I just HATE the delivery method...


The Esseles is very nice once inside for a short-story experience, but some things are important


-scaling to rank/reward is not proper for replayable content

-rewards aren't scaled to level (if that would even make sense)


In the end I think it would be better off just to be a regular Quest that is repeatable, but no so 'in your face' that you have to see it everyday.



For later Flashpoints, I prefer to travel to them ALA 'Tavus Ship' encounter, by using your Ship to fly to the destination...


I would be more inclinded to run them as a viable leveling option. Like grinding mobs but better.

Edited by WLpride
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I would love a server-standard LFG channel that lets me advertise game-wide that I am LFG for a group. I don't mind spending an hour or more getting a group for anything, just let me do something other than sit around the Fleet spamming general while doing it. This would be the simplest solution and even if the /LFG channel got turned into "server wide general" it would still be an improvement.


Alternatively a proper LFG window that lets me see people advertised as LFG across the entire server (for my faction) would avoid the "server general" problem, but would require a bit more work.


In the mean time, I've recently rerolled on a new server so once I find a guild I expect I'll be doing it with them.

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The Flashpoints I did after Black Talon did not have the same quality or impact that it did. After Athiss, it just felt like glorified heroics I had to travel to the fleet to do.


They're a hassle for what you get. Which is sad, because my favorite thing about this game is Black Talon. What an experience!

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I've just been doing everything with my husband and our companions. I went tank, he went heals, and our companions off-heal/off-tank/off-dps. The last boss in Hammer Station was hairy (I really wish there was an easy way to make your companions move other than putting them on passive, having them come to you, and then taking them off passive), but we have been able to complete everything we've tried. Aside from spawn-sharing grouping, I haven't joined a random group yet.


Maybe I'm lucky that my husband and I play well together and have been playing MMOs long enough to know some basic strategies. And that we play in the same room and can communicate very quickly.

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I personally HATE Flashpoints. I just HATE the delivery method...

I vow to skip through all dialog and npc chats until lvl 50.

Found your problem. The true FPs (not the ones they added late in development like Hammer Station and Athiss) are very story driven.

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It's horribly inconvenient. I don't want to spend my hour of gametime spamming general looking for a group. I want to spend my time playing, and if I can get a group at the same time I'd be happy to divert to a flashpoint.


I know there are a lot of haters of the LFG tools, but they honestly make the game tons better for honest folk. It may also bring some pain, but overall it makes me much much more likely to do the flashpoints.


As it stands, doing a flashpoint means that I have to login with the intention of doing nothing but that flashpoint. I have to park myself on the fleet and spam general (or watch general) until I get the group together. That can sometimes happen fast, and sometimes happen slow. But either way, the time looking was time I could have been progressing my character in some other way.


People do PVP in this game more than they do flashpoints for that very reason. You can queue for PVP while doing other things.


That's how it should work; I don't care what the WoW haters say. I was super disappointed when I queued up for my first PVP and then found I could not do the same for a flashpoint.


Agree whole heartedly. While the LFG tool in WoW caused it's own issues, it's inception immediately made available content that was used by all simply because you didn't have to stand around in a major city spamming for a group. IMHO this game would benefit from that same dynamic.

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I have managed to get groups for them all so far, even though I am only low level (last completed was Athiss.)


Like alot of things in mmo's I tend not to worry about them and its the same with flashpoints. When I find them I will maybe spend 10 minutes looking for a group if I get one all good, if not then I am going to go do other stuff. I will try for 10 minutes each time I log in until I get it done or get to a point where I can solo it, which I haven't had to do yet but I don't imagine that will last. If I miss some content then its something I can do on an alt at some point in the future.


My goal here is to have fun not get worked up over stuff I have no control over. I realise that I am probably in the minority with this type of attitude but for me personally it helps keep me relaxed, have fun and therefore I enjoy the game for longer.

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My goal here is to have fun not get worked up over stuff I have no control over. I realise that I am probably in the minority with this type of attitude but for me personally it helps keep me relaxed, have fun and therefore I enjoy the game for longer.

I'm mostly in your boat, I just find the least stressful approach is to forget Flashpoints exist at all.


My gametime is sometimes limited, and even 10 minutes is a lot to waste.


Personally, I think it's a design flaw when players will choose to ignore massive amounts of the content because there is no convenient way to see it. But that design flaw is what it is, and I sorta just look at flashpoints like pvp now. I don't like what doing them requires, and thus they might as well not even be in the game.

Edited by USSDefiant
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Where I come from, there's plenty looking to form groups in the Fleet, and recently some started going to respective Planets to find members and get them to take the nearest shuttle.


While seeking members seems constantly active, that's just it! I'm watching people constantly asking with little to no progress of replies or maybe even whispers.


I, personally, see and even want/wish to join these groups, but because of how some of my Heroic groups turned out in my beginning.. with people just.. man.. one mistake! The group wipes ONE time, around the first pull once, and the American mentality strikes.


There's no forgiveness with most people and they start the domino effect. One leaves, then the others just go! Like.. really, guys? Over one wipe?


I'm usually willing to explain to people in my group how to win and survive in a phase/instance, strategize.. ask people what kinda spells their class has to help us out, but unfortunately ya know what that requires? That I had experience with the place first!


On my main, I recently got to 42 and unfortunately is DPS, I find myself skipping plenty of Heroics, Area 4's, and Flashpoints until I'm high enough that I can attempt to solo them myself.


I mean, I see people seeking members, but I just ain't got the guts to join groups as a DPS in fear of being kicked or turned down immediately once I whisper that I'm not a tank or heals.


On my alt though, who is tank, I jump right on in. Cus firstly, I'm familiar now. Secondly, lolol they're not gonna kick me if I do something wrong. Might get a few vocal lashings, but I can dish it right back, provided they piss me off enough. I damn near can't stand these degenerates in my online community today. Thanks, Xbox Live!

Edited by Paralassa
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In WoW i did only dungeons because the questing part of the game was so horrible i couldn't bring myself to do it.


However in SWTOR i actually like it even though im aware that is just WoW grind masked in voice acting. But i dont care!! Its also a big deal that if you really truly want to look for a group you basically have to go to the imperial fleet which is to much of a hassle for someone working on a planet.

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It's horribly inconvenient. I don't want to spend my hour of gametime spamming general looking for a group. I want to spend my time playing, and if I can get a group at the same time I'd be happy to divert to a flashpoint.


I know there are a lot of haters of the LFG tools, but they honestly make the game tons better for honest folk. It may also bring some pain, but overall it makes me much much more likely to do the flashpoints.


As it stands, doing a flashpoint means that I have to login with the intention of doing nothing but that flashpoint. I have to park myself on the fleet and spam general (or watch general) until I get the group together. That can sometimes happen fast, and sometimes happen slow. But either way, the time looking was time I could have been progressing my character in some other way.


People do PVP in this game more than they do flashpoints for that very reason. You can queue for PVP while doing other things.


That's how it should work; I don't care what the WoW haters say. I was super disappointed when I queued up for my first PVP and then found I could not do the same for a flashpoint.


I pretty much agree with this.


I just don't want to interrupt my questing for an hour spamming Fleet for a group. I have jumped into some of the FP by luck because I was at the GTN, but I have 2 Gray FP in my Quest Log right now.


I used to be very much against a Dungeon Finder for all the standard reasons, but I am tipped the other way now after playing the game since beta/EGA.


Someone ninja loots, I'll just boot them or bail and try again. Dungeon Finder kinda solves that problem too...

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You're insane. I did every Flash Point from 1 - 50 at least once PUG. And not one group didn't make it through the instance (although collicoid took a while to figure out). PUG. Pick up group.


Now, I am a healer, but if your class is the problem, it's your problem.

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I was able to do all the Flashpoints at level appropriate times and have quite a bit of fun.


Here is a little tip: When questing on a planet try and find people to group up with, even for the little quests. Friend the ones who communicate and play well and foster a game friendship with them. Do this through the leveling processes and you will have a nice list of reliable and friendly players to form groups with. I'm at 50 now and doing Hardmode FP and PVP Premades with a great group of players.

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Where I come from, there's plenty looking to form groups in the Fleet, and recently some started going to respective Planets to find members and get them to take the nearest shuttle.


While seeking members seems constantly active, that's just it! I'm watching people constantly asking with little to no progress of replies or maybe even whispers.


I, personally, see and even want/wish to join these groups, but because of how some of my Heroic groups turned out in my beginning.. with people just.. man.. one mistake! The group wipes ONE time, around the first pull once, and the American mentality strikes.


There's no forgiveness with most people and they start the domino effect. One leaves, then the others just go! Like.. really, guys? Over one wipe?


I'm usually willing to explain to people in my group how to win and survive in a phase/instance, strategize.. ask people what kinda spells their class has to help us out, but unfortunately ya know what that requires? That I had experience with the place first!


On my main, I recently got to 42 and unfortunately is DPS, I find myself skipping plenty of Heroics, Area 4's, and Flashpoints until I'm high enough that I can attempt to solo them myself.


I mean, I see people seeking members, but I just ain't got the guts to join groups as a DPS in fear of being kicked or turned down immediately once I whisper that I'm not a tank or heals.


On my alt though, who is tank, I jump right on in. Cus firstly, I'm familiar now. Secondly, lolol they're not gonna kick me if I do something wrong. Might get a few vocal lashings, but I can dish it right back, provided they piss me off enough. I damn near can't stand these degenerates in my online community today. Thanks, Xbox Live!


Ha I have just finished a 4 man heroic were we wiped the first pull so one left. Bearing in mind we didn't have a tank and it was basically a cobbled together dps group with some limited healing ability, it was never going to be a simple face roll. Anyhow we had a little chat tried a couple of things as a three person that worked for us. We kept looking for a fourth which we eventually got (another dps).


So by that time we had worked out how to run the heroic, clued the 4th person in and off we went to finish it with very few problems. Though I imagine that people have run the heroic quicker/more smoothly we got the job done. Funny thing is we saw the person who left us LFGing for the very same heroic so three of us had a little chuckle.


I shouldn't worry about what other people in an mmo think/do. If you make a mistake own up to it and try not to do it again. If they kick you /shrug, move on and leave them to it. There will be other opportunities to run the content at some point

Edited by Paralassa
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While I always see groups forming for all sorts of flashpoints and have done each once up to Athiss now (I'm lvl 27), I could imagine that the main reason would be that BT and Esseles yield unpropotionally more social points compared to the others.


This. I keep running Esseles probably once a day just to farm social points.

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