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Did they stealth-nerf RE rates for new schematics?


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Been noticing something lately...


It seems that, for the past few days, REing has stopped yielding as many procs for new recipie discovery as it used to.


I used to typically always get at least 3 out of a batch of 15 cybertech items, usually more. Now, I'm lucky if even one procs. I've had many cases where I've gone 0 for 15.


Does the rate of proc decrease as you acquire more recipes or something? Has anyone else noticed a drop in proc rate?

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I'm assuming that as you're leveling your crafting you're trying to RE higher level items... If that's the case then that's probably the difference you're noticing. The higher level the item, the harder it is to crit the RE and learn the schematic. A lof of people have had to craft 100+ items to get schematics on the lvl 49 items. Edited by DarrkLore
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I'm assuming that as you're leveling your crafting you're trying to RE higher level items... If that's the case then that's probably the difference you're noticing. The higher level the item, the harder it is to crit the RE and learn the schematic. A lof of people have had to craft 100+ items to get schematics on the lvl 49 items.


probably true when it makes u give up in shame after 100 with no proc , but still think its broken shouldnt be that insane.

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Well. I got 3 schems this morning out of RE'ing at most 20 items, One was a level 37 implant, one was a level 33. Do you still think it's broken?


I think that randomness just chafes at a lot of people. Personally I like the gamble, it's mildly entertaining.


The funny thing is you see ALL these posts "RE'ing is broken?? Worst streak ever" and yet I never see posts "RE'ing broken?? I keep getting schems too easily". People are much more prone to complain when things seem out of whack in a negative way, nobody seems terribly concerned when things seem out of whack in a way that benefits them.

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Well. I got 3 schems this morning out of RE'ing at most 20 items, One was a level 37 implant, one was a level 33. Do you still think it's broken?


I think that randomness just chafes at a lot of people. Personally I like the gamble, it's mildly entertaining.


The funny thing is you see ALL these posts "RE'ing is broken?? Worst streak ever" and yet I never see posts "RE'ing broken?? I keep getting schems too easily". People are much more prone to complain when things seem out of whack in a negative way, nobody seems terribly concerned when things seem out of whack in a way that benefits them.


you will see when ur stuff never procs it will happen some day :) you will be mad too :) and i sir will laugh

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You assume it's never happened to me. It most certainly has - I've had a couple of days of really bad streaks. Yes, it was annoying but it wasn't the end of the world and it went away (for now). I'm sure I'll get bad streaks again but since it will never bother me the way you want it to I'm afraid you're out of luck. ;) Edited by Larkie
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Day three of trying to RE green level 49 armoring pieces with no success, 45-50 tries a day. I've had exactly one success in the last week on anything level 45 and up (an earpiece). These aren't blues or I'd expect to see such a low rate of success.


Either something has changed, or the RE rates on greens at 45+ is stupid low.

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I noticed a very substantial drop-off in my "luck" at around lv. 35 that has persisted up through lv. 43. I've got exactly 5 blue schematics to proc from RE in that time. It's been quite the dry spell if it's purely luck. Either that or (A) the rate of decrease in RE crit chances seems too sharp or (B) we got a stealth-nerf. I highly doubt it's (B) though. I think it's likely a combination of bad luck and the higher-level gear being RE'd.
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Day three of trying to RE green level 49 armoring pieces with no success, 45-50 tries a day. I've had exactly one success in the last week on anything level 45 and up (an earpiece). These aren't blues or I'd expect to see such a low rate of success.


Either something has changed, or the RE rates on greens at 45+ is stupid low.


It definitely wasn't like that before


I'd gotten some 49 greens to flip for e prepatch without much trouble.

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I thought it was kinna too easy feeling like I was pretty much guaranteed a schem within 5 RE's. Now I do have to RE up to 25 of the same item to get a schematic upgrade. And ya know what? I'm okay with that. Learning is a process, and I don't think schems should just pop up all the time as they seemed to do the first week. I'd make 2 or 3 of an item, RE all, then get the blue schems. I was levelling on *blue* schems for most of the 20s and 30s...


Now that I'm working on gear up to 50, I don't mind putting in a little bit of effort to get upgraded schematics. I think someone with a ton of schematics should have *had* to have put some effort into it, not just gotten them in the process of levelling.

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