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Is the game failing? :(


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Yes, this game is doing everything AoC , WAR, Vanguard etc did.


Forums are filled with exactly same kinds of threads, fanbois hopes,,"give it time" "it was just released" "they are working for it" "it is weekday/holiday/workday/evening/day". I have seen this same pattern in so many games that didnt make it on their release and first "honeymoon".


Sadly, SWTOR is a mediocere MMO at it's best. It is missing most of the things that gets ppl hooked, it is missing living and breathing world and many bad designer choices are breaking the immersion. Too much effort is put to cutscenes and voice acting, it gets old fast and doesn't make it easy to expand the game world.


Just as all the games that failed. I would give it around 3-6 months before it is only a game for few hardcore fans.

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Im in the same boat were i REALLY wanted to stay with this game for awhile (i usually move on from mmos after a few months)


There are just way to many things missing that a AAA MMO should have on launch (looking at how much Rift had) If i dont at least hear macros/addons announced in one maybe two months im gonna give up on this game

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MMOs have a very short time frame to prove themselves, a lot of people here are saying be patient they will end up fixing it some day etc. Well that is the same stuff people were saying about AOC and WAR, and issues in those games did get fixed eventually, except there was noone left on the servers by that time. If MMO does not prove itself to be good within the first month people leave it and never look back. SWTOR is in danger zone right now, we ll see how it goes tho.


thank you very much! this is just how it is. its not just for mmo's thats how it would be for any product youd want to sell. If you dont do the proper QC "before" you release it you dont have very long before people start feeling burned and stream away. Like this guy said by the time "fixes" come in a big part of your potential income is gone. Youl have diehards sure but you wont make your projections. I dont know its common sense but people can easily dismiss common sense ...

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Another one of these threads?


LOL the game is a huge success. Euro servers are like all heavy right now. It's prime time there.


Yes but the Astrotur....I mean some people figure if they keep making these posts people will ignore the close to 3 million player base. :rolleyes:

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Yes but the Astrotur....I mean some people figure if they keep making these posts people will ignore the close to 3 million player base. :rolleyes:


They assume we will be compelled to follow them blindly as they did themselves.

Yes, let me see the error of my ways, enlighten me.

Show me the light!! :eek:

Can I get an Amen?!?!?!

Edited by Fraxture
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There was a peek in the holidays when nearly 230 thousand people were logged on at the same time across the world the average number is around 80 thousand at the moment over the last week. Its not in the top 25 most popular online games yet but i might be if they fix PVP ect and is doing ok for a MMO.
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I just logged in and took an overall look on the servers... I see maybe 1 server with a high population and 30-40 servers with light/standard)


Are people leaving this game? Is it failing?



In awnser to your initial questions,


Are people leaving this game? - I think some people will leave when there initial free 30 days runs out


Is it failing? - No, in fact far from it, one sign that it would be failing would be budget cutting, server merges, no events or more events depending on how you look at it, and other things along a similar line of thought. so not its deffo not failing imho..

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You'll have to collect a large sample of data in multiple situations before you can get a rough idea of the state of things.


There are a lot of variables that can skew the picture if you take them one at a time.


Peak vs. off hours

Faction imbalance


# of Servers

Active vs. paid accounts


Looking at any one of those things individually won't give you an accurate picture.


For example, if the Republic Fleet has only a few players during off hours on a work day it doesn't mean the game is failing, likewise the game isn't wildly successful because the Empire Fleet is packed during peak hours on a holiday weekend.


The answer will be somewhere between, and you'd have to take a large sample across the board to get the rough picture.


TLDR; Too early to tell, need more data.

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The servers themselves are heavily instanced. I'm on a medium/light server, and there are times the number of instances of the Imperial Fleet that are running are upwards of 30 or 40. What that means is that for every player you see while walking around the fleet, there are 30 or 40 more in other instances that you don't see. This can make the game look less congested or filled than it actually is.


That is exactly what is happening. Too many players are use to other MMO's where you have "Lagdaran or Stormlag" cities in them. I love how they have done the phasing and instances. A lot less ninja looting goes on when your out doing quests and less struggling to find enough mobs to kill.

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Your seeing the 30% burn off. Every MMO goes through this. Its a launch game and people had way to high of expectations. so SWTOR could lose quite alot of actual sub revenue next month.


Some of us have are unemployed. Economy issues. I'd take back that statement if I were you. SHOULD. Cmon.

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They did do alot of stuff with the servers. Its possible that they are able to hold more, thats why you see less on the server main screen. I've seen alot of people online in my server.


Also, the holidays are over and its back to the RL grinde. And with SO many mmo's out there, it's hard to say. SWTOR will be around for a long time. I mean cmon, its only been a month. Just wait whats in store a year from now. It'll be a 180, GARANTEED.

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Yes, this game is doing everything AoC , WAR, Vanguard etc did.


Forums are filled with exactly same kinds of threads, fanbois hopes,,"give it time" "it was just released" "they are working for it" "it is weekday/holiday/workday/evening/day". I have seen this same pattern in so many games that didnt make it on their release and first "honeymoon".


Sadly, SWTOR is a mediocere MMO at it's best. It is missing most of the things that gets ppl hooked, it is missing living and breathing world and many bad designer choices are breaking the immersion. Too much effort is put to cutscenes and voice acting, it gets old fast and doesn't make it easy to expand the game world.


Just as all the games that failed. I would give it around 3-6 months before it is only a game for few hardcore fans.


And its too bad because people (like myself) were expecting alot from this game. I got 6 days of early play, got some beta time in, then as i progressed towards 50 all the while doing every fp and every heroic +2 and 4 ,using my flirt option at times and making out with Jaxo, then marrying Elara and then realizing theres no real mmo interaction. Getting a fp group or a group of any kinda is like pulling teeth. Its way too early in a game for that.

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Why do people think a game is failing if all servers are standard during non-peak hours. Not everyone can sit at home and play all day.... World of Warcraft has tons of Normal populated servers, I don't see "Is WoW dying" on their forums -.-


Oh don't try to paint a prettier picture than it actually is.


Wow has had MANY High pop servers and even more medium pop servers in off peak.

Swtor has MANY low pop servers and even more medium


See the trend?


Not to mention even when WoW was launched it sucked all the gamers out of other MMO's and they had been playing.


Swtor has tried and it's a good game - it's just not even on the same level. This game is not stealing people away from other MMO's in droves. Alot of people came here to check it out. Alot of people seemed disappointed and left or are leaving soon.


This game at it's best is a niche game like Star Trek or lotro. My thoughts are that this game will hang on a little while, but three things will kill it IMO.





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Oh don't try to paint a prettier picture than it actually is.


Wow has had MANY High pop servers and even more medium pop servers in off peak.

Swtor has MANY low pop servers and even more medium



And Wow is still boring so who cares?


Prime time west coast still has almost all heavy servers and i still have a queue to get in. I was running an alt yesterday and there was a ton of new people asking newbie questions.


I don't pretend to know the population or cancel rate, because doing so would come across kind of childish. From my own experience i'm seeing a growing game, mileage may vary.

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Not having a LFG tool is killing this game. LFG is essential for a multiplayer game, they sholud have just called this SORPG game, singleplayer-online rpg. Everytime I want to do a heroic quest or flashpoint, I just want to quit this game...because you know why.
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Not having a LFG tool is killing this game. LFG is essential for a multiplayer game, they sholud have just called this SORPG game, singleplayer-online rpg. Everytime I want to do a heroic quest or flashpoint, I just want to quit this game...because you know why.

It didn't kill WoW in the first years when it never had one. Also, if you want to be taken seriously, pay attention to things like spelling and grammar.

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Ok I get your point, but it's not exactly that much different during peak hours and if you read my entire post you will notice I'm not only talking about the amount of people on the various servers.


As I asked in my OP, try not to troll for no reason even though I can see it's hard for some of you.

Ignoring the person's valid point and calling it trolling because they disagree with you is moronic.


When I play at night, usually between 6P EST and 1A EST, I usually see 5-6 VERY HEAVY or FULL servers (always full on Saturday and Friday nights), several HEAVY and a bunch of medium and light. The medium and light ones have never been anything more than that for the most part. They are overflow servers created after the other ones, for the most part. Some of them will eventually grow, and others may fail. That is how MMOs work.

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The funny thing is that most of WoW's people are in China. Only 2-2.5m are in the US and the EU.


We had a huge guild out of our office in Vanilla wow with 60+ people all from work, and then their friends added to over 100 people. I know one person from that group that's still playing.

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The game is simply an unpolished version of World of Warcraft with cutscenes and lightsabers. People won't like that but thats simply what the game is, and you cannot compete with a game like World of Warcraft who has polished their game for many many years. The game was advertised as being innovative, you will do things within the first 10-15 minutes that you have never done in any other MMO. Where is this stuff they are talking about? The dialogue system? The cutscenes? Within the first 10 minutes of playing this game I was doing a "bonus quest" to kill X amount of enemy. Is that there way around killing X number of boars in each zone like in WoW? That its a "bonus you don't have to do it" kind of thing? As for this voice acting cutscene quest givers, by level 16 I had heard enough and have been space baring through it, with the exception of the main class quest you do. Why? Because I do not care if bandits are taking over the zone and I need to retrieve this item to stop them, just give me my damn quest, I have done this all before.


This game is going to end up like every other MMO that tried to compete with World of Warcraft. They are going to lose a ton of subscribers after the first free month is done, and then once Diablo 3 comes out or Mists of Panderia they will lose another large majority.


I for one only really play because I feel like since I paid for the game, might as well get to level 50 and then be done with the game. I will definitely not be renewing my subscription, and will just patiently wait for GW2, who will probably be the next "WoW killer" that people will discuss, but I enjoyed GW1, so I will most likely enjoy GW2

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