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Stephen Reid/@Rockjaw: Your EGA tears are not real issues


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Nothing will happen, he was completely correct in his response and tone. You need to realize there are more important things than you. Sometimes you have to push back at pushy people.


I think you are just a rude one sited person....it is a legit question that millions have right now...so you need to step back and ask yourself if you are right. The thing is it is one of the biggest issues right now...when people get into EGA as a matter of fact it is most peoples issue right now ...

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The most funny thing is that BW didn't see this coming. Be angry at your self.


I dont think its that they didnt see it coming but that they wanted to believe that people were mature and reasonable enough to not do this. Obviously such a belief is naive and foolhardy but if thats the case their hearts were in the right place lol.

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Get off your tall horse. This is not about entitlement. This is about a company that fails to see it is a customer service operation.


And you gathered all of this from, what exactly?


They made a game, published it ahead of time and people are screaming because they can't all flood into the game all at once, even though they have the opportunity to still play in advance, exactly as claimed when they pre-ordered. You see, with customer service, it's usually people complaining about a problem they have with a product; but, in this case, the problem is the people, Bioware can't fix stupid.

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No, not it's not a real issue. It's a perceived issue based on feelings of entitlement that are rampant in Western society.




I suspect that he's gotten tens of thousands of tweet-whines "When will I get in?"


Agree completely with his response, except I doubt I would've been as polite. And I'm Canadian.

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I don't care about the staggered release either way. I'll play when I play. What I think bothers people the most that the actual process is shrouded in mystery. People can handle waiting in line for the most part if they have an estimated ETA. I can wait on a rollercoster line for 70 minutes if I know that going in, but by not having that sign it makes it a hell of a lot harder.


I think it would have quelled the masses quite a bit if they had a bit more transparency. Tell people that they estimate this date range will be in on day 1, 2, etc. Sure, you'll still have people pissed off if things change a bit, but most will understand. By refusing to do that you have to know you're inviting this level of outrage and impatience.

Edited by Solais
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Nowhere did official EA/BW adds say this. This way retailers (and I am guessing your in EU) trying to get CE sales. The OFFICIAL word was always "Up to 5 days!" Regardless of edition.


no it wasnt,it was ce gets 7 days early acess,reg editions get 5.your wrong,as well it wasnt a gamestop advert.


when i preordered in july,it was clearly stated in ALL advertising that it would be 7 days for ce.


this tone was changed later.to 5 days.as well ce got you no early acess it would be staggered.


i still have my original email from swtor stating this.they emailed me ,to go preorder.it says clearly 7 days early acess for ce.


im not going to dangle the lawsuit or class action suit mantra.but i do feel slightly cheated to first not get the 7 days early acess as stated on day one.then instead of being given a code with my purchase i had to fight with gamestop for a week or so to get one then activate it.


bioware/ea was aware of the code issues.they even had a thread about it .till they decided it wasnt thier problem anymore and your sol attitude.

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I think you are just a rude one sited person....it is a legit question that millions have right now...so you need to step back and ask yourself if you are right. The thing is it is one of the biggest issues right now...when people get into EGA as a matter of fact it is most peoples issue right now ...


He may be one sided but is correct. I have worked as a CSR multiple times in the past. And guess what? Part of the job is to weed out the frivolous "You guys owe me this!!" kinda crap which is EXACTLY what you and your ilk are doing. None of us are happy that we are not in yet but SOME of us are actually reasonable enough to understand the process and have patience. We realize our lives wont end if we dont get in soon enough. CSRs deal with crap complaints like yours daily and they WILL shoot ya down for important issues, e.g. double charging for one order, account security, software issues, etc.

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lolz... if a tweet is holding him back from helping people he needs to find a new job.. Maybe holding a STOP sign at a x-road so kiddies can walk to school


This was my first sentiment, actually.


TWITTER is holding you back from doing your job? Wow.

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Once you illiterate people get your invites you'll go on playing like nothing ever happened. You'll leave the forums and start grinding like the rest of us so just get over it already lol. You know this is true. You are just jealous and bored right now. Lol welcome to SWTOR High School. Edited by Scythus
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No, not it's not a real issue. It's a perceived issue based on feelings of entitlement that are rampant in Western society.




People's sense of self-entitlement disgusts me to my core, especially as I study history and on a daily basis read the words of people who didn't know if they'd be able to feed their families for the next 24 hours, but let's make a big pissing match over a *********** game, because that's really the end of the world.


There are people dying, as we speak, because they have no food or medical care. And the biggest thing you can find to ***** about is you didn't get a game EARLIER THAN WAS PROMISED.


****in people sicken me. I shoudl leave this forum before I punch my computer monitor.

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I suspect that he's gotten tens of thousands of tweet-whines "When will I get in?"


Agree completely with his response, except I doubt I would've been as polite. And I'm Canadian.




Why use twitter if you don't want to be tweeted?

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no it wasnt,it was ce gets 7 days early acess,reg editions get 5.your wrong,as well it wasnt a gamestop advert.


when i preordered in july,it was clearly stated in ALL advertising that it would be 7 days for ce.


this tone was changed later.to 5 days.as well ce got you no early acess it would be staggered.


i still have my original email from swtor stating this.they emailed me ,to go preorder.it says clearly 7 days early acess for ce.


im not going to dangle the lawsuit or class action suit mantra.but i do feel slightly cheated to first not get the 7 days early acess as stated on day one.then instead of being given a code with my purchase i had to fight with gamestop for a week or so to get one then activate it.


bioware/ea was aware of the code issues.they even had a thread about it .till they decided it wasnt thier problem anymore and your sol attitude.


Maybe I am being forgetful here but Ive been following this site since before you could preorder (OCT 2010) and I dont recall ever seeing that. I will admit I could be wrong though

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