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Everything posted by Hairwolf

  1. Still here...still procrastinating..still...........something or other. can't remember
  2. Got my CE and my invite december 1st preorder FYI. Not sure what to do now though, i really fancy some tea, and booting up the game right now seems like such a hassle, logging in, making a character etc...and the kitchen's miles away...maybe i'll just sit here for a while...
  3. Sitting on public transport with my CE, man it's heavy, I might just leave it with the driver and pick it up some other day
  4. Sigh, on my way to pick up my CE oh effort of efforts
  5. as long as you thought about it for a bit first, or got delayed by distractions..then ok.
  6. but then i'd have to go look for someone and then explain the situation, decemberist orthodoxy and philosophy and then tell them where to go etc...lotta work that.
  7. sigh! I've got to somehow summon the strength to go into town and pick up my CE...it's a long way away though...might just leave it 'til tomorrow and just keep looking at the screen here...it's....peaceful.
  8. I think you need to edit your sig: 'there is no death...there is only December'
  9. what do you need energy for...you weren't...planning to DO stuff...were you?
  10. use the bottle...you can use it as a heater afterwards...for a while anyway.
  11. quite possible to sleep comfortably in a sitting position, why bother with over there?
  12. hey we'd let the thread slip off the front page...ah well..it's back now..for a minute or two...just noticing that knackered me...might have to take a break
  13. it was a bit of effort alright, but for a fellow decemberist...almost nothing is a problem as long as it doesn't have to be right away
  14. makes sense to me...as long as i don't have to organise anything..right now anyway
  15. Yes and come Saturday we shall unite and bring not very much activity to whichever server we end up on...if we can be bothered to make characters and organise everything and... ...sounds like a lot of effort actually
  16. *tears rolling slowly down face* A true master...amazing
  17. Indeed, a very slow melody I haven't quite gotten round to finishing yet.
  18. many, we are merely the sleepy forefront of a tidal wave of apathy
  19. good idea..was thinking much the same thing myself
  20. yeh, i think we're assembling later...at some point..no time nailed down yet but..later
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