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Stephen Reid/@Rockjaw: Your EGA tears are not real issues


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Okay, whether you believe he's in the right or not, this is poor community relations. As someone who has worked support, this would have gotten me fired.


Even if you ignore a customer's issues, you never verbally marginalize it. Never.


Damn straight and kudos to SR. SR tells it like it is. Bothering him isn't going to get those whining in any sooner than they want them in. EA QQ is a waste of internet space. If I were BW I'd make sure those whining have to wait an additional day for every time they whine about EA access.

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I don't like the guy or that he seems to do nothing but twitter all day, but don't be overly and unnecessarily dramatic. you know whose fault it is that you aren't playing yet? yours as you didn't bother to put some money in earlier.



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I love when speaking the truth = bad customer relations.


Hearing anything you don't want is bad customer relations right?


lol, Yeah actually. If a customer walked up to me and asked where something was, and we had a thousand signs everywhere around the store with the same information on it that he requested, and no matter which direction you were looking you couldn't help but see that sign, and I told the customer 'Go away, I need to help this person get a bike off the top rack.' I'd probably get fired :D


Unfortunately, dealing with customer stupidity is part of the job, like it or not.

Edited by Indurin
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I don't like the guy or that he seems to do nothing but twitter all day, but don't be overly and unnecessarily dramatic. you know whose fault it is that you aren't playing yet? yours as you didn't bother to put some money in earlier.




Yeah because I dropped everything I was doing to go pre order SWTOR the day it was available for pre-order. :p /sarcasm


Edited by Harayuki
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I love when speaking the truth = bad customer relations.


Hearing anything you don't want is bad customer relations right?


In fact it is. You tell the customer what he wants to hear if you want to retain him. It is FAR cheaper to retain an existing customer, than to convert non-customers into customers.


That's basic marketing 101.

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I have a couple things.

1. It was stated that when you put in your pre-order code would effect your early access. It was also stated it would be UP TO 5 DAYS depending on when you put it in. We are now getting 7. Be happy.

2. The game doesn't release until the 20th. EA was incentive for pre-ordering, which only requires, at the most, $15 (for the CE).

3. Seeing as many people were on the forums saying they canceled their pre-orders after putting in their codes and will just play the EA without needing to buy a copy of the game, I don't really blame SR for not considering this a real issue. As for every 1 person that will be playing at launch there is probably 1 person who already canceled and will only be doing EA.

4. If you claim that the 13th is launch day, then you won't be mad when you have to set up a sub on Jan 12th to keep playing after the 30 days are up.

5. EA is a gift. Enjoy it when you get it. I have a feeling that everyone will be in by Friday at the latest. That still gives you 4 days play before the actual release of the game.

I think that is all.

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While I agree that it's a good system with how well it's keeping the servers going, I don't see what they're gonna do on the 20th when all the people who buy at the store log on. It's not like they can say 'Thanks for buying the game! Unfortunately we're not letting anyone else in today, try again tomorrow!' So far it just looks like the overload and lag is just gonna be delayed.


Pretty much this is whats going to happen. So the only ones who benefit are the people who get in on the first couple of days, so they'll already have their level 40+ guys in zones with low population while everyone is becomes lagged down.

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Yeah because I dropped everything I was doing to go pre order SWTOR the day it came out. :p /sarcasm


isn't most of the august preoders in as well by now? having a month to take a few minutes out of your busy days to preorder is hardly having to drop everything.

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is no issue... if you didnt get pre-order early isn't bioware's fault, they are doing launch way they are to insure its smoothe and playable and so far only had a small bit of lag here and there and been rather wonderful. No server crashes, no massive pauses no crashes nothing is probably best launch i've been in thus far.


seriously you'll get into the game... just have patience... because believe it or not they do not have to do early launch for pre-orders its a bonus... could just have easily said " yea no early launch for you lawl" and did staggered launch on 20th... the early access is a bonus and not your god given right to get into it... people need to chill feck out.

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lol, I've always had a small wish about something like this. I work at wal-mart, so if anyone else here has worked there in the past or is currently, you'll know what i'm talking about. Everyday you go in, wearing the normal wal-mart outfit.. navy blue shirt, khaki pants, and of course, the all important ID card you hang around your neck. It's all shiny and bright, impossible to miss. Typical stuff. And at least once a day, a customer walks up 'Excuse me sir, do you work here?' One day, I just want to say 'No' and walk away.
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Okay, whether you believe he's in the right or not, this is poor community relations. As someone who has worked support, this would have gotten me fired.


Even if you ignore a customer's issues, you never verbally marginalize it. Never.


Actually, I think we need more of this. The reason why gamers kick and scream over stupid stuff is because they expect developers to kiss their butts. Just like teaching kids not to throw tantrums. Don't by into it. Less coddling for whiny entitled customers would ultimately lead to less whining.


Stephen's stock just went up in my opinion.

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I agree, in that I don't like how often twitter is used for updates. I don't have a twitter account, don't want one, and I sure don't expect to have to check twitter for updates when they clearly have their own area, on their own website, meant specifically for posting updates lol
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During WAR launch one of GOA's employees came out with a forum post which was very similar to this twitter by Reid. The situation was also very similar to this. That guy, I cannot remember his name as he is fallen into the pit of nothingness, was fired after a few weeks.


Customer Service IS important. The guy should know better.

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But what about sites like Darthhater or TORwars? There's skill calculators, item databases, articles, etc.


You can't restrict yourself to one place on the Internet. There's too much out there to try and contain to one site each. Everyday I bet most people go through a series of websites and check for updates. What's one more?


You don't actually need a Twitter account to follow it either. Just bookmark his page and go nuts.


You are missing the point. Darthhater is not an official games company with their own forum which they neglect and use a third party system for getting out info, instead of there own community forum...BW does!

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But what about sites like Darthhater or TORwars? There's skill calculators, item databases, articles, etc.


You can't restrict yourself to one place on the Internet. There's too much out there to try and contain to one site each. Everyday I bet most people go through a series of websites and check for updates. What's one more?


You don't actually need a Twitter account to follow it either. Just bookmark his page and go nuts.


All that stuff is optional, and I rarely use anything like that. I just think that updates based on the game itself should be here. I wouldn't mind it if he posted it on both, but he seems to post it on twitter first and then it follows here later. I think it should be the other way around lol

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Yes, I do dislike it. I don't like having to check two places for updates on one game. Would be better if they stuck to one, namely, here. Twitter should be for more personal use imo.


After reading the first few pages of posts on the newly cleaned up forums, I can totally understand why any BW employee would want to avoid it like the plague.

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anyone remember that huge meltdown one of the blizzard warcraft forum mods had? that was legendary. would be cool if that thread was archived or saved. he got tired of the crap and went off on a tirade.


lol i was following mister reid's twitter just waiting to see how long it would take to get to him, i can tell he's a really patient and nice guy but it's almost impossible not to let it get to you working in the customer service area of things.


he still was pretty nice though, just did it in a sarcastic way. :D

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