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Sentinals have WAY too many cooldowns on their attacks


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It really is silly. All these 10-15 second cooldowns serve no purpose other then to make the class less fun to play.


Someone please tell me why does cauterize need a cooldown? Its a freakin dot. Why would I spam this even if I could. This is just one example but there are many more.


Our DPS output is already limited by focus why does it need the secondary limitation of all these cooldowns. My shadow has far fewer and shorter cooldowns on his attacks and plays much more smoothly as a result.


I really makes pvp less enjoyable when I need to constantly takes my eyes off the hectic playing field and look down at my action bar to see what abilities I can use.

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You raise a good point about cauterize. It's a dot, spamming it would be inherently stupid so no point in a cd and it save time from having one less thing to look at to check for when cool down is available.


Except that as a burn attack it also offers healing to you in the Watchman tree or if you're using Juyo form with Zen. I use it whenever it's not on CD because it's one of the best skills for the Watchman tree.


Sorry that Sentinel isn't "Press 1 to win and Press 2 to win harder." Personally I like having to get into a rhythm and rotation and manage when my skills are available for use instead of being able to sit there and just spam the same thing over and over.


If you hate cooldowns, just use Strike and Slash and Cyclone Slash ad nauseum. Those are never on CD. You'll suck in combat, but hey, you won't have to watch your hotbar.

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Except that as a burn attack it also offers healing to you in the Watchman tree or if you're using Juyo form with Zen. I use it whenever it's not on CD because it's one of the best skills for the Watchman tree.


Sorry that Sentinel isn't "Press 1 to win and Press 2 to win harder." Personally I like having to get into a rhythm and rotation and manage when my skills are available for use instead of being able to sit there and just spam the same thing over and over.


If you hate cooldowns, just use Strike and Slash and Cyclone Slash ad nauseum. Those are never on CD. You'll suck in combat, but hey, you won't have to watch your hotbar.




Well have fun with that, because someone with equal skill and a class with less things to manage (aka non-sentinel) will be owning your face.

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Except that as a burn attack it also offers healing to you in the Watchman tree or if you're using Juyo form with Zen. I use it whenever it's not on CD because it's one of the best skills for the Watchman tree.


Sorry that Sentinel isn't "Press 1 to win and Press 2 to win harder." Personally I like having to get into a rhythm and rotation and manage when my skills are available for use instead of being able to sit there and just spam the same thing over and over.


If you hate cooldowns, just use Strike and Slash and Cyclone Slash ad nauseum. Those are never on CD. You'll suck in combat, but hey, you won't have to watch your hotbar.


You cant do rotation in PvP for numerous reasons

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Well have fun with that, because someone with equal skill and a class with less things to manage (aka non-sentinel) will be owning your face.


Exactly, my friend who is a sage manages 4 buttons or 5 and he owns me everytime, i cant get close to him to dps his arse and my only stealth ability lasts only a mere 4 secs and its on a 90 sec cooldown, be serious

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It really is silly. All these 10-15 second cooldowns serve no purpose other then to make the class less fun to play.


Someone please tell me why does cauterize need a cooldown? Its a freakin dot. Why would I spam this even if I could. This is just one example but there are many more.


Our DPS output is already limited by focus why does it need the secondary limitation of all these cooldowns. My shadow has far fewer and shorter cooldowns on his attacks and plays much more smoothly as a result.


I really makes pvp less enjoyable when I need to constantly takes my eyes off the hectic playing field and look down at my action bar to see what abilities I can use.



Yes yes you would spam it....Just not on the same mob. Rarely are we ever fighting one mob at a time. If it had no cooldown why would I not spam it onto every mob i'm fighting?

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Don't get me wrong, I like complicated classes but it's such a chore having to watch hotbars all the time...


it's even worse doing raids because in raids you really need to watch out around you and pay attention to other things, which makes it extra hard for sentinels because we are so used to having our eyes glued to the bars.

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Exactly, my friend who is a sage manages 4 buttons or 5 and he owns me everytime, i cant get close to him to dps his arse and my only stealth ability lasts only a mere 4 secs and its on a 90 sec cooldown, be serious


L2 transcendence !!


Im tired of people complaning about how easy it is to snare us and kite, we have 80% MOVEMENT SPEED FOR 10 SECONDS !!!!




get your spec right before you complain, someone trys to kite you pop transcendence and say whats up with a leg slash, save your leap for any knockback once your trans is over, by the time u use your leap you will most likely have 30 centering again, it builds up so damn fast with this spec and honestly i have 30 centering every 15-20 seconds easy...of which 10 seconds is spent in transcendence


now bioware just needs to get rid of auto follow targeting so circle strafing can make a comeback.

Edited by Vegathegreat
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