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DC to character selection screen after joining WZ. Do you have this issue as well?


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Are you getting disconnected after joining warzones?


issue description:


1) if WZ pops immediatelly its usually 90% buged one and everyone gets disconnect to character selection screen.

2) if WZ pops normally after few sec in Queue - then our group is going in and 1-2 guys get disconnect while others are joined sucesfully !!

3) Sometime you can see a fast red error message before you are disconnected


4) Its quite visible for lot of people that this issue occure more in peak hours while servers are full / or heavy population. While with low population in early hours - you almost dont see this problem happening.


Other comments:

- this issue is reported since betatesting


Oficiall comments:

- so far nothing :(


I know this has ben issue from start, but its getting worse every day. While on begining it was a rare issue that i was able tolerate, now it is almost every WZ im going in. And if finally im in, then my teammates are disconnected.


I spend 3 hours in queue yesterday and played sucessfully 2 scenarios - while others disconnected me or some of my teammates.


So the questions i have


- do you see that issue as well? offten? rare?

- do you know if there is some oficial developer talks about this and when its get fixed?


basically i believe this is for PvP players the worst issue as it is simply not alowing to play the game. But i didnt found any big topic regarding this.

Edited by Aragiel
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Sorry but I did not get if your response was an agreement or a way to claim I'm lying?


it was ment as agreement, as im getting exactly same amount of buged warzone pops..

i do WZ quite a lot.. so i know how flustrating it can be.

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we need to get this topic to the top and stay at the top cos i haven't even read any acknowledgment from bioware anywhere?


this bugg plauges our guild atleast 8/10 time i try and join warzones i get booted to char select.


need to sign this thread to bring it to biowares attention.

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1) if WZ pops immediatelly its usually 90% buged one and everyone gets disconnect to character selection screen.

2) if WZ pops normally after few sec in Queue - then our group is going in and 1-2 guys get disconnect while others are joined sucesfully !!



yesterday.. 50%/50% - and far away from enjoyable game.. GIVE HOTFIX !!

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i was trying to join WZ whole day.. and some weird things are happening..


in the morning when server is low / standard population - everything goes well, no issues at all..


in the afternoon / evening when server is high / full population its getting screwed up.. and broken scenarios poping that takes you only to character selection screen..

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i was trying to join WZ whole day.. and some weird things are happening..


in the morning when server is low / standard population - everything goes well, no issues at all..


in the afternoon / evening when server is high / full population its getting screwed up.. and broken scenarios poping that takes you only to character selection screen..


Yep, entirely correct. Issue seems to escalate during peak times and seems more frequent on full populated servers.

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It is incredibly annoying problem. In my humble opinion (as mainly PvP player) it is now far the worst bug ruining game. I hit lev 50, done my class q, I'm not much in to rolling alts, I would like to farm my 60 valor and grab battlemaster stuff. Unfortunately it is impossible if I can play 3 times during 3h of being dropped to character selection screen.


Did any1 seen any official response to this problem ? Every single of my guild mates got the same problem here on ToFN (EU PvP).

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Yesterday it went on for the whole night...unless you joined with a group you always got the char screen (everyone on the whole server had the problem during at least 2-5 hours)...after a few hours of trying we all gave up and decided to give it a shot at a later stage..


At the moment it works but it does happen time and time again...

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Maybe related to your location. I notice this happens often when I come back to the fleet to checkout auctions and what not while but it rarely, actually don't think I can recall it happening when I do the ocassional pvp while on a planet just leveling up.
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Maybe related to your location. I notice this happens often when I come back to the fleet to checkout auctions and what not while but it rarely, actually don't think I can recall it happening when I do the ocassional pvp while on a planet just leveling up.


im pretty much joining from any planets, and i dont see any difference to be honest.. its more or less random but more offten during peak times..

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Tomb of the Freedon Nadd as well the only factor that i have noticed is peek hours (evnings impossible to join as solo). That srsly ruins PvP experiance. Some times makes almost impossible to finish daily (along with bug, not counting wz wins :/ )
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Ive had this a few times. Usually when joining a Q directly after logging in.

What fixes it for me is by simply going to a different zone. In this case my ship.

Not the most ideal situation, but hey, at least I can get in then.


In fact thats what I do most days now, pick up whatever daily/weekly quests i can grab then head to my ship for the first. You can head back to fleet after that.

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I get this all the time, some days 50% of the time going to character select. Same for rest of guild, tofn server. The problem doesn't seem to be client based, when the wz pops do start working they seem to start working for everyone. Last night though was the first day that I got successful wz pops for the whole night, made a nice change.


This problem is game breaking if you play for pvp and there seems to be no aknowledgment of it's existence from BW.

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