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SWTOR: Dying or Prosperous?


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And no Wow is not dying as such. Sure they peaked at about 12 million subs. Then fell to 11 then 10. Nobody seems interested in the next expansion The Adventures of Kungfu Panda or some such nonsense. Still 10 Million subs is pretty darn healthy and I'm sure they can turn things around if they make smart decisions. I personally dont like the game too much as it was never fun for me.


dont be so naiv, there are no 10 m subscribers, in reality there are 5-8 m. subscribers. the rest only gamecards sold in china

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As mutch as i am trying to like this game. I dont think it has mutch of a future tbh. Alot of ppl i know are bored. I canceled my account 2 weeks ago.


Imo there is just to mutch problems. Any intelligent person can tell that there is to mutch to fix before ppl will leave. At the rate Bioware fix thing, its just doomed to fail.I also belive that most ppl look for a good mmo for sentimental reasons, wow era. But its not gonna happend.


I am 50 and full purple, cleared all raids etc. I have seen to mutch crap in swtor. Many bad calls from Bioware imo, or just incompetence. Only die hard fans will stay.


It has its charm, but its not gonna make it.

Edited by Elixx_Deco
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You kids are blinded by the belief that every new mmo should be just like wow, have the same exact features as wow, and the list goes on. Still you always manage to find something to QQ about. I don't get you kids and your silly way of thinking, if it can even be called "thinking"...


This game has only just been released, how can you claim that it has only taken steps backwards?


Grow up please. If you do not want this game to prosper, i suggest you just remove yourselves from these forums and find something else to do with your time, other than filling up the forum space which could've been used for more constructive threads.


Just ignore them, their free game time is almost up, and of course I keep seeing the same names in the same doom and gloom threads. They have no idea what a game should or shouldn't have at launch, because they haven't played many MMO's if they think there are not problems during launch.


Warhammer was a train wreck because they made drastic changes the first couple of weeks of game play. Because they listend to a few vocal minority on their forums. I think they need to do away with gaming forums and let the fans build their own sites for discussion. Seriously just get rid of the game forums and provide a email for complaints.

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Small % uses forums, out of those a small % will leave, and out of those a small % will stay away.


That's true for WOW. It wasn't true for AoC and WH on release as those games bled subscribers and were well represented on the forums.


It remains to be seen where SWTOR fits in. I've cancelled my subscription but haven't posted any hate threads because it's a solid foundation for a game in a great universe.

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Complaints are always louder. People who aren't complaining are busy playing the game.



This..I rarely visit the forum, I am too busy ingame. And I plan on making alts to cover EVERY storyline possible, that means Imperial and Republic.


Let those that aren't happy unless they are beeching..beech. :D I really don't care. Alot of them seem to think that..somewhere out there is THE PERFECT game with no bugs.


I have news...there are NO GAMES that are bugless..NONE. Been playing online since 1995...no such animal. Sorreeeeeeeeeeeee. :p



*laughs*. And the trolling that I've seen...here's a good one: A guy pipes up in the general chat, and states that he felt like he just rolled a blood elf. I said..if you are referring to the Sith pureblood..there is NO RESEMBLANCE at all.


I think some of these people need glasses, you know, the ones with the thick lenses that resemble the bottom of a coca cola bottle. :p hehehe


Maybe it's wishful thinking on their part..they've only ever played "that" game their whole life and are possibly undergoing culture shock ..and "missing mommy". :p


Chins up..this is a decent game with a few challenges. Can't handle it..call on your friends for help. That's how it works.

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This game has the potential to be successful, but that's dependent on a commitment from players who are willing to brave the bugs and the lack of end-game content until Bioware kicks content development into high gear. As anyone will tell you, the first few months of any MMO will be the most difficult ones.


I sincerely hope that this game pulls itself out and builds upon its already-inclining success.

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Orr they already came to complain, saw how people are bullied here when they do and it's condoned by the community staff, and didn't bother. Or just don't care enough to complain after seeing their complaints fall on deaf ears with other failed games.


Time will tell after the first month, then again after the second. We'll never know for sure though, because like all those other games Bioware/EA will maintain they game is a success right up until the day the announce the free to play.


I hope I'm wrong, because I like enough about the game to stick around, but I certainly see why so many players have already left.


With "other" failed games..you have already decided..your own little self..that SWTOR has failed?


Lemmee see now, official release day was Dec 20, today is Jan 12, 2012. So it hasn't even been a month yet..and you Mr Professional game analyser state that it's already failed and have


included it in the pasture with the old games that have been out since 2006 ..2007 ish?


My my..does someone pay you to write these things? :D


Or do you believe you are psychic by chance?


I've been around the block a few times with games...alpha and beta tested many...and I would say this game has been good thus far. I would also state that the staff on the Bioware team have been working their behinds off..to please people like you...


Launch day...Dec 20th..was THE smoothest one I have ever seen in all my years of gaming.


Smooth as silk, matter of fact I double checked the day, because I had been in the Early Access and thought perhaps I had got the day wrong.


Nope..launch went off without a hitch, I started off early in the day..no glitching, no hitching, no hiccups...a smooth ride.


I have a year old computer an i 7 core 2600...used it during the beta test weekends..never did crash.


I find this game to be immersive AND addicting. There is always something to do..and people to talk to.


Nobody in my guild seems to be wanting to not play. I haven't seen any evidence of ...people dwindling away. I still see the same people I saw in Early Access, for the most part. /shrug Don't know what you are going on about...but I would suggest putting your tinfoil hat away. :D



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Ok so Scaling UI, Macros, and LFG tool will come in a xpack? Things that should have been in day 1?



Ya thats nice.


You have continued to post about the lack of a useful LFG tool in this game. I've played WoW for many years and still continue to play it. I think you have overlooked the fact that Blizz did not implement this feature on launch either. They didn't even implement LFG until mmm maybe last year? The LFR option was just implemented with the release of DragonSoul. Its a very new feature even for Blizz.


IMO, you are looking for a WoW copy and the functionality you get in WoW transported into another game - which you are not going to get on a just launched MMO. Honestly, you shouldn't be looking for a copy anyway. If WoW is the game you like then play that game. Its your money and most importantly its your time and life.


TOR is not WoW - I feel silly for saying something so blatantly obvious but the constant comparisons are rather lame.

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That's true for WOW. It wasn't true for AoC and WH on release as those games bled subscribers and were well represented on the forums.


It remains to be seen where SWTOR fits in. I've cancelled my subscription but haven't posted any hate threads because it's a solid foundation for a game in a great universe.


Can't remember which one it was, but either WH or AoC did not have forums.

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Compare TOR with the first month of WOW. Not with whole vanilla. The first month of wow also had several bugs unbearable.


What is wrong with people? Yet another person comparing this game to a game released 7 years ago. Are you serious?

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Can't remember which one it was, but either WH or AoC did not have forums.


Warhammer. Also, both WH and AoC had several evident issues from the beginning (bugs - i mean serious bugs - , lack of leveling content or itemisation, terrible PVE etc) that TOR has avoided.


I know that some people think that if they can't have 90FPS in Fleet this game is crap, but that's just an opinion. A blatantly stupid one, but still an opinion. Likewise, for the 'lack' of 'modern MMO features' or other wowkiddies argument

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I myself think the game is just fine. Sure improvements can, and will be, made. But as a game, as an MMO, as a grand epic akin to all other Star Wars products, it is just fine. People nitpick, because they either thought different features would be in the game already, because they feel certain improvements could be made, because they are pointing out bugs that beta testing didn't catch, or because they are ultimately not satisfied whatever Bioware does with this product. It will be around for ages, dont worry.
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What is wrong with people? Yet another person comparing this game to a game released 7 years ago. Are you serious?


Yes, he is serious. Kids that have no idea of how Business works (especially a business liek running a MMO) can't understand the basics:


a game that has had 4-5 years development plus 7 years running (patching, expansions, income) will always have more features than a game that just came out.


You can't understand that? Fine. But when you grow up you probably will, don't worry

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I don't know if this game is doomed or not. I do know it does worries me to think it "can be" doomed as I do enjoy the game a lot and I hoped so much it would be my next mmo for the years to come. I refuse to "go back to WoW" as that game has been dead for me for more time than I want to remember but I do have to say SWTOR didn't brought nothing that different. Once you complete your class quest you face the same thing WoW has delivered since it was launched... only one option to pve progress that is raiding/operations.


I hoped a game that is "story driven" would give you options to gear up without having to sit countless hours doing the same thing on a weekly basis, like a job. Instead you have the same options as WoW: farm daily commendations... then farm the hard modes... then do the operations. It's just the same as WoW has been since TBC (Vanilla didn't had the badge system). WoW has some awesome features but Bioware chose to copy the worst ones. A craft system that is pretty worthless since it's not an option to progression and you pretty much don't use the items you can craft.


And my big concern (since I can live with the ones I stated already, although I am disappointed)... every day I see less people login into the game. Honestly, not saying this as a doomsayer or anything, it's what I am actually seeing in game. I read a lot of people here saying that people is only advertising they quit the game on the forums and that is just a small percentage of the people actually playing but what I see in game is not different. From the people I had befriended or people on my guild and some RL friends... a lot already quit the game. And on my main server (Sith Wyrm) even the areas that should be really crowded, like the Republic Fleet are pretty much empty most of the time, with a maximum of 80-90 people in peak hours.


I truly hope this game won't the major disaster some predicted... but unfortunately I am constantly seeing the signs of that imminent failure around.

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Warhammer. Also, both WH and AoC had several evident issues from the beginning (bugs - i mean serious bugs - , lack of leveling content or itemisation, terrible PVE etc) that TOR has avoided.


I know that some people think that if they can't have 90FPS in Fleet this game is crap, but that's just an opinion. A blatantly stupid one, but still an opinion. Likewise, for the 'lack' of 'modern MMO features' or other wowkiddies argument


Oh i had forgotten that, WH used ign forums? what a pit that was. Remember the ques for that game, then they slowed exp gain down so very stupid to tamper with game mechanics after launch like that. AoC just lied, paid extra to get in early and then they said changed the wording of the early access. I just couldn't pay a company a monthly fee to be S*** on again.


People need to put it into perspective, this is a game. They need to keep repeating those 4 words over and over again until they realize their life doesn't revolve around playing a game. I can not believe the amount of crying and gnashing of teeth I see on these forums. I hope someone is recording IP address and noticing that the same folks keep making these threads. Or at least contributing to the hate. It's a trap the dark side is a trap!

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I don't know if this game is doomed or not. I do know it does worries me to think it "can be" doomed as I do enjoy the game a lot and I hoped so much it would be my next mmo for the years to come. I refuse to "go back to WoW" as that game has been dead for me for more time than I want to remember but I do have to say SWTOR didn't brought nothing that different. Once you complete your class quest you face the same thing WoW has delivered since it was launched... only one option to pve progress that is raiding/operations.


I hoped a game that is "story driven" would give you options to gear up without having to sit countless hours doing the same thing on a weekly basis, like a job. Instead you have the same options as WoW: farm daily commendations... then farm the hard modes... then do the operations. It's just the same as WoW has been since TBC (Vanilla didn't had the badge system). WoW has some awesome features but Bioware chose to copy the worst ones. A craft system that is pretty worthless since it's not an option to progression and you pretty much don't use the items you can craft.


And my big concern (since I can live with the ones I stated already, although I am disappointed)... every day I see less people login into the game. Honestly, not saying this as a doomsayer or anything, it's what I am actually seeing in game. I read a lot of people here saying that people is only advertising they quit the game on the forums and that is just a small percentage of the people actually playing but what I see in game is not different. From the people I had befriended or people on my guild and some RL friends... a lot already quit the game. And on my main server (Sith Wyrm) even the areas that should be really crowded, like the Republic Fleet are pretty much empty most of the time, with a maximum of 80-90 people in peak hours.


I truly hope this game won't the major disaster some predicted... but unfortunately I am constantly seeing the signs of that imminent failure around.



I don't farm..and I don't grind. I do my quests ..my crafting etc. I talk to my guildies..I have fun on vent, and I group with guildies or others on occasion. I love the atmosphere in Tor, and I get a large thrill out of visiting a "new" planet.


I am an SWG vet, Elder Master Dancer, TK and Swordsman..Sunrunner server. I am enjoying my time with Tor ..immensely.


I would suggest, that games don't grind and games don't farm...


People do.


Perhaps you are going at it ..like you are still playing Wow. Don't. Try a new class...there is not just ONE STORY..there are more. There are also legacy levels to work on if you are level 50.


Myself I wasn't in a big rush to "beat da game". I am level 45, started on the 16th of December.


I've been taking time to smell the roses, and frankly I haven't outlevelled my guildies so am not forced to sit around and wait for anyone to catch up.


Life is all about choices. If you choose to rush through everything, then you are going to miss alot of stuff. There are many other story lines to experience. Each story adds to the overall lore and understanding about the Tor galaxy/universe.


If all you do is farm and grind..then that is your choice to make things as dull as possible for yourself. That is not the game ..that is you.

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Yes, he is serious. Kids that have no idea of how Business works (especially a business liek running a MMO) can't understand the basics:


a game that has had 4-5 years development plus 7 years running (patching, expansions, income) will always have more features than a game that just came out.


You can't understand that? Fine. But when you grow up you probably will, don't worry


Why would an "old" game have more features?


A new game has the advantage to "take" stuff from other games. It would be alot easier to steal a good idea than to invent something new from scratch.


If a new MMO really wants to compete with an older established MMO, shouldn't it have more features or atleast as many features as that game? It is after all trying to steal away customers from something they have invested time into? And the features they do steal should preferably be improved on, not made totally worthless.


Just take the AH TOR has in-game, what were they thinking?

Edited by Swampfot
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Why would an "old" game have more features?


A new game has the advantage to "take" stuff from other games. It would be alot easier to steal a good idea than to invent something new from scratch.


If a new MMO really wants to compete with an older established MMO, shouldn't it have more features or atleast as many features as that game? It is after all trying to steal away customers from something they have invested time into? And the features they do steal should preferably be improved on, not made totally worthless.


Just take the AH TOR has in-game, what were they thinking?


You have to understand that if they release a game with "everything" they would be out of "new" features to implement in future patches. And then people would complain they were not adding new features.


I do agree tho that there is a lot missing, things that are necessary, like a LFG global channel so you CAN actually get groups while questing or doing something else. Their AH is actually pretty bad, should be improved. Main bugs should be addressed. A Pazzak game should be added =P.

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Why would an "old" game have more features?


A new game has the advantage to "take" stuff from other games. It would be alot easier to steal a good idea than to invent something new from scratch.


If a new MMO really wants to compete with an older established MMO, shouldn't it have more features or atleast as many features as that game? It is after all trying to steal away customers from something they have invested time into? And the features they do steal should preferably be improved on, not made totally worthless.


Just take the AH TOR has in-game, what were they thinking?


Each feature take development AND planning AND testing. Even feature you see existing NOW in wow have taken years to develop, debug, and implement, think phasing for example. A game might take advantage of what it sees as good feature in other game, but that does not mean those feature will not cost a similar time to develop/be quicker to develop ! Take again phasing : let us say it took Blizzard 1 year to develop. Why do you think that in the same time BW developed TOR they could have done what they did and in addition phasing ? That makes no sense. Furthermore some of those feature were developed AFTER TOR's development has been started.


I am a developer and sorry but feature cannot be so easily added or removed especially in engines. "Copying feature" is not an easy thing as you think it is. if it was , outlook would have been copyed in open source for years now. But it isn#t there are many things outlook has developped over years and is required by firms and open source does not get right.


That is an example among many.

Edited by Aepervius
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