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Lets face it. Bioware probably did a lot of market research. They then created a game, not for the grownup not the intelligent, but for the masses.


The problem is, they did not do it in a smart way. They could have made this game the way is it, but add in features that actually require you to do something, think a little, play a little. Some features for the grownups!


SWG failed because it became too much "Fun, fun, fun!" Gameplay right now is no different then SWG NGE, go and click on stuff a lot.

Edited by Paralassa
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Lets face it. Bioware probably did a lot of market research. They then created a game, not for the grownup not the intelligent, but for the masses.


The problem is, they did not do it in a smart way. They could have made this game the way is it, but add in features that actually require you to do something, think a little, play a little. Some features for the grownups!


SWG failed because it became too much "Fun, fun, fun!" Gameplay right now is no different then SWG NGE, go and click on stuff a lot.


not entirely sure *** you're talking about here . but uhm, i'm a grown up, i've played a lot of MMo's . and i enjoy this one. but i know the next 3 months can make or breaak this game....just like every other MMO that will come out after this one.


when i see people's main complaint being **** like the UI or clothing models , i know this person doesn't belong in MMo's . cause this UI is fine . it just doesn't have macro's or add ons and the bad players cant adjust ..

Edited by Paralassa
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I agree with the OP 100%. A well written post with regards to his concerns with the game.


SWTOR doesn't even feel like an MMO game, more like a vast empty single player game. In fact, it would probably been better if they made it a single player game.


After spending hours and hours trying to get groups for heroics on the first few planets I gave up on heroics altogether. I have joined a few people who were LFG to do them only to disband after a few hours, unable to make a full group.


Ive played a smuggler, currently at lvl48 and all I can say about this class is ...."bugged to hell". His best abilities are from cover or crouch but in areas where theres grass or anything else you just get the "Unknown effect" bug when trying to use them, making most of your abilities useless. If all the other classes are as bad as this I dont see how anyone can enjoy playing their char. Ive persevered with this char just to get to the end of the game before my subscriptions runs out.


There is nothing that has hooked me in the game what so ever. Like most I had high hopes only to be let down on release. When space combat and having your ship was mentioned, I had hopes for MMO space combat like the old MMO Earth and Beyond. But it just turned out to be another single player option.


Theres room for tons of improvements in this game and maybe some day it could turn out to meet half the peoples expectations. With no good community base and no MMO feel to the game people are not going to stick around and leave for good.

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Drakos makes completely valid, comprehensible, and realistic points.


I'm going to go out on a limb and make myself look like a jerk here by saying that the people who are arguing only futilely against Drakos...


...either with cliche and shallow tactics from the generally imaginable and blatantly counter-productive kind of conventional psychology that turns the depressed suicidal...


...or with sharp dismissive slanders simply claiming that he shouldn't be raising his concerns and statements on the forum (if not anywhere -- i.e. "shut your mouth, you are wrong") despite the forum's deliberate purpose as a medium for such expressions...


...are generally less seasoned and/or less interested in developing effective human-to-human lingual communication skills than those of us who are, in contrast, NOT lingering a synapse or two from rendering ourselves completely illiterate or brain-dead. I'm not talking about vocab and grammar here. You're about to read a bomb-scene essay, if you choose to read it at all. I'm merely openly insulting the cranky and substance-lacking drool spilling from the mouths (or fingers, more accurately) of most of the people ranting against the clearly thoughtful Drakos.


Call me arrogant or snobbish, but I consider myself a clear mirrored reflection of what I interpret, making this just another opinion, albeit a rather jagged and harsh one.


Thing is, I'm on the boat leaving TOR Harbor for now, just like the OP and many others are. I cancelled my subscription about a week into playing. TOR, in its current state, is a shamelessly mislabeled branding of an MMO, and having come from three successful dedicated years of finding an absolutely ideal experience with respect to conceptual MMO theory in NGE Star Wars Galaxies, I cannot bring myself to pretend that I revere even the most basic framework of TOR.


I most certainly am not a hurt and crying refuge from SWG. I took long breaks from that game on many occasions and often criticized it brutally and even more cynically than I am now TOR. I looked and will continue to look from afar at TOR with an open mind and a sincerely hopeful attitude.


My feelings about TOR are concise:


-- TOR makes a mockery of the concept of an "alive" world environment. Navigating the worlds of TOR is like going to a B-rated 80's action film with earplugs in. Might as well by a static Frame-to-Frame game, the way it is now. There's plenty going on at Point A and Point B, but a lack of PERTINENT distractions in between.


-- BioWare seems to have spent precious and apparently countless hours and resources working on the spit-and-polish aspects of this game, while major systems critical for the maximization of immersion- and longevity-potential were ignored.


-- Somewhat redundantly, BioWare developers, specifically programmers, given their inevitably illustrious past successes and current backing by EA, must have been too busy working on coding the spit-and-polish aspects to think about how the fundamental game systems would actually be interacted with by their subscribing players. Most of the money being shelled out to (presumably) fairly talented developers working on getting this rather shiny but clunky game out, seems to have been spent on a massive, semi-interactive computer-generated graphics art piece instead of a real marvel of computer programming, as would be expected by anyone who likes to PLAY video games instead of WATCH them.


I haven't slept yet at 8:40 AM, it's Winter in Northern New England, I'm relentlessly unforgiving when it comes to criticizing the technical work of well-paid, experienced programmers (coming from a programming background myself), and even less forgiving in argument against the more lousy members of the so called "masses" of the "Massively" Multiplayer Online Gaming community, in these dark days of PC Gaming creativity. Those who have half a nut in their shell, I hope you'll pardon me in my harshness. Otherwise, I've made clear my feelings about those without.



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Agree with OP, let's face it, this is another Warhammer Online, they are doing this to us once again....


Hell I even played WAR for a solid year, and I liked it, I still believe that WAR had great potential, but this game? I dont even want to level my marauder to 50, because the ability delay and unresponsed key pressing are pissing me off :mad: it is game breaking to me.


I trusted EA and Mythic (who abandoned WAR for TOR) that they can learn from WAR, but WTH?? TOR is worse! they can even get the abilities run smoothly

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funny i see the opposing faction quite often, and if my instance is empty i can travel to the one that isn't so empty. but i'm sure if there wasn't instanced zones you'd be up here complaining about over populated questing area's being to small...or not ..w/e.


Actually, I never minded area zones where I had to share enemies. Mostly because if it was too populated I could always ask my competition to group with me, and we could merrily smash the zone. In TOR however you find less of that, partly because of the nature of quests - frequently granting bonus quests in stages which means a lot more redundant killing than you'd imagine, and partly because of story phasing and players wanting to control their own illusion of destiny.


i remember a time when i use to have to" /who warrior 60 iron forge" and just go down the list and ask them if they wanted to tank ubrs for me ...and assemble groups that way, for months and months...and months..it was so hard to type stuff back in the day, and have to actually make groups on my own..poor me.


Sure, at max level you spent a lot of time in capital cities because you were no longer questing. But during my leveling process, it was nice to be in zones like Westfall, Tanaris, and the Searing Gorge when random players were looking for groups for Deadmines, Zul'Farrak, and BRD (which I soon learned I absolutely hated) could get together and go run it without needing to leave the quest zone and run all the way back to Stormwind or Lagforge to do so. The fact is, in order to run any flashpoint, you -must- go back to Fleet (or accost your guild) with the intention of running a flashpoint and hope people are looking for it which completely disrupts your questing, whereas my experience in WoW was that you could always look around to see who wanted to do what no matter -where- you were, and continue questing rather than waste time running around just to find out "no, no one's doing anything."


All this would be alleviated if the LFG system in TOR weren't linked to the current-zone-specific /who list, but apparently BioWare has yet to figure that out.



how about useful things? are there any of those items in game?


I'm not even sure what you're asking about regarding this.


stuns weight heavy on your resolve bar, and you have a free trinket, and youre an Inquisitor..lmao..i'll refrain from anything further on that topic. cause this one is easy to draw conclusion from.


Except everyone knows the resolve bar is broken, stuns last too long and expertise causes PvP damage to skyrocket. I never even said I had issues with PvP, I win 90% of my War-zones, but PvP feels completely broken and unplayable anyway. There's noting amusing about joining warzones that are 4 vs 8, or running with or into multiple level 50s in a warzone when you have absolutely no PvP gear. But if you wish to claim PvP is completely fine, I'll let you live in your delusional little world.

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This is classic MMO burnout, and yes I read the whole first post. I didn't play much WoW (got one level 71 hunter, I think) but I've played more MMOs than you can shake a stick at. The MMO I stuck with the longest was SWG, but I've put in time with EQ, DAoC, WoW, EQ2, AC2, Neocron, Aion, STO, DCUO, MXO, EVE, AO, BP, CoH, Champions, Free Realms (that one actually lasted a long time, fun kids game), GW...I could go on, and on and on. There are few gamers out there with a lower attention span than me. I'm the gamer that everyone laments on the forums for going from game to game to game, but I can't help it because I want to try them all.


The reason I stuck with SWG the longest wasn't because it was a sandbox game. It's because it was Star Wars. You see Star Wars is my niche. I play all the Star Wars games (even the crappy ones) because I just love it so much. I also love Bioware and their approach to games. I'm hooked on their cutscenes and I'm a lover of conversation. To me this game is pure unbridled bliss. Do I think the armor is ugly? Some of it is. Do I wish I could see high resolution textures on my character? You betcha. I'm a healer and crappy PvP'er so do you think I get frustrated with PvP sometimes? Sure. Have I seen better trade systems? No doubt. Do some classes feel overpowered? I suppose.


But having played ALL those MMOs, I can tell you this is a SOLID game. WoW is the king of MMOs for a number of reasons: a pre-existing battle.net fanbase, accessibility to all gamers and the dangling carrot of quests that was so lacking in previous MMOs. To say SWTOR isn't a clone of WoW gameplay mechanics is just denial. Granted it adds cutscenes, but it plays EXACTLY like every traditional post-WoW MMO out there. I know. I've played a good deal of them. I'm not saying WoW is the progenitor of the MMO industry because certainly WoW played like EQ and DAoC. But it created the compelling quest system which is the driving factor of successful MMOs because most people need a purpose to play. I'm also not saying there is anything wrong with this. It works. Bioware and EA knew this. Where SWG catered to a fringe crowd, SWTOR attempts to be more accessible.


The problem here is that you've played this game already. A lot. In WoW and other MMOs. You are burned out, and suddenly the flaws are unacceptable. I'd highly recommend you take a MMO break for a couple months, or try something completely different for a while otherwise you'll probably run into the same issue everywhere you go. I know how it feels, trust me.


Except I don't think it's burnout. I know what burnout feels like, I've had to take -several- breaks from WoW, FFXI, and others because of burnout. This isn't burnout. I'm just not wowed by TOR.


The thing is, and I'm not sure people are getting me even when I say it, TOR has the makings of a great game. A lot of good is there, and I don't claim that it's not. And yet, a lot of what's good has small bad in it, and a lot of what's missing adds up to an MMO experience that - apart from story - is wholly unremarkable and part of that is disappointing.


But to emphasize why I especially don't think this is burnout: I haven't played an MMO since last January. Not a one. I've had probably one of the longest breaks of anyone on the forums, followed TOR and was told great things would come. What I've seen is the developers go back on their word, deliver poorly on several promises they did make, and release a game that feels to many that it needed to beta test for another month or two at the very least.


And despite all that, I let none of that get in the way of my enjoyment. It was the realization that I'm not going to get any of those social, player-oriented enjoyment moments from this game, and most of it stems from the game's design.

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Agree with OP, let's face it, this is another Warhammer Online, they are doing this to us once again....


Hell I even played WAR for a solid year, and I liked it, I still believe that WAR had great potential, but this game? I dont even want to level my marauder to 50, because the ability delay and unresponsed key pressing are pissing me off :mad: it is game breaking to me.


I trusted EA and Mythic (who abandoned WAR for TOR) that they can learn from WAR, but WTH?? TOR is worse! they can even get the abilities run smoothly


Its pretty simple. The game just released. Every MMO that has came out to date has still been in beta pretty much. If you don't like paying to beta test and work out the last few bugs, then come back in 6 months.


Dont be naive though. People came into this game knowing that it would have more bugs than a polished, years after released MMO. Its your own fault that you aren't enjoying the game.


Truth be told, this game is one of the smoothest that I have played at launch.

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I'd say you pretty much hit the nail on the head here. There are certainly some positive things to find in TOR and it has the potential to be a strong game. However, it really lacks a sense of polish at the moment, and there isn't really any one thing that has completely wowed me. I am enjoying my experience overall, don't get me wrong, but at the end of the day the game is average in many areas and doesn't take the genre in any new meaningful directions.


To be fair, I've been playing MMOs since the UO days and it's possible that I've just gotten to the point where the thrill is gone. It may just not be possible to capture that same love affair I had with the genre, at least until a game comes along and completely shakes things up.


But for now I'll be sticking it out to see what Bioware does in the next few major patches. Logging on for a couple hours is still preferable to turning on the TV in most cases.

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Agree with the OP about most things. The game is seriously lacking in many departments.


I reached lvl 50 a few days after new years, and quit after half a day. I spent most of that half day trying to find a group to a FP, but as dps it wasn't easy. Sure, there weren't lots of lvl 50 at that time, but it felt like such a hassle to even try it. No LFD tool and when I decided to find a guild I spent an hour before realizing there were no server forums. How was I supposed to find a guild that suits me when there are no options? Should I ask a random guy to join his guild?


This premade-guild thingy is probably a reason why the game feels soo dead. When WoW started people were chatting like crazy. They wanted to meet people, start new guilds, craft for eachother and duel. Do people even try to talk to others outside their guilds in TOR? Is there a reason to?


Truth be told I had my doubt many times while leveling to 50 if I wanted to keep playing the game. I am a guy who like the achievement part of the game. I want rare schematics, do dungeons for patterns nobody has and for nice gear. I want to get rep with factions that give nice stuff and I don't mind attunements and real progression. What is really worthwhile in this game? You can buy equal gear from nearest vendor. Crafting is useless and only costs money. You send companions out to do your job.


When I quested I had slicing and scavenging as gathering skills. There were just soo many nodes out there you almost sighed every few seconds when you had to stop to farm it. What is soo epic about that? No guards on the nodes either, you just farm and farm and farm. Even if crafting did work, everyone would have mats for everything. Nothing would be rare. Add to that the fact that leveling your crafting could be done in a day. Getting to 400 was way too easy.


Frankly I didn't see much interest in this game when it came to gameplay and progression.


I did however like one thing and that was pvp... at first. I have never been a pvp:er but it was fun to play huttball and that 3 cannon thingy. Didn't like Voidstar very much though. The problem was doing the same 3 maps over and over though. What is the point really?

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Its pretty simple. The game just released. Every MMO that has came out to date has still been in beta pretty much. If you don't like paying to beta test and work out the last few bugs, then come back in 6 months.


Dont be naive though. People came into this game knowing that it would have more bugs than a polished, years after released MMO. Its your own fault that you aren't enjoying the game.


Truth be told, this game is one of the smoothest that I have played at launch.


jHats, don't I know you?


In any case, I've already pointed out that bugs aren't my issue with the game so much as it is the fact that a lot of the features don't seem complete. This was never a bug-bashing thread because MMO's have problems. I didn't run to the forums to cry about all of the glitches I've had in my game. What's most telling is that -so many- people come into this thread and defend the game with "It's going to have bugs! Be patient!" when that has almost nothing to do with anything I've said.

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Agree with the OP about most things. The game is seriously lacking in many departments.


I reached lvl 50 a few days after new years, and quit after half a day.


Oh cool. Another person that hit 50 2 weeks after release that is qqing about not having people to play with.

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jHats, don't I know you?


In any case, I've already pointed out that bugs aren't my issue with the game so much as it is the fact that a lot of the features don't seem complete. This was never a bug-bashing thread because MMO's have problems. I didn't run to the forums to cry about all of the glitches I've had in my game. What's most telling is that -so many- people come into this thread and defend the game with "It's going to have bugs! Be patient!" when that has almost nothing to do with anything I've said.


My other forum name was "Skyewauker". Got the bannage cause I let my buddy play my beta account a year ago lol.


The bugs were for the other guy, thats why I responded to him and not you.


You have some valid points, but its a new game. Sucks that you are quitting, but if I were you, Id come back in 3-4 months. Maybe you will enjoy it more.


I think they released at the right time. If they waited 6 months, people would still say the game isnt complete. There is always stuff that wont be completed on launch. If they waited til everything was complete, it would be 2-3 years from now. Same with any MMO.

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Very well-written and objective post :)

Sums up pretty much how I feel about the game.

I wanted so much to like it, I really did.

I had my expectations set for "awesome WoW killer" and here after almost 1 month of playing, I guess I just have to settle for "okay single player, but severely lacking MMO" :(

Maybe the right thing to do is unsubscribe for 6 months and then come back hoping they have changed/added all the MMO stuff that's missing atm.

Edited by Painstorm
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At least, if you're on Elysium Imperial side.


Don't get me wrong, TOR has the trappings of a great game. Story certainly makes the questing and leveling aspect of the game easy even for the most fearful levelers and provides a pretty good incentive to play a variety of classes through to their level cap should they catch your interest. Combat has a solid foundation with class and spec diversity, the environments are stellar and the voice-work is mostly well-done. The War-zones are well-designed in theory and with tweaking PvP could be immensely enjoyable for all. There are probably other nice features as well.


It wasn't enough for me. <Incoming wall of text. Ctrl+F "skip to the end" once your patience wears thin>


The world(s) feels empty and dead. It may be small population, it may be the geography of planets versus quest-distribution for factions, but I never see Republic characters, and even stumbling upon allies is a rare instance.


Imperial Fleet is a curse. Given the way Looking For Group works (tied to the /who <current area> list), where the GTN is located as well as the entrypoint to all Flashpoints, the dreaded situation of standing in a quest-less zone spamming chat for groups was forced into existence, and there's no avoiding it.


The Galactic Trade Network needs work - but that's no reason to leave. What the GTN did, however, was show me other little things that seem flawed with the game.


Crafting is a joke. Biochem and Cybertech are the only things worth having (and the useful items from BioChem require you have the profession to use them, or so I was told) whereas everything else is actually a huge money and time-sink for no payoff. When you consider that Mods can be bought with commendations and orange gear will last until level 50, the use for crafted gear falls squarely to supplementing the slots you don't have oranges for and gearing companions. I'm actually surprised there was a market for green and blue items considering their ultimate worthlessness even on my server - but as people learn the nature of items in this game, they'll realize how pointless the bulk of gear is.


Then there's the palette swaps. There appear to be maybe twenty designs for Sith Inquisitor gear overall, much of it copied with slight variations on color and pattern and almost all of it (spoiler: incoming opinion) completely hideous. At maximum level all of the gear looks essentially identical, and while this is no different from other MMO's currently out, I was told it would be different. To note my leveling experience, I picked up Synthweaving and crafted a few oranges (the Dark Acolyte's set) and haven't found a piece I liked better visually yet. (I check the pieces on the GTN daily.)


For my experience, personally, part of an enjoyable MMO is seeing pretty things and going after them, but for me TOR has no pretty things. There's no armor piece from a dungeon I felt the need to hunt down, and without being able to view weapons in the dressing room, what little I've seen comes from the other players I've encountered - there are no shiny weapons for me either. Visually, there's nothing drawing me to my character, the choices I made at creation were largely concessions - choosing what I hated the least out of what was offered.


But really, those things shouldn't destroy my experience. But reflecting on my experience, all I seem to remember strongly are small, nit-picky problems.


Hating an operative by level 20 and needing to re-roll because you can't change AC's and at level 10 they didn't tell you you were choosing between an awkward healer with melee and ranged skills versus a rogue with awkward healer and ranged skills.


Or rolling two Sorceresses after discovering there was no upward cap on respec costs despite wanting to play both Madness and Corruption within the same AC.


Discovering that PvP sorely needs diminishing returns on stuns and a significant nerf to expertise as well as class re-balancing between mirrored classes, as well as a hatred for Assassins and Shadows for their ability to tank, harass, stealth and re-stealth in warzones that rely heavily on defending nodes.


Frustration at the need to return to Fleet every morning to pick up PvP and FP dailies, as well as sit there doing virtually nothing while waiting for FP groups because it's the only gateway.


Discovering that there is no gear that appeals to me visually for the one class I enjoy the most.


As well as a few personal realizations about what made other MMO's so much more enjoyable for me. WoW players may remember the white-lion pet that Alliance hunters had to steal out from under horde players on PvP servers to acquire, or the ridiculous but amusing glitch that caused certain pets to stay elite after taming. Vanilla players will remember the first time they saw Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker and thought "where the hell did that come from?" or remember their first attunement quests. Some may remember unexpectedly dying to the first ritual-of-doom they helped cast, or the debacle that was Teremus the Devourer kiting (an experience shared across many MMO's that allowed players to kite or train ridiculous things into low-level towns).


I don't need those exact moments anew, but for me, right now, I've realized that TOR won't have any of those moments for me. There doesn't seem to be anything unexpected that players can pull off beyond cheating their way into millions of credits, there don't seem to be any items that make you go "woah."


End-game gear can be farmed by commendations, there are no surprises in that regard. All this amounts to the game only featuring story as a significant motivating factor for me.


And to be completely honest, there are things about the storytelling that irk me too. Lines of copy-pasta dialogue, the utter obviousness of impending betrayals or "surprise" assassins. The nonsensical nature of certain decisions players are allowed to make, the bizarro-world application of Light vs Dark morality to some decisions, and the fact that none of those decisions affects anything outside it's contained sphere in the end... makes the story seem like a gimmick rather than a feature.


As a sidenote, I also see no reason for the planets to not feature a day/night cycle after witnessing the stories on them.


As another seemingly irrelevant sidenote: Companions seem to be both a blessing and curse. On the one hand, they make questing easy for all and provide more story components for players, and a tiny reputation grind. On the other hand: 2V-R8, the fact that everyone and their mom playing a sith warrior will - at the earliest available moment - brag about having implied intercourse with Jaessa as well as cackle wildly over their sadistic nature each and every time they shock Vette with a collar - I think I've ignored more immature players who can't stop talking about that than I've friended people.


For those who wanted to skip to the end...


I can't say that the sometimes cliche or gimmicky story, the broken PvP, the worthless Auction House and server economy, the lack of shiny objects to chase and a working progression system to go with that, class imbalances, lack of personally satisfactory player customization, character weapons and armor visuals nor the lack of day/night cycles are - on their own - enough to make me not want to play the game. But combined and added to the fact that TOR seems like it won't have any noteworthy moments-of-interest for me make it hard to justify paying a subscription for a game I spend at least a few minutes every play session wondering whether or not I'm actually enjoying.



And yes, I'll actually send you my stuff if you catch me in-game. You have what, nine days?


Hi Drakos


I'm sorry you feel this way about this game. As you can see by my join date i've been here almost as much as you.


Since your posting why you don't like this game. I would like to post why i don't agree with you.


Let me take all you points in order.


Imperial fleet LFG


I have not had a problem finding a group for Hardmordes, PVP or even Heroics.

World of Warcraft had no LFG system when it launched. I assume your one of those people who want a dungeon finder. I've played mmos for over 12 years and i have seen various implementations of LFG however i find you concern interesting atm considering how new the game is. There are plenty of people out there LFG in chat cos they are all still leveling. Most people aren't level 50 yet or are rolling alts. So there are plenty of bodies around.


Still on the topic of LFG. I think it's more efficient having all your dungeons in one place where people can easily access them. I like this feature very much and have no wish to see it go. It makes grouping quick and easy while preventing the lifeless Dungeon finder you all seem to want. Dungeon finder ruined WoW big time. Let me give you an example of what i mean


The other day i was partying with a group i found in chat and we were in a hardmode


We were doing well and then proceeded to wipe a couple of times.


In wow with dungeon finder. The minute you wipe that's it. excuse for tank or healer to leave or someone else to leave. You lose the sense of partying with a group of comrades trying again and again to defeat a boss. Dungeon finder was full of rude ninjaing quiters.


YEs i played wow for 4 years i know what i'm talking about with this.


Maybe in a few years time when this game has matured a bit they should add one in but at the moment i think there is no need at all and your frutrating yourself. AGain like others have said i think you "WoW" veterans are just burnt out.






When i first used the GTN i didn't know how to activate search. However from reading compliants like yours i learnt how to. And i'm amazed at how little it takes for you to call thing failures.


Ladies and gentlemen the reason people like Drakos call the GTN a failure amount to less than 2 secs of play time.


Let me explain.


TO activate search all you have to do is select the catergory you want to search. This is different from wow in the fact that in wow you could just search the entire AH instantly.


So in this you have to select a catergory which takes 2 secs and then you can search.


Due to this the GTN is a fail. Over reacting much :rolleyes:


The GTN is excatly the same as WoW expect for the fact i just mentioned and you can put stuff up for as long as 2 days instead of one.


The 2 days thing i think was a good move giving me more time to sell items.


When talking about end game economy i laugh. All you people saying that Wow is 7 years old you can't compare this to wow because it's too old but you compare everything else to wow when it suits you.


Let me explain why your not making sense. Wow's economy is 7 years old and you expect an economy that's 3 weeks old to be just as mature. :rolleyes: your not making sense and no one can make you see cos i believe you don't want to see.



Crafting is a Joke and loses you money


Incorrect on many fronts and seems to be an issue with many of you nay sayers. I have bought crafted gear many times and not just for my companions. Sure epic pvp gear is better atm but it really should be. The same was true for wow crafted gear. Epic gear that is droped or earned is better. This needs to happen to prevent gold buyers from accessing the lots of power for no work


Plus i am a crafter. No i'm not Biochem. I'm a pure mission crafter. No i don't have slicing nether did i have it to start. I've made more than 2mill+ credits through crafting and playing the AH. your sweeping statments are just false and that's all they are.





No i don't want the silly looking Weapons of WoW. Where a weapon was bigger than your body. I like light sabers. Plus the fact not all classes use lightsabers and there is plenty of varation with that. Sabers have different hilts but do you seriously expect bioware to break the lore of the sabers and create a new melee weapon for the force users who have been known to use only sabers since the first star wars was realeased.


Really. Plus i do like sabers. They look much better than anything you have in wow .


With regards to gear looks. Bioware is working on allowing us use orange gear with our epic stuff but more to the point i kind of agree with you. THere needs to be more variation in the looks of each class ( there is alot out there atm ) but there needs to be more so i agree with you on this point.


Can't change ACs


Of all the complinats i've heard this imo is the most hypocritcal coming from the "WoW" Veterans. Allow me to explain


When i rolled a Warlock in WoW was i allowed to change class when i got to level 20 and realised i hated warlock?


Answer : no you had to reroll


And WoW actually had no explaination of the class. You couldn't inspect the tree before you choose it.


What your not understanding is that each AC is a Class in it's own right. Not being able to switch what is effectively a main class has been standard for every mmo created barring the Final fantasy mmos. And yet for SWTOR this is an issue. It seems you guys are just making up issues just for this game and don't seem to have applied these phantom rules to your precious wow but you seem to be crazy about them here.


Why don't you go on the wow forums and tell blizzard to allow you to swap from a warlock to a priest or you will quit. I don't understand why you want this feature. I don't want it. You are clearly told you cannot change. You are given a description of each AC before you choose it. you are given their trees and yet you still complain. This particular compliant of yours i see as completely invalid.


Respec cost has no upward limits


Simple answer to this. It resets once a week.



No diminshing returns in PVP


Go to the PVP forums and read the sticky on how resolve works


Travel Frusration


Amazing. You just want to be teleported where ever you want don't you. Cos in wow you had to fly everywhere. And watch the flying as it occured. Actually i remember when WoW launched. You couldn't even just fly to any point you wanted you had to stop of at each intermediate point and refly. Sometimes i took and still takes 15 mins to get to where i want to be.


In star wars all zones of the galaxy are instant access. Yet your complaining it's too slow.


i Don't believe your making sense here.



No Day and night cycle


How does this make the game better. Oh it gets dark and now it's light. It's the game that matters. Yes this would have been nice but it's really not an issue. People who split hairs of this are just causing themselves grieft. They are causing others grief by forcing us to have to listen to them.


Choices not affecting anything


If you play the sith warrior you get sent by baras to retreve some shards. When you come back you have to fight krumrel. You can choose to kill him or not or give him your shards.


If you kill him that's it you never see him again


If you don't kill him baras does


If you give him your shards you have to go back to the tomb and get another set. you then see him in your scene with vermin and get to decide what he becomes next

He then turns up in your next tomb and tries to help you fight Vemrin.


Ofc your choices don't have an affect.


Ofc they don't.


Just plain lies.



I think that is my response to you.


I wish you luck in the future i'm sorry you don't like this game but in truth i doubt your going to find any other mmo that pleases you cos if minor issues and your misunderstanding can make you quit then the problem lies with you not others.


The fact is alot of you have played mmos for too long continously and you looking for happyness. That's what i comes down too. Unforunatly you just not happy in yourselves and take it out on the game. That's what i think is happening


icecoldone out

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You know, I spent a few moments reading over the list of complaints and itching to write one of my historically common walls of text debating the various matters at hand in the most rational way possible... but at the end of those thoughts I can only think "Yeah, the OP's pretty much right."


I would just like to know what the OP or any of the people following in exodus plan to do to fulfill their MMOitus, assuming they require them like I have for the past 14 years.


I mean, WoW is just... it isn't vanilla anymore. It isn't even BC quality. I played from the Beta 'til Cata and I cannot go back. As a multi-time Gladiator, high-end progressive raider, and frequent RPer, I experienced the best it had to offer in its prime and it makes me morbidly depressed when I see what its boiled down to. I am curious what all these people quitting are going to do; go back to WoW to complain for a few weeks about how bad SWTOR was, then go "Man, this still sucks..."


I tried going back to all my favorite MMOs that I watched die over time (EQ1, DAoC, EnB, Aion, WoW, etc. etc.) and they are dying or dead one.


If there's a better plan that would sate the MMOitus, please let me know. 'Til then I am going to make the best of SWTOR and hope for a bright future here; it seems that right now it is my only bastion of hope.


Wish I were on your server for your stuff, OP! : )

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A well thought out post cover a lot of things many are dissappointed with.


I live in hope that a lot of things will be sorted out later in the game. I do think they had some very bad advisors when it came to how things should work in an MMO. I totally agree about the crew skills. They are nothing more than money sinks and not worth the time and effort. I'm still doing them in hope they'll add real worthwhile crafted gear at a later date. But they do seem to have missed the point of having them.


I think it was terrible that the class storylines were not better tested for bugs. At the very least that is one area of the levelling process that should not cause problems for users but it does on several classes.


The customer service is shocking at best.


Anyway I'm sticking with it and hoping for the best. I hope you find another game to enjoy or come back to this one when things improve :)

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Friend you WoW timeline reference is a smig off. First off instead of mentioning things that were 8 months or later into wow you should have started from the very beginning of WoW. Every problem that could go wrong on their quest did, usually with no solution. Crafting was TOTALLY useless in all aspects. Terrain and mapping horrible "falling thru Azeroth an not being able to rez cause you had no body to rez?". PvP was said to be totally useless because of ??? You got it Rogues!!! Who recieved the first nerf bat btw. Server instability! Instance instablity! No endgame material because MC was not available! Unscheduled Maintance! Scheduled Maintance going for hours past sked times.


All these things and more WoW had when it released. But these things got fixed just as all the issues SWTOR is having will be fixed. It will only take a lil time. I remember back how rough the first 5 months of WoW were but i didn't mind sticking it out because of the potential i saw there. As much potential as i saw in WoW i see even more in SWTOR! This is a great game and it will only get better. Just give them a lil time.


Arcanite Reaper would like to have a word with you.

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