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So if and when they do implement S/S romance...


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Are they adding dialogue for old characters or adding characters? Because I feel like I'd have concerns for either answer from either side of the issue.


Mainly, I'm curious if any characters who who wanted to have one would be able or would have to start over? What about existing low level ones?

Edited by OldVengeance
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I very much doubt they will add new characters purely for homosexual romances. They'll likely just let you pick the [Flirt] options on the same gender and have it play out pretty much the same way.


I do wonder if it's just going to end up with a few scattered same sex flings or everybody in the galaxy will suddenly be bi-sexual.

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Popular opinion is either they'll add it in game and the companions that are romancable go both ways now...


Or the other, is it'll only be for brand new companions.


Either way, I'm not expecting this feature for a while still. Which is a shame. Getting my Legacy, and I really don't feel like playing anymore. It's kind of a bummer missing out on something I've enjoyed in all BioWare games.

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Popular opinion is either they'll add it in game and the companions that are romancable go both ways now...


Or the other, is it'll only be for brand new companions.


Either way, I'm not expecting this feature for a while still. Which is a shame. Getting my Legacy, and I really don't feel like playing anymore. It's kind of a bummer missing out on something I've enjoyed in all BioWare games.




So if I get the above post correctly, you don't feel like playing because...you can't have a same sex romance in the game yet?


If this is indeed the case then...wow. I don't have anything against adding such non-gameplay-essential stuff that people want in the game, but to want to STOP PLAYING because you can't do something so trivial that has ABSOLUTELY no impact on the game whatsoever?

Edited by KaL_InvictuS
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So if I get the above post correctly, you don't feel like playing because...you can't have a same sex romance in the game yet?


If this is indeed the case then...wow. I don't have anything against adding such non-gameplay-essential stuff that people want in the game, but to want to STOP PLAYING because you can't do something so trivial that has ABSOLUTELY no impact on the game whatsoever?


Ah but it does. I'm playing the game for plot and character development, and roleplay. Not for "numbers" or "phat lewtz". The fact I can't RP my character as I want, and when the option is added will feel awkward and forced, is kind of a big downer.

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I think they always had an idea to add in more companions from the start, and while the SGRA thing was skipped initially (un/intentional is another debate in of its self.) they don't want to have to go into every line and rework the current characters to make sure that it feels right.


Just giving all the (flirt) options open to all sexes might be a good idea for most characters, their are a few pronoun usages during flirt options that could lead to problems, plus if you want to do SGRA romance options any justice you will write them fresh, because its going to be a different type of romance.


While this sucks, because certain companions already give off a feel that they are more likely to swing both ways (Kaliyo) its the best answer to this crappy situation.

Edited by Punkre
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Ah but it does. I'm playing the game for plot and character development, and roleplay. Not for "numbers" or "phat lewtz". The fact I can't RP my character as I want, and when the option is added will feel awkward and forced, is kind of a big downer.


I feel the same although it is nto the only reason for not wanitng to play there are other minor things that realy urk me when im playing but tbh they should add the new companions asap as otherwise players who have gone through the lareayd existing gaameplay will have to double back to get their new companions and romances or new players wont get their same romance companions till they get agroed at game and stop paying for somthign they arent enjoying

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Ah but it does. I'm playing the game for plot and character development, and roleplay. Not for "numbers" or "phat lewtz". The fact I can't RP my character as I want, and when the option is added will feel awkward and forced, is kind of a big downer.


I agree; I'm not playing my female Consular until I can romance Nadia Grell.

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Ah but it does. I'm playing the game for plot and character development, and roleplay. Not for "numbers" or "phat lewtz". The fact I can't RP my character as I want, and when the option is added will feel awkward and forced, is kind of a big downer.


I totally agree. It's like if you played Me 3 as a male and get to romance various people, but then when you go female you are barely able to romance anyone at all.


that's the reason I'm not playing my bountyhunter of imperial agent anymore is because I can't have fun, if I'm not going to be able to persue the relationship. I totally agree what one guy said where it seems hinted at that certain characters might be bi like Kailyo who said about finding this one guy handsom and when I said "He's not my type" her affection increased which seemed suggestive :p

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So if I get the above post correctly, you don't feel like playing because...you can't have a same sex romance in the game yet?


If this is indeed the case then...wow. I don't have anything against adding such non-gameplay-essential stuff that people want in the game, but to want to STOP PLAYING because you can't do something so trivial that has ABSOLUTELY no impact on the game whatsoever?


The romances are part of the story, and the rest of the game is so flat, dull, and poorly made that there really isn't a game outside of the story. So...

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I hope they add romancing options to the current companions too, It shouldnt be too difficult from a programing perspective.


Simply Wipe current compainion conversations and allow people to redo them, I can't see how the final outcome for the companion is changed a huge amount accept maybe the following...


Its really not fair to have left them out FORCING players to play a spacific gender just to get a similer story line to those that happend to pick the correct gender.


Or they could simply add the same gender romance option for current companions to appear in new content patch (at 50), Yes it would mean same gender romance happens later than straight gender romance but then it would be there for current compaions, I like Kira cursen alot, she's funny and has bit of a bad girl in her but keeps it just on the light side.


Yes it goes against Jedi laws blah blah blah, but love and romance still exist in the Jedi and DO make the jedi stronger. (Hence anikin (AKA Darth vader) threw the emporor to his doom to save his son. (Thats EMOTION right there)


Emotions can make us reackless and cause mistakes (Anikin going a little crazy killing younglings ect) But it also can make us stronger and allow us to do thing we wouldnt normally be able or willing to do. (throwing emporor to his doom)


Also yo can't have light without dark, good without evil, its the balance that you reach that defines if your good or bad.

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Its really not fair to have left them out FORCING players to play a spacific gender just to get a similer story line to those that happend to pick the correct gender.


That's the reason I have made a male jedi knight and might conssider making a male jedi counceller is the whole idea of seeing what companions I get from looking at various wiki sources online.


should be easy, just have the character have the flirt option, use the existing dialog and then make it lead to the dialog given from a relationship.


Shouldn't be that hard, unless they want to write some new dialog so that it isn't a simple copy/past job.

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So if I get the above post correctly, you don't feel like playing because...you can't have a same sex romance in the game yet?


If this is indeed the case then...wow. I don't have anything against adding such non-gameplay-essential stuff that people want in the game, but to want to STOP PLAYING because you can't do something so trivial that has ABSOLUTELY no impact on the game whatsoever?


If you think the roleplaying aspect of this game has no impact, well I don't really know what to say to that. I don't give two ***** about the numbers, loot or mechanics without the story and characters to support it. if I wanted that, I would play WoW and I quit that game for a reason.


SWTOR is the first MMO I've played that actually deserves the RPG at the end, that may not matter to you, but it sure as hell matters to me.

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I can see where it makes both a Character and Contextual difference. If this is a different universe, as has been so often and so loudly proclaimed by so many who would proclaim this a "flawless" game (which it is not by any stretch of the imagination) there is no vital story-telling or "playtime" reason why same gender relationships of all shades ought to be implemented, and as soon as possible.


But remember too that it cannot be done in a slapdash or thoughtless manner. Like all game content, it requires both production values and the commitment of resources. These same resources are being used to develop new game content, patches, and other aspects of the game. This game is an evolving entity. Sometimes, evolution cannot be mistaken for revolution, no matter how fast we might wish change to come. But bear in mind that change is what this game is does best. The Code says "There is no passion; there is serenity." Be patient. Use the Force. We have been given a new Universe. No Universe worth its stories (or its story-tellers) was ever perfected in a day.


May The Force be with you!



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I can see where it makes both a Character and Contextual difference. If this is a different universe, as has been so often and so loudly proclaimed by so many who would proclaim this a "flawless" game (which it is not by any stretch of the imagination) there is no vital story-telling or "playtime" reason why same gender relationships of all shades ought to be implemented, and as soon as possible.


But remember too that it cannot be done in a slapdash or thoughtless manner. Like all game content, it requires both production values and the commitment of resources. These same resources are being used to develop new game content, patches, and other aspects of the game.

IIRC, it was a relatively simple mod to make Morrigan and Alistair "switch sides" in Dragon Age. And that was made by the players.


It shouldn't take much effort for the people who made the game to do the same.



Pick out a dozen characters or so, change their "can you flirt with them" modifier to yes, make sure the dialogue matches up, and there you have it.


A day or two. Maybe three, tops. It'd be a worthwhile fix until they can go in and really do it properly.

Edited by CharagonIGN
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Pick out a dozen characters or so, change their "can you flirt with them" modifier to yes, make sure the dialogue matches up, and there you have it.


A day or two. Maybe three, tops. It'd be a worthwhile fix until they can go in and really do it properly.


Unless there is gender specific VO for any of the existing romances all it really comes down to is hitting the "can flirt with females/males" checkbox most likely. All the companion VO already exists. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if the PC voice work was already recorded and just not implemented when BW went all homophobic implementing the companion stories. If the VO for the PC is already done it would take like 5 minutes to go set the companion flags to allow s/s romances.


Really disappointed they didn't do this. I doubt I'll continue past my free month with the game. The class stories are really "the game" at this point and the companion romances are a big part of that. I've been avoiding playing the character I actually want to play since the JK can't romance Kira, and its definitely impacted my enjoyment of the game.

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It seems to me that people aren't happy with this not being in the game yet.


It has been confirmed to be coming and what some seem to conveniently forget is that this game is still Brand new. In pretty much all games some content is always left out, mostly non-essential to the running of the game but if they decided to add in everything to make everyone happy then it would likely never have been released.


Personally i would love for this to be added, but i can happily wait for it.


Have patience and it will come.


A watched pot never boils.

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It seems to me that people aren't happy with this not being in the game yet.


It has been confirmed to be coming and what some seem to conveniently forget is that this game is still Brand new. In pretty much all games some content is always left out, mostly non-essential to the running of the game but if they decided to add in everything to make everyone happy then it would likely never have been released.


Personally i would love for this to be added, but i can happily wait for it.


Have patience and it will come.


A watched pot never boils.


I see you're logic, however they have already added a patch for a new flashpoint and operation not that long ago.


Feels like they're dragging their heels on this, but I could be wrong. Like everyone I think all that needs to be changed is the flirt option and ect which should only take a few days as one guy stated above where players modded DAO for Alister and Morrigan to switch over and since it fades to black in this game as I've heard then there are no animations to alter either in my mind.

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I think what would be nice is if the developers (or whoever communicates with us) Could give us a rough ETA on it, That way those WAITING to play the char they want know how long its gonna take (roughly) and can decide what to do with there time.


Like me Im a duel wielder in EVERY game I play (that allows it ofc) Played ranged before found it boring, So I have a Sentinel its female and now I have found that my class story is gonna get screwed just because of my gender. (sexist much)


But a estimated ETA would I think curb alot of heat on this subject.

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I think what would be nice is if the developers (or whoever communicates with us) Could give us a rough ETA on it, That way those WAITING to play the char they want know how long its gonna take (roughly) and can decide what to do with there time.


Like me Im a duel wielder in EVERY game I play (that allows it ofc) Played ranged before found it boring, So I have a Sentinel its female and now I have found that my class story is gonna get screwed just because of my gender. (sexist much)


But a estimated ETA would I think curb alot of heat on this subject.


I think just a word from the devs saying that they are actually working on it would be enough but a rough date would be a great help.

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I am curious about this as well. Hoping that I don't have to re-roll if they do decide to alter existing dialogue for current companions. Although Stephen Reid's statement implies it being with new companions instead. It would be nice if we could get some clarification on this rather than the same copy and paste message and subsequent closing of the thread.


If they do decide to go the new companion route, they would need to add sixteen companions to make it fair for each class and gender. So unless they've already been working on this for a while... it could be some time before we see it implemented.

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Looking through the companions, it looks like a bunch of characters are already getting the shaft (or not getting the shaft, so to speak) when it comes to options.


Jedi Knights, Sith Inquisitors, Troopers, and Bounty Hunters only get one option for a romanceable companion.


Male Consulars, Male IAs, and Female Smugglers only get one option as well, while their counterpart get two. (Except the Female Consular, who gets THREE!)


Sith Warriors also get two for each sex.




It looks like companion balance is screwed up in general. How did the same company that made Mass Effect and Dragon Age manage to muck this up so badly?


On the other hand, if it's this messy now, then it can stand to be messy for a while longer. BioWare should just flip the bi-switch on a couple characters for each class and be done with it.

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