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LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.



Your points are not valid.



What happens with you is not what happens with everyone else. To say something is needed because you are lucky enough to get groups when you want is trolling.




People are jerks even without the tools.

People still Ninja even without them.




The queue looking for dungeon system does more for the game over hurting it.



When I log on to play, I want to play. I don't want to log on and have a chance to play the content I want to play. If I want to do a flash point, and only have a few hours to play today. The queue system does all the things that saves me time.


Also, while people say "It hurts the community" that is false also, What hurts the community more is a bunch of people spamming "Lfg so and so" Or sending tells to everyone. The answer to them same community people is "Make friends and join guilds" My answer to that is, If I'm force to make friends just to see content in todays MMO, this game won't last on the market.



MMO has changed a lot from the old days. It's not just for social thing, Playing online with others is fun, making friends is cool, but at the same time some people don't either have the time, or not really that social to start with, but enjoys having a world where he can make money and do things with people.




I use to make friends for loot in the older mmos. I grew up...Now, I only make friends with people who I like. Not, because they are good at the game. It's time for bioware to grow up.

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Or sort by people actually flagging themselves in the LFG.


Right, Filter to LFG. Click on Rank to position to filter highest level to the top. Or if your sub-50 "LFG [your level]".


Sometimes I'm open to Tank/Heal/DPS more than one Flashpoint.


At most, 5 more characters. Not that big of a deal.


Ooh goodie, you use it. Shame you are probably not looking for my group and you are like the only other person using it.


Yea... so stop acting like the tool doesn't exist and start encouraging people to use it.




Yes. User-error, not the counter-intuitive design. If something as integral as a LFG system on an MMO is not being utilized by a large portion of the player base that is a Developer problem, not a user one, because the Users almost always go for the greater convenience for them. Clearly this is not convenient.


I'd like to know exactly what is inconvenient about checking a box and setting a comment. I'm not going to argue that developers can't improve upon it. Because they can. They should.


If anything, the tool should be a seperate menu with a seperate UI button. But, it's not. That doesn't mean the tool magically doesn't exist. We're not 5 month year olds. Just because something is out of sight doesn't mean it suddenly vanished from the universe.

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So the solution to the problem of grouping is to "encourage people to use the LFG tool" while I'm standing around the fleet spamming general? I'd rather not sit around the fleet while everyone continues to ignore the lfg tool. It's going to take a long time for people to figure out and I'd rather quest or do PvP. We need a Flashpoint finder


So would I. Instead of waiting for the developers to slap new players in the face and scream at them in a bold tutorial on the loading screen "THERE IS AN LFG TOOL IN /WHO" let's instead tell people, "Hey, check out the LFG function in /who."


I see 4 different threads every day for people clamoring for a LFG function in the game, and apparently none of them know one already exists. That's a problem.


And now it seems, when you try to make people aware of it, their argument is. "That tool sucks because nobody uses it, so I don't use it."



Edited by Bigguyonarock
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I'd like to know exactly what is inconvenient about checking a box and setting a comment.


Maybe you should start doing a survey. Lot's of people aren't doing it. I'm pretty sure you are aware of that. Why aren't they doing it? Because nobody looks at it. I would be honestly curious to the reaction you would get if you were to say in the middle of the /1 LFG/M spam 'Hey guys check out the LFG tool!'.


I'm willing to bet 5000 credits you will get A) mocked, B)vague interest 'oh hey he's right. thats cute... LFM-' or C) silence.


If anything, the tool should be a seperate menu with a seperate UI button. But, it's not. That doesn't mean the tool magically doesn't exist. We're not 5 month year olds. Just because something is out of sight doesn't mean it suddenly vanished from the universe.


The tool is bad. It is bad because it isn't visible, requires the user to fiddle around windows and tabs and input stuff. I know that's an affront to most tech-savvy technological savants around here including me but that's the way the Republic ship flags.


Hilariously enough, the LFG tool is even less social than LFG/M spam.

Edited by NoiseTankXIII
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So would I. Instead of waiting for the developers to slap new players in the face and scream at them in a bold tutorial on the loading screen "THERE IS AN LFG TOOL IN /WHO" let's instead tell people, "Hey, check out the LFG function in /who."


I see 4 different threads every day for people clamoring for a LFG function in the game, and apparently none of them know one already exists. That's a problem.




Oh you mean that same tool, that has not worked in other mmos? Ya, that is super lazy way of making a lfg system.



The Queue system works, It made MMOS better for many types of players. For them not to have it on a next gen MMO is laughable.

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Maybe you should start doing a survey. Lot's of people aren't doing it. I'm pretty sure you are aware of that. Why aren't they doing it? Because nobody looks at it. I would be honestly curious to the reaction you would get if you were to say in the middle of the /1 LFG/M spam 'Hey guys check out the LFG tool!'.


I'm willing to bet 5000 credits you will get A) mocked, B)vague interest 'oh hey he's right. thats cute... LFM-' or C) silence.




The tool is bad. It is bad because it isn't visible, requires the user to fiddle around windows and tabs and input stuff. I know that's an affront to most tech-savvy technological savants around here including me but that's the way the Republic ship flags.


Hilariously enough, the LFG tool is even less social than LFG/M spam.


A majority of players don't need to need to look at it. They just need to check the little box, set the comment and go on their way. If you're of the minority of players who are willing to take a leadership role (however minor) and form a group, then checking list every now and then might be for you.


I'd be interested to see what type of person would mock someone for making them aware of a useful in-game function. Vague interest is better than ignorance, and Silence is a common answer to most things said in General Chat.


The tool is bad. It's not obviously visible. But it's not hidden either. We're not navigating through the bowel's of EVE's UI here. The tool shares a window with /who.


Type /who and you're at the LFG tool. Easy as that.


Hopefully BW polishes it further. But right now, how about instead of saying "BW needs to add a LFG tool" we say "BW needs to improve the LFG tool". In the meantime let's fix the problems we can fix ourselves and educate the playerbase via word of mouth instead of waiting around with our thumbs up our ***.

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Oh you mean that same tool, that has not worked in other mmos? Ya, that is super lazy way of making a lfg system.



The Queue system works, It made MMOS better for many types of players. For them not to have it on a next gen MMO is laughable.


Laughably not that big of a deal. A queue system, while extremely convenient, won't make or break party forming.

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Laughably not that big of a deal. A queue system, while extremely convenient, won't make or break party forming.


Wrong. I use the LFG tool BW provides and it does nothing. Every attempt that I've made over the last week to form a group for a flashpoint has failed. I've completely given up on them. At this point, LFG tool would be the only way I can do them.

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I have come around to the idea of a LFG tool. As long as its same server of course. No need for cross server groups.

Same server LFD tool would be pointless.


Rift's LFD tool was originally same server only but then was quickly made cross server.


If you are on a lightly populated server then a same server LFD tool would be worthless.


If you are on at an odd time like 3am then a same server LFD tool would be worthless.


A LFD tool is only as useful as the pool of players it has to draw from. If you drastically limit the pool then you also drastically limit its usefulness. So, what would be the point of BioWare spending the time and resources in adding a LFD tool only to have it be worthless for half the day?


A same server LFD tool would only serve to draw contempt from both sides and please none.

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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great, especially when viewed throuygh rose tinted glasses. Then the groups started being not so great. Then an LFG tool was introduced and no real change happened.

Fixed (order of events)


After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.
No, they were like that long before the lfd tool was added; in nearly 1000 groups (split between several characters) though the lfd tool, I'd say the percentages is less than 2% Edited by ferroz
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No, they were like that long before the lfd tool was added; in nearly 1000 groups (split between several characters) though the lfd tool, I'd say the percentages is less than 2%

Yup, I had 3 maxxed, and two mid range, and actively used the LFD tool. I can count on one hand the asses I had to deal with in all those runs. As opposed to here in this game, where I have one character to low/mid 30s and have already had 5 or 6 rotten experiences because of ******s in runs.
Edited by Umbral
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I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced...

Absolute nonsense!


I've had far more good groups than bad when using WoW's LFD tool.

Before it came, I had completely given up on doing instances on alts. After it was introduced, all my alts have done all instances, which has been great.


If you find it more fun to stand an hour on the space station spamming for group that never happens, we'll don't use the tool then. Simple as that.

Some of us actually enjoy questing and exploring, i.e. actually playing the game, while waiting for a group instead of just standing at the same spot looking at the screen, just hoping someone will answer your LFG spam.

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But if the LFD crowd only wanted fast groups, then why do they attack everyone's ideas for an LFG tool that remains server only?

  1. They don't; lots of people are pro lfd and pro-single server; I'd say around half of them. So saying that the lfd crowd in general is attacking the idea of single server is just not true.
  2. Some of the ones that aren't arguing for single server (I'd say the biggest group of these): they see the fact that single server lfd doesn't work in a lot of situations, primarily: low-mid levels, low population server, off peak times or combinations of these. They attack the idea of a single server lfd because they see it as killing the usefulness of the tool for the majority.
  3. There is group that is pro-lfd and anti-server boundaries. These people see the idea of individual servers locked off from each other as an antiquated concept, and are all for things that tears down those walls. This one's fairly small, but they exist. They attack single server lfd because is an necessarily arbitrary limitation that does nothing but make the tool less effective
  4. There's a group that isn't really pro-lfd or anti-lfd, and argue against the bad arguments on either side. Since the anti-lfd side has more of these, they get hit by this group. They attack the idea of a single server lfd because the people in favor of it don't actually have very good arguments. They stop attacking once you add a valid argument for your case, but if you continue to use bad logic, insults, rhetoric, and large font in pace of arguments you'll continue seeing them
  5. And then there's the tiny miniscule fraction of 1% that are griefers looking for a better way of griefing. They attack the tool because they want to grief.

It's possible that I missed a group.


They attack LFG tool ideas because all an LFG tool does is provide fast groups, but it does not let these greifers behave anyway they want, so the greifers demand a wow copied LFD, with full griefer protections.
There's no significant increase in griefers between single server and cross server lfd. In both cases the rate is miniscule. Edited by ferroz
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WoW brought this in for the very reason it knew their client base which was very loyal was also getting older, they had less time to play as they now had other commitments such as GFs, families, babies work responsibilities and good old fashion fresh air and sunlight


Then why is the next expansion for WOW meant to appeal to children? Pokemons and Kung Fu Pandas, are those really supposed to appeal to adults? Blizzard knows that the adult base is moving away from their game (and frankly the genre).

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1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry

1 - General xxxxxx: LF1M Tank HM BT

1 - General yyyyyy: LF1M Tank HM Foundry


This is all the general chat is full of on the imperial fleet, no LFG too isnt promoting social interaction, it directly counteracts it since you cant talk in general chat cause of all the LFG spam (which unfortunately has nowhere else to go since there isnt even a LFG chat channel)

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1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry

1 - general xxxxxx: Lf1m tank hm bt

1 - general yyyyyy: Lf1m tank hm foundry


this is all the general chat is full of on the imperial fleet, no lfg too isnt promoting social interaction, it directly counteracts it since you cant talk in general chat cause of all the lfg spam (which unfortunately has nowhere else to go since there isnt even a lfg chat channel)


qft !!

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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.



Spamming "LF2M HAMMER NEED HEALS FULL ON DPS!!!!!!!!!!!" over and over again at fleet, and having to see it in chat, is NOT fun. I agree there are Pros and Cons to the LFD tool, but I think it is better then having to spam for thirty minuts to find a group.


I am on Ven Zallow which is a highly populated server, 150ish people at fleet during primetime usa. Still have to spam forever to find a group.


Hence, I support the addition of a LFD tool.

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Nobody did dungeons in old WoW because 1) not enough players at x level 2) trade spam is boring and adds nothing to the game 3) people like to do something else rather than to sit in a city chat.


People did dungeons all the time. I ran with many people I didn't know in the early release of WoW. People ran the dungeons, but... the problem with those who could not get groups was that they were poor players (some socially, others mechanically). With WoWs release, you had two groups of players merging together. You had the old school MMO players and the new to MMO (console players, single player games, etc...) players who weren't used to the mechanics of MMO group dynamics and responsibility. Some learned, others demanded the game change to their mentality and those people had severe problem gaining groups.


Early WoW content was challenging, less forgiving, and sometimes harsh if people didn't work together. Reputation became important and if you had problems playing within the group dynamics, you eventually were seen as a liability regardless of your class.


As expansions were released, they tried to keep the difficulty of content available as they once had, but... players who were not prepared for that type of content complained. The result was them reducing the difficulty of the content, opening up avenues for quick easy reward to allow such players to gain gear quality, and implementing a system that encouraged fast, quick, and careless play with no responsibility to ones action or reputation.


Now I have no problem with the concept and application of an LFG system such as other games implemented (I play only with friends and have no desire to play with random people, I did that in my early MMO days and had my fill), but what often occurs after such a system is implemented is the reduction in the difficulty of the content to more easily fit the "LFG template". This will happen, leaving he challenge of group content to be nothing more than a bland churning of gear/point collection that is often only a 10-15 minute venture.


If that is their goal, then they can be clear early and I will hang this game up like I did the ones before it. Saves us all the time and hassle. Those who want it, can have it, and the rest of us can seek elsewhere.

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Now I have no problem with the concept and application of an LFG system such as other games implemented (I play only with friends and have no desire to play with random people, I did that in my early MMO days and had my fill), but what often occurs after such a system is implemented is the reduction in the difficulty of the content to more easily fit the "LFG template". This will happen, leaving he challenge of group content to be nothing more than a bland churning of gear/point collection that is often only a 10-15 minute venture.


I really am sick of this presumption that the inclusion of a tool that made it easier to get groups somehow 'dumbed' down content.


Because that's exactly what it did. Not people gaining experience and understanding of a dungeon and it's bosses, and accumulating gear at a faster rate which allows quicker, more efficient runs.


No, it has to be the LFD tool.


If I trained a gerbil to be able to hunt it's way through a series of mazes with a block of cheese at the end, and it took about two months to do so, will people complain that the mazes are too easy when he barrels through them all flawlessly?



If that is their goal, then they can be clear early and I will hang this game up like I did the ones before it. Saves us all the time and hassle. Those who want it, can have it, and the rest of us can seek elsewhere.


You want a challenging MMO, I assume. Well, companies like Blizzard implemented things like Hard Mode raids, and even Bioware implemented hard mode raids. What you seem to be looking for is exclusive content, which is a rotten, old model and not suited for a company who invested well over 300 million dollars to get minimal returns on.

Edited by NoiseTankXIII
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