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This que is horrible


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You need to cancel your preorder like I did. Put your money where your mouth is.... and not only that.... ask that they do the right thing here and allow EQUAL ACCESS for everyone... reset ALL SERVERS on the 19th at 2359.


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Are you REALLY that slow? Early Access is NOT a BONUS. We PRE-ORDERED the game entirely for EARLY ACCESS. I really wish you idiots would stop saying that early access is a bonus or perk of some kind. Early Access is for those that paid money for a game that would not receive at the time of transaction. WE are doing the developers a favor by pre-ordering NOT the other way around.


So climb back in your hole and **** unless you have something somewhat intelligent to say.


You preordered for "UP TO 5 DAYS EARLY ACCESS". Bioware lives up to its promise if you get early access on 12/19/11 at 11:59pm. Personally, if I read this post as a devoloper, I'd give you access exactly at that time. Then moniter your account and permaban you for saying 1 thing wrong after you get access.


But there is a reason I will ever be in that position.

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You need to cancel your preorder like I did. Put your money where your mouth is.... and not only that.... ask that they do the right thing here and allow EQUAL ACCESS for everyone... reset ALL SERVERS on the 19th at 2359.


Actually no, what you suggest would not be "the right thing" as they would go back on what they said in that characters created during early access would not be wiped.


Every thing that has transpired these first two days of early access has gone just as they said all along.


Apparently you've been expecting a different outcome from what you've been told the outcome was going to be.


You've got nobody but yourself to blame for being angry. Sadly too many people are incapable of realizing fault lies within.

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Its a tragic disaster of a system unfortunately.


At Blizzard HQ they are basically all collectively rolfing at the fact that, in order to sidestep technical issues and get their players enjoying the game, Bioware have created a queue that dwarfs even the worst server queue known to man. There are literally hundreds of thousands of easger gamers around the world sitting waiting to play but Bioware isn't letting them because of this moronic EGA system.


Whether they admit it now, or never, we will never ever see this type of MMO launch ever again.

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If everybody came on at once well, we would be bogged down bad. If you are pissed that you were not the first to get access then complete either of the following:

1) If you purchased the game: Ensure to pre order on day one of the next MMO ya want to play.

2) Mommie bought it: Get a job and pre order day one of the next MMO that comes out.


I am waiting my early access as well and I ordered it in Aug. I have no problem waiting a day or more from my buds. I chat in the guild TS/Vent chan to learn from their initial mistakes. Then I will improve my xp more efficeintly then my predecessors did.

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I too am eagerly waiting for my invite but i am not upset cause i didnt preorder when most did or when i should have, all i really want to say is that people need to look at both sides the player and the company. Both have respective arguements but at the end of the day all the drama will still exist even if we were to get an early invite ect.
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The problem is the hype on the site they say people who preordered are playing, no some people who preordered are playing not everyone .... They should have said in their adds , and hype if you preorder now you may get to play 1 day before launch chances are if you preodered after beta testing you are not going to get to have early access to game before launch on Dec. 20 simple no confusion just truth, no they send a email out to everyone that preordered that they are going to start early access to the game on the Dec. 13 .....nothing about waves of preorders being let in all week til the Dec. 19. That info didn't come till everyone tried to login on the 13 ...then you see that you benfit nothing for preordering before launch ...just hype to get preorders nice job Bioware....EA is training you well.
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Yeah... this whole "que" (its queue, people. come on.) business is pretty absurd. You aren't in a queue. Crying about "waiting in queue for hours" is just a flat-out false statement, or at the very least a confused misuse of language. It's no ones fault but your own if you are sitting around doing nothing until you get your access, which wasn't supposed to start until tomorrow AT THE EARLIEST for the incredibly vast majority of the time we were all aware that early access would even exist. Diablo 3 isn't out yet, does that mean all of us who want to play that game are currently sitting in a queue waiting to play it? Reality checks are free, everyone. Tip your waitress.
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You need to cancel your preorder like I did. Put your money where your mouth is.... and not only that.... ask that they do the right thing here and allow EQUAL ACCESS for everyone... reset ALL SERVERS on the 19th at 2359.


In SWG we did have the servers reset after 24 hours. In wow we had six+ hour queues and if you were lucky one of the servers that was down for a couple days at a time.

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No it isn't , pre-access was a selling point for " Pre - Ordering " , it isn't a gift , it is part of the " SALES PACKAGE " .


Also , everyone who pre-ordered paid a small fee up front , that also removes any form of a gift .


I don't pay people when they give me some chocolates as a gift ..........................


Actually... I didn't pre-order because of 'promise for early access'... I actually pre- ordered to reserve the game...so its a matter of perception...


Also... the pre-order fee as I understand it ... was to reserve my copy of the game...


Anyway I am in now and am playing.


Good luck to all of you.

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I too am eagerly waiting for my invite but i am not upset cause i didnt preorder when most did or when i should have, all i really want to say is that people need to look at both sides the player and the company. Both have respective arguements but at the end of the day all the drama will still exist even if we were to get an early invite ect.


You ordered in December I take it. If you wanted to get on Early Access why did you wait so long?

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Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.


You're thread is so important in it's relevance let me tell ya. You're like a baby without its bottle. I'll be so glad when everyone is in the game so the TOR community can at least appear to be more mature than any of the other MMO communities. You're welcome for the bump.

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I believe that from what I am hearing, this launch has been phenomenal. I hear no complaints of people who are actually in, just ones who have yet been accepted into early game access. I just wish they would let us know before hand when we would be able to play instead of having us waiting. Even though I have yet to be let in to the game, I really like how they are staggering the invites out. Nothings worse than having the starting area crowded as hell, and giving off a horrible first impression of the game.
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I have been in multiple launches and this is by far the smoothest.


I've been in multiple launches, this is by far the worst.


Its the resentment its created by leaving people feeling like they are outside the shop looking in, but are not allowed in, and wont be allowed in until some indeterminate time in the future.


Does not matter waht was promised, or the reasons, that the feeling its created. Instead of an exciting launch, BW have managed to create more QQ threads in 2 days than most MMOs get in a month or longer. Anyone comming to the forums, gets a hugely negative impression right off the bat. It was predictable, and it was poorly managed.

And its been compounded by piss poor communication, them stopping waves mid afternoon, and stupid twitter posts which are borderline insulting to their customers who are just excited and eager to play the game they are paying for.

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