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Why no one groups?


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Somehow no one cares about social points, ok me neither. But apparently no one cares about the only thing that can make this game interesting, bearable, a little less linear and predictable, : grouping to do the silly quests in game.

My first character managed, by a great amount of patience, to reach nearly rank 3 in social around lvl 26. The 3 people i found that enjoyed the content at my lvl either outleveled me, left for an obscure alt or disappeared.

The new ones don't even have rank 1 in social.


I even tried to join a rp server thinking that maybe the people that are anal about the game universe would group, but it's the same as on any other server. 150+ people in one zone, a **** load of them pass by the quest giver i wait to initiate with someone, but no one interested to group. And i know they are here, they get very exited when comparing mmo's.

I also wonder if there is an automatic disband button after the end of a flashpoint/heroic.


And the lack of lfg feature isn't an excuse, i played lots of f2p without it, terrible content and still managed to group. Here we even have an insensitive to do it, as it a major innovation in mmo, but we just ignore it completely. Unless the game will make soloing much harder, which will never happen ofc...


Am I the only saddened by this? Is there anybody left that wish to enjoy the game for what it has before end-game where you start doing those cool same dungeons over and over?

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I think the 1st play through is spent going through the story, which people do at a different pace. I feel like this will be less of an issue once people are rolling alts and care less about the story.


As an Inquisitor my Class Story got me so caught up that I didnt want to do anything else besides it... I have a feeling others kinda experienced the same. Now on my alt I'm all about grouping.

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There is no reason to. You said it yourself, who cares about social points? Why would you group? Loot to craft with, there is none. XP increase, there is none. All you have when you group is yet another time sink waiting for someone to read/listen to all the dialouge.


It's a console experience with chat. BW's first attempt, too bad it had to be with SW. Also remind yourself that this is the begining. I'm not at all excited after giving this a go.


It may be better down the road, but I do not think so as they are not targeting the gamer that wants a community and grouping. There are not even server forums. In PvP WZ's anyone can just leave at anytime, it is another example of where the game leans toward the "me me me" player.


I think the game looks great, outside of smuggler armor/clothing (/puke). But it ends there. I've grouped outside of forced WZ groups about 4 times.


There is just no need to.

Edited by KrackenOne
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Since this is the first time I'm playing this game, I really want to immerse myself into my character and the story (which I am really enjoying, btw). And I find it very distracting when I have to look at general chat with people's off topic comments or LFG/LFM spams. Also, when I'm knee deep in a good plot line, the last thing I want is for someone to send me a random invite or a tell asking if I wanna do a flashpoint.


I was even hesitant to join a guild because I knew that would lead me to the "how come I'm not an officer", "how come I don't get any help", "why are people ignoring me when I ask a question", anyone want <links to a bunch of crappy gear>, "ding! grats! ding! grats! ding! grats! ding! grats!..." and so on.


Seriously, I'm just enjoying the story and the game itself too much to bother with all of that typical MMO crap right now. Maybe after a few more play throughs on the Empire and Sith sides I will start getting more into the grouping aspects of the game, but right now, I'm just having too much fun to bother.

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i kind of feel the same way. sometimes when i group with people for flashpoints, they leave immediately and don't even want to turn in the mission together. i usually love group work and dungeons/raids were my favorite things to do in WoW, but i find myself not really caring about grouping now in this game after some experiences. i don't mind though, solo-ing is new for me, but i enjoy the story line and going at my own pace. i'm hoping that end game content provides me with some group/social things to do though.
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I'm right there with you on this one. I love grouping even if it's quests that could be done solo. You can do them quicker and it helps you learn your class in a group setting. However; I can't find anyone to group with most of the time. Outside of Heroic quests and Flashpoints.


It's a little sad :(

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I hate grouping. I hate the fact that I have to miss out on Heroic levels because I cant solo them. It sounds like from your post, that I am not alone in this.


But you did get me curious about social points. Is there some reason social points are desirable? Some content that I am denied access to because I dont have the social points?

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It's all relative - if you have no desire to buy any of the social items - then there is no reason to group unless absolutely necessary.


Heroics/Flashpoints are completely optional - most of the people I know skip 'em or just run them when they are able to solo it.


I personally overlook Heroics/Flashpoints unless it's a group forming that can do the quest right now... else I'll just save it in my quest log until I can complete it solo.

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That is false. I have 2 people that WE had to form a group and defeat some toughies with. Our group had 3 people and we had to redo it 4 times before we were able to advance ahead. It was in the Old Jedi Temple on Corscant, The mission where you have to kill the Sith Inquisitor. I for one like to do it myself, but there are some missions it just isn't possible. Same can be said if you go after World Bosses. I would advise not doing that alone.
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As for the Heroics quests, I usually wait until I level up about 3 or 4 levels, then fly back and do them at a later time. Makes it quite easy. But I agree, I sat last night and waited over 30 minutes to no avail to do the Esseles Flashpoint and NO ONE helped. Maybe today will be a better day? "Peace is a Lie!"
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Lets make a guild on scepter of ragnos. Based on team questing everything questable.


I'm doing every quest I encounter and pvp alot. I'm already half exp away from lvl 50 and I've just arrived to Corellia. Not to mention that I've managed to squeeze some players to get Social 2 for the slave outfit for Vette.


If I had a full group for every quest I've played.


I would have Social rank 20 or so.

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Lets make a guild on scepter of ragnos. Based on team questing everything questable.


I'm doing every quest I encounter and pvp alot. I'm already half exp away from lvl 50 and I've just arrived to Corellia. Not to mention that I've managed to squeeze some players to get Social 2 for the slave outfit for Vette.


If I had a full group for every quest I've played.


I would have Social rank 20 or so.



Sounds like a plan, but I'm trying to stay on Kath Hound :/ I already have 2 other characters on Begeren Colony.

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Just curious; Why do you hate grouping so much?


Unless it is a guild group , time waiting looking for a group instead of leveling questing . Looting non class armor / weapons instead of asking if your toon would be an upgrade or can i roll for companion is another issue . For me as a DPS class that i will always play spamming LFG is just to much of a pain and time sink . Getting to 50 then PvPing for gear is a better option in my eyes .

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I try to group as much as I can, mostly with guild mates, but I do pugs here and there. Finding a pug however is very hard in this game, Bioware needs to fix that at some point.


Sometimes I get sick of grouping due to stupid people who have no clue how to play their class. Or those people who don't know what a CC is or when not to use AOE or the purpose of interrupts, arrggg, the list goes on.


I would love to group more as I'm desperate for social points. As Jedi Sage, we need them to you know, dress like a man. :mad:

Edited by intristin
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My experience is a little different to the majority of people here - but that could be a class thing. I am playing a healing-specced Sith Sorcerer and a healing-specced Jedi Sage (mainly because I love the voice acting on the Sage), plus a Powertech.

The people who are having trouble finding groups are, in my experience, the DPS classes. Tanks and healers have no trouble finding a group, and in many cases spend a lot of time turning down invites.

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Since this is the first time I'm playing this game, I really want to immerse myself into my character and the story (which I am really enjoying, btw). And I find it very distracting when I have to look at general chat with people's off topic comments or LFG/LFM spams. Also, when I'm knee deep in a good plot line, the last thing I want is for someone to send me a random invite or a tell asking if I wanna do a flashpoint.


I was even hesitant to join a guild because I knew that would lead me to the "how come I'm not an officer", "how come I don't get any help", "why are people ignoring me when I ask a question", anyone want <links to a bunch of crappy gear>, "ding! grats! ding! grats! ding! grats! ding! grats!..." and so on.


Seriously, I'm just enjoying the story and the game itself too much to bother with all of that typical MMO crap right now. Maybe after a few more play throughs on the Empire and Sith sides I will start getting more into the grouping aspects of the game, but right now, I'm just having too much fun to bother.

Everything, yes. <3


Just one more thing regarding General chat -- I find now that it's full of spoilers as well.

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I think social points have to do with things you buy from the social vendor.


Just curious; Why do you hate grouping so much?



Oh lemme count the ways! J/K


But there really are many reasons, most of them are related.



Several times have I gone halfway through a flashpoint only to have the team get squeamish and QUIT halfway through because they died once and they dont like spending money on equipment repairs. (**Whiny voice** "repairs are expensive!")



I waste so much time looking for a group instead of playing the game. If I finally find a person willing to group but we still need a 3rd, we might then need to spend another 10 minutes to find a 3rd person, during which time the 1st might get impatient and decide to start a mission while he's "waiting" or simply leave altogether. Then, either I wasted 20 minutes standing around trying to chat with strangers, or else my group gets to stand around and wait for this guy to finish his mission.



I often group up with people who are just in a rush to race through it all, which denies me the ability to immerse and fully take in the experience. These people are running to collect everything first, flip every switch first, get the conversation over with, and so on and so forth. They turn what was supposed to be an entertaining story into a chore that isnt much different from doing the dishes.



well actually there are more, but I dont wanna turn this into a gigantic lecture. Sorry if I've already done that. I'm a little curious in return: why do you like grouping so much?

Edited by LordMerrick
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Oh lemme count the ways! J/K


But there really are many reasons, most of them are related.



Several times have I gone halfway through a flashpoint only to have the team get squeamish and QUIT halfway through because they died once and they dont like spending money on equipment repairs. (**Whiny voice** "repairs are expensive!")



I waste so much time looking for a group instead of playing the game. If I finally find a person willing to group but we still need a 3rd, we might then need to spend another 10 minutes to find a 3rd person, during which time the 1st might get impatient and decide to start a mission while he's "waiting" or simply leave altogether. Then, either I wasted 20 minutes standing around trying to chat with strangers, or else my group gets to stand around and wait for this guy to finish his mission.



I often group up with people who are just in a rush to race through it all, which denies me the ability to immerse and fully take in the experience. These people are running to collect everything first, flip every switch first, get the conversation over with, and so on and so forth. They turn what was supposed to be an entertaining story into a chore that isnt much different from doing the dishes.



well actually there are more, but I dont wanna turn this into a gigantic lecture. Sorry if I've already done that. I'm a little curious in return: why do you like grouping so much?



All valid reasons and things you have to tolerate when grouping, I suppose. As for the reasons I like grouping so much, they aren't as easily definable. I like meeting people on the server. Seeing how they play, what crafting they're doing and how they're enjoying the game.


That way I can market what I craft to them or see if I could buy something off of them. When doing the flashpoints/Heroics around the level they're intended I'm more likely to use the rewards from that instance.


I love helping people. Even if I've already done the mission, I don't mind going back and redoing it simply to help a stranger. Maybe, hopefully, they'll do the same if the roles are ever reversed. Whenever I group with someone, I always add them to my list. I try to check in with any of the people on my friends list if they're on. Just to see how things are going.


I'm going to stop there because this list was easier then I thought and it could go on a while. ;)

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ToR plays so much like a single player game, I guess that's how many treat it.


I haven't personally had any problems getting groups together, though it has to be the right time of the day, otherwise it's an utter waste of time.

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You can skip all the groups quests and still be way ahead in level. The TIME it takes to organize a group for a 4man vs the reward doesn't make it worthwhile. I can get the same amount of xp doing 2 space missions in 7 mins as it takes to organize and complete a 4man in 30-45 mins.

Wiping because people refuse to treat 4man seriously, split dps and break cc means it's not worth the effort. I try doing 2 mans, that's a good idea but on tatooine when im online there are 18 ppl in the whole zone and not a single one responded.


ToR leveling is best done solo.

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TOR is actually my very first MMO experience. Been a PC gamer since the late 90s, and avoided the other earlier MMO titles due to studies and work. I still do those things, but come on...STAR WARS :D :D :D !!

I'm still learning the mechanics of MMOs, as well as the abbreviations and comms with other players.


It was, initially, a worry for me, and some others, that the KoTOR experience would be lost via transition to MMO style.

As a poster said earlier, it can be played solo, and that was how I approached this game.

I was curious about the chatter, but as stated earlier, I had no MMO experience, and had no idea what LFG, LF1M...etc meant, let alone dps, aoe, cc.


The concept of Heroic missions also stumped me, but I quickly learned that these kinds of missions were generally more difficult, and required 2-4 players. From this, I went on to figure out what LFG...etc meant. It was out of curiosity, I decided to respond to one LFG request, and grouped up. I found the dynamics interesting, and quite fun.

Playing as a consular sage, I'm spec'ed mainly for healing, but also a little damage dealing. On hard missions, I keep my distance and heal; easier missions, I do both healing and dps.

It's a little annoying when grouping with jedi knight players, because you get the over zealous types, who leap into fights, and I'm having to catch up because they're out of my range.


I have since routinely grouped up on a few heroics, and had a few memorable games...not because of the mission, but mainly because of those I played with. I do find it, personally, rewarding and satisfying when a group communicates and plans during missions; designating targets, cc'ing others, tactical positioning so I am able to stay in range to heal. Even more rewarding when you heal someone from the brink...if a player sustains a critical series of hits, knocking and instant 60% off their health. Yes; it's happened a few times.

One of my worries, were being grouped with players, who take things too seriously, and snap on every detail. Thankfully, this has not happened...yet :p


Due to my busy schedule of studies and work, I only get to play late at night, when most have left.

Another thing is, if I land on a planet for the first time, I like to explore and solo for a bit, before grouping.


Group Decisions...

Group Showdown...

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I don't really have the same feeling. I don't know if the problem is server specific, but I'm playing on Vrook Lamar which seems is mostly people from the West Coast of the United States. I'm sure any of you who know about the west coast know how awesome west coasters are at everything social and diverse. Look at Seattle's band culture. California's culture in general is another great example. I'm just stroking West Coast ego though cause it never gets enough of that.


In any case, I haven't ever really had a problem finding a group for anything. Granted I do most of my questing solo until I pick up a Heroic and then I ask in character if anyone else is venturing into said quest. I usually find a way to make it sound less like a LFG and more like I can't be the only one that the Empire relies on in times of need. Then occasionally I end up doing all the quests on the planet with 1-2 from that group, or at least a large portion of them.


A big thing for me though, I LOVE having my companion around, so if it means I have to dismiss my companion there's a part of me that's less likely to group up. Vette says some pretty awesome stuff, as does Kira, and T7 and Qyzen Fess. Corso can be endearing and funny too. I mean, Bioware went through all this time and effort to make this large selection of pretty class unique companions and their personalities and I feel stinted when I can't use them.


What I think would help group even more is make it so that you can't have more than 4 players in a group, but if you only have 3 players, you could have 3 companions. Since, from my perspective a companion is about 3/4 of a player's skill since they're pretty well self reliant just without all the min/maxing.


I think I rant and ramble too much sometimes... I think it's not too hard to get into groups, but I wish that the community was more open to pairing up with people or that the grouping system allowed for more companions so that I didn't feel like my companion was only a place holder in a party. Especially since in the stories the companions are pretty well fleshed out, it feels like a shame to just leave them on my ship or send them off on crafting missions whenever I'm with other "Heroes"

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The game is easy.


It's really that simple. My friend bought the game and created a Sith Inquisitor (turned Assassin at level 10.) He was level 10 by the end of the night (3 hours or so) and so I hopped on my level 12 Mercenary and we ran Black Talon, just the two of us. He was completely left in the dust as I essentially soloed the entire instance, killing the mobs before he even reached them (to be fair, the Merc is particularly suited to dealing with trash, on account of the numerous AoE abilities available even at a low level.) I was fully confident that I could have taken down the bosses on my own (I've soloed Black Talon in beta with a level ~12 Inquisitor.) My friend's only comments were "Where are the strong enemies?" and "Pathetic."


The game remains this easy until about level 30, and even at that level only parts of the game become a challenge. There's absolutely no reason to group before level 30 except to do actual flashpoints like Hammer Station and Athiss, and even then you really only need a second person. Furthermore, it's entirely possible to find every piece of gear that's an upgrade for your character in a single run of the instance, decreasing the replay value of each flashpoint (not to mention most flashpoints are not designed to be nearly as engaging as Black Talon/Esseles.)


There are tons of statistics out there that prove that the majority of MMO gamers, given an option between soloing and grouping, will choose to solo. BioWare made the mistake of not only making their content so easy that even most 4-man heroics are soloable, but also provided players very little incentive to group, as there's little of value available at social vendors (mainly just costumes which are mechanically useless to any class but the Inquisitor and Consular, since they are all "light" armor.)


Yes, as the game progresses into the 30's and 40's the challenge increases. But players don't wait until they are halfway to end-game to form an opinion about the quality of the game content, and players who have soloed the first 30 levels of the game with ease don't usually turn around and embrace an entirely new dynamic to their adventuring. Instead of finding groups for challenging content, players simply complain that their quests have become "too hard." And that's not just conjecture on my part, that's literally what happened near the end of beta. Players quite vocally complained that they could no longer solo content after 30. BioWare proceeded to tune down the difficulty (and even tuned down the difficulty of the lower levels as well, even though you rarely heard complaints of low level content being too difficult to complete.)


The simple explanation is that this game is so easy, and leveling so convenient and fast, that players see no reason to spend extra time organizing groups. Especially when you're forced to spam general chat in order to LFG, and often times must hop between the fleet station and the appropriate planet just to fill all four spots in your group.



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