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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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So I guess the 6 times this thread has been reposted, and all its posters fighting against the crappy textures, must not be avid gamers.


lol. People like you make me glad I give charity.


I'm not saying other people aren't avid gamers... I'm saying that I am. The person said that I am not an avid gamer (or hinted at it) I merely said that I am. What's the problem here?

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So what? That changes nothing trololol. Same variations of the same argument are all valid. "they lied" "it was in beta" "no high res textures in game right now" "losing the high res option"


nothing you said in that post means a weasel to me. oh wait that is because i am a bad selfish person who should die. I know, you don't need to tell me again.


I never said people were bad for liking or disliking something. You're attacking straw men (quite in quite a viscous manner). I think it's shallow, but if you want to quit, that's your choice and I wish you the best in all that you do.

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I am arguing subjectively, that's why I mentioned multiple time that this is MY opinion. I'm just saying I THINK it's shallow to quit a game over graphics. You can be more qualified than me, but that does not mean that my qualifications are not more than sufficient to discuss this topic (which the person called my qualifications into question, so it's not like I was going out of my way to show them).


I can respect that people have a different opinion than I, but don't claim that I don't know what I'm talking about. Especially if you have NO idea if I do or do not have a clue.


I bet you most people invested in this issue aren't going to quit over it. That's the vocal minority throwing a tantrum.


Most adults would simply unsubscribe without a word if they where dissapointed in a product and had no interest in seeing it improved.


I am here protesting these horrible design decisions because I love this game for the gameplay, and want it to succeed in ALL fields. This texture issue is a blight on a great game, and they need to take this issue seriously.


THanks for posts like this, they are.

Edited by BeeblesTV
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I only reported because you insulted me. If you want to say that Stephen Reid does not mean that the graphics will be imrpoved for character models in patch 1.2, please take it up with him. I read what he said, and that it seemed like to me.


No, I want hi resolution textures. Does he say they're putting the hi-res textures back......



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here's an option


stop trying to tell me how to run the game on my machine. let me choose to crash constantly while having the highest resolution textures possible. don't assume you know my computer and what its capable of because i guarantee you will be mistaken.


throughout the entirety of these threads you have repeated the same thing, that they were right in forcing me to run the game how they believe i should. limiting my option i know for a fact my machine can handle. i built my machine, and i know it's limits. you or bioware telling me it would crash on my computer is a complete folly and only shows your ignorance in the matter.



This is where you would be wrong. This is ego talking.


They have the metrics, no assumptions. Unless you somehow built a computer from the future, even top-end PCs were crashing in the Fleet.


But besides that, the suggestion I listed is the best thing BW can do right now.

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I'm not saying other people aren't avid gamers... I'm saying that I am. The person said that I am not an avid gamer (or hinted at it) I merely said that I am. What's the problem here?


But in the end it doesn't matter to you.

You're the type that can play Minecraft, and go on and on about how fun it is.

I can't,lol.

I buy $300+ video cards for a reason.

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I never said people were bad for liking or disliking something. You're attacking straw men (quite in quite a viscous manner). I think it's shallow, but if you want to quit, that's your choice and I wish you the best in all that you do.


I am quiting because of 6 or so major problems with this game (I made a thread outlining it at one point but it's down in the land of the lost theads I assume. The graphics are only one visual kick in the nuts, the rest of the problems I am leaving over are far more user interface and actual gameplay related problems.

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I've never played an MMO before ever, and I notice the textures all the time as well as the other horrible graphical missteps, judging by the size of this thread others do as well, A LOT of others, so my question to you posting in a thread about hi-res textures is:


What is your point, because you grind for hours on end I'm not suppossed to notice the horrible low res textures?


Honestly? You may notice them sometimes, but it's not like they're screaming your face while you're playing the game. They don't make it harder for you to play, they're pure aesthetics. But like I said, even though I personally don't think it's worth quitting over, feel free to do it if you wish, best of luck to you.


As to why am I posting that in this thread? I'm trying to show people that this thread has gone beyond being constructive. It's become the center of "I hate this game for X reason!", there are very few truly constructive posts left. I also felt like I wanted to voice my opinion on people's responses to this issue, so I posted it.

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No, I want hi resolution textures. Does he say they're putting the hi-res textures back......




Does he say they are not? No. He is not clear on what increased fidelity means because they want a good fix that will not hurt performance, and does not want people to slam them if they cannot deliver it perfectly. He says unequivocally that the character graphics improvement will happen in patch 1.2. That is what he said. If you don't believe him, or you are not satisfied with them doing this their way (whether that is 100% hi res textures or something else that improves them), that is another issue, and that is certainly not my problem.

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I bet you most people invested in this issue aren't going to quit over it. That's the vocal minority throwing a tantrum.


Most adults would simply unsubscribe without a word if they where dissapointed in a product and had no interest in seeing it improved.


I am here protesting these horrible design decisions because I love this game for the gameplay, and want it to succeed in ALL fields. This texture issue is a blight on a great game, and they need to take this issue seriously.


THanks for posts like this, they are.


Ya, you're probably right about them being the vocal minority.


I too hope they fix it, but I think the people in this thread are being a little harsh, and they're overreacting IMO.

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This is where you would be wrong. This is ego talking.


They have the metrics, no assumptions. Unless you somehow built a computer from the future, even top-end PCs were crashing in the Fleet.


But besides that, the suggestion I listed is the best thing BW can do right now.

Due to a horrible unopimized piss poor engine.


Stop attributing the reason for no higher res textures to hardware. It's just not true.

Or it is hardware constrained due to the piss poor game engine. The same thing?....but not.


I'll say it again. I can play Lotro, Aion, or Conan to name 3 maxed out, in busy areas, and they look 2x better than TOR.

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And what is your CPU usage, RAM usage, GPU fan speed, and CPU temp when both in the world, at the fleet, and in a warzone?


I'll be waiting.


Not at my house at the moment, but my cpu usage doesn't go past 40% to my studied knowledge, my cpu temp has never gone over 32c, and averages around 27c, gpu fan speed is like 1600 I think? I posted a s/s last night but theres so search >>.

My game plays fine in both the fleet and warzones, the only issues I truly have are responsiveness and the fact I was lied to.


(i know you didnt ask me, but its relevant to the question)

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But in the end it doesn't matter to you.

You're the type that can play Minecraft, and go on and on about how fun it is.

I can't,lol.

I buy $300+ video cards for a reason.


I understand that, we all have different tastes. I personally wouldn't quit or react severely to a graphics issue, that's why I'm making sure it's known that this is all just MY opinion. My favorite game of all time, probably Baldurs Gate II, so that should show that your observation is correct, I really can play regardless of graphics (I used to play text adventures on the SNES).


I really hope they fix it for all of us, even I like better graphics. I just don't think it's worth quitting over is all :p.

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Honestly? You may notice them sometimes, but it's not like they're screaming your face while you're playing the game. They don't make it harder for you to play, they're pure aesthetics. But like I said, even though I personally don't think it's worth quitting over, feel free to do it if you wish, best of luck to you.


As to why am I posting that in this thread? I'm trying to show people that this thread has gone beyond being constructive. It's become the center of "I hate this game for X reason!", there are very few truly constructive posts left. I also felt like I wanted to voice my opinion on people's responses to this issue, so I posted it.


Um ya but with my computer and the level that I'm accustomed to they are screaming in my face. The textures, the alaising, and the draw distance. what you're saying is it doesn't matter, I'm saying that it does, and I'm saying it in the proper topic, a topic about hi-res textures.

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I understand that, we all have different tastes. I personally wouldn't quit or react severely to a graphics issue, that's why I'm making sure it's known that this is all just MY opinion. My favorite game of all time, probably Baldurs Gate II, so that should show that your observation is correct, I really can play regardless of graphics (I used to play text adventures on the SNES).


I really hope they fix it for all of us, even I like better graphics. I just don't think it's worth quitting over is all :p.


Hey, I loved Baldurs gate...back at the time.


I have fond memories of Chrono Trigger or what not.

But it's 2012 now. I'm living in today, and playing todays games, and todays games have higher standards.

Or..the players do. Same deal.

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This is where you would be wrong. This is ego talking.


They have the metrics, no assumptions. Unless you somehow built a computer from the future, even top-end PCs were crashing in the Fleet.


But besides that, the suggestion I listed is the best thing BW can do right now.


and like i said, if i want to have my extremely high end machine running the highest level graphics the game has all the time, and crashing to desktop in the fleet. THAT IS MY CHOICE. no one but me should be making MY choice for me. and i can guarantee my machine can run this game on their max setting and never crash, i am willing to bet at minimum 100 USD on that.


and no, your suggestion is a compromise to something that should have no compromise. it should be available for everyone regardless of if their machine can run it. let the use figure out if it works, they can scale it back down otherwise.


unless you have some ridiculous belief that is they enabled the max graphic settings that everyone on every machine everywhere would be forced into running that high a level.


my ego has nothing to do with bioware telling me my machine can't do something i know full well it can. you say they have the metrics, they don't have the metrics of every single computer every single customer that bought their game has. they are just pandering to the lowest common denominator, which is just wrong, if just for the simple fact that you can turn down settings if they are too much for your machine. it is impossible to bring graphics higher than what they limit you because a portion of the player base has poorly built computers

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Due to a horrible unopimized piss poor engine.


I'll say it again. I can play Lotro, Aion, or Conan to name 3 maxed out, in busy areas, and they look 2x better than TOR.


Stop attributing the reason for no higher res textures to hardware. It's just not true.



I never attributed to hardware... I'm well aware the issue is because of poor optimization.


Someone needs to calm down (not to mention stop using anecdotal statements). :cool:



The point is, how the game currently runs, even top-end PCs will crash in Fleet if they had High-res textures. So, the [temporary] solution to that that I've been posting is:


1) Add the ability to enable High res textures for your character and party members


or alternatively


2) Add the ability to enable high res textures for the first 20-ish models to be rendered on your screen.



Number 1) is very easy and very fast for them to do. 2) would take longer. In any case, doing either of these would placate the vast majority of people who are upset while they fix the underlying problems in 1.2 and later.

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Does he say they are not? No. He is not clear on what increased fidelity means because they want a good fix that will not hurt performance, and does not want people to slam them if they cannot deliver it perfectly. He says unequivocally that the character graphics improvement will happen in patch 1.2. That is what he said. If you don't believe him, or you are not satisfied with them doing this their way (whether that is 100% hi res textures or something else that improves them), that is another issue, and that is certainly not my problem.


who's performance? not mine, yours maybe? how is that my problem?


i should not have to suffer low resolution textures just because you or a portion of the playerbase can't handle them.


like i have said before, you can always turn down graphics from the highest resolution if needed. you can't do the reverse if it's not made available.

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and like i said, if i want to have my extremely high end machine running the highest level graphics the game has all the time, and crashing to desktop in the fleet. THAT IS MY CHOICE. no one but me should be making MY choice for me. and i can guarantee my machine can run this game on their max setting and never crash, i am willing to bet at minimum 100 USD on that.


and no, your suggestion is a compromise to something that should have no compromise. it should be available for everyone regardless of if their machine can run it. let the use figure out if it works, they can scale it back down otherwise.


unless you have some ridiculous belief that is they enabled the max graphic settings that everyone on every machine everywhere would be forced into running that high a level.


my ego has nothing to do with bioware telling me my machine can't do something i know full well it can. you say they have the metrics, they don't have the metrics of every single computer every single customer that bought their game has. they are just pandering to the lowest common denominator, which is just wrong, if just for the simple fact that you can turn down settings if they are too much for your machine. it is impossible to bring graphics higher than what they limit you because a portion of the player base has poorly built computers


If they did that, it would reveal just how terribly optimized this game is and how the engine just can't handle it. Instead prepare to see a graphical enhancement of about 3% in the next 3 months.. :cool:

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and like i said, if i want to have my extremely high end machine running the highest level graphics the game has all the time, and crashing to desktop in the fleet. THAT IS MY CHOICE. no one but me should be making MY choice for me. and i can guarantee my machine can run this game on their max setting and never crash, i am willing to bet at minimum 100 USD on that.



Nope, wrong. Instead of ************ that you don't have high res textures on the forums, you would be ************ that you are constantly crashing any time you're in a high population area. The difference is, one situation is playable (as in you can actually play the game), and the other is not (crashing).


Can you imagine if they had left it as it was during EGA with all the queues? There would have been 10 times as much rage as there already was due to people crashing any time they went to Fleet and having to re-queue.

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Um ya but with my computer and the level that I'm accustomed to they are screaming in my face. The textures, the alaising, and the draw distance. what you're saying is it doesn't matter, I'm saying that it does, and I'm saying it in the proper topic, a topic about hi-res textures.


I'm not saying it doesn't matter, I don't think you're understanding. I'm saying it's not worth quitting over (or it shouldn't be). I'm responding to people, in the proper topic, that say they're quitting over it, or overreacting severely. I'm saying it's better to not give up on something based on the most superficial of all reasons, and ultimately, this thread is not the appropriate place to say "I'm quitzorz". This thread is for having a constructive discussion about the high resolution issue.

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who's performance? not mine, yours maybe? how is that my problem?


i should not have to suffer low resolution textures just because you or a portion of the playerbase can't handle them.


like i have said before, you can always turn down graphics from the highest resolution if needed. you can't do the reverse if it's not made available.


It's not my choice, I'm just discussing Bioware's intentions (or what I believe them to be). If it were up to me, I would have them put all the options in and let us choose whatever we want on all sorts of graphical options. I prefer more choice. However, they are the dev, and they want their game to be great, of that I have no doubt. I don't really know what all their motivations are.

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I'm not saying it doesn't matter, I don't think you're understanding. I'm saying it's not worth quitting over (or it shouldn't be). I'm responding to people, in the proper topic, that say they're quitting over it, or overreacting severely. I'm saying it's better to not give up on something based on the most superficial of all reasons, and ultimately, this thread is not the appropriate place to say "I'm quitzorz". This thread is for having a constructive discussion about the high resolution issue.


It's a matter of principle.

Sure the game is fun enough, But by paying for it, you're saying their game with low res textures, and terrible draw distance is just fine with you.

You may as well tell them it doesn't matter, cuz you'll pay regardless.

And unless you simply say you're quiting with no reason why, it IS constructive.

You may not agree with why, but that doesnt stop it from being constructive.

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