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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Tried the holoterminal trick myself. And the differencies in quality are just shocking.





Both screenshots taken with texture quality set to "high" and character detail set to "high".

So telling us "it works as intended" is a joke. :mad:



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Is there any reason each players character can not be rendered with hq textures on their own client?


ie, At my end my character would have high rez textures but everyone else on my screen would be low rez, and vice versa to anyone else.


Surely this would keep the total number of calls within an acceptable amount.


While I would like to see everyone and in overabundance of beautiful pixels, this would to me be an acceptable compromise.


Thing is, if one player sets "HQ=ON", it does not mean that everyone else will percieve his textures as HQ. That setting applies to that client only, what happens on THAT client's screen.


So, the excuse BioWare devs are using is sooooo far stretched that it actually explodes as a "baloon".


I see the reasoning behind the excuse, surely, what is full of BS is the fact that they could've EASILY implemented HQ textures on "High" setting and made a "warning"-tooltip before the setting was applied, stating that "BE AWARE! Setting these textures on will kill your fps if your rig is ancient. Use at your own peril". It is literally a few "boolean" tags here n there, and it should be working.


Im a coder, whatever the credibility it gives me, and seriously do NOT accept BioWare's excuse. People should be able to choose the "insane" setting if they'd like.


Also, since "everyone" compares SWTOR to WoW:

-WoW Vanilla tiers and items had particle effects to them since the release. Textures were high quality too. The FUN fact, to make it even more funny, is that WoW engine was a modified Warcraft 3 engine ,which was not made for MMOs _at all_, yet Blizzard manages to release a MMO with high-res textures and particle effects on armor and weapons since the release. This was November 23, 2004.


8 years later, BioWare states they disabled high-res textures because "people would lag" and there would be "too many rendrer calls". BioWare, sorry guys and girls, sorry to the devs, but i do NOT buy your excuse. Just because you bought an ancient engine and didnt (want to ) customize it to your own needs (and the needs of the fans that pre-ordered your product and have expectations on par with the year 2012) does NOT mean that "sorry guys, thats how the game works, live with it".


Sorry, i don't buy it all.


1) Optimize

2) if(optimize().getResult().equals("Failed")) { Process.engine.renderEngine.reWrite().start(); };

Edited by Aranthaur
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Tried the holoterminal trick myself. And the differencies in quality are just shocking.





Both screenshots taken with texture quality set to "high" and character detail set to "high".

So telling us "it works as intended" is a joke. :mad:




how did you do that ?

where is the trick?


thx :)

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8 years later, BioWare states they disabled high-res textures because "people would lag" and there would be "too many rendrer calls". BioWare, sorry guys and girls, sorry to the devs, but i do NOT buy your excuse. Just because you bought an ancient engine and didnt (want to ) customize it to your own needs (and the needs of the fans that pre-ordered your product and have expectations on par with the year 2012) does NOT mean that "sorry guys, thats how the game works, live with it".


Sorry, i don't buy it all.


1) Optimize

2) if(optimize().getResult().equals("Failed")) { Process.engine.renderEngine.reWrite().start(); };


The whole debacle can be summed up as:


>Bioware buys out-dated engine

>Makes TOR on out-dated engine

>The engine can't support 2012-standard graphics

>Bioware says "that's just how it is"

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The whole debacle can be summed up as:


>Bioware buys out-dated engine

>Makes TOR on out-dated engine

>The engine can't support 2012-standard graphics

>Bioware says "that's just how it is"

>BioWare earns bucketloads of money

>BioWare makes their fanfare pissed off and ruins its image

>Customers loose 60$ or whatever the game's cost, litteraly giving the money away




Sad, but true, indeed.

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As I usually mention...


Skyrim or Arkham City on max makes my GPU not even notice something is running...


SWTOR on max (with forced low-res) makes my GPU reach 176º or more.


Now, how is it possible? There's clearly some engine issue here... And I'm not even talking about textures now...

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well for once they probably don´t want to do hi-res textures because they have to redo a lot of them to some extend because they seem to have cut quite a few corners:



republic fleet for example uses imperials reflection mapping as you can see, when you put force the LOD to render in high detail


Seems like they decided to just toss the game out into stores because they can use the excuse "it's an MMO". None of these things are even up for debate, they're undeniable issues, and lazy ones too. "WoW wasn't perfect at launch" is no longer acceptable, because this game makes the same mistakes other did nearly a decade ago.

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I guess I'm curious as to why they deceived the playerbase on this. They didn't even acknowledge this issue until they got called on it. Even then it took 3-100+ page posts to get a response and a pretty poor one at that. This is not the way to build players trust.


I played beta with forced AA, shadows, high textures, etc....everything maxed with no fps issues and there seemed to be alot more visiable players then. I'm thinking most hardcore gamers are in the same boat in that we build our own machines and know the capabilities of them. We know how to adjust game settings to get the best visuals and yet maintain the 30+fps we shoot for. Even if we want to crank visuals and run a slideshow, that should be our choice to make.....shouldn't it?


We bought the game and/or upgraded our machines to play it based off our beta experience and the visuals advertised and yet now they are not available, because we as players if given that option will only complain the game won't run well, not realizing it's because of our graphics settings? Give us a little credit, for most of us this is not our first PC or MMO game.


I played EQ2 for 7 years and they have always had some of the most intense graphics options available from beta. I only just recently was able to play that with max settings, but it took a 4.5ghz 2600k, 8 gigs of 1600, and a 560Ti. I always had all the graphics options to choose from though and because of this and tweaking I knew exactly how far I could push them depending on my hardware.

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well for once they probably don´t want to do hi-res textures because they have to redo a lot of them to some extend because they seem to have cut quite a few corners:



republic fleet for example uses imperials reflection mapping as you can see, when you put force the LOD to render in high detail


Oh my... seriously??! If I'm on Republic fleet, and polish a spot of floor, I see Imperial flags?


Not exactly a game-breaker, but COME ON Bioware, that's just pathetic...

Edited by Errathe
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I can understand why people are angry.


Bioware, you're trying to give a rational reply but it seems like you're also trying to pull the wool over people's eyes. Stop and think, you have what, over a million subscribers? Part of that community are also game developers or graphics programmers. They will tear your reasoning apart shred by shred, as can anyone with a logical thought process.


You can't use the excuses you've given, period.


1, Other MMO's have offered advanced graphics options, why can't yours?

2, It's not YOUR call if we want to try "ultra" settings. It's ours. And if it's too slow, we'll knock the settings back down. Don't insult our intelligence. Insulting the PC community's intelligence is like sticking your hand in a hornet's nest.

3, It's not difficult to limit the number of 3D HD characters, to 10-20, or a user defiend amount. Again, MMO's have done this before.

4, You are doing your graphics/design team a complete and utter disservice. I feel for them, I really do. Instead of sharp, polished textures which they lovingly designed, we get a blurred mess.


If there's more time needed to develop fixes to this, JUST TELL US. More importantly tell us you are going to fix it. We've clearly shown you we want the option of seeing the game as it was meant to be played, we've demonstrated side by side comparisons making it clear we know what the game should look like. Now it's up to you to deliver. No if's, no buts, just a we're looking into it now, and an ETA.


Speaking as a PC enthusiast: You are making a grave mistake if you want us to continue to subscribe to a game that looks five years old when we spend £1,000+ on our rigs. Especially when the technology is there, you've just elected to turn it off instead of giving us any control over it. Ridiculous!

Edited by silktor
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this is ********, i mean i play BATTLEFIELD 3 on ULTRA @ 1080P with 60 frames per second and yet you think my computer cant handle your high resolution textures? you guys are *********** ignorant when it comes to thinking our computers cant handle this, your code has massive optimization problems if somehow our $2000+ computers cant handle the nice graphics. Also, add some filtering to the game, i know you can force it via nvidia control panel but for **** sake make it a game option instead. seeing pixels on corners of walls is downright awful at 1080P, get with the future and optimize the game better for the systems your game is playing on. people that play the game on low are either poor choice makers when it comes to PC purchasing for gaming, unfortunate in terms of money, or cheap asses that think they should be playing on ultra graphics for the same price as a xbox 360/ps3 like the ignorant ****s they are.


my pc specs:

i7 930 overclocked to 4ghz

6gigs ddr3 triple channel 1600mhz(1.6ghz)

two gtx 470's in sli

SSD for windows 7 64 bit

SSD for BF3 and any other game i decide to put on there

HDD for storage and games that are poorly optimized in terms of PC performance (when this game is ONLY AVAILABLE on PC, USE MORE RAM CAPACITY AND POWER)


i have this game on a normal 7200 rpm hdd, i dont see a point in putting it on my solid state with battlefield 3 as your graphics are **** and barely take any load on my normal, spinning disk, hard drive. i expected WAY MORE from a 2011, almost 2012 game in terms of graphics. graphics are the MAIN reason why i stopped buying consoles after my xbox 360 had the 3 lights of doom, and are more versatile (i use my xbox 360 controller now on my computer with the games i want to use it on).


fix this please, this is downright fail for a game that has AWESOME GAMEPLAY. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the game in terms of playing it, but looking at it sometimes makes me want to punch you coders in the face. repeatedly.

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i thought id throw it out there....


but has anyone thought that maybe , when your machine runs "like a slideshow" so to speak, due to high cpu / graphics usage, it lags on the client side and it has an effect on the server side of your character? (IE you can make your pc intentionally lag by having more drawcalls you could use it to glitch in pvp or whatever, it sjust an example not something real )


i mean, i know the reason they are giving us, but think about it.....


what would you expect them to say , if in fact, there was some gamebreaking issue associated with the loading of high textures and the taxing on your machine?


as stated, there is ZERO reason not to have them display ON OUR OWN TOONS AT THE VERY LEAST


as i could understand it when there are 80+ people jumping around in ilum or perhaps other future venues that you dont wanna display all those objects and melt someones Vcard away, but i see no reason why our own toons and companions couldnt take up some resources to display in high rez

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Thats a damn nice example of false advertising. I've seen it on GTA IV for PC, where there was no AA, while on the screenshots it was clearly enabled and guess what? Rockstar ain't gonna see my money anytime soon. Same goes here.


Why you can't enable the high ress textures for people that can handle them is just beyond me. Then you explain, that there are a lot of people who can't handle it - I don't care really, if their PCs can't handle high resolution, then they play in medium - problem solved! As seen in comparisons posted in this topic somewhere before, WoW is capable of serving better graphics.


The idea to call the "medium" settings a "bug" just made me smile... lets just say that me buying this game from Bioware/EA and paying for a sub was a bug aswell and I've already fixed it, won't happen again.

Edited by Skwark
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This may of been discussed, and I'm currently at work (no time to read every post) but some of the screenshots people are posting seem have an issue I was having, which was textures seemed extremely low quality - I solved this by downloading ATITray from guru3d, disabled the overclocking feature (as I use afterburner for my cards) and then forced the 'mipmap' level to best quality my game from that moment looked 100% better.


When I get home i'll post some screenshots to show the difference, I appreciated Bioware have responded, but looking through the post I think other forces are at work for some!


BTW this is obviously going to only affect ATI users, I'm sure there is a setting for Nvid as well, but for some unknown reason both companies removed this option from their drivers for no apparent reason, I know you could reduce it to bump benchmark scores but it hardly seems a valid reason for removal of the option.

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as i could understand it when there are 80+ people jumping around in ilum or perhaps other future venues that you dont wanna display all those objects and melt someones Vcard away, but i see no reason why our own toons and companions couldnt take up some resources to display in high rez


That should be up to the players to decide. Bioware can't (morally) just say "YOUR GPU MIGHT OVERHEAT, NO TEXTURES FOR YOU". It's a) stupid and b) a sign that their engine is terrible.

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I guess I'm curious as to why they deceived the playerbase on this. They didn't even acknowledge this issue until they got called on it. Even then it took 3-100+ page posts to get a response and a pretty poor one at that. This is not the way to build players trust.



I don't think its a matter of "decieving" anyone, but then its not in my nature to assume that people are lying by default.


According to Reid's post quoted in the OP, graphics settings were one way during beta, many players were having issues, so a solution was implemented. Given the large amount of people complaining about FPS issues in other threads, I don't see why people find such an explanation so far-fetched.


As an aside, that's what betas are for - and that's why those claiming they've been defrauded don't have a leg to stand on. The beta EULA even states that the beta might not be representative of the final product. Following you guys logic, we should all be suing because we don't have the mod system that we all wanted implemented from earlier rounds of beta too.


On a personal note, I went back in game after this discussion yesterday and really peered at my character with scrutiny: I still don't see what the big deal is. And please, don't anyone post more screenshots as "proof". I just don't see the graphics in this game being that bad. Genre best graphics? No. But still very good, and definitely good enough to be considered playable.


I guess its a younger generation thing to have to have "cutting edge" graphics for a game to be considered playable. Really, even as a fan of the game I can realistically concede that there are plenty of things that some might find being worthy of unsubbing over. That poor graphics is one of them just boggles the mind.

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Added TextureQuality = 0

in my game settings..... WOW no wonder they delete people's post about it it's like day and night ... the game suddenly receive every lghtning reflection the game can offer ...




ive been posting screenshots for the past week and no one even noticed, but ive ALWAYS had this option like this on my client, i never put it there, the client did , so ....


either all the whiners here cant actually notice the different and just jump on the bandwagon , or somehow the option doesnt really do anything on my end and keeps loading medium


wich is it?


i dont see all the "horrible" people are crying about


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i7 @5.2ghz benchmark or 5ghz 24/7 @ 1.35 liquid cool using coolbox setup. Seems hitting that 50 multiplier is a real wall as far as v goes to get past it. So I stick with a nice low vcore / pll for a nice 24/7 low temp 5ghz.

6gb/s sequential 460IOPS raid setup

3x gtx580 3gig each @1200mhz 2000mhz shader core 2250hz mem water blocked to coolbox

16gig low latency 2200mhz DDR3



But I am sure bioware knows best what I can and can't handle -_-*





This rubs me so wrong ><

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I don't think its a matter of "decieving" anyone, but then its not in my nature to assume that people are lying by default.


According to Reid's post quoted in the OP, graphics settings were one way during beta, many players were having issues, so a solution was implemented. Given the large amount of people complaining about FPS issues in other threads, I don't see why people find such an explanation so far-fetched.


As an aside, that's what betas are for - and that's why those claiming they've been defrauded don't have a leg to stand on. The beta EULA even states that the beta might not be representative of the final product. Following you guys logic, we should all be suing because we don't have the mod system that we all wanted implemented from earlier rounds of beta too.


On a personal note, I went back in game after this discussion yesterday and really peered at my character with scrutiny: I still don't see what the big deal is. And please, don't anyone post more screenshots as "proof". I just don't see the graphics in this game being that bad. Genre best graphics? No. But still very good, and definitely good enough to be considered playable.


I guess its a younger generation thing to have to have "cutting edge" graphics for a game to be considered playable. Really, even as a fan of the game I can realistically concede that there are plenty of things that some might find being worthy of unsubbing over. That poor graphics is one of them just boggles the mind.



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Is there any reason each players character can not be rendered with hq textures on their own client?


ie, At my end my character would have high rez textures but everyone else on my screen would be low rez, and vice versa to anyone else.


Surely this would keep the total number of calls within an acceptable amount.


While I would like to see everyone and in overabundance of beautiful pixels, this would to me be an acceptable compromise.

Judging by the number of people that have expressed their disappointment in terms of viewing their character I suspect it would be an acceptable compromise (or interim step) to most. It is similar to what I was going to suggest except that I would also like my companion is also rendered at the best quality.

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