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Everything posted by silktor

  1. 'tis a nice idea but don't think it'd work in TOR. Off top of my head I know of one ability that just couldn't work with dual targetting: Combat support cylinder. I mean what would it do, shoot the bad guy or heal the good guy? If you ask an AI this question, it may explode!
  2. Thanks for the clarification, that would have been crazy! The confusion stems from the fact that the charge is on your saber, and discharge is ya know, using up a saber charge.
  3. Anyone who's played more than one class should be quite well aware that Assassins, whilst situationally fun and generally "ok", are by far the worst DPS class out there with very little to make up for having no ranged abilities, and having low defense. http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes Assassin All Saber Charges now cost 100 Force. I hope I am being thick, but doesn't this mean discharge will cost 100 force, not 20? Really, surely I must be wrong? I mean why make an average ability use all of our force? It basically means darkenss spec won't use discharge at all, as they need to maintain threat thus you know, have force available. As for DPS spec, well I was DPS prior to going darkness and can't say lightning discharge ever felt close to being OP - yet now it's gonna cost 4x more. Am I having a brainfart and getting this all mixed up, or do Bioware actually not have a clue?
  4. Also re: interrupt, why not just use jolt?
  5. I can live with that, just wish I didn't learn them in the first place if they're of no use. Or that they were greyed out or something, so that I could be sure "I really have no use for this". As it is now I already have way too many abilities anyway. Also, I really wish I had at least one powerful from stealth ability (even if it did lower damage in tank stance, which it would anyway). Otherwise stealth feels kinda pointless.
  6. 1, It's from stealth only, so that is illogical! 2, It's from stealth only so that would be situational at best. 3, Because going up to players and shouting "BOO" is how we win pvp
  7. Sorry for the meme.. but. Well I posted a while back with a wee little moan about lacerate and how I feel it's just utterly pointless. Seems many agreed, 40 force for 300ish damage. At level 40. Well I'm 42 now, and just got Spike. Oh my word! Is it broken? Or is a from stealth only attack supposed to do.. 200. Yes, 200, damage at level 42!? Well I suppose there's the wickedly sick 2 second knockdown as well! But don't we have a GCD of approx 1.5 secs which more or less negates that? Might as well open with an attack that actually does damage instead? What am I missing? What's with these silly abilities that seem broken? Surely they're not scaling or something? Anyway the good news is my 'sin tank is actually doing well now I have proper defense gear and am making full use of all my AE attacks. But I do wonder what they were thinking with some of our abilities. On one hand yuo have the operative doing so much damage from his stealth attack he gets his with the nerf bat hard, nary a month after launch, and the other hand, we 'sins have an attack that does so little damage I'd imagine nobody actually uses it.
  8. I'm a tank, I find 40 force too much for a filler.. plus not noticed it generate much threat anyhow?
  9. 40 force cost, 298-343 damage per target @ level 39 Is this bugged or working as intended? I mean, comparing the AOE attacks of my other classes, it's questionable. Bounty hunter does more at level 26 with her zero cooldown blaster sweep. I have to say overall the 'sin feels weak compared to the other classes I'm playing; but lacerate does genuinely seem so underpowered that I feel it is bugged / not scaling / something is just plain wrong. Or at least combined with the high force cost, it just doesn't seem worth having on the hotbar. Thoughts?
  10. I can understand why people are angry. Bioware, you're trying to give a rational reply but it seems like you're also trying to pull the wool over people's eyes. Stop and think, you have what, over a million subscribers? Part of that community are also game developers or graphics programmers. They will tear your reasoning apart shred by shred, as can anyone with a logical thought process. You can't use the excuses you've given, period. 1, Other MMO's have offered advanced graphics options, why can't yours? 2, It's not YOUR call if we want to try "ultra" settings. It's ours. And if it's too slow, we'll knock the settings back down. Don't insult our intelligence. Insulting the PC community's intelligence is like sticking your hand in a hornet's nest. 3, It's not difficult to limit the number of 3D HD characters, to 10-20, or a user defiend amount. Again, MMO's have done this before. 4, You are doing your graphics/design team a complete and utter disservice. I feel for them, I really do. Instead of sharp, polished textures which they lovingly designed, we get a blurred mess. If there's more time needed to develop fixes to this, JUST TELL US. More importantly tell us you are going to fix it. We've clearly shown you we want the option of seeing the game as it was meant to be played, we've demonstrated side by side comparisons making it clear we know what the game should look like. Now it's up to you to deliver. No if's, no buts, just a we're looking into it now, and an ETA. Speaking as a PC enthusiast: You are making a grave mistake if you want us to continue to subscribe to a game that looks five years old when we spend £1,000+ on our rigs. Especially when the technology is there, you've just elected to turn it off instead of giving us any control over it. Ridiculous!
  11. The class stories are great and they are enough, but the current problem as I see it is lack of diversity in what you can do during the trip. I've now got three level 20+ Sith Empire characters and I can tell you for sure that apart from the class quests, I'm aready sick of Dromund Kaas and Balmora. To get long-term paid subscribers there needs to be a lot more to do for alts. Not just the same stuff with perhaps 5% of the quests being different (class). Otherwise I fear that like the story or not, you'll only be able to stomach getting a couple characters to 50 as repeating the exact same content is quite simply repetitive and boring. You spacebar through all the sidequets, because you've done them before. You end up skipping as many as you can get away with. You'll add some variety by picking different light/dark side choices this time around, but other than that same old same old. As much as we all hate WoW comparisons, it did a much better job of offering replayability, especially after the cataclysm. I believe there were approx three different ways of levelling up per faction, and even for higher level there were usually at least two or three options of which zones to level up in. e.g. Northrend vs. Storm peaks, Hyjal vs. Vash. Please don't hate me for the WoW comparison, I'm merely using it to demonstrate my point. Replayability is important in an mmo as very few people stick to one character full time.
  12. It doesn't really touch on it. But some of the bromance in the films does suggest it, especially between Jedi.
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