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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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Pvp is so disheartening as Republic, i wouldnt be surprised if more and more just quit or reroll sith. BW is willfully blind when it comes to faction balance.


They might not be wilfully blind, or subconsiously blind, at all.

It's possible that they've placed them as a lower priority than other things, such as bug fixing, update 1.1 etc.


Besides a list of content being released regularly all the way into next year, they have other teams working on different things.

Each team will finish their task(s) when they can, including bug fixes and (possible) addressing of gameplay imbalances between factions.


It's just a matter of time and patience.

It's not as if they're going to radically redesign the game in secret and force it on us without any testing whatsoever, then continue said redesign's development after it's gone live....

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honestly real pvpers don't care about how pretty the animation is. BUT THE JEDI CONSULAR PROJECT ANIMATION LAG MUST BE FIXED.

withe the 3 second project animation lag :

1. you cannot insta hit cappers, and u always lose in mirror nuke match

2. it does not track stealth units once its fired (people use vanish ability with 4% life left on me all the time and my rock just glitchout midair after initiated). when a sith assasin or marauder or agent sees me launch project they just use vanish ability and then /laugh at my glitched rock then 3 second later ***** my face.

3. delayed trigger to secondary talents/abilities

4. there is no real advantage to que up burst with project, since sage dot breaks all mez effect all the time, the real advantage of project is not practical


the different kind of object u can pull up is cool BUT THE ABILITY IT SELF IS COMPLETELY GIMPED IN PVP compare to inquisitor shock. is bioware refusing to change it cuz they dont want those fancy animaton to goto waste? or do they seriously believe the perceived advantage in project lag is practical? im so frustrated with this lag that im about to quit the game

Edited by iinnate
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In PvE the mortar volley issue sorta balances out because you can cancel the channel after the 2nd salvo and the 3rd will still fire off, saving you net time in long run.


But in PvP, that second and a half of delay gives a player plenty of time to avoid the incoming damage. This needs to flip back around because it saddens my VG everytime I see a PT launch in the air and instantly deal aoe damage.


The delay on full auto also needs to be looked at. I stare at my gun for a whole second before damage is calculated. My bro's PT does damage instantly.

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My goal was to level through pvp. I fell behind the push in the beginning due to actually working for a living and now every warzone I go into my team has 5 people below 30, 1 in their 40's and 2 50's. The sith side has 7 50's and 1 guy between 10-49. EVERY match. And the Sith 50's already have full sets of pvp gear. The match making system in this game is just flat out broken. I for one will stop playing this game until pvp gets bracketed. I really have next to no interest in pve. Whenever I try to pve, I start falling asleep at my computer.


Hopefully they get this resolved soon, because the 3 accounts I pay for will easily be canceled soon.

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They might not be wilfully blind, or subconsiously blind, at all.

It's possible that they've placed them as a lower priority than other things, such as bug fixing, update 1.1 etc.


Besides a list of content being released regularly all the way into next year, they have other teams working on different things.

Each team will finish their task(s) when they can, including bug fixes and (possible) addressing of gameplay imbalances between factions.


It's just a matter of time and patience.

It's not as if they're going to radically redesign the game in secret and force it on us without any testing whatsoever, then continue said redesign's development after it's gone live....


How much patience is required? How long do I have to throw 15 dollars a month their way before I'm satisfied with the pvp in this game. All these people demand we give bioware patience, while their hands are in my wallet stealing my moneys!

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How much patience is required? How long do I have to throw 15 dollars a month their way before I'm satisfied with the pvp in this game. All these people demand we give bioware patience, while their hands are in my wallet stealing my moneys!


How many times? Well, so far you have paid the $15 zero times, so, assuming you are willing to pay the magical $15 *one* time, then you can complain again on February 20th.


1.1 already has the 50 bracket and bio fixes so I imagine a fair amount of the crying will stop after that, but, as your post illustrates, people will cry about the "many times" they have had their wallet picked when the actual number of times so far is zero.

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So one of the largest games ever made at cost of a couple hundred million dollars with the intent of being sold for a profit that would require hundreds of thousands of subscriptions to achieve...was intentionally misbalanced and ever so slightly tilted in favor of one faction JUST so that some employees of said game's company could have a NEAR-TO-NOTHING edge when they play on their UNIFORMLY DESIRED (yeah i'm sure they all prefer empire. FALSE) faction?


To the believers of this - you're on drugs, or you are completely irrational.


Come back to the sane world where incentive to put a good game out is at its all time high and people dare not risk their nice jobs for the mere enjoyment of a near-to-nothing imbalance in favor of their desired faction.


Grow up. Be an adult. Realize this game is only one month old, and it's so huge that only a player base of our current size is enough to catch all of these infinitesimal bugs. These things will continue to be found. Just submit a respectful ticket to the customer support, and they will get these bugs fixed IF they are w/o a doubt bugs.


Whether or not it was intentionally done is really irrelevent. The point is that there are major imbalances between the factions. These imbalances are seen on a daily basis in WZs on a majority of the servers.


Yesterday I spent ~10 hrs playing; a majority of which was spent in WZs due to near insta queues as a republic player. We won eight (8) matches in that time. Most republic players in the matches were sub-40s with, obviously, no PvP gear. I understand that things might shift in 1.1 with a level 50 bracket. But, I'll be interested to see if it's too late to fix the damage done. Conversely, the Empire rarely had anyone sub-50 on their teams. It was not unusual to see battlemaster geared players. The is due to several things:


There is a severe population imbalance on almost every server in favor of the Empire. Because of this were are seeing more max level and geared players on the opposing team. The population imbalance is caused by a number of things, one of which is the extreme advantage that the Empire has through their skills in PvP.


PvPers recognize these advantages and gravitate towards the team with those advantages. It's much the same as the Horde in WoW. PvPers gravitated toward the Horde because their racials were far superior to Alliance racials in PvP. PvPers follow PvPers and eventually the few that are left on the opposting side are getting crushed. Wins rightly reward more in terms of tokens, valor, etc. However, with the Empire winning a majority of the matches their able to gear faster furthering the imbalance between Republic and Empire PvP matches.


It's a cycle that needs to be fixed now, not months from now, before the damage becomes unfixable and irreversible.


Just wait until 1.1 when they fix Ilum so that people don't base trade. I can't stand that practice to begin with; but in the current state of the servers It'll be very interesting to see how the Republic will accomplish anything with the current number imbalance.


These bugs are NOT unknown to BW nor were they something that required a large playerbase to catch. We found them in beta. We pointed them out in beta. Nothing was done about them. I will probably stick through this because I love Star Wars and MMOs. Putting them together is great; enough for me to stick through a good chunk of the NGE in SWG. However, not everyone is like me. A lot of the people in my guild are real life friends, who I've been playing with for many years. I spent some time on the phone last night trying to convince one not to unsub, and to give BW time. I'd rather not have to do that. I'd rather them be chomping at the bit not to quit. However, they're not.

Edited by Telaan
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Odd how the OP didn't mention the delay on Some Sorc abilties that aren't on Sage abilities (KB, Shield).


Odd how the OP didn't mention that some trooper abilities (Mortar) have better burst due to the delay.


Odd how the OP didn't mention the talents that more than overcome the 4% differential in Heat/Ammo.



Odd how...

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Hmm interesting thread...I think perhaps the Devs are in actual fact aliens who are a bit like the Sith and are waging a psychological war by convincing us subconsciously of their overwhelming power. When they expose themselves we will already believe that light side people can not overcome dark side aliens and they will take over the earth with little resistance.


Kennedy knew this and was shot before he could expose the conspiracy. George Lucas wrote the original Star Wars story under coercion from the aliens because they had implanted him to steal his will but before the Return of the jedi came out he found he could block the signals with a tinfoil hat and finished the story with the Jedi winning the day and Darth Vader's turn back to the light, thus backfiring the alien's evil propoganda operation.


And that's why the Devs have made the Sith better than the Jedi....Scary huh??

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A plethora of falsehoods and blatant exaggerations, posted by a player that has nothing to lose in the process.


Those that are fed by this, or use this to fuel their "fire" are looking for ANYTHING they can site, the ironic act of quoting one another until the truth is buried beneath a wall of posts like these must bring great frustration to the devs.

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A plethora of falsehoods and blatant exaggerations, posted by a player that has nothing to lose in the process.


Those that are fed by this, or use this to fuel their "fire" are looking for ANYTHING they can site, the ironic act of quoting one another until the truth is buried beneath a wall of posts like these must bring great frustration to the devs.



really maybe u explain us how empire gets full resolve in 2 stuns and i get 5-6 stuns in a row until i get full resolve , and still get stunned even when it's full

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really maybe u explain us how empire gets full resolve in 2 stuns and i get 5-6 stuns in a row until i get full resolve , and still get stunned even when it's full


This. This. ffs this


Bioware you have to freaking fix this, totally unacceptable and enraging.

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Devs need to fix any of these issues. I don't care which ones are true/false, I know some of them are in fact in the game.


I was on the fence playing this game in the first place. If these issues (along with a bunch of others that should've been fixed prior to launch) aren't fixed...I'm gone. And many others, too, I'd guess.


Mistakes happen, sure, but there are ALOT of mistakes for a game that went through multiple stages of testing...

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Despite all the clear pvp differences in animations and times and as enraging as they are in pvp I still win more than I lose on a daily basis. Even despite the fact empire has about 2.1X more people than republic I still win.. Yes these issues DO need to be addressed and they do need to fix them. as for the resolve bar issue. No complaints it DOES work properly. however the 5-6 stun thing is false there is only one thing that doesnt seem to affect resolve and that is the OP electrocute stun.


Despite the differences I still love the game I still pvp and I still get mad over the issues but I deal with them. I know that with all the attention PvP is getting from both sides that BioWare will patch and eventually fix the issues its just a matter of time. Hopefully sooner than later. These issues mainly affect me in Warzones world PvP is a much different story and I tend to come out on top 90% of the time no matter whom I randomly run into 1v1. The game has not even been out a month and the amount of attention it is getting is good. BioWare is patching consistently to fix issues and I have full faith they will address PvP issues as they come along and get pointed out. However if you are not a programmer or animator please just STHU about how this needs to get fixed NOW! if you think you can do their job better by all means please apply for their department and prove it. Untill then give them time to deal with the issues. its not something that can just be wam bam fixed overnight. Give them another month or so and I can almost bet that MOST these complaints will be dealt with.

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Odd how the OP didn't mention the delay on Some Sorc abilties that aren't on Sage abilities (KB, Shield).


Odd how the OP didn't mention that some trooper abilities (Mortar) have better burst due to the delay.


Odd how the OP didn't mention the talents that more than overcome the 4% differential in Heat/Ammo.



Odd how...


Sage has a delay in the KB and shield as well due to animation. KB requires you to jump in the air and land before it takes effect and shield requires you to make an overly dramatic hand and arm gesture for it to apply. There are no delays that Sorcerer has that Sage doesn't; however, the reverse is not true.

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There was a video posted earlier in the thread that shows a trooper moving after he's done channeling and still getting three volleys of damage. Unless I misunderstood your sentence, it was a little confusing.


No, you didn't misunderstand.

The fact that there's instances of the three volleys not all doing damage because of moving after channelling but before the animation finishes, whilst also instances of it working properly, shows that there's either a bug involved, or lag.


Hopefully whatever the problem gets fixed (assuming bug) before we get our combat logs.

If not then the combat logs (when we finally get them) will allow us to see if it's just a discrepancy involving the animations and fly-text (which indicates there's no real problem), lag or a genuine issue.


Also, DfA fires 6 missiles, but it only ticks three bursts of damage, just like mortar.


Yeah, forgot to add the three ticks of damage for six shots. Cheers man;)


The animations in this game are all screwed up. You should see Power Shot. The animation lasts a good 3 seconds, but it's only a 1.5 second ability. If you wait for the animation to finish, you will literally be doing half the damage you should be doing.


Hmmm... maybe some of the animations just need to be sped up to match with channelling times.

Saying that, I'd honestly hope they don't wind up turning the game into a Benny Hill chase like the speed increase in SWG did.

Edited by Fyurii
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resolve only works when it feels like it.


anyway, OP says it all, im spending most of my day trying to do the daily 3 win. i've had enough.

by now twothree weeks of imbalance has given empire ample time to gear up full pvp.


i wont be playing any pvp warzone from now on untill the OP's and many more imbalaces are fixed. disgusting imo. years of beta on the pve and only around 2 months 'real' pvp beta wth?


meh, im tired of loosing... empire can play against them selves till the fixes are made, if they aint fixed... id say the tor pvp will become a bad joke in the pvp community.


have fun!

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I feel like their taking their time to fix the obvious issues (and the ones that seem easier to fix) but spending more time to create stuff that could wait a week or two longer.


Easier to fix = fixed sooner.

Harder to fix = more investigation required before fixing.

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And just now empire won the "usual" wzone.

8 "lightining users" were in there.

I couldnt outheal, nor interrupt their instants followed by other istants.

This is PURE ********, and not only those GAME BREAKING issues needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY (just mirror for true the classes is not hard, is not really hard) but Republic must recevice something in exchange for this MEGA-ADVANGATE empire has that permitted to win 85% of times the warzone.

Bioware DO something NOW! Or this game will became "Empire Wars, league of Huttball".

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