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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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I'll post another imbalance because our guild has confirmed it.



so your guild says it must be true.


Good to know your guild knows more than BW


My guild says that republic medi packs heal more !



Has anyone else noticed that imps can land hits dispite line of sight(LOS)?


I have been force leaped while solid objects have been between me and the warrior.


I have been force lightning'd through solid objects.


My supposed mirror BH can do that missle thing through solid objects. It seems every imperial can fire "auto-attack" through obstacles.


I know I can't. If they run behind cover I CANNOT attack them. Hell, even when I clearly do have LOS I can't hit them. The only thing between us being one of those fuel pillars around the flames in Huttball and it's not even directly between us. On the rails I can't attack them from the pit, put I am always being shot by imps from the pit in the same location they are. I'll be on the far side of the railing from them and they can still hit me. They can be on the side closer to me and it tells me I can;t see them even though their torso and upper legs are blatantly exposed.


i can honestly i have been hit with grav round and pebbles when i think iv broke line of site and i have forced pulled people that run behind something. I recon its when u start the action that counts and if they run behind soomething it still gets em

Edited by lethal_ghost
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so your guild says it must be true.


Good to know your guild knows more than BW


My guild says that republic medi packs heal more !


In this case, yes, my guild and I know more than BW on this issue. or, if you are a conspiracy theorist, we know what bioware already knew... that republic got shafted on numerous issues to create imbalance and slight advantages (that when added together) creating a weaker faction than its counterpart.

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Please make mirror classes mirrors instead of having the Imperial side have multiple advantages.




I'm really tired of of the crap about elitis empire kids who win by "superior" skills, when the "superior skill" is a deign flaw.


Let's play fair and even, you already outnumbert 4-1 to population imbalance on most servers, you don't need more i-win buttons. Thanks.

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I'll post another imbalance because our guild has confirmed it.


If you do a google search on swtor-museum-easteregg you'll discover that in the museum of the interfleet on both factions there is a datacron that will give +10 to all stats. That is pretty awesome considering endurance and your primary stat are all buffed.


well, videos are out there in which empire can access this datacron and it gives step by step instructions on how it was done.


republic however, can't get this. the reason - one of the key grapple hook shots that must be done to access the datacron is bugged for the republic version of the interfleet area. the layout is changed just a tad from the empire version of the interfleet and as such, the grapple shot doesn't work.


so - enjoy the additional stats empire. would be nice to access those...but republic apparently is shafted in all aspects... even pve


The magnetic patch is buggy, yes. But it's possible for Rebs to get the +10 relics. We got them on Giradda the Hutt.

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To OP did bigfoot and the Yeti give you all this info. I bet you are just one step ahead of the men in black as well.




Signed A Player who has never played extensively on the Republic side because evil, darkside, vampires are awesome. Go Empire.


I love how all of the people saying none of this is true even though there is video proof and in some cases developer recognition all have Empire avatars.


Whether these things were intentional or not is irrelevant. The imbalances exist and need to be addressed.

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Result. I'm tired of sages constantly complaining about being underpowered because they can't hammer everyone. Sages are one of the hardest classes to play against when they know what they're doing. The problem is alot of them don't and they'd suck just as much on any other class. The quoted post pretty much shows all of the reasons why its hard to fight against in the right hands.


If sage is too hard to figure out, try trooper, but don't complain when you wear out whatever key grav round is bound to.


All these favouritism posts are comical. There is a big difference between one side having an advantage and the full on conspiracy against Republic players like you tin foil hat wearers are putting forward.


Its just ridiculous.


The hardest class is play has to be sentinel/marauder. The performance gap between good and bad players are so wide you won't believe it.

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In this case, yes, my guild and I know more than BW on this issue. or, if you are a conspiracy theorist, we know what bioware already knew... that republic got shafted on numerous issues to create imbalance and slight advantages (that when added together) creating a weaker faction than its counterpart.


claiming your guild know more than BW :confused: Ok just lost all credability

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The hardest class is play has to be sentinel/marauder. The performance gap between good and bad players are so wide you won't believe it.


I think the same could be said of Guardian/Juggernaut tanking as well, but that has more to do with PvE than PvP.

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claiming your guild know more than BW :confused: Ok just lost all credability


This post represents the opinions of everyone on the internet and he or she is the ultimate authority on credibility and truthiness. :eek:


This post is brought to you by the letter sarcasm.

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it defo fills the resolve bar because i have to make sure some one has no resolve so i can electrocte then knock em off the edge in hutball. If they have any resolve electrocute will fill it up and the knock wont work ?


Where is this devs post quote it pleas ???? i cant find it



pic or it didnt happen !!!!!1


Try using electrocute on someone with a full resolve bar. It works. Thats the issue, as least as far as I understand it and have experienced it.

Edited by ImURmaster
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Try using electrocute on someone with a full resolve bar. It works. Thats the issue, as least as far as I understand it and have experienced it.


i dont think it does i wll have to go double check though, maybe its a bag that happens now and again. I will try it later and see what happens, but the resolve system as a whole for both factions is quite poor in my opinion

Edited by lethal_ghost
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The magnetic patch is buggy, yes. But it's possible for Rebs to get the +10 relics. We got them on Giradda the Hutt.


please let me know where you stood. we spent hours in just about every imaginable spot trying to hit the magnetic patch above the console.. always bugged. would either kill you, take 10k health, or put you on the roof of the interfleet.

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Honestly... how is this thread even still alive. There have been -multiple- Republic players who have stated they don't have issues winning; I'm not even going to bother replying to the majority of crap that's been posted.


To clarify, My main AND my second highest level are Republic characters. I win, regularly, on both of them in all PvP. IF there were some major disadvantages (which -all- of the disadvantages listed are pathetically minor) then logically speaking, I'd lose every match. If DFA was so ungodly powerful - why is it I die more to Grav Round from troopers than any other source of damage? despite only ever playing against troopers whilst on huttball?


This garbage about the turrets on Alderaan, it's a minute 5 damage difference. Even if you lose by 5 damage, that 5 damage isn't going to save you - draws are defeats as well incase people had forgotten. To claim that "because it exists it was planned" is stupid, to claim that it was a "subconscious nerf" is stupid, because frankly, IF they wanted to unbalance it, they would simply alter the RNG that works out damage/hit chance to favour one side; something that NONE of us would be able to detect.


Coincidentally, I still refuse to accept that my shadow doesn't have some form of major DPS advantage over Assassins, as I nearly always win 1 on 1 fights with them; despite them having a higher level thus more skills to throw at me (plus, in a few cases, PvP gear for expertise).

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Try using electrocute on someone with a full resolve bar. It works. Thats the issue, as least as far as I understand it and have experienced it.


I've had force stun work on someone with full resolve, amongst other CCs, it's a REALLY buggy system in general, not just favouring Electrocute.

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let me clear some things I know for a fact up real quick.



Electrocute does NOT ignore the resolve bar, thta bar fills up almost all the way when I stun someone for 4 sec.


And Overload, Sorc's knockback is most certainly not instant. My dude has to jump up in the air, sometimes do a spin within his flip, then knock people away.


Your post was just a little too long for me to read otherwsie. And I don't know about some of the stuff. From what I have seen though, Empire V Republic, the minor differences in timing get made up for in other places. For example, Telekentic throw has a bit of a delay over Shock, but the Sage pushback from what I've been affected is instant, rather than animation then hit.


Again, I'm sure it feels frustrating, but these aren't game breaking things, especially without a rated system in effect quite yet. IF they do ever do anything rated, then I'm sure we will see 100% balanced, but in the meantime, why not enjoy some of the flavor.


Also BOO FREAKING HOO on the Alderan thing, you guys play that so much there is no reason you shouldn't dominate Empire with strategy and calling stuff out 80% of the time.


It's easy to say, "enjoy some of the flavor", when you're the one benefiting from the differences.

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Consular one really needs a fix. They shouldn't have 20% less damage than an Inquisitor (if that is true). All the rest need to be fixed as well, but that one takes the cake.


they should give consular passive 20% armor pen in this case.

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Honestly... how is this thread even still alive. There have been -multiple- Republic players who have stated they don't have issues winning; I'm not even going to bother replying to the majority of crap that's been posted.


To clarify, My main AND my second highest level are Republic characters. I win, regularly, on both of them in all PvP. IF there were some major disadvantages (which -all- of the disadvantages listed are pathetically minor) then logically speaking, I'd lose every match. If DFA was so ungodly powerful - why is it I die more to Grav Round from troopers than any other source of damage? despite only ever playing against troopers whilst on huttball?


This garbage about the turrets on Alderaan, it's a minute 5 damage difference. Even if you lose by 5 damage, that 5 damage isn't going to save you - draws are defeats as well incase people had forgotten. To claim that "because it exists it was planned" is stupid, to claim that it was a "subconscious nerf" is stupid, because frankly, IF they wanted to unbalance it, they would simply alter the RNG that works out damage/hit chance to favour one side; something that NONE of us would be able to detect.


Coincidentally, I still refuse to accept that my shadow doesn't have some form of major DPS advantage over Assassins, as I nearly always win 1 on 1 fights with them; despite them having a higher level thus more skills to throw at me (plus, in a few cases, PvP gear for expertise).


We do win a lot, but that's because the Imps have all the former alliance scrubs who never figured out in SEVEN YEARS how to win Arathi Basin. Have fun with them.

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We do win a lot, but that's because the Imps have all the former alliance scrubs who never figured out in SEVEN YEARS how to win Arathi Basin. Have fun with them.


Mmh I guess that might have an influence on PvP worlds, but why does it still have an effect on the PvE worlds Warzones. most people in PvE assumedly chose their class for story/because it looked cool *cough* and as such, plenty of bad players are on both sides... which granted as most of my defeats have been due to elitist 50s deciding we've lost before the match has half done or because we've had a team full of level 10-20 newbies who don't know how to play...


As a side note, your signature made my day. Silly Jedi indeed!

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I dont think it really matters where the turrets are pointing. They start "ticking" when they are capped. The animations are just for eye candy.


actualy i just did a aldrain WZ and he is lieing so hard. the turrents dont point one way or the other they face each other. to fice left 1 faces right. this notion that they face 1 ship or the other is a out right lie fabracted by people who are looking for any excuse to explain why they are losing outside their own pathatie play.

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Honestly... how is this thread even still alive. There have been -multiple- Republic players who have stated they don't have issues winning; I'm not even going to bother replying to the majority of crap that's been posted. ...


yeah and because there are people good enough to overcome the differences it is solved? you are joking right? some of the issues were resolved as false, but most of them are true, there is a ton of recorded proof


anyone - even a sith PLAYER should care about balance in the game, i have never found any sith side disadvantage at all (although i dont say there are none), i dont think it is some kind of conspiracy and quite frankly i think most of the issues can be resolved fairly easily


the only think i take away from your stupid post is - you are imp and you like your advantage so everyone should just ****, right?


// oh and to every imperial ******** - show proof that the issue does not exist

- this is no place for RP, so keep the boasting in your pants

Edited by Formulka
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yeah and because there are people good enough to overcome the differences it is solved? you are joking right? some of the issues were resolved as false, but most of them are true, there is a ton of recorded proof


anyone - even a sith PLAYER should care about balance in the game, i have never found any sith side disadvantage at all (although i dont say there are none), i dont think it is some kind of conspiracy and quite frankly i think most of the issues can be resolved fairly easily


the only think i take away from your stupid post is - you are imp and you like your advantage so everyone should just ****, right?


Grats you read half a line of my post and instantly I'm imperial. Read again, then seeing as you're obviously rather dullwitted, read it again to clarify. I am a republic player. I win, consistently. Excluding ONE of these "issues" the OP raised, all have been demonstrated as non-accurate or downright bullcrap. But no, obviously I DON'T FAVOUR YOUR OPINION THUS I AM WRONG amiright?!

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I've never seen a developer that leaves faction differences in a game balance them right off the bat.

Actually I can only think of three with different classes for each faction

Vanilla WoW, WAR, SWtOR

But because shamans and paladins weren't balanced against each other in vanilla WoW, the ENTIRETY of blizzard is completely incompetent from now until the end of time.



Edit: Actually, Trion(Rift dev) left in a piece of good quest gear that was only available to the Guardian Faction. People complained.

Supposed favoritism wham is par for the course in faction based MMO's


Horde having Shaman and Alliance having Paladins was at least interesting.


Minor but significant differences in "mirror" classes is just annoying and is in no way interesting. That's like having a Horde Rogue and Alliance Rogue have minor differences that give the Horde Rogue advantages. There's no way Blizzard would let that fly, and they're the king of mess ups.

Edited by Dirtydurst
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