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  1. Has anyone else noticed the search bar now are the top of the forums. im asking cause idk if i hit somthing to turn it on or weather or not it was just put into place. i dont remeber seeing anything about it so im intrested as to how its there now.
  2. actualy i just did a aldrain WZ and he is lieing so hard. the turrents dont point one way or the other they face each other. to fice left 1 faces right. this notion that they face 1 ship or the other is a out right lie fabracted by people who are looking for any excuse to explain why they are losing outside their own pathatie play.
  3. marxo

    biggest mistake

    God bless trolls without them my time sitting in my office would be boring.
  4. i belive it has been proven and i may be wrong but i belive that yes there is a animation delay the damage is inst just like the inq shock. now i may be wrong but i belive i saw that cant remeber were though -.-
  5. im completly misunderstanding the point of the post so forgive me if im wrong. are you saying that 50braket should have been put in with this patch instead of 1.1.1 or that you thought this was that patch?
  6. I wil say this he aint techniocly lying, but there is a difrents between being a healer and being a good healer. yes anyone can heal but not everyone can do it well
  7. Oh yes the gold old days. If your complaining about 4 hours basicly to download this game. maybe you need to find a diffrent game type then cause i highly dought if your that impatent that a mmo will be your perfered game genre.
  8. MY suggestion. give it a try and decied for yourself. No one has the right to tell you which you will like better. Go out and give it a try and see if you like the game. You may love the game you may hate it but you will never know reading the forum instead of playing it
  9. I like those ideas to be honest. Yes i do enjoy huttball.
  10. then go play them games if you like them so much,. ill never understand why people will sit and ***** about a game, as oposed to doing the normal thing and simply quieting and playing osmthing else.
  11. as it has been said. tanks are not strickly high health alone. If you think having highest health makes you a tank then i dont want you tanking in pvp, pve or even RP. tanks have mitgations that other clases dont have. also Bolster does not give armor, you might want to study up before just coming on the forums and spreading yuor qqing around without any ground to back up your complains.
  12. they are not trolling. im on ilum at this moment. there is a lvl 11 on local
  13. yea oprative has it at lvl 10 when you select the op AC its one of the skills given to you for selecting that AC
  14. body type 3 sith pure blood jugg For me its about the race plus type combo. My guy aint a human he is a pure blood sith jugg, so i expect him to be all muscel and tower over everyone. When i tried human it looked off to me bodytype 2 looked better. 4 imo is not super fat but a jog around hutta would do him some good. That being said im so looking forward to makeing my BH merc a bodytype 4
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