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I'm seriously considering not paying after my free month ends because of all the maintenance and patches right at the time I play. I usually get on around 11 PM PST just in time for the servers to go down an hour later. This is I think the 10th or 11th time in the last month I won't be able to play. Getting really out of control.
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They pick their maintenance or patch down times to be the times where the least number of players will be affected.


There are a lot more players that would be affected by a noon to 6PM downtime than are affected by their current downtimes.


Yes, there will be some who will be affected by the downtimes, and if you are one of those, then you just have to accept that (or you can quit the game and have 100% downtime).

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I'm seriously considering not paying after my free month ends because of all the maintenance and patches right at the time I play. I usually get on around 11 PM PST just in time for the servers to go down an hour later. This is I think the 10th or 11th time in the last month I won't be able to play. Getting really out of control.


They have to do maintenance at some point. Just because you log in at off-peak times doesn't mean they have to cater to you. Or would you prefer they don't do any maintenance or patches?


I suggest you take the maintenance time to play another game, watch tv, find some friends, or whatever the hell else you might want to do. You know, the same things you'll be doing after unsubbing...

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They pick their maintenance or patch down times to be the times where the least number of players will be affected.


MMOs typically have more players on late night than early morning. Honestly if they just pushed back the maintenance even 2 hours most of these complaints would go away

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They have to do maintenance at some point. Just because you log in at off-peak times doesn't mean they have to cater to you. Or would you prefer they don't do any maintenance or patches?


I suggest you take the maintenance time to play another game, watch tv, find some friends, or whatever the hell else you might want to do. You know, the same things you'll be doing after unsubbing...


So you're saying there's no point for him to continue this game? Because he'll be doing the same thing subbed or unsubbed, which is not able to play this game.

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They have to do maintenance at some point. Just because you log in at off-peak times doesn't mean they have to cater to you. Or would you prefer they don't do any maintenance or patches?


I suggest you take the maintenance time to play another game, watch tv, find some friends, or whatever the hell else you might want to do. You know, the same things you'll be doing after unsubbing...


Or maybe do maintenance in different hours for different timezones? You know, like in most MMOs. Just a thought tho, i might be terribly stupid to suggest that.

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I'm seriously considering not paying after my free month ends because of all the maintenance and patches right at the time I play. I usually get on around 11 PM PST just in time for the servers to go down an hour later. This is I think the 10th or 11th time in the last month I won't be able to play. Getting really out of control.


If you want the game to remain the way it is now then they could never do patches. . .

I swear if one person is complaining about not enough patches the other is complaining there are to many.

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Yeah, I'm going to be fine with BW continuing to fix the game. They aren't planning the game around your schedule. A majority of their players are in the US so they work their times around the US, not Steve in California who can only log on at 11:30 PST.


Should also note they don't do maintenance on Peak times for the EU either. It's not as convenient a time as it is for the US, but it ain't peak time.

Edited by Sireene
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I'm seriously considering not paying after my free month ends because of all the maintenance and patches right at the time I play. I usually get on around 11 PM PST just in time for the servers to go down an hour later. This is I think the 10th or 11th time in the last month I won't be able to play. Getting really out of control.


why are you still here?


you don't like it.. leave, no one is forcing you to stay .. why do you have to announce verbal threats of quitting ... just leave .. you don't have to tell anyone you are going to do it .. just do it and move on

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So you're saying there's no point for him to continue this game? Because he'll be doing the same thing subbed or unsubbed, which is not able to play this game.


Subbed he plays 6/7 days a week, unsubbed he plays 0/7. Hardly the same, wouldn't you agree?


That's like saying that I should unsub because I can't play during work. Since either subbed or unsubbed I can't play during that time, so what am I paying for?!

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Subbed he plays 6/7 days a week, unsubbed he plays 0/7. Hardly the same, wouldn't you agree?


That's like saying that I should unsub because I can't play during work. Since either subbed or unsubbed I can't play during that time, so what am I paying for?!


lol wut? you just said in your own post, he should do something else other than play the game when it's maintenance which is 1 hour after he logs on, the same thing he will be doing when he's unsubbed.


So...if he's doing the same thing in that time if he's subbed or unsubbed...then..why spend the money? for the 1 hr everynight?

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Or maybe he doesnt live in US. Probably you are one of the americans that think that world revolves around you.


Why would you hate on us Americans? You Scots eat sheeps stomaches and you Aussies eat that nasty Vegemite crap but we don't hate on you. If it wasn't for America, the Irish would have had no place to go. Europe would all be German. I guess thats bad for you Germans, but it has to have worked out well for the rest of you. Sure we have had some bad politicians but at least we don't have them hanging around for their whole life sponging off of us. Plus most people probably assume since the game was made here that most of the players are from here....oh wait, they are. Just hang in there til the next successful European MMO gets released and then you can rub it in on us Americans. I am sure you won't have to wait long. But you probably will.

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I find it sad that people complain about the bugs and then complain again when Bioware tries to fix..


Here is a better question?? When is there a time when Bioware doesn't have to read our complaints day after after day.. Even when they listen to us and want to fix the bugs.. We complain about when they fix them.. How ungrateful can we as a community be??

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Why would you hate on us Americans? You Scots eat sheeps stomaches and you Aussies eat that nasty Vegemite crap but we don't hate on you. If it wasn't for America, the Irish would have had no place to go. Europe would all be German. I guess thats bad for you Germans, but it has to have worked out well for the rest of you. Sure we have had some bad politicians but at least we don't have them hanging around for their whole life sponging off of us. Plus most people probably assume since the game was made here that most of the players are from here....oh wait, they are. Just hang in there til the next successful European MMO gets released and then you can rub it in on us Americans. I am sure you won't have to wait long. But you probably will.


I think you just answered your own question.

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lol wut? you just said in your own post, he should do something else other than play the game when it's maintenance which is 1 hour after he logs on, the same thing he will be doing when he's unsubbed.


So...if he's doing the same thing in that time if he's subbed or unsubbed...then..why spend the money? for the 1 hr everynight?


They do maintenance once a week...

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They pick their maintenance or patch down times to be the times where the least number of players will be affected.


MMOs typically have more players on late night than early morning. Honestly if they just pushed back the maintenance even 2 hours most of these complaints would go away


You do realize that if they pushed it back two hours, it could cut into European prime-time, right?

Edited by Viera
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Or maybe do maintenance in different hours for different timezones? You know, like in most MMOs.

I've never played an MMO that staggered its maintenance times like that. You know what would happen if I had, say, 10 servers and took only 5 of them offline for maintenance? Guess what happens to those remaining 5?

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I've never played an MMO that staggered its maintenance times like that. You know what would happen if I had, say, 10 servers and took only 5 of them offline for maintenance? Guess what happens to those remaining 5?


WoW does it like that because WoW has region-locked clients and completely different server infrastructure to allow them to do it like that.

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