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Well it happened, the first time I actually felt horrible about making a LS Choice.


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(Spoilers, Duh)


Ok so the quest is on Alderaan, it's a simple quest. A general says that his squad got ambushed and captured, but more than that his daughter got captured too.


So I promise him that I will bring back his daughter and enthusiastically ride off to do just that. I bust into the cave slaughtering the heartless bugs that would think to harm his precious daughter, I save the squad, then as I free the last guy, his daughter walks up to me.


She says something about this and that and being at peace, I tell her that it's time to go, and she says that she's happy here and wants to stay.


Then bam, Light/Dark Choice.


Light Side was letting her stay, Dark Side is saying "No, seriously you're coming with me"


Now, usually respecting their wishes is something I reluctantly do. I hate returning to the quest giver with the bad news, and really being a LS character is basically "Fail every mission you're sent on and hope no one ever notices your track record". The thing is, you can clearly tell she's either been brainwashed at least, or is in some sort of possessed state. there's no way of even knowing that she's not being moved like a puppet in some state of agony inside her own mind.


But As a light Side character that has NEVER made a darkside choice, my finger instinctively moved to that Light Side button.


"Did I really want to taint my perfect score over this?" I asked myself.


So I hesitantly picked the light side choice, and felt like I damned her to a fate of being the zombified puppet of the bugs, drugged into a state of happiness. I should have shown some back bone, taken the hit to my score, and drug the poor girl back to her loving father.


But no, I went for the stupid blood money light side points, and now I hate myself for it. All the rest of my days I'll have to know that I left the poor girl wandering around alone in a cave, zonked out of her mind.


I wish I could go back and see the dark side choice. Knowing the game you probably just end up killing her after she decides to fight you because she refuses to go back.


But I like to believe that there's a way to bring her home and help her get her mind back, Eventually she would thank you for pulling her forcibly out of her drone like state.


Oh well.




Went to turn in the quest. I say that she wanted to stay, the dad confirms that she's brainwashed and filled with drugs and yells at me for not dragging her out.


Then the game gives me another LS/DS choice, either "Let her be" or "Go get revenge". I almost want to say to get revenge, but it would be hollow.


I feel like such a bad person now. I'll just click "Leave her be" and let this all be over.

Edited by SilverScreemer
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It's so awesome that there's finally an MMO that can make us feel good or bad about our choices rather than just clicking the xp reward accept text box.


And yes, I was also conflicted about what to do with this quest. In the end I went with DS since it was clear she wasn't in her right mind. I won't spoil what happened but that route wasn't entirely satisfying either, so it was a bit of a lose-lose scenario.

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To the sith the kiliks are a abomination that should be destroyed lucky that after you take the girl back to her dad(yes you do bring her back if you pick the DS choice) you can tell the farther to wipe out the kiliks after he is done with his section of the civil war. I did not regret making those two DS choices. Edited by lokdron
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She became a Joiner. There's a character in the Imperial Agent storyline that is one as well. It's not brainwashing or mind control, they become one with the hive mind. And they are being honest when they say they don't want to leave.


It makes sense for the lightside option to respect her wishes. Forcefully kidnapping her and killing needlessly is dark.

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If u take her back to her father, she sends u mail a little later and basically makes u feel like a real sh*t, saying how unhappy she is away from the hive, and that they (her father and his doctors) poison her with thier 'medicines'.


as some1 that made the DS choice, i think u made the choice that leaves her the happiest.


on a side note - my main is an IA, and 1 of my companions is a 'joiner' a human who joined the killicks, altho he has some sense of his own personality, he too, seems happy with the joining and communes with the hive on a regular basis.

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There were a few cases where the Light Side / Dark Side choice seemed rather strange, but most of the time maybe we just lacked the proper context to understand it. For example, the missile launch sequence in Candemimu.





The story made a lot more sense to me because of my Joiner companion as well - Vector - it provided a completely different perspective to the Kilik missions on Alderaan. Vector was an Imperial Diplomatic Services attache on the planet, who has chosen at some point to undergo the Joining ritual with the Kilik: Intelligence believes he is still loyal to the Empire despite his partial assimilation with the hive mind, and we are still retaining his services. The Joining ritual still leaves the Joiner with independant will apart from the hive mind, but allows them access to and communication with the Hive intelligence itself.


He's pretty happy with how things are. You even get to test how much autonomy he has by forcing him to choose his loyalties - when you choose to fight the Kilik, he says he agrees that it is the right choice and joins you in killing his fellow Kilik warriors. The epilogue to the planet is where you ask him if he is still part of the Hive mind, and he says that the Hive has no concept of betrayal, and thus no concept of forgiveness, and that his actions were no more than an unexplained anomaly to the Hive. So he's still ok with them. (I would use the analogy where you accidentally drop a spoon while eating, you would not consider that your hand had "betrayed" you and seek to punish it...).


Based on that context, it was a lot more believable for me when the daughter told me she was with the Kilik of her own will. I basically told her dad that she is old enough to make her own choices, much to Vector's approval.


So rest assured, you did do the right thing by taking the Light Side choice. She wasn't being drugged or brainwashed, she does retain full independance of will, and she is free to rebel against / go against the wishes of the Hive intelligence without fear of much consequence. As a Joiner she would have the advantages of both independant will AND access to the Hive intelligence, and they usually function as diplomats / emissaries to other non-hive species.



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The difference between my IA companion Vector and that lady is that Vector was allowed to keep a lot more of his personality so that he still could act as a diplomat.


I have no illusion that the daughter the Killiks kidnapped (kidnapped!) has been brainwashed by the Killiks, and of course she wouldn't like to leave when she's happy all the time.

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It's not a question of the action itself but the consequences. In this case, the DS consequence is a woman who will be miserable and traumatized for the rest of her life. Unintended consequences are almost never immediately apparent. Edited by Tharangus
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Even if you choose darkside, She will still stay, So both the LS and DS choices are pretty much the same.


Not true, I chose DS and took her home to her father, the Nest decided that losing one of their members was better than me killing loads of them.

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Another thing to keep in mind...the NPCs are written with real personalities and their own viewpoints. Like in real life, just because someone believes and says something does not make it literal truth...just their earnest belief. Things are often not what an NPC makes them out to be. And...some people blatantly lie to you as well.


These are complex realistic characters. You have to look at all the facets and facts and make your choices.


Just because it is the Father's belief that she is brainwashed, does not make it so. It just means he can't understand her choice and why she made it, and so he believes it has to be brainwashing.


Don't take what any NPC says as literal objective truth. People are never objective.

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I cared about the LS/DS thing a lot on my first play through, but in the end the impact of reaching the extreme of one or the other isn't quite as big a deal as you'd think, and especially not until you're max level. On the two new toons I'm levelling now, I've actually turned off the indicators for which choices are light/dark, and just make the choices that make sense.


I recommend it. You won't min/max to the same extent, but you'll like your character more.

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Ah, yes, THAT quest. ^^


Here's waht I did when I was presented wiht the convo option:


1. er, er, er...

2. I should... but that means, er...

3. Escape out of convo

4. Read codex entry on joiners (you get it from a large egg in the killik hive you destroy at the start of Alderaan).

5. Gotcha, she's brainwashed.

6. Dark Side option


According to the codex, the brainwashed don't want to be unbrainwashed - however, it makes no reference to how they feel AFTER the unbrainwashing.

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Playing my Mercenary on Nar Shadda, I made my way to my primary target. When we finally met, Mako got a call saying this target was wanted live by some hutt. I've pretty much taken in all my targets live. I clean the deck with him, we have our final words, then the ultimate options come up. 1: is clear of LS/DS, 2: is clear of LS/DS, 3: is LS. 3.....is to kill him.


My justification in this case, is that this spineless, uncivilized brute, used assassin droids, to kill a VERY dear friend of Mako's. So, in my long-standing chain of "bringing them in alive", I finally kill a bounty, upsetting the hutt, who chose to believe it was an unavoidable accident, instead of the whim of a hunter.

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Ah, yes, THAT quest. ^^


Here's waht I did when I was presented wiht the convo option:


1. er, er, er...

2. I should... but that means, er...

3. Escape out of convo

4. Read codex entry on joiners (you get it from a large egg in the killik hive you destroy at the start of Alderaan).

5. Gotcha, she's brainwashed.

6. Dark Side option


According to the codex, the brainwashed don't want to be unbrainwashed - however, it makes no reference to how they feel AFTER the unbrainwashing.


Yup thats what I did went through the conversation three times read the codex and i dragged her back home and made sure that the farther kills the kiliks after the civil war is over. Plus playing as a sith i viewed the kiliks as a abomination and a threat to the empire.

Edited by lokdron
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I remember this quest and feeling bad about taking the light side option as well. I always hated the killiks from the novels. If I hadn't been scumming for light side points, I'd have chosen dark side there without missing a beat.


In hindsight, I think I'd agree that playing with the indicators of and just picking what feels right would have left me with a better feeling overall.

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People complain about the light/dark choices and their consequences, but right now it's my favorite part of the game. FINALLY, our choices mean something.


I had intended to play my SI straight dark side, but there are some lines that even I/she wouldn't cross. I think they did an amazing job with it.

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The DS choice was the morally correct one. You don't leave someone's daughter in a mind control cult if you can save them. Since her mind was not under her own control the Killik's were in the wrong. That is pure evil. The DS choice really should have been to either kill her or leave her there while the LS choice would be to save her.
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