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Too many issues.. But the straw that broke the camels back..


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You're a clown..


Im not complaining about the endgame you muppet.


Get a better Main Tank. Srsly. Your guild needs better recruitment standards. Back in the day in EQ we had a tank rotation and we had a connectivity problem tank, he never got to MT our raids until he got that fixed. Reassign your people. Especially the ones that can't stay logged in properly.

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Good news is Bethesda has won the lawsuit we should have a fallout mmo real soon, since they have been working on it for years........... It should happen rather quickly


Yay, a company that makes poor sandbox RPGs will proceed to further **** a beloved franchise down the path to casual bug-infested mediocrity!




Aren't Masthead studios making it for/with them? I suggest you try Earthrise (actually I don't I suggest you read about Earthrise). Sadly I really can't see anything worth while coming from Masthead.


Bethesda and Interplay reached a settlement in court, with Interplay completely abandoning the MMO project in exchange for 2 million dollars...


It's probably a good thing, if FOOL was going to be anything like Masthead's Earthrise. The game is so bad that its servers are already completely empty as far as I know.

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Wait, you are quitting the game because its too popular and you had to wait in line to get in?




I think the better explanation is that the game design didn't account for how popular the game was going to be (and they should've known it would be).


I don't think anybody is going to quit because the game is too popular.. but nice hyperbole. Your post was 10,000 times more ridiculous than the post you were responding to.

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WoW looks like a game that came out in the 60s. That is why people don't get lag. I don't get lag on SWTOR because I have a good computer shocking I know.
Look it's babies first troll! Someone take a picture!


I don't like you and you are wrong in everything you are saying. That being said your logic is flawed.
You are some stranger on the internet and I'm not emotionally invested enough to like you or dislike you, the fact that you are says volumes about you.
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I would also say that RIFT/ Trion set the stage on how to launch an MMO. They did a far better job than Bliz and BW combined. playable, polished like a mamma-jamma, and they were HYPER aggressive with post launch clean up, patching, and content. Trion would push out fixes rapidfire and the patch updates were far more frequent and detailed than I have seen from this game so far.


I can remember threads of people QQing because they were putting out multiple patches per day that requires servers to go down 30 minutes at a time.


Of course alot of the same people who were griping about the multiple fixes were griping about bugs too.

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You expect a fully operational end-game system by the end of the first month?


You people make me laugh, go back to WoW.


Why would we expect anything less? What did bioware think, no one would level 50 until they got the game squared away ... .?

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lolwut? You consider wow to be this way? I'm just wondering what you're smoking...and if I can have some?


Generally if enough of the community takes issues with something Blizzard does step in and make a change.


The most obvious example of this was the outcry from their plans to link forums posts to real names. The community was enraged, many swore they would leave, many left and after a day or two of this Blizzard apologized and said they'd be skipping out on those plans.


What do we get from bioware? They tell us they are going to give us HIGH QUALITY GRAPHICS! so they get rid of the "medium" setting on graphics and make medium the new high.

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Roll on the most popular server, and that's what you get. You chose it, you have to live with it.


Or....Get placed there with your guild as part of the prelaunch festivities, start playing in early access without any issues, and then have to decide after the long post-launch queues kick in, do I (a) wait until things calm down or (b) lose the progress I've made on my current toon to reroll on a low pop server and hope my guild follows me?


It's not that big a deal to me because I plan for it, and if it did bother me enough to post about it, I'd just stop playing. But dismissing it like it is a non-issue when it is still happening or blaming the players for where they rolled (or got placed) is pretty stupid.

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There is constructive criticism an then there is trolling/whining. I'll give the op a 2 out of 10 for constructive criticism and an 8/10 for trolling/whining.


I don't know why people seem to get so excited about real/perceived problems with a game. I'm not sure about the Op, but I play computer games (ever since the original Pong and yes I'm that old) for fun and to escape reality for a bit, same reason I read science fiction/fantasy books.


My response to a game is either:


1. I enjoy the game and if there are issues I make constructive criticisms.

2. If I don't enjoy the game after a fair trial I simply stop playing the game.


I'm not sure of what the benefit is of just making posts about quitting because you don't enjoy part of the game, who cares?


Now I've tried most of the recent MMOs (AION, Rift, Warhamer, LoTR, etc.) and have been playing WoW since release. All of those, except WoW and now SWTOR, fell into category 2 for me but I never felt the need to vent my spleen on one of their forums.


WoW had a very very rough start. Sever crashes, bugs, etc for a long time after release. But I hung in there because I enjoyed playing and I made constructive criticisms on the forums and gave them time to fix them. They eventually did and I still play WoW from time to time.


SWTOR falls into the same category as WoW for me. I enjoy playing the game, yes there are issues and I'll make constructive posts about them, if no one else has. I'll also hang in there and give them a reasonable time (until the game isn't enjoyable for me at least) before I'd quietly just stop playing.


P.S. I feel like I play a lot but my main character is still only 40+

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