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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Let us play in offline mode


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They should have just made KoToR 3 instead of an MMO.




He already paid for it. As did I, and you. 60 dollars.


And when you think about it, kind of silly that you can't play a game you purchased with that much money, unless you give them another additional 15 dollars.


The game costs money, because it's not free to develop and make a game.


Multiplayer games cost money monthly, because it's not free to run the servers that it requires. (Someone pays for that CS or BF3 server you're playing on. In MMO case, you.)


Singleplayer games don't cost any money after the purchase, because it doesn't cost anything for the developers either.

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Lets face it the desirable features of this game are the story and voice overs. The other key MMO features are greatly lacking and the ones that do exist are outdated.


Let us play this game offline, we paid $60-$120 for it and its clearly designed as a single player game with some co-op.


The people who want to co-op can continue to pay the $15/mo and do that.


Thanks Bioware


No because then you'd just complain that it should be an MMO.

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Hate to say it but even if this was a single player game is doesn't stand up to the single player games that have been released. Even BWs single player games have better story and game play.


I don't think this would matter at all.


I have to disagree. If this were a single player game they wouldn't have added all the time sinks to it and it would have been the best single player RPG ever created. Imagine fast traveling to any planet you want, never running through a spaceport, etc.

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The game costs money, because it's not free to develop and make a game.


Multiplayer games cost money monthly, because it's not free to run the servers that it requires. (Someone pays for that CS or BF3 server you're playing on. In MMO case, you.)


Singleplayer games don't cost any money after the purchase, because it doesn't cost anything for the developers either.


I dont need a server to play offline.

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Dont get me wrong i really like the quest etc. but i have to slightly agree.. this is not that much of an `MMO` its an RPG but the massive part is simply not there.


Its really all defided in small chunks. And if (Yes go ahead and flame a blizzard fan) you compare the size of area's to wow. It litterally is 1 area move to the next, but these are never connected.

Which creates for me atleast a really weird sense. As if im playing levels of some game. It simply doesnt really feel connected (with exception of the quest that ties the zone over to the next through your class quest).


Dont know if anybody agrees or not (dont really care either) could have easily made this into an RPG without much problem during development.


Add to that the bugs still in the game, none of them prevent play or something but some visual things like having no eyes, weird background flickering with cutscenes. The lack of a connection of a taxi between dromund kaas city and the space shuttle thing (Yes this annoys me greatly).


I like the game dont get me wrong, but i dont know if the rushed release(atleast thats how i feel that the game seems to be rushed because of EA (no no blaming BW for this) ).

Ah well i will see if i find it worth 15 euros a month, im going to leave it at that for now and see and enjoy the game some more while the feeling lasts.

Edited by Aenoria
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Honestly you guys, only reason other MMOs that have been out for years already, dont have towns that seem empty is because well, ppl are already lvled in that MMO so they just sit in the city queing for pvp... TOR is new so yah, ppl are gonna be off doing missions and leveling up. smh
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All MMOs get a post like this in their forums, its like a given.


"I don't play an MMO for the social aspect, give us Single-Player, because game is so awesome! I wantz to be the only hero running around in my own personal Star Wars universe!"


Too bad this game was developed to be an MMO.


"Dear Dad:

No fun.

I'm done.


your Son"



"Dear Son.

Too bad.

So sad.


your Dad"

Edited by CaptRavenous
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From what ive read here all i can say is instead of asking for a free offline mode maybe a free server switch could help you. I play on kass and there is always people around, the general chat is constant asking for grouping. So it would seem it might be more the server your on then the game. Also theres a reason for guilds, have you tried one?

I have a guild on both faction sides and have never had a problem getting help with hard missions from my mates, and in fact even strangers by using general.


So i guess if you arent seeing people in game you might think bout moving to a more active server.


I enjoy both sides, with some toons i prefer to solo most the times, other toons i only run with a group. But like i said find a good guild on a good server and then you have the choice of teaming or going solo.

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I play on server Legends of Lettow...

1. never got problem wioth making heroic quests (2-10 mins to form a group)

2. never got problem to get a flashpoint group (5-15 min to form a group)

3. when i reach level 50 i got no problem with waiting for pvp or making heroic flashpoint group...


if you play on low server or at 4AM dont be surprise when you play alone

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I would love a free offline mode. I've got a lvl 50 operative and would love to level alts for the story but i cant justify paying a sub for what to me feels like a single player game. Or maybe just reduce the monthly sub to reflect the multiplayer aspects of it.


The bugs dont bother me, i like the game but would feel like im getting robbed to pay for a single player experience. I will not be playing beyond my 30 days.

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I agree that this game feels empty. I know it's not. I know tons of people are playing it. But with how many servers there are (Why are there so many freaking servers!!!


There are tons of servers but if they consolidated them then we be posting bout the long wait times again..lol


and for the dont see the point of paying, they will be adding new content, new storys and so on. so in a way the 1st 50 level content of the game is the start. anyone who spent alot of time in mmo's knows there will be more stuff as the months go by. But in the end it is up to each person to decide what they want to pay for. Me personally i like the game and the storys and look forward to alot of new and improved content as they get feed back from the players and improve with each update. yeah id love it to be free but even in a galaxy far far away you still got to pay to play..lol

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I can totally relate to that. The two servers i play on are supposed to be heavy or full but at least in the zones i´m in right now (taris and alderaan for my empire chars and tatooine for my rep) i never see more than 25 people.

It´s hard to find people for group quests and almost impossible to find someone for flashpoints. I haven´t done any FPs after Athyss since it´s really no fun to stand around for 30 min in the fleet spamming the general for players and if you happen to find one he drops group after 5 min minutes of waiting because apparently something really important has come up in real life.

And i´m even a healer on my highest char.


I like the storylines and the gameplay but if the possibility would exist to play it offline without paying the 15 euro i´d do it in a heartbeat since the MMO portion isn´t really noticable for me right now.

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  • 6 months later...
who'd notice? Its not like servers could feel more empty.


What the heck server are you on?

Mine is so packed, I'm always running into someone.

Nothing like slowly working your way into a cave, you don't know what is around the corner, it could be a giant beast or an angry mob....And then someone comes running past and just blasts everything in sight and leaves you the corpses........

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