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C2-N2... So anoying i've turned off the game sound.


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Why don't you just not use him? You'll get your second real companion when you're on your way off of Nar Shaddaa, so until then, just don't do any crafting. You're probably going broke doing so much crafting all the time anyway... remember you need 40k for your speeder! :)


I actually found I rarely used my speeder on my other too, so not going to sweat it on this one until later. I've basically been crafting my own armor because it has usually been better than world drops...



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They're annoying, but I find the empire one rather hilarious.


"I have applied a fresh coat of paint to your living quarters Master. It is the same color as before....only....fresher"



or whatever he says, lol.


and Kaliyo has the best... "Don't ask me....I just shoot things"

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I actually found I rarely used my speeder on my other too, so not going to sweat it on this one until later. I've basically been crafting my own armor because it has usually been better than world drops...




Well, you'll soon have another companion, so you won't have to deal with him.


Unless you start sending out two companions at a time...

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My droid keep saying "Master, I deliver to you something beyond perfection." after he fails a mission..


Haha yeah, they've got a few of them mixed up. They come back all proud when they screw up the mission, or they apologize for getting you something great.

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No. That would make too much sense. It looks much better when you go to the extreme. Like removing the sound card from the computer as well.


However, when you disable voice, and you only want to disable ONE voice.. it's still a bit annoying. Kinda ruins the game play a bit. One voice, because of it's annoyingness, causing you to shut all voices off? (I did do this actually, I now have sound but no voices, and subtitles where sound was... not a perfect fix, but better than desiring to become a Sith and force choke C2-N2 every time he speaks).


It would be nice if they added the ability to mute INDIVIDUAL companions, rather than force you to play without all voices. In the mean time, I'll play with sound, and loose voices. Which is still a half assed fix to the concern. Better than no sound. But still....



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I wholly agree with the OP. It's gotten to the point where I dread entering my own ship and cringe cause I know I'm going to have to listen to his stupid voice deliver the same *********** line yet again.


I usually tab to my other screen for 10 secs whenever I run up the steps :/

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I'm amazed you use him. That's why most of us don't use him. You need a healer that much? lol :D


I wholly agree with the OP. It's gotten to the point where I dread entering my own ship and cringe cause I know I'm going to have to listen to his stupid voice deliver the same *********** line yet again.


I usually tab to my other screen for 10 secs whenever I run up the steps :/


It pays to be a mother. I can really tune that voice out, when I'm running through the ship.

Edited by Appletaz
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He gets on my nerves but with 1 level 50 character and a 2nd at lvl26 I have learned to just no hear him. Any married bloke should already know how to do this.
sorry, but saying "yeah yeah yeah, sure sure" doesn't work on him, so being married doesn't help
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  • 2 weeks later...
I was born here, an I was raised here, and dad gum it, I am gonna die here, an no sidewindin' bushwackin', hornswagglin' programmer is gonna ruin me starship by wipin' my nose like my ol' mother. Dad gum it my other companions don't go spout'in off like a yard full'o jaybirds why should he unless o course someone else might want 'em to.
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OP, come to the dark side, 2V-R8 is even more whiny and annoying.


@Bioware: Please give us one or more of the following options:

  • Ability to just mute the ship droid.
  • Ability to mute ancillary companion voice over (this includes all incessant "Dibs on the head!" and constantly paragraphs spouted in German-Klingon by Khem Val). You can keep the dialogue voice over in, just let us mute that non-dialogue voice over sounds.
  • Ability to purchase a replacement ship droid. One that perhaps just beeps.

Edited by Tarka
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Now you know how Han Solo feels about C-3PO.


It's great that you can experience this "Han Solo & C-3PO" in SWTOR, sometimes I wish I could tell C2-N2 to shut up like Han Solo did :cool:.


But on the other side I might miss that there is a problem with the Hyperspace drive ...

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  • 2 months later...

i try to jump the railing so he doesnt hear me come in but everytime.... master i, oh master, excuse me master, SHUT THE F&$% UP!!!!


i dont want him gone, but just maybe not have to talk every single time i enter the ship, maybe talk about relevant info like the planet you just came from

Edited by LucasEighty
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I too am rather very annoyed with the ship droid and would love to be able to blunt force remove his audio components.


Especially when trying to interact with the comm terminal for something important as talking to a ranking officer or Jedi Master in terms of galaxy saving mission details and this annoying useless waste of circuitry is rather rudely talking over VIPs and inter-crew dialogue.



BW please give us a "shut down" or mute him option.


And no I don't want to turn down voices, because I actually like to watch/listen to the dialogue.


It is really f****ing annoying, and subtracts from the immersion of the game.


Honestly there are times I just want to rest my light saber where his voice box is.

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