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Constructive Look for the Devs: Which companion(s) did you use?


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UPDATE: We now enough data for statistics.


TLDR Version:


Doc is the clear forcued-use companion, with Kira-by-preference trailing by 36 to 50 percentage points in different categories. Doc users don't need to switch for tough fights, but 21% of Kira users switch to Doc for tough fights. Doc users often have no secondary companion at all (69%) but Kira users prefer Doc as a secondary (43%) to using no secondary (36%).


Many knights express a preference for Scourge or Rusk or Kira for story purposes, but feel pigeonholed into using Doc, the only viable combat companion, and even those who use Kira most of the time are forced to use Doc for difficult fights.


73% of Jedi Knights use Doc for difficult fights, 23% use Kira.


Respondents were asked to give secondary/tertiary companion info when applicable, for any reason from roleplay to variety. Even including secondary/tertiary companions, Scourge, Rusk and T7 are vastly underrepresented.


Class/Spec were requested to determine their impact, but the sampling sizes are tiny (1-2 respondents for some specs, meaning another respondent would cause a 30%-50% shift.)


My question for the Devs: Were our companions designed so that a clear favorite would emerge, both in general play and for difficult encounters? Or that 3 of them would be largely ignored?


Or was the intent that while one might be a roleplaying dark horse or unintentional pariah, nonetheless the other 3-4 would be moderately represented?


I'm quite curious how this was tested. If a Dev grouped with a beta tester and the tester brought Rusk, did the Dev think, "Ah, excellent, Rusk is getting a lot of use!" I bring Rusk to small groups because it's the only time I can. (Though just yesterday, grouped with a healer, I started with Kira and had to switch to Doc for the Ilum daily 2+ heroic.)


I started this survey to see if my experience is skewed or anecdotal, not indicative of the class.


The results are pretty clear: Only two companions are worth a damn to most of us in any circumstance, and even one of those trails by a wide margin.


Statistically, the others are underrepresented (when they're represented at all).


Anecdotally, they're pathetic.



I believe Paydroid has summarized it best:


I more or less exclusively used Doc, but I was not happy about it. I used Kira on everything I thought was easy enough to bring her, but pretty much every quest that was at my level I was bringing Doc


I don't like Doc, but felt I had little choice but to take him because he could heal.


When you're dealing with a basic class (Knight) that has no potential to heal itself, ever, it's puzzling to me why they would choose to have only 1 companion option who provides the only thing you cannot do with the class.





Notes about data sampling:

  • "Until I got (X)..." was ignored because this is intended to measure who you use when you have all the options. While you only have two companions, your preference is negligable in the overall experiment.
  • "For PvP" wasn't calculated, but Kira is the universal favorite when PvP was mentioned.
  • Grouped was ignored, because companion choice is either negligable or dependent on group/pair makeup.
  • "Hard/Difficult" is a matter of perception; for survey purposes, any fight the user deems difficult is statistically significant.

A Jedi Knight uses this companion a majority of the time:

Doc: 66%

Kira: 14.3%

T7: 2%

Rusk: 0%

Scourge: 0%


(This means 14.3% of Knights use Kira a majority of the time, not that 100% of Knights use Kira 14.3% of the time.)


A Jedi Knight uses only this companion:

Doc: 50%

NA (I don't use just one companion): 34%

Kira: 14%

T7: 2%

Rusk: 0%

Scourge: 0%



A Jedi Knight uses this companion for hard/tough/boss fights:

Doc: 73%

Kira: 23%

Scourge: 2%

T7: 2%

Rusk: 0%


A Jedi Knight who primarily uses Doc (66%) also prefers Doc for hard fights 100% of the time.


A Jedi Knight who primarily uses Kira (14.3%) uses this companion for hard fights:

Kira: 72%

Doc: 21%

Scourge: 7%

T7: 0%

Rusk: 0%


A Jedi Knight who primarily uses T7 (2%) also prefers T7 for hard fights 100% of the time.


A Jedi Knight who primarily uses Doc (66%) prefers as a secondary companion...

No Secondary Compation: 69%

Kira: 28%

Rusk: 3%

Scourge: 0%

T7: 0%


A Jedi Knight who primarily uses Kira (14.3%) prefers as a secondary companion...

Doc: 43%

No Secondary Companion: 36%

Scourge: 7%

T7: 7%

Rusk: 0%


Ingoring primary companion, a Jedi Knight prefers this companion as his secondary:

No Secondary Companion: 59%

Kira: 18%

Doc: 14%

Scourge: 5%

Rusk: 2%

T7: 0%


Ignoring primary/secondary companion, a Jedi Knight prefers this companion as his tertiary:

No Tertiary Companion: 86%

Doc: 5%

Scourge: 5%

Rusk: 2%

T7: 2%

Kira: 0%


An unweighted representation of all pimary & secondary combined use:

Doc: 56%

Kira: 36%

Scourge: 4%

T7: 4%

Rusk: 0%



An unweighted representation of all primary, secondary & tertiary combined use:

Doc: 56%

Kira: 34%

Scourge: 5%

T7: 5%

Rusk: 0%



Class/Spec Trends:


Defense/Vigilance Hybrid Guardians use Doc a majority of the time (100%).


Defense Guardians use Doc/Kira a majority of the time. (46% tie with T7 at 8%).


Focus Guardians use Doc/Kira a majority of the time. (50% tie).


Vigilance Guardians use Doc a majority of the time (66%).


Guardians of unknown specs use Doc a majority of the time (100%).




Combat Sentinels use Doc/Kira a majority of the time (50% tie).


Focus Sentinels use Doc a majority of the time (100%).


Watchman Sentinels use Doc a majority of the time (71%).


Sentinels of unknown specs use Doc a majority of the time (100%).




Those who specified neither class or spec use Doc a majority of the time (71%).









(Please follow these guidelines to add your response.)


To Jedi Knights with all 5 companions:


Please post your advanced class, spec, and the companion you were most likely to use while soloing a difficult area. If you used more than one companion for tough battles, please estimate percentages (50/50 between two? 70/30? equally likely to choose among 3?)


Try to avoid, "I used person A until I got person B". (In such cases, the only reason Person A is used is because Person B wasn't yet available; Person A should not factor into the statistics.)


Given your pick of all 5, who were you compelled to use for tough battles?


I would like to see if there is a significant lean towards a particular companion; though I have a hypothesis, I would rather see the data speak for itself.


EDIT: If relevant post your preferred story companion, the one you were most interested in seeing dialog from, even if the same as your combat partner.


If there is sufficient feedback, I will edit the top post to include reported statistics.




To begin:


Combat Sentinel, I preferred Doc nearly 100% of the time soloing once I had him.


I was most interested in dialog from Kira, Rusk, and Scourge, in roughly equal measure once they'd all been introduced.

Edited by Lomerell
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Doc, Doc, Doc, although I suspect that if you equip Kira and open PvP is erm fixed, then she could be a lethal DPS in solo play for double sabre action.


50 watchman sentinel. I was using Kira until I met Doc.

Edited by Outlawe
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I'm a level 50 combat sent and I have always used Kira since ~13th level. I have had little to no trouble with the content. The key was always to know the kill order and if I jumped in first or Kira.


The only fight I ever needed help with was the final fight for our class quest. I asked a friend to join me and we completed it with little trouble.

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50 Jedi Guardian


Used Kira as soon as I got her until I got Doc, then pretty much Doc from then on. Occasionally ill bust out Rusk, Scourge, or Kira again on a whim when I'm doing easy dailies, but I pretty much use Doc for everything that mattered. Having him around reduces MY downtime, which means my already slow killing is sped up in that I don't have to rest between fights like I normally do with any of the others.


I think their best bet would be to turn ALL of our companions into some form of healer-hybrid. Kira's kinda built on a consular base, have her attacks have a chance to heal her and you. Rusk uses assault cannons, give him some commando-ish medic stuff. Scourge has his dark side drain...Keep Doc as the most dedicated of the healers, but give the other companions something. It'll smooth out low level difficulties and provide options at high levels. I really feel like everyone but Kira early on and Doc ends up just not getting enough face time with me. They should all be useful enough that you don't mind taking them out with you on occasion. Everyone will have their favorite obviously, but as it stands, T7 I didn't use beyond getting Kira, Kira I rarely used beyond getting Doc, and I never used Rusk or Scourge at all. I mostly feel sorry for Rusk, he's built up as this crazy soldier who just gets his squad hurt, and if I didn't decide to get his affection up after hitting 50 id never have any inkling of who he is beyond that...he's actually kinda interesting once you get to know him, but he's just not who you're gonna be bringing along with you once you get Doc, so you probably wont find out without showering him with military gear.

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Lvl 42 Guardian


Doc, both useful (without healer, we are just sooo much of a chore to play) & likeable character... (he is handsome :p)

Wouldn't trade him for any other companion, maybe if Lord Praven was actually possible as companion.. :o

Edited by Jo_Darkrider
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Level 46 Vigilance Guardian:


I used Kira (90%) and T7 (10%) until I got Doc, afterwards it changed to Doc (85%), Kira (10%) and T7 (5%). Kira and T7 see the most use during normal world missions, for difficult fights I'll always switch to Doc.

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Vigilance Guardian, level 49 (finished the class story)


As soon as I got Kira that little Roomba (T7) stayed on my ship to craft me stuff and do missions. I hung her up after I got Doc and even though I've gone back twice and updated Kira's gear to appropriate level I cannot make her work. I used Rusk for exactly 1 pull heading towards the mission where you get Scourge and then after finishing the fight with a sliver of health I sent him back to his room (my ship) and haven't brought him out except for a few conversations where I think I can nab some affection or to put gear on him.


Scourge I've used to tank the Jedi Prisoner flashpoints (by micromanaging him like crazy) and maybe a half dozen fights while questing. Honestly none of the other companions are actually useable but Doc. I don't feel very heroic when I skim through trash with a small nudge of life left at the end and med after every pull. So for better or worse, he's the only companion worth keeping out. Though I do keep expecting him to bust into "Prince of Kings" at any moment given how much like Freddy Mercury he looks...

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I used Kira up until I got Doc. Then reluctantly switched out Doc for the majority of the time. I'll bust out Rusk or Kira when I have a healer in the group.


I almost never use T-7 or Lord Scourge. They both seem to fill a tanking role which doesn't help me much. Although I'd suspect they help out the Sentinels.


I would have preferred Kira to be the healer, but mostly because I needed Doc more at later levels, but prefer having a hot companion for the majority of the time. Really not an issue though.

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I used Kira up until I got Doc. Then reluctantly switched out Doc for the majority of the time. I'll bust out Rusk or Kira when I have a healer in the group.


I almost never use T-7 or Lord Scourge. They both seem to fill a tanking role which doesn't help me much. Although I'd suspect they help out the Sentinels.


I would have preferred Kira to be the healer, but mostly because I needed Doc more at later levels, but prefer having a hot companion for the majority of the time. Really not an issue though.


Are you a tank-specced Guardian?

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JG 50 (I change my spec every other day).


The best companion is Doc but he's my least favorite, personality-wise. I don't dislike him but like all of the others more. I really like the idea of Kira as my personal Satele - a good, likeable, slightly vulnerable fighter with a troubled past - and don't want her turned into a healer. But with the way wow-clone trinity games work, heals > all in terms of support.


I have tried all of my companions in pve except for Rusk and, while usable, Doc is unbeatable in terms of reducing downtime and in terms of increasing my combat range.


For world pvp, though, I like having Kira; Doc does not heal through the bursts that we get hit with in pvp.

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I am running with doc almost exclusively unless I am grouped with someone. Then I will bust out Rusk for the ranged DPS and let either the other persons heal companion handle the healing or if they are a healer let them do there job :)


<spoiler>Lord Scourge sucks for anything except crafting! Seriously I busted him out when I first got him and sent him against a couple trash mobs solo and watch him get his butt whooped. Seriously, this guy was an epic boss fight for the end of the second chapter and he gets his but kicked by a couple prisoners with blasters! I literally laughed my *** off for like an hour because of that. Dude has been alive for at least 300 years and may be as old as the emperor and dies to 2 punk criminals with blasters. That has got to be the definition of Irony.</spoiler>


But yeah end of rant, doc is the bomb gigiddy :)

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As sentinel watchman I used Kira most of the game, though toward the end it became more challenging/more healing downtime so I started to use Doc more, though always Kira for main storyline missions and most dialogue option, and even the boss fights Kira was fine to use.


Rusk I never used, T7 was forced to use him for the doomsday quest which was really annoying, Lord Scourge i hate, the worst character Bioware have ever created to go with the worst voice acting in the game.

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Doc 90% kira 10, the only time i use kira is when the mobs are weak enough that i want to kill faster and i dont have to worry about dying. Rusk scourge t7 fill no role for jedi knight that needs filling.


50 watchmen sentinel, even with near full champ and biochem i still lean on doc alot

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As a Tank Spec Guardian i use Doc exclusively for all solo questing and bust out Kira when there is a better healer in a group and there is a slot open for DPS.


The other companions seem like clutter to me. Rusk and Scourge are useless to me and T7 should have had more focus considering his role in the story ending.

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Do this in any forum and you'll find the only people who don't take the healers are spec'd full heals. Occasionally you'll see tanks take a DPS, though leveling for them is smoother with a healer, just slower. With the MASSIVE nerf to tank companions a few weeks before launch, they're useless. DPS classes can use DPS companions and get faster kill times, but the downtime required to heal back them/you after fights evens out the slower kill-time but lower downtime that you get from leveling with a healer. However, since healers are also the best world PvP companion, it's not a tie. It's also not a tie because psychologically the slower kill time is not as noticeable as the increased after-fight regeneration unless you're using a stopwatch. Edited by Apocalypse-
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