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Zone populations incredibly low


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The servers are instanced or aka "sharded" to prevent them from crashing. In other words you can have 3 "instances" of the imperial fleet or wherever you are running at the same time.


I am not a huge fan of this but I dunno...It does make the population seem less than what it is.

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Just a quick comment on this:


Earlier today I did a /who of the different level ranges to ensure I wasn't going over the max search limit and added up all of the totals for the server.


There were less than 200 people on the entire server for the republic side (PvE server). Imperial side was similar.


Whether you want people stealing your mobs or not, less than 200 per side on a whole server is unacceptable, even during non peak hours. Those numbers make the server look like a final fantasy 14 server...ghost town.


I love the game and hope that the pop improves so that there is a strong end game on the server. I just hope it doesn't crash even lower after the 1 month sub period.

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K. Head over to your local WoW server and fly around the zones that are 1-50, then type /who as you're in those zones. I'll give you my personal address and fly you out here, and you can punch me dead in the nose for every single zone that has more than 7 people in.


But I can go into Orgrimmar and there will be over 1,000 players there. Orgrimmar feels like a bustling, living community. The Republic Fleet feels like Undercity, at best.

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But I can go into Orgrimmar and there will be over 1,000 players there. Orgrimmar feels like a bustling, living community. The Republic Fleet feels like Undercity, at best.


Again. Orgrimmar contains pretty much the entire Horde pop of a server. The Republic Fleet doesn't because people are not max level yet (not many anyway) and they're all out and about on planets.



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K. Head over to your local WoW server and fly around the zones that are 1-50, then type /who as you're in those zones. I'll give you my personal address and fly you out here, and you can punch me dead in the nose for every single zone that has more than 7 people in.


Difference is this game just came out.

If you flew to Hyjal in the first 3 weeks of Catclysm , or Elwynn Forest in the first 3 weeks of vanilla you would run into many many more people than you would in any zone in swtor in the first 3 weeks.

Take off the glasses its not that hard to figure out.

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K. Head over to your local WoW server and fly around the zones that are 1-50, then type /who as you're in those zones. I'll give you my personal address and fly you out here, and you can punch me dead in the nose for every single zone that has more than 7 people in.


Durotar and Elwynn Forest easily have more than 7.




I'll be expecting a PM shortly ;)

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On FULL server, Imperial side last night during peak hours -

Alderaan - 92 people total. (and it was sharded into Alderaan 1 and 2!!!)

Taris - 102

Imperial Fleet - 99

Tattooine - 67


How are these servers "FULL"??? What is the server cap? 1000? Feels like a ghost town in most areas. And the numbers back it up. On republic side you can usually divide those number by half at least. It is discouraging.

It's probably three times that low on the republic side. Seriously... the long hallways and empty hangar spaces and lack of people I see is starting to get to me.... It's not what I signed up for.




It's comical how a linear game can feel so empty yet star wars galaxies in it's prime was booming with social interaction.



People lining up for doctor buffs, sitting in cantinas and chatting, waiting in the spaceport and having conversations... bustling population.



This game on a full server feels like the most empty of empty.

Edited by ColdLogic
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Is there an official Bioware response as to why planets like Alderaan on my server have 4 shards and only contain about 40-50 people on the planet at peak time?


Why we have so many low pop servers still? Why there are no character transfers upon release?


This is ridiculous.


Yeah I agree *** bioware, at early access/release you asked us to not roll on full servers! so we should all roll on empty servers with no one to play with?


I should have stayed on my full server Mind Trick and not listen to the developer now im on telos restoration project.


Its not fair let now that you made the server sizes bigger since we moved off the full servers?


Give us transfers back to servers with communties.

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Please please please please,


don't complain about "low" populations.


Some of use don't give a hoot about PvP and would very much like our PvE experience to be very much solo.




Some of us don't give a hoot about your solo adventurequest in space. Bioware added a plethora of group quests and I would like to see the game design accommodate, instead of fracturing the playerbase.

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I could take a notepad in stormwind on my server and list the players or I could go to Kaas city or any major city in swtor and count the players on one hand.


This.... they totally missed the ball on what people want.


I don't care if the graphics are stick people, I play MMO's for the aspect of social interaction.

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all they need to do is open up a server transfer service. Even if it's a paid service, it would allow those that end up being unhappy with end game or their current population because they ended up on a low population server to be able to pay to move to a different one. The alternative obviously is re-rolling on another server, but a lot of people would rather pay to move than lose out on all the progress on their main character.


Regardless I still think that is at least a month and a half away since you need the majority (50+%) of people to hit max level and for the server populations to stabilize so that you can really see what the population does and how it effects the experience on the server/end game. Also, if this game follows the pattern of most other MMO's, there will be a dip in subscriptions at the 1 month mark (which is usually a good thing in a way since it eliminates people that were just passing through). I just hope this dip doesn't cripple the low populations of some servers.


tldr: no mergers/closing servers/anything extreme like that. Way too early for something like that. Just open a paid server transfer service so people that really really care about it and are willing to pay can pay to move.

Edited by Beauflex
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I've had zero trouble finding people to play with any time I've wanted to.


It really does depend on what server you are on and what level range you are in. If you do a /who and look at the level ranges on certain servers, the overall population may be decent, but certain level ranges may be completely lacking making it very hard to find groups. If you leveled with the majority of your pop, then you wont have trouble. If you fell behind the vast majority of people, you may have some problems finding a group. It really is person and server dependent and can't be generalized to everyone.

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How many people do you want to compete with for resources in a zone?


400 people in one zone during the beta was AWFUL.


Standing around waiting for mobs to respawn, chat window full of useless troll chatter, laaaaag.


Seriously 40-50 people in a shard is awesome.


The people crying about this now would be the same ones crying if the shards were too populated.

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K. Head over to your local WoW server and fly around the zones that are 1-50, then type /who as you're in those zones. I'll give you my personal address and fly you out here, and you can punch me dead in the nose for every single zone that has more than 7 people in.


I've levelled through WoW to 85 on 6 Characters and that is the case, on old established servers. But, when new servers open up, with fresh players, the zones are absolutely packed for months.


I have characters on 2 servers in SWTOR though. One of the servers is always very heavy and in every zone so far, there have been 100+ people. The Imperial fleet always has 250+. On my other server, which was classed standard is now heavy, I get to see maybe up to 40 people in the zones I'm in, but the starter zone always has 100+.

Edited by Krashh
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Are you having trouble grouping or doing things? Or are you just complaining because the # of people shown in the tracker isnt what you hoped it would be?


If there were a 1000 people in the zone youre in and it was laggy as #ell would you be complaining there were too many people and to open more servers?


I had 25 people in my guild online last night and that was enough for me to do whatever I needed to do to have fun and play with others. I hit WZ and queue instantly.



What is your magic number yo?

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