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Cross-realm PvP announced, BW just killed SW:tOR.


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Protest all you want. You all represent the minority.


Want to play with friends? Group up.


Don't have a pvp guild? Group with randoms. That's what you want anyways so long as they are on the same server apparently.


Why do I need to know my enemy to get satisfaction out of the win? If they play, It's easy to tell if someone is a scrub or educated and versed in which case it will determine my level of accomplishment out of the win.


If you really want a reputation in an MMO via PVP, just be a good player. Accomplish something worth mentioning. If the biggest part of this game for you is making sure Joe-joe the Sith Juggernaut thinks your one boss Smuggler in that tiny fish bowl of talent or maybe lack of, then just World PVP.


The fact you community junkies don't accept world PVP as a viable alternative "Because there is no reward" is starting to look hypocritical... I thought it was about the community?


You really don't understand what they are talking about at all, do you? People aren't trying to give themselves a reputation of the "best merc ever" like the self-proclaimed fellow posting on the forums. Most enjoy actually recognizing and speaking with fellow players and opponents. Amazingly enough, it is actually far easier to do that when you come into contact with said people on a regular basis. There is also a sense of responsibility because people recognize you. If you become recognized as the douche who afks through warzones, there will be consequences. When there are 50k people in the pool, odds are high that people won't recognize you.


On my server, pvp general actually has discussions. When people are bored they call out stuff so the opposing team can hear it. I know several players that get excited to fight a friend and forget about the hutball. It adds a sense of humanity to the other players when you see them on a regular basis. That is the community that they speak of. Most people don't want to lose it to the robotic feel that comes when you never seen familiar faces.

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i'm not sure i like this. i enjoy seeing the server usuals, and sometimes good banter is generated because of this. it's also fun finishing a good game of huttball, and continuing the smack talk in the fleet station. like others have said, warzones will be much more anonymous now, yes, even on the internet.


then again, i'm one of those guys that is against the 50 bracket, and thinks it's fun fighting 50's while level 38.

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Um no I pointed out that you are simply making crap up. If you don't make crap up, people won't call you out for it.


Who made any crap up? Implying people that don't like Cross-server PVP are the minority? That's an educated observation. Just because you don't like it or don't agree doesn't mean it's made up.


If your gonna call it out, I would advise having something to support your claim other than "I didn't say anything so I don't have to prove anything".


Deal with it. :cool:

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The big Problem is still not being addressed....hence we are talking about cross server pvp battles etc.

The ratio of Empire v Republic players across all servers....

The inbalance of certain mirror classes, (check the forums guys...the list is long) which favour Empire class players, especially when your talking PVP.

Players are getting frustrated with the Republic classes, and are rerolling Empire.


No one has the facts on the imbalance across all the pvp servers, but you would be kidding yourself if the ratio was not 5.1 in favour of the Empire classes, and im being liberal on that estimation...(European PVP servers)...


Im not in favour of cross server PVP...hence i have decided to go roll a new Character on Republic side....

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I really hope they don't do this, the community is great in the game, and no one is rude in the middle of warzones, if they are they get a name. Also many people in my guild met through warzone's and joined us because we had a good time together. With cross-servers I can see that not happening.


It would make more sense to combine low populated servers if its possible...

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Ok, just for the sake of having a random optimist in the mix.... The post says "Cross-server pvp is something they want to do."


We're all assuming that means cross-server wz cues, but there is the possibility that they have some other, separate feature in mind that will offer an outlet for cross server pvp.


I, for one, am hoping that if cross-server wz's do happen, it's a long way off.

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You speak as if this game would live a day after the release of GW2.


yes because gw2 will get the same number of patches and just as many people working on the improvement of the game with all that monthly income.


imo the cross server pvp will work fine, if mixed with same server as well. huttball could stay same server while the other 2 go cross server.


as for open world. give open world pvp another equal in stat set of gear but with a different look. or maybe even instead of creating new looks have it reward with armoring/mods/enhancements/barrels/hilts so that we can continue making our own looks instead of gear clones.

Edited by SamuraiCrazy
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I was hanging around the developer tracker when I found a thread from a player that complained about him having too few opponents at 50 on his server. At page 7 of said thread he gets a reply from a BW representative basically addressing his "huge" problem (like there isn't better stuff for them to reply to?) and announcing that even tho BW have said that they Dont want to use cross-realm tools (which Do completely ruin a servers community) it now will be implemented...Just not "in the near future".


What this does to me? It makes me feel sick, and I seriously consider Not playing the game anymore. Now I expect that just when they fix PvP for us, they will ruin it by making it matter **** (yes, having cross-realm basically does that). Good work BW, you just lost alot of PvP:ers.


For reference see: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1422167#edit1422167 - page 7.



shut up and get over it. Nothing about it ruins a community what ruins a community is people like you. If your server community sucks its gonna suck regardless of this. People will act the same with or without it so stop with that old argument wows community was ruined long before DF or cross server battlegrounds.

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It's not cross server already? I kinda just assumed it has been the entire time because anything else just doesn't make sense to me. Grats on finally adding this feature BW. If you want to pvp against people on your own server go to Illum or join a pvp server like you should have in the first place. Edited by DimeStax
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It's not cross server already? I kinda just assumed it has been the entire time because anything else just doesn't make sense to me. Grats on finally adding this feature BW. If you want to pvp against people on your own server go to Illum or join a pvp server like you should have in the first place.


I'm -on- a PvP server. I love facing people I recognize.

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IF and WHEN it is put in the game I will be done with PvP.


I love the community PVP on a server.


It's a lot of fun to play against people you "know". Taking that away is just........wrong.


will one of you please just elaborate on this ridiculous point? i mean, it's like you're in a presidential debate. you can't just say things with no reasoning.


You love community pvp on a server? what about it do you love? I pvp all day, and I don't really care who anyone is unless they're good. I don't "know" anyone on the server, I only know which players are good and which ones really, really suck. I'd trade the crappy or random players for good players from other servers any day of the week.


What perception of familiarity do you hold on to and why has your brain confused that with dynamic and exciting warzone matches?

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this is mostly a really good change...


only downsides will be


-more trolling / trashtalking


-probably more afking



lets face it, there isnt even any server forums so its not like oldschool WoW where everyone would interact with eachother and plan premade battles.

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It's actually kind of interesting. Thread on general forum about PvP cross-server is everyone wants it. Thread in PvP forum on cross-servers is no one wants it.


Conclusion? People who PvP don't want cross-server PvP. People who don't PvP DO want it.

Pretty much sums it up and completely agree.

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Will have to be x server for 50s at least, there is simply not enough 50s to support it and won't be for a long time....


Maybe when it is put in, I won't be facing the same 20 people on my faction every game in Huttball. It's supposed to be Republic vs Empire. Not Empire vs Empire 90% my games.


But just wait, once 50s only bracket is enforced; enjoy the massively long que times! X server PvP will cut that down a bit and that is why I support having it put in game 100%. I quit that other game simply because I spent 45+ mins waiting to PvP for a 2-15 minute game. Is that fun?

Edited by fixit
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