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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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PAX East was an anomaly, and I mean that in a good way. The specific goal of that event was to show everyone that yes, we were in fact an MMO, and we did that by letting people see some of our favorite Flashpoint content. The crowds we got were something we were completely blown away by, and if you followed the other shows we visited in 2011, you'd see that we adjusted accordingly by having shorter demos, more machines, and getting as many people through the booth as possible. So compared to the 8-hour lines you saw at PAX East, every other show had lines that were no longer than an hour or two.


That being said, I'm curious to hear more opinions on this topic. In a situation where we had future content to show (which would not be most shows, remember), would you prefer a chance to play through the majority of the new content, knowing that it was less likely you'd actually get a chance to play it, or would you prefer a shorter content tease, with a much higher chance of getting to play at all?


Shorter play times, with longer video's showing the content off.

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  1. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)
  2. What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?
  3. If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Thanks in advance for all your great feedback!



1) I'd like to see Q&A's a booths and photo opportunities. Both together would be nice.


2) Topics covered on panels should be extensive to content changes and added future content. More focus on what social content would come to this game (i.e. fishing, galactic fair, holidays, etc.). Voice Actors panels would be "okay", but honestly too many of those occurred before the game's launch and there really isn't more to be said beyond "this person is voice for X"


3) If a show is in my area...which it never will be, then I would attend a CM&G. Closest town to me is Portland OR, 6hr drive. I'd take that drive if there was an event there, but there's usually not. Only event that I know that's even close to being near here is in Seattle WA. :(

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I've never been to game shows and it's unlikely I'll ever go. But I do follow the coverage of the shows and quite a lot of video comes out almost immediately.


1. I'd like to see the future of space combat. Devs responding to user-submitted questions.


2. I'd like to see a discussion full of numbers, like Republic vs Empire, percentages of each class, race, professions, affection level of companions, and anything else.


3. Nope.

Edited by Sireene
OT - PM'd
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Hi everyone!


With that in mind, we want to hear your thoughts. To get you started, here are some questions we’d love to get your feedback on.


What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)

I would like to listen to a general overview of the team's vision for future expansions. It is surely too much to ask for specifics, but what does the team intend? More levels? More planets? Extensions of plot lines? More character races? 'Free' space? Neutral or 'Grey' faction: story lines, class quests, and rewards?


What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?

I'd like to hear an open brainstorming session about a game expansion design followed by a Q&A session.


I'd also be very interested in learning about team management philosophies and how leads interact and coordinate.


If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?

Sure! I feel confident when I say Philadelphia awaits!

Thanks in advance for all your great feedback!

'Tis I who thank you.

Edited by Gleneagle
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1- I love Q&A's but I want to see more artists there so I can pick their brains at career questions and "what it takes" sort of thing.

2- Just come to the GEEX expo or The Man Expo in Salt Lake. Really I'd just be happy to see you guys in Salt Lake at all!

3- I would absolutely attend a community meet-n-greet, pending you come to Salt Lake City.

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That being said, I'm curious to hear more opinions on this topic. In a situation where we had future content to show (which would not be most shows, remember), would you prefer a chance to play through the majority of the new content, knowing that it was less likely you'd actually get a chance to play it, or would you prefer a shorter content tease, with a much higher chance of getting to play at all?


Shorter times to allow more people to play/get a higher percentage chance at playing. With the game being out, I know some people may not even want to try out the new content, though I would assume the majority going to the Cons are not there only for TOR.


With shorter play times of say new content you can still showcase some of the highlights, display demos, more dev walkthroughs, Q&As, panels, etc.


I would like to see more expanded upon at meet and greets, though that does sound a little selfish. For those that are lucky enough to attend, meeting some of the fans is always great. Though from what I read over the past conventions, the developer interaction is greater, and more details seem to get let out during that time.


In a controlled environment that is something that you can do, and it is a more laid back atmosphere than on the show floor. If you want to maintain that kind of closed off feel, a possible solution would be to have that closed booth (From PAX East) that showed the "How-to" with Dallas, and use that space for questions or something similar. While the room is small, you can get a more of a one on one, and use that space for new/fan sites to hold their sessions.


If you are looking to field questions from those that are in line, or want to have a few Q&As that are a bit more controlled, an idea would be to have a few of the iPads roaming the line (with a staff person) and people can put their questions in with that.


You can keep a list of what is asked, find the duplicate questions, the "dumb" questions, and those hidden gems that can be discussed.

Edited by engrey
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What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities):

-Photo opportunities would be very fun. Definitely a Q&A panel & PvP tournaments. I think some contests should be held as well... perhaps a costume contest. Star Wars fans love to have an excuse to dress up but also get acknowledged for their designs. Also autograph signings for fans who would like their game or Collector's Edition signed.


What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?

-All of the above & even some questions about development... what to expect in the future, what will be added, what will never be added.


If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?

-I most definitely would. I live in Nashville & hope you all hit up the big cities in the country, so I can have a chance.

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What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)


I would love to talk to some of the story writers and designers, I'm an absolute nut for spoilers. I would also enjoy the chance to meet some of the voice actors. Between the writers and the actors, the stories were brilliantly done! And I want MORE!


What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?


Why didn't some of my favorite voice actors get bigger roles and will you PLEASE give them bigger roles in an expansion...soon. That's me being a fangirl-nut, btw. Still, I could list them out if you want....lol.


If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?



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I'd love to see panels at conventions, specifically:


A panel on decisions in star wars - How they affect your storyline, whether and how they could affect your character beyond alignment, etc.


A panel on world events


A panel on RP, ways to improve RP experiences (particularly on RP worlds)


A UI Q & A, especially - so we can ask questions about signage, about the tutorial system, about flight points or other travel, about combat. I'd love a place where I could mention that I was level 30 before I realized that I could buy a relic at the alignment vendor - I assumed they just came later in the game, because they weren't built into any of my quests.


I would totally come to a meet and greet in my area, and even in the area of other major events (like PAX). I've had a lot of fun with the people on my server, and I'd love to meet them in person.

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What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)


More Q&A, more information about PvP and Photo opportunities resembling characters(major) from the game itself. PvP tournaments only if its stand alone from the game. No valor or Arena grinding stuff. Also a Show in the Netherlands would be nice for once, instead of england.



What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?


- I prefer Specific areas of the game and around the table with the developers.


If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?



Yes, Just like I did in england, I would come join a Meet and Greet outside the show. However this time, the show has to be held in the Netherlands for a chance :p

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I would like to see Stephan Reid in a man-kini while riding on one of the floatie things pulled behind a boat (if the event is in Florida that is).


Or maybe have some sort of sky-diving entrance with Reid and Erikson landing at the same time to open the show (would be good to do something like that at PAX East or maybe PDX Lan).


Just my thoughts... take them as seriously as you possibly can ;)

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1. Panel with VO's David Hayter, Nolan North, Jamie Glover, Kristoffer Tabori


2. Reveal more info about the Legacy system if it’s not revealed before then.


3. Announce when more guild features are coming. (i.e. guild banks)


4. More theatrics like the Times Square freeze mob.


5. Make quality (professional) video of the panels etc to put in the site. (So people who can't be there can watch it.)

Edited by Occulus
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Since you have a story driven MMO, maybe it would be cool to add something with story in it to these events? This could be a short clip, or a writing, or anything really. Could be a mysterious Jedi/Sith that helps set up the game for later. Each time you have a function like this, maybe you drop a little more of that story in there.


Or another cool idea, would be to have contests, like an art contest, for new baddies, or new npc for later. A lot of creativity out there, you never know what you would find.

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Hi everyone!


  1. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)
  2. What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?
  3. If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Thanks in advance for all your great feedback!


1) At shows, I would love to see something like PvP tournaments using pre-made geared characters. Since it's Star Wars, it would also be awesome if you could get any of the actors/actresses that were involved in any of the 6 episodes to attend. EDIT: Make it like a Bio-Con or something.


2) As far as topics, I like reassurance that the game is continually being worked on. Trailers, teasers for new content. I'd also like a panel that includes a technical lead from each area of TOR development (flashpoints, classes, pvp, system/technical) to let us know what we can expect in each area. IE, what kind of enhancements can we expect to the graphics engine over the course of the next year.


3) You bet I would! Just make sure it's at a bar! I'm a developer too, and there is one thing all developers have in common.. a love for beer! Let's hang out, toss a few back and have some light hearted discussion about a game we all love!


EDIT2: I'm in the Denver area, and we have some AWESOME breweries here.

Edited by Nytak
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