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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Can't you 'just add' an limitation slider? To limit the maximum number of visible characters that are rendered at high quality? I have seen this option in more games, if I remember correctly EQ2 also has an option like this.


Since the replies here go way to fast I haven't read through the entire topic, so someone might have already mentioned this.


i wrote about it with my crappy english . if you can make my post better i will be thankful to you = http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1489066&posted=1#post1489066

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This reminds me of the "RAGE" fiasco...anyone participate in that gripe session?


Same issue!


Definitely the same category, but this is on a much higher caliber.


Just look at the screenshots being posted here



Such a mess FFS Bioware

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You posted this as if I'm not playing the same game as you are...


The difference between me and you is, I'm not sitting around taking screenshots and staring at stills, I'm playing the game in motion. Take someone you know that you consider attractive, take a closeup picture of their face, and watch how many imperfections are there that you didn't notice when you weren't sitting there staring at them under a microscope.


If that's your thing, great - but as a rebuttal to what I said previously it doesn't really mean anything. Afaic the game is MORE than pretty enough to be playable, enjoyable even. As I said before, I can only imagine that those that think otherwise are of the younger generation of gamers or tech-heads. Graphics are an incredibly small part of what it takes to make a game, imo. But hey, to each his own. I'm simply stating my opinion like the rest of you are.


So i guess you never buy armor for xxx amount of credits only to see a messy blur? Don't you look at your armor? Saying that graphics aren't an important part of a game is like saying that film clarity and fidelity isn't important in cinematography, which it damn well is. Sure they're not the ONLY important part, but they are important.


Bioware messed up, and it seems they have zero intention of actively rectifying it anytime soon.

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Reid's response needs to be twittered, facebooked, and sent to every gaming site on the web. Let the rest of the world see these fools incompetence.


haha your avatar is perfect for what your saying...im just picturing him saying that and then laughing menacingly after....

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You'll have to use that armor though.


I'm actually the one that made that screenshot. The textures on that armor (level 40 Jedi knight pvp) are just terrible.


Or, if you'd like, we can pick an armor, and I can take a screenshot at a location with the same settings as I did in that pic, and we can compare. Then I can take one with that armor set to illustrate.


The best test is to use the holocom trick to force high-res textures and take a comparison shot. There are tons flying around.


It wouldn't be so bad if the environmental texutres looked like crap as well, but they show high-res just fine, it's when you put these muddy poop textures next to the amazing environments in this game, is when it looks unfinished and low quality.


Bioware has really fallen quite far as a company. EA is truly a poison to the gaming industry.

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I think what we need is more people that played Beta and were able to run the game using the high textures to speak up about their experience with it. I myself have a killer rig and I would like to have the "OPTION" to use or not use them. But if we here from more of the Beta testers and they speak about the performance they had this would shed more light on the issue for most of us.


I only was lucky enough to get in on one beta weekend before early access. I wish like hell I had made a backup of my .ini files that documented the graphics options that are now missing from the game. I suspect that if anyone could provide these ini files from near the end of beta that had enabled max -everything- graphically speaking, better graphics could be enabled. Unfortunately, the devs will have to fix the high rez texture issue. :(

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omg, I lol'd!! niiice haha


lol. Agree...Post of the thread right here!!!!



Originally Posted by Belarkin

Your playerbase has discovered that your game engine is ignoring the high texture option. Do you:


1) Fess up, explain that the pressure of the impending release date caused your team to have to cut a few corners, and this got missed.

2) Acknowledge the issue and agree that the textures should be fixed, and promise to do so in an upcoming patch.

3) [Force Persuade] [Dark Side] Rename “Medium” to High, and pretend like removing high res textures has always been the plan. Move along! Move along!


I think Bioware has just achieved Dark II!

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You posted this as if I'm not playing the same game as you are...


The difference between me and you is, I'm not sitting around taking screenshots and staring at stills, I'm playing the game in motion. Take someone you know that you consider attractive, take a closeup picture of their face, and watch how many imperfections are there that you didn't notice when you weren't sitting there staring at them under a microscope.


If that's your thing, great - but as a rebuttal to what I said previously it doesn't really mean anything. Afaic the game is MORE than pretty enough to be playable, enjoyable even. As I said before, I can only imagine that those that think otherwise are of the younger generation of gamers or tech-heads. Graphics are an incredibly small part of what it takes to make a game, imo. But hey, to each his own. I'm simply stating my opinion like the rest of you are.


Ok, now look at your live action gameplay and compare it to this Developer Walkthrough of the playable game:


Clearly, they don't have to develop the ability to show high resolution textures. It works just fine here!

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Reid's response needs to be twittered, facebooked, and sent to every gaming site on the web. Let the rest of the world see these fools incompetence.




I've email kotaku so far, with a link to this thread.


We need to spread the word on this, it's unbelievable.

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recreate this exact shot with your character... at this zoom level and post it. I dare you. Go ahead, we will wait.



yes , HOOORRRIBLE looking...


because you are gonna play the game zoomed withing .4 inches of your character right?


also, i dont know why but tbh this doesnt look that bad, i dont need FANTASY game to look like gran turismo 5 to be able to enjoy it






(the above was sarcasm in case you cant tell )



Edited by LaVolpex
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Only one conclusion can be drawn from that: Shoddy programming and poor choices.


Make an option available for high-end computers that, when clicked on, will warn the user that it's demanding and taxing if you don't have high-end video card, CPU, memory, etc.


Get it right ffs. It's not that complicated.


If people have low-end/mid-end computers they can only blame themselves for low resolution.


My computer can handle anything SWTOR can throw at it.


i7 2700k @ 3.40 (Quad Core)

16 GB DDR3 (low latency)

GTX 480 + GTX 260


So yeah. Those having "problems" are those running the game on an old GS 9600 + 2 GB of DDR2 RAM. Why you decided to punish everyone for those people is incomprehensible.


Unfortunately I'm starting to feel the weight of this game. I might not continue playing for long.


Blunder upon blunder. Way to go BioWare. If you continue on this vein you'll lose more players than you'll gain.


I remember at one point you cared about PC gamers. ALL of them. Now that you're part of the Evil Empire... You don't. You've lost your touch, also losing fans.

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If Mr. Reid or Bioware/EA think they can make this issue go away by saying anything other than '' Yes we know it looks bad and we will add the real high setting as soon as humanly possible.'' they will be sorely disappointed. This game already has mediocre graphics to begin with + the whole stylized business and now you managed to make it even worse and have the audacity to tell your paying customers that was the plan all along while you still use high setting screens to advertise your game. On top of all the other problems going on , this is simply unacceptable.

You are lucky it hasn't even been a month since this game released and I and probably many others don't want to feel they wasted so much money to buy this failure so we'll stick around until we lose hope and are sick of the harassment of your fanbois.Then you will see how much the people really care for empty words over results.

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The amount of people losing there sheet over this is ridiculous. Ya Bioware could have probably done a better job with this, but the development team made a choice and you have to learn how to respect that.


Has our gaming generation been so spoiled by graphics that they would pass up an overall good game because of shoddy textures? Yes better textures would be nice but its not worth cancelling your sub over. Yes I was in beta I remember the high res textures but obviously during beta they saw that the higher res textures were causing issues with the client. Perhaps someone forgot to remove the third option in the UI when they turned off the high res textures. Yes there are screenshots from beta on the website showing off better textures, but like I said above they obviously had a reason to turn off the textures during BETA.


I for one am glad Stephen even took the time to even give us an answer, Thank you Stephen and I look forward to what the development team has in store to help remedy this issue.

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yeah, currently, it is.


some in this thread have been comparing it to wow!i ll bite!yes the cartoon look is here to stay less blurred less squared smoter a la cg but it will still be wow

can you imagine when wow has 64 bit ?their limiting factor right now isnt money or talent their limit is the darn 32 bit at 3.5 gb something!once they have access to the whole ram they will be able to ask your computer to generate nice trees or wachtemacallit

it wont steer too clear but whatever they plan to do with 64 bit ,i bet they arent implementing a big change like this just to quiet their player .they wouldnt have put 64 bit!

they have a plan we just dont know what it is yet!

so the longer other game maker take to dev a success the better blizzard got time to do whatever toy they are planning at blizzard for wow.the window isnt big only game left in wow path for a long long while soon is guild wars 2 .;

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In mmos due the vastly different performance differences in different settings I like flexibility. In world of warcraft I ran on ultra for questing and low for 25man raids. I don't see why that flexibility is not allowed in swtor. At least for normal questing the high resolution textures worked fine on my PC in the beta, let me quest with them and if I have problems in operations or the fleet then I will turn them down while I am there.
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Look at every screenshot of gameplay on the main website. They look fantastic. Then compare it to anything that actually exists in game. YUCK.


It's intentionally misleading. Imagine if all of the buildup and marketing to this point had actually used in-game stuff instead of some custom rendered screenshots. I wonder if they would have still had a million preorders.


There is so much of the game, from its heavy instancing to its cramped world design that has been made to work around the limitations of its garbage rendering engine. It's just sad, really.

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Ok, just to be clear beforehand, this isn't intended to be a rage post. I'm not posting to say I'm quitting, I'm not saying Bioware are crap, that they've made a terrible game or that their souls are being roasted like Marshmallows over some satanic EA campfire.


This issue is very frustrating though, because it seems to be assuming that people are being denied a basic choice that is to be expected from a product of this type. To make matters worse, it's something that has existed in previous versions and is now absent. What's more, if these higher end textures were used to advertise the game prior to release, it's sent a very misleading impression.


The effects, it seems, are all client side, which means it should really be the choice of the player as to whether or not they think any performance hit is worth the visual improvement.


Having to wait for a fix is one thing, but being told that this is the intended state of things, when the game has been promoted with and has used other, advanced options in the past, is understandably going to frustrate the community a lot. I think that some of the most avid fans of the game, those who were involved in testing when these options were available, are going to feel cheated if the option isn't given to them. I'm not going to say 'ZOMG the game with FAIL', because I honestly think this game has legs, but the publicity will definitely be negative, on fan sites and enthusiast press, and the vague, inconsistent nature of the cause and company response, will cause a lot of people to believe a lot of things.


I really think their are better ways of approaching this than what we have at the moment. I think that players should be given the ability to test the options in upcoming PTRs, so the community can give feedback based on their machines, or at least be able to appreciate the issues first-hand.


Or even include an advisory display when selecting the higher-end options for the first time: 'These settings are intended for higher end machines. We recommend at least X or your game experience may be adversly affected.' At least give players the chance to make an active choice with something they thought was going to be included. I think denying that choice will honestly hurt impressions game, if and when the issue is more broadly circulated.


(Just to state again, I'm still having a lot of fun. I greatly dig the speakings.)

Edited by Tirranek
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Why not just give us the option to turn these apparently "high-res" textures up and down, you know for those of use who have computers that can handle these allegedly "high-res" textures.


Many of use, like my self, have paid a large amount for out computers so that we can experience games with amazing graphical detail, we plead to you, to make these options to turn on higher resolution textures available to use. Otherwise, as stated by others, you will be taking down the high resolution screen shots you have posted on the site and other advertisements, correct?

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