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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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There we have it... Bioware Y U NO as good as Lotro?



When I get home from work, I'll link some of my old screenshots from SW:G circa 2003/2004... even THEY look better than this ****.

Edited by Ninyania
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This sort of issue may not seem big, but it will kill this game combined with the other crippling flaws.


Rheids post basically says "You guys aren't smart enough to handle a High-res texture option".


I'm going to laugh my kidneys out when some tech guru on this forum unlocks a way to mod the game to display the high-res textures, dispelling all these nonsense answers.


I am 100% sure that something like this will happen, especially after today ;)

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Someone email this to the devs and every gaming blog that ever existed.


Word needs to come out about this damn false advertising.

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Enough said.


Added that pic to the first post.


It's like Bioware is oblivious as to how good many other current and previous MMORPG character models look up-close. Your's isn't the first MMORPG ever Bioware, we know that high res is readily achievable with 2005-present technology.

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If they turned it on all you idiots would be complaining about how your GTX 9800 is running at 9 FPS.


They know that the majority of people playing the game have crap computers so they are trying to mitigate the bad press from all the flamers.


The sooner all of you nutbags all leave the sooner they'll turn the feature on for the rest of us.


The people with the crap computers would keep the settings on medium (high) the rest of us can jack the settings up.

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I am going to reply to this as simply as I can.


I have a Radeon 7970 on it's way, and should arrive friday. It was really expensive.


The only game I plan to play for the forseeable future is SWTOR. So, let me enable high quality textures. Not to mention bloom and any other graphical features you have conveniantly 'left out' of the launch client. I would even love to run the game in DX11 if that's an option.


Please don't just cater to the WOW refugees who are still trying to run games on a single core CPU and integrated graphics. Some of us have real gaming PCs.

Edited by BlackMink
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does bioware really think their game is more graphically intensive than BF3 ultra? lets get real. this game doesnt even have native anti-aliasing, and from the sounds of it, its not going to for a long time.


AA is currently enabled on the test server... :rolleyes:

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I don't see why Bioware can't just do what Guild wars did. your personal avatar's texture settings were higher than everyone elses. honestly i don't give a crap about other people's avatars.


on top of that Stephen Reid said it himself, they can render high-res textures in the conversations, this would include my avatar and those of up to 3 other player character's avatars. so why can't i have it set to only render high-res for myself and my party, as before i'm sure i'm not the only one who doesn't give a flying.... about what everyone else looks like.


Also, do something about the paper doll textures, they are HORRIBLE. i go to try something new on my guy, maybe see if i wanna take it as my reward for a quest or even buy an item off the GTN, but when it looks like my character is wearing a suit of multi-colored vomit it kills it for me.

Edited by Thaxeus
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Terrible, just terrible. You know what? It's even worse because I am one of the people who got to play this game when High-res was enabled ALL THE TIME. It looks INSANELY AMAZING. They cut it out of beta, but continued to trick you into believing it was there with their marketing progression trailers.


What a joke Bioware.

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The definition and proof requirement of False Advertising is:


To establish that an advertisement is false, a plaintiff must prove five things: (1) a false statement of fact has been made about the advertiser's own or another person's goods, services, or commercial activity; (2) the statement either deceives or has the potential to deceive a substantial portion of its targeted audience; (3) the deception is also likely to affect the purchasing decisions of its audience; (4) the advertising involves goods or services in interstate commerce; and (5) the deception has either resulted in or is likely to result in injury to the plaintiff. The most heavily weighed factor is the advertisement's potential to injure a customer. The injury is usually attributed to money the consumer lost through a purchase that would not have been made had the advertisement not been misleading. False statements can be defined in two ways: those that are false on their face and those that are implicitly false.


As such, this issue clearly falls into this category. I would not have purchased this game, spending over 120 dollars for the Collectors Edition, had it been advertised correctly as a low resolution game.

The game was misrepresented by screenshots, video play (check out any of the videos posted on youtube under the "Directors commentary") and beta experiences as a product that they had no intent to deliver upon at launch.


Simply put:


Failure to Disclose It is considered false advertising under the Lanham Act if a representation is "untrue as a result of the failure to disclose a material fact." Therefore, false advertising can come from both misstatements and partially correct statements that are misleading because they do not disclose something the consumer should know. The Trademark Law Revision Act of 1988, which added several amendments to the Lanham Act, left creation of the line between sufficient and insufficient disclosure to the discretion of the courts


I don't really care if some of you feel that it "isn't a big deal". We were marketed and sold a product with no capability from the vendor to deliver that product. We got a beat-up pick up truck instead of the fancy sports car that we test drove. This is a MAJOR issue. Accepting problems like this only set a precedent for future games to do the same, because we're willing to accept unfinished products that do not make good on their claims. How quickly would you take a product back to the grocery store if it advertised the product as steak, but you found out it was hot dog meat? Sure, you can eat it, and might even be able to convince yourself its nearly the same thing, but dollars to donuts you'd take it back for your 10 dollars - why wouldn't you do the same for your 50 dollar investment?

Don't let this get swept under the rug.


Rather than sit here and complain about it, it's simple enough to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. I have already done so. It takes a few minutes to file the complaint online;




Don't take answers like this. You as a consumer are entitled to get the product you purchased.

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If they turned it on all you idiots would be complaining about how your GTX 9800 is running at 9 FPS.


They know that the majority of people playing the game have crap computers so they are trying to mitigate the bad press from all the flamers.


The sooner all of you nutbags all leave the sooner they'll turn the feature on for the rest of us.


That is why it called an "OPTION". I agree that some bad word of mouth may happen, but to be honest is this different from any other game? I mean any other PC game, you tune the settings to make it run as well as it could on your rig. The difference here is that the BioWare is not giving the option to users to even try this.


There are so many graphical options not available to users to improve performance that it makes me wonder what the hell they were thinking. In every MMO I have played, there is setting to reduce graphic quality of effects etc. Some people that I have played with in other games turned down some of the "effects" settings to maintain higher res textures at an acceptable frame rate. But in this game, the lack of settings is questionable.

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The idea that low/medium/high was unintended and somehow was a bug is I feel at best disingenuous, and I'm simply not inclinded to believe it.


I don't find your answer acceptable, I don't find the current textures acceptable in a modern MMO, I will be returning to either AoC or Rift at the end of my first month.


This is nonsense, and anybody who has been around the MMO block a couple of times recognises it as such.

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If they turned it on all you idiots would be complaining about how your GTX 9800 is running at 9 FPS.


They know that the majority of people playing the game have crap computers so they are trying to mitigate the bad press from all the flamers.


The sooner all of you nutbags all leave the sooner they'll turn the feature on for the rest of us.


Maybe they should try optimizing the piece of **** game. They could even try being honest and not lying to the entire player-base. I can run Witcher 2 at 1920x1080 with high settings at a better frame-rate than this.


The sooner you mindless zombies realize you've been played like a tool, the faster you can start complaining. Every single problem that has been shown, "we'll get round to fixing it some time in the future"


Have fun handing over your money to liars monthly so you can play a poorly optimized game with no High Quality textures and bugs all over the place.

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