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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Yes sir, I'm A-OK with a game that makes me not want to play any other games. Whatever the bad may be, the good still out-weighs it by a long shot. And maybe those pictures were taken in BETA, and beta is just a test phase where it was tested. Thats logical and aloud.


>typical bioware fan

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Whilst I am sad the decision was made in the first place without asking the community (BETA testers in particular) I am very very happy about this detailed explaination Stephen. I give you 6 months or more if need be. I love this game and your CLEAR commitment to give us highend users what we desire is plain awesome.


Thank you so much. I salute you and your team.


I knew you would not let us down.


Off to level 42 now. :) With even more vigor!


And so starts the fanboys swallowing whatever crap Bioware feeds them. This response is total building. You're telling me that a company with excessive mass pvp rendering experience(war,daoc) can't fix the hi res textures?


This is totally unacceptable and all of you who made the thousands of posts earlier should unsubscribe so that Bioware can understand that they can't keep taking advantage of their customers.

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Thanks for the update. I understand why people want the choice to use the higher resolution textures if they have a powerful PC, but I trust that BW is making the right call by leaving it out for now. If it was even somewhat possible that it was smooth and could work for some users, then i'm sure BW would leave it in. However, they know a lot more about how this game will run on our comps than we do, so I'm going to have some faith in their decision.
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Yep, mine was deleted in less than 2 minutes. It mentioned a class action lawsuit.


As well as the fact that every facet of game media they presented to the public, whether it was screenshots, video, or the beta, utilized those high resolution textures.


It is ILLEGAL to present a product and market it as something it is clearly not, which is what they have done here.


Seems to me if they're deleting all posts in reference to legal action - they are afraid of what may come of them, because they are guilty of exactly what they're trying to cover up. If there was no justifiable cause for legal action, what cause would they have to delete posts referencing it and pointing out exactly what illegal actions they have taken.


So now again - I really hope this isn't your final answer Mr. Reid. If the textures that every single video, screenshot, and even the beta were marketed with were simply a 'UI bug' and never intended to be used, then they should not have been used in the marketing and promotion of this game. THAT IS FALSE ADVERTISING. THAT IS ILLEGAL.


So I really hope you come up with another response for us.


Copy pastad for easy reposting.


Post deleted in 3.... 2.... 1.

LOL just so you know you in the EULA in the boxes we no check is a claus stating we agree not to Sue EA LA or BW for any reason
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That's not going to do anything. Every game uses bullshots no matter how good the game actually looks. While BF3 looks stunning go and look at the official screenshots. They are completely out of this world and look better than the game maxed out. This is a shameful and common practice in the industry.


In my experience, SS's taken and advertised as 'in game footage' usually are possible with highest settings.

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Wow, that's pretty ridiculous.


Instead of typing a wall of text (which I began to do), I'll just say that i'm really unhappy with the content of this "answer", with the false advertising and with this new example of Bioware disdain for their customers.


Whats ridiculous is that some people are actully defending the reasoning behind this (and the FPs issue), i'm actully saddened to see that.


These people defending this should be ashamed of themselfs.

Edited by MajorMelchett
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This isn't the 90's. With your mindset technology would never progress. Good graphics are just as important for enjoying the game as good gameplay. If you have one without the other the game suffers for it. Battlefield 3, Crysis, Crysis 2, Uncharted series, Witcher 2 all rely on excellent graphics to suck the player into the game and feel as if he/she is in it. If Witcher 2 had the same graphics as Witcher 1 that would be absolutely ridiculous.


It's also why they sell you know...$500 GPU's and whatnot.


Incorrect. Technology progresses because you demand it, not because it is required.


They use the graphics to suck you in because that's what you're looking for, not because it's required.


It would be ridiculous because that would be against what you expect, not because it's required.


This is the very mindset I protested against. Good graphics = a good thing. Good graphics =/= good game.

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This is most certainly not set up to highest settings in options, that particular armor looks bad indeed because it is probably one of those armors that have broken textures, but on the other hand your entire picture looks bad, edgy with no AA, etc.


Myself and some other users have provided pictures with graphics overall (not just the armor) looking much better than this, how can you explain that?


Obviously his screen has no AA...considering that you know the game doesn't have the option?


Also the closer an object and the more angled it is the more aliased it looks.


Incorrect. Technology progresses because you demand it, not because it is required.


They use the graphics to suck you in because that's what you're looking for, not because it's required.


It would be ridiculous because that would be against what you expect, not because it's required.


This is the very mindset I protested against. Good graphics = a good thing. Good graphics =/= good game.


No one is saying good graphics makes a good game. But it makes a good game even better. I just can't stand people who pretend that graphics don't mean anything. That's a bunch of bull and they do mean something.


The visuals in BF3 make for a much more intense experience thus improve upon the game. That's just one example of how visuals are used to work TOGETHER with the gameplay to give a better experience to people.

Edited by Improv-
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I understand why the textures were implemented how they are, bugs or no bugs. Regardless, I still fee we - the players - should be allowed to decide if we want to/if we can see more of the game in the highest texture (cinematic) quality. Especially for our own characters.


I'd like to at least be able to enable the highest texture quality for my characters, my speeders, my companions and my ships.


I would eventually like to see this enabled as whole. Allow parameters to be set based on distance and number of characters, companions and enemies.


Example of possible options in preferences:



Render in Cinematic Quality:

  • Player Character: ON | OFF
  • Player Speeder: ON | OFF
  • Player Companion: ON | OFF
  • Group Players: ON | OFF
  • Group Companions: ON | OFF

Advanced Controls Enabled: ON | OFF

<!-Advanced Controls Start->

  • High Texture Draw Radius (Distance Centered on Player): OFF | [distance] - [distance] | MAX
  • Number High Detail Player Characters to Draw: OFF | 1 - 100 | MAX
  • Number High Detail Companions to Draw: OFF | 1 - 100 | MAX
  • Number High Detail Non-Player Characters to Draw: OFF | 1 - 100 | MAX

<!-Advanced Controls End->

Edited by Zebular
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LOL just so you know you in the EULA in the boxes we no check is a claus stating we agree not to Sue EA LA or BW for any reason


That's what state attorneys general are for. If they don't play the game themselves that is heh;)

Edited by daMarek
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These screen shots are a year to 2 years old from your on your website! Inexcusable!













And heres my proof. The screenshots were taken durring beta! Guess what folks, the HIGH RES was in beta. Guess what folks, it's called a BETA for a reason. The HIGH res was removed becuase durring their BETA TESTING their learned that it was a problem. Guess what folks. Just becuase their pictures are out of date does not mean their false advertising. It just means they don't wanna work on something they already worked on.. Thus giving them more time to work on other things that we actually do need. Now, stephen said their working on a way to deliver us with high res eventually, and like he said IT'S NOT AN OVERNIGHT CHANGE. So Stop QQ'n and go play something else if your just SO upset over this.

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This is most certainly not set up to highest settings in options, that particular armor looks bad indeed because it is probably one of those armors that have broken textures, but on the other hand your entire picture looks bad, edgy with no AA, etc.


Myself and some other users have provided pictures with graphics overall (not just the armor) looking much better than this, how can you explain that?


There is no AA or high res textures. how is supposed to provide a screen shot with them?that looks about right for an armor taken outside of a cutscene zoomed in some of the pictures people are posting are actually marketing screen shots BW provided lol that had high res tex and AA

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And heres my proof. The screenshots were taken durring beta! Guess what folks, the HIGH RES was in beta. Guess what folks, it's called a BETA for a reason. The HIGH res was removed becuase durring their BETA TESTING their learned that it was a problem. Guess what folks. Just becuase their pictures are out of date does not mean their false advertising. It just means they don't wanna work on something they already worked on.. Thus giving them more time to work on other things that we actually do need. Now, stephen said their working on a way to deliver us with high res eventually, and like he said IT'S NOT AN OVERNIGHT CHANGE. So Stop QQ'n and go play something else if your just SO upset over this.


Wow... look at this whiner over here whining about the whiners.


QQ indeed.


There are some that were taken during beta but there are many newer videos that probably were not (hard to say). In any event... the promotional material on the official SWTOR website have no disclaimers along the line of "Beta IQ far superior to what you actually get when you pay us". Bait & Switch.

Edited by Skylerr
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LOL just so you know you in the EULA in the boxes we no check is a claus stating we agree not to Sue EA LA or BW for any reason
Doesn't mean people wont try, and reviewing the posts about the lawsuit information in particular no one has said they are actually suing they are just putting the information out there for others to read as to how wrong and illegal false advertisement is.
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And heres my proof. The screenshots were taken durring beta! Guess what folks, the HIGH RES was in beta. Guess what folks, it's called a BETA for a reason. The HIGH res was removed becuase durring their BETA TESTING their learned that it was a problem. Guess what folks. Just becuase their pictures are out of date does not mean their false advertising. It just means they don't wanna work on something they already worked on.. Thus giving them more time to work on other things that we actually do need. Now, stephen said their working on a way to deliver us with high res eventually, and like he said IT'S NOT AN OVERNIGHT CHANGE. So Stop QQ'n and go play something else if your just SO upset over this.


This game wasn't cheap (wouldn't matter if it was) and people have every right to complain/flame when they get lied to like this. You can take it all you like BUT we have more then enough reasonto be very upset over how we are being treated.

Edited by MajorMelchett
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Hey everyone, thanks for bearing with us as we investigated the concerns raised here.


After investigation, it seems that the confusion here is a combination of a UI issue that's been resolved and a feature that's working as intended, but the reason why it's 'working as intended' needs explanation.





Stephen, firstly thanks for the lengthy description of whats going on. I know you're the messenger here, but I have to call foul on this.


I bought a brand new highest-end gaming PC with the 3x the needed amount of everything and latest and greatest everything - JUST FOR THIS GAME. My GAMING computer eats SkyRim at all the highest settings for breakfast (and then some), but you're telling me in SWTOR my only option is to look at textures that literally make me ask (yes, I've literally asked this of people) why BioWare hasn't hired artists who could be bothered to draw straight lines and color inside of them?! That's the measure of quality you want to force in your product even for customers who have high end gaming systems?!


If this is 'working as intended' and the impact is actually understood ... that's a pretty big problem.


I realize this is an MMO, but despite being the new comer aiming to set the bar higher ... it has the worst textures of any other MMO I've ever played (even when I played them on far less powerful systems than I have now).


I appreciate your desire to ensure everyone's experience, but the 'solution' here is EXTREMELY over zealous (to the point of causing problems and frustration to your customers) if even the latest and greatest GAMING systems out there are left unable to even tell what the armor REALLY looks like in the preview pain. I have to have my companion character try it on just to know what it probably really looks like. Otherwise, the lines are fuzzy, colors washed out and haphazardly jetting out of their place. Drawn lines that would otherwise convey depth are completely absent.


Other AAA MMO titles allow for this lower level of detail for those systems which cannot handle more, but they allow high end systems to leverage their power (which we, your customers, have paid dearly for).


At some point, my client performance is my issue to solve not yours.


There NEEDS to be an option (you can have it disabled it by default) for us to elect to take the risk of a performance hit and turn on high res textures. If there is no mechanism for this then your controls have gone too far.


Look at the examples posted to the forums. It's unacceptable.


I'm really really upset by this answer. I nearly cannot believe it.

Edited by RyceTOR
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You people are all so annoying, just enjoy the freakin game. Its not the be all end all here. Personally, I marvel at the complexity of every detail in this game because I CHOOSE to just enjoy it. If you're that unhappy, leave and spend that money on something really important like the homeless, or starving children, or abused animals. Because in the long run, those are 100 times more important than false advertising or how detailed an incredibly complex character gets rendered or not.
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