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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Absolutely. Everyone was so convinced that they were only seeing "medium" textures in the game, since conversations used higher-resolution ones. When in fact, the whole time, people have been getting "high" resolution textures in the game. Just because they're not the same textures used in the cut scenes, or that they don't match what those people expected "high" to be, doesn't mean that you aren't getting what you paid for.


The thing is, the answer he gave us is probably pretty accurate: There was probably a plan to remove the 'medium' option, since it no longer existed, and what everyone has been running around with is already "high". Once people were told that they're already using "high", they're upset because they believed there's a mythical option of "better than high" -- when no such option is intended to exist.


No where when you bought the game was it touting about how it had three tiers of texture resolution, no where were you promised 'conversation-quality textures' in regular gameplay.


He gave the answer, and people didn't like it. They feel as if they're missing out on something they're somehow entitled to.


They were in beta and in all the promo material.

Edited by PjPablo
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Absolutely. Everyone was so convinced that they were only seeing "medium" textures in the game, since conversations used higher-resolution ones. When in fact, the whole time, people have been getting "high" resolution textures in the game. Just because they're not the same textures used in the cut scenes, or that they don't match what those people expected "high" to be, doesn't mean that you aren't getting what you paid for.


The thing is, the answer he gave us is probably pretty accurate: There was probably a plan to remove the 'medium' option, since it no longer existed, and what everyone has been running around with is already "high". Once people were told that they're already using "high", they're upset because they believed there's a mythical option of "better than high" -- when no such option is intended to exist.


No where when you bought the game was it touting about how it had three tiers of texture resolution, no where were you promised 'conversation-quality textures' in regular gameplay.


He gave the answer, and people didn't like it. They feel as if they're missing out on something they're somehow entitled to.


High res textures in conversations? Yet those are still bugged especially my imp agent pulling out his rifle, only to have nothing in his hands as if stroking an imaginary horse "instrument"

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Dont understand why people are still posting . We're not going to get any more out of Bioware, as for them the case is shut. they have given their statement and we'll have to accept their version of what's wrong. We all know its a load of horse crap but hey , what are you gonna do?


We bought a apple and got a pear, so be it. people get ripped off every day, its not my first time and it wont be my last.


GG, Bioware.

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I just got around to reading this thread and I must say I'm very disappointed. BW are liers just face it they were looking for a quick come up they made hundreds of millions in less than a month now the truth comes out and its too late. Fanboys are pissed because they know most players won't stay because of the crappy mmo bw put together and unwilling to fix. The average player base is pissed because BW fed us months of bs just realize it was all smoke and mirrors
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I feel like this game just isnt getting enough tlc from BW. This website is a great example....go to the news and updates section....check the date of the most recent post.


Even the community news section hasnt been updated in 4 days...


That was one great thing about Rift...the developers and moderators were constantly chatting and updating us with upcoming features, fixes, cool stuff to do, etc...there is no excitement here...no support.

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Disgraceful, absolutely disgraceful. A total lack of effort or responsibility on their part. They clearly have no intention of fixing the engine problems with textures which, for the most part, hit performance in terms of available video RAM. What about the shocking quality of the shadows? They're computationally expensive no matter the engine you have! I've lost a significant amount of respect for this company today. The development model for this game is what will make or break it, this is not a step in the right direction in anyway, shape or form. :(
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Absolutely. Everyone was so convinced that they were only seeing "medium" textures in the game, since conversations used higher-resolution ones. When in fact, the whole time, people have been getting "high" resolution textures in the game. Just because they're not the same textures used in the cut scenes, or that they don't match what those people expected "high" to be, doesn't mean that you aren't getting what you paid for.


The thing is, the answer he gave us is probably pretty accurate: There was probably a plan to remove the 'medium' option, since it no longer existed, and what everyone has been running around with is already "high". Once people were told that they're already using "high", they're upset because they believed there's a mythical option of "better than high" -- when no such option is intended to exist.


No where when you bought the game was it touting about how it had three tiers of texture resolution, no where were you promised 'conversation-quality textures' in regular gameplay.


He gave the answer, and people didn't like it. They feel as if they're missing out on something they're somehow entitled to.



We are entitled to it as per the screenshots and marketing material they put in our face. IN-GAME Screenshots and videos

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Thanks for the update Stephen.


Well... at least you gave us a fully vetted answer that explained the situation and I thank you for that.


However, whether it is a design choice or a limitation of the game engine, this needs to be fixed. Other games handle this kind of thing -much- better. Although I understand wanting to make this game accessible for everyone, even if they don't have a high end computer, removing the option completely for those of us who have invested in a PC that can render high end eye candy is unfair and not what we paid for. Many other game engines handle this sort of thing, and allow far more options for optimizing graphic performance than SW:TOR does. Whether this is because the project was started 6 years ago or not... the graphics AND the UI are not what is expected of a AAA MMO in this day and age.


As one example, look at the Rift MMO. Just outright use this a benchmark for what SW:TOR needs to deliver in both UI and graphics performance and customization. I'm not talking about with mods or anything else that other games allow. Just straight out of the box this game delivers loads of eye candy and UI customization and features that you should just outright steal (or buy the rights to use) if your dev team isn't savvy enough to make your heavily modified Hero Engine do these things.


Since raid/op groups in this game are limited to 16 players you should easily be able to pull off what they did. Yes fleet will always be laggeriffic since it allows for a high number of players. Every game has a location in it that lags a lot due to player density. Other solutions could be implemented to fix this one location. For all other locations, I expect all the eye candy promised so that my high end PC, that I paid good money for, can actually work up a sweat and stretch it's legs.


From a technical standpoint it is obvious to me that the graphics engine needs work. I am willing to give BW the time to fix this as long as open communication about the issue continues and progress towards fixing this occurs. So far I've been impressed with BW throughout early access and launch, keep impressing me and keep my sub for the long term by fixing this.


I agree - let consumers choose if the drawbacks don't warrant the fidelity. The textures/UI in this game are sub-par for this generation of PC gaming.

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Fist of all, all your pictures on the website has AA on and use high ress textures which can not be used in game. I do consider this to be very missleading to the customers.


This is a legitimate complaint. It happens all the time in the games industry, so I don't expect it to change anytime soon, but it's more sleight of hand than not. Game screenshots are often shown under the pretense of "not the final product", and it's spun in a way that makes people think "oh this is going to get better!" In fact, the road works both ways. That's advertising in general though -- photo-shopped beauty models, doctored food advertisements (have you seen a McDonald's commercial?! They're the worst!) Game companies succumb to the same desire to have their product look the best when it's being used for advertising. Sad, but unfortunately true.

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Why not simply give us the "Ultra" option? For those who feel they can handle it just make an "Ultra" option in texture quality with a popup warning about performance and a red "!" at it. That why people can go with it and turn it off if they feel the performance is too poor.
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And thus the HeroEngine is ultimately exposed as the garbage it was expected to be (by those like myself who followed it's development long before BioWare chose it).


I'm enjoying the game too much to think about quitting over the high-resolution issues, but that is just one item on a growing list of engine-oriented issues and limitations on display so far. Built on such a foundation, I don't have the high hopes I once did for the long-term, quite the opposite.

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People have been talking about Rift and I just went there and the graphics look pretty amazing.... How is that game? Is it constrained like this one? or more open world? Might check it out while they fix things here...


- Teak421

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I've said it once in this thread already: Look at 90% of the 'design' choices Apple makes. For example, with the original iPhone: It lacked MMS messaging, not because they couldn't implement it, but because they didn't have an elegant solution for it yet, and thus chose not to include it. Look at the latest iPhone: It doesn't include '4G' network antennas, because they pull too much power from the battery, and thus they couldn't ensure a good baseline for battery life. Sure, the next iteration probably will have it, but by then, they'll have a better solution for power management.


There are plenty of reasons for limiting choice when it comes to design, especially in software.


Big difference though... Hi Res textures aren't exactly cutting edge technolgy right now.


That's like saying a car won't have anti-lock brakes and you buying the line "Well, we wanted to put them on, but some users found they performed in a sub-optimal fashion. They're no longer an option."


No. You fix the problem. It's a standard feature.


They're not adding a hyperdrive to a car. This is not a 200mpg engine. It's not Crysis 3: You Need to Own IBM to Run this Game.

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Did it really run "solid" when there were more than 8-10 players around, or just "solid" when you were questing solo and doing flashpoints?


I think it's completely fair game for them to not allow settings that no hardware can reasonably pull off in all areas of gameplay, but if the main problem is performance when there's a large number of players around letting us always have "ultra" textures on ourselves and our companions (because let's be honest, nobody really gives a **** about how good the whomp rats we're killing look) would be a decent middle ground.


I've never, pre and post beta (with this comp or my brothers) run below 50 fps average. I know I know, doesn't apply to everyone, but neither do my personal user settings -.-

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There's no reason not to give the player the option to have high res textures and other graphical options.


This isn't a console game. Options are good. If someone wants to spend $8000 on a PC to play with all the bells and whistles then he should be able to. Same with the person with a low end machine.


More options the better!


BTW Welcome to the world of MMORPGs. Hope you are quick on the job learners.

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With lots of people on the screen, angle dependent texture quality is awesome too: http://www.abload.de/img/swtortexturesteav5.jpg

As soon as I move the camera, it changes drastically (with the same amount of players around me).


N64 games hat better texture quality than what is shown on the left.


We are brothers in bad textures!




Come comrade, let us tell stories together!

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People have been talking about Rift and I just went there and the graphics look pretty amazing.... How is that game? Is it constrained like this one? or more open world? Might check it out while they fix things here...


- Teak421


I liked it at first, didnt really have as much content as I had hoped.

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lol that has to be the biggest joke ever.


So why do you advertise your game then with High Res textures on screenshots and videos Bioware?If i would have known that your textures would look that *********** ugly like they are now i would have skipped the game(Textures like this in a 2011 game lol ***) and waited for Guild Wars 2 which has AMAZING graphics and probably also the better gameplay....


Account is unsubscribed and stays unsubscribed. :mad:

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Yes Bioware, this would be the only correct thing to do. Your advertising is false.


Please do this, EAWare. Don't sell a game that doesn't really exist. OR put, right on every single screenshot you post:


"These graphics are created using cutscenes or in-house graphics only, and in no way represent the actual visual package offered by The Old Republic."

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I feel like this game just isnt getting enough tlc from BW. This website is a great example....go to the news and updates section....check the date of the most recent post.


Even the community news section hasnt been updated in 4 days...


That was one great thing about Rift...the developers and moderators were constantly chatting and updating us with upcoming features, fixes, cool stuff to do, etc...there is no excitement here...no support.


Rift was an anomoly of a devoplment team. their whole devolpment cycle was an open book. Hartsman frquently came on fan site podcasts himself and explained things in laymens terms. He also was very very honest about what his game was and what it would never be. kudos to trion they were top notch in the devolpment process and top notch in their post launch update cycles.

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