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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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low,High,Ultra settings. Problem solved.


Indeed. However, if you take the time to read the technical details, you'll find that there is currently no ultra. High settings simply DO NOT WORK for the main game. At least, thats what they tell us. People in beta said they could use high-res textures, so thats a little weird, but my guess would be because there were so fewer players in beta, and possibly the performance was worse then?


At any rate, the "medium" you see in the game world is the highest the engine can currently support. They even had to do tricks to make that work.


A way to display some character models at high and others at medium, and call it ultra, would be perfect. But that is going to take time to develop, as you'd have to merge the two systems (they utilize completely different rendering methods, one combining multiple textures in to a texture atlas).

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It really does speak a lot about the company. Little by little its becoming readily apparent, they just dont want us to see things that might put them in a negative light.


The issue with logs has to be tied to this general thought they are displaying. "If people cant see the bugs, they wont complain about it" Wouldn't surprise me if half their talent trees weren't working right.

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Incorrect. Technology progresses because you demand it, not because it is required.


They use the graphics to suck you in because that's what you're looking for, not because it's required.


It would be ridiculous because that would be against what you expect, not because it's required.


This is the very mindset I protested against. Good graphics = a good thing. Good graphics =/= good game.


That theory was true in 2005 . It is not longer applicable in 2012. you can have both if you spend 100 million in devolpment charge 150 buck for a CE and 300 for a novelty keyboard and mouse, you had better present a product that is consistent with what you marketed and what your charging for.

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False advertising is false advertising. This does not look at all like the game that got us all excited. They advertised one thing, took our cash, still taking our cash monthly, and gave us something else. If this were any other product we could take it back for a refund.


Until this is fixed this game should still be consider as Beta and we should all be playing for free.


'Hi sir. Here's the Camaro ZL1 you order with the 580hp 6.2L V8 ... thxs for your cash. Oh ... by the way we took out the engine we sold you on and gave you the 323hp 6.0L V6. Deal with it. No you can't have your money back'

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You people are all so annoying, just enjoy the freakin game. Its not the be all end all here. Personally, I marvel at the complexity of every detail in this game because I CHOOSE to just enjoy it. If you're that unhappy, leave and spend that money on something really important like the homeless, or starving children, or abused animals. Because in the long run, those are 100 times more important than false advertising or how detailed an incredibly complex character gets rendered or not.


The only annoying one is you. It is not difficult to you know...not click on this thread? All you did was waste your time and our own time by posting this nonsense in a thread titled 'Official High Resolution Textures post. So obviously this is what we'll talk about it.


Don't like it don't click the thread. That might seem like rocket science to you but trust me it works.

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You people are all so annoying, just enjoy the freakin game. Its not the be all end all here. Personally, I marvel at the complexity of every detail in this game because I CHOOSE to just enjoy it. If you're that unhappy, leave and spend that money on something really important like the homeless, or starving children, or abused animals. Because in the long run, those are 100 times more important than false advertising or how detailed an incredibly complex character gets rendered or not.


Well said bro.

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Obviously his screen has no AA...considering that you know the game doesn't have the option?


I don't see what stopped him from forcing AA?

He can rejoice in any way because the next patch will bring back AA to in game options.

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I don't see what stopped him from forcing AA?

He can rejoice in any way because the next patch will bring back AA to in game options.


Because you can't force AA with Nvidia unless you use Inspector and go through a few steps which maybe he doesn't want/know how to do.

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Indeed. However, if you take the time to read the technical details, you'll find that there is currently no ultra. High settings simply DO NOT WORK for the main game. At least, thats what they tell us. People in beta said they could use high-res textures, so thats a little weird, but my guess would be because there were so fewer players in beta, and possibly the performance was worse then?


At any rate, the "medium" you see in the game world is the highest the engine can currently support. They even had to do tricks to make that work.


A way to display some character models at high and others at medium, and call it ultra, would be perfect. But that is going to take time to develop, as you'd have to merge the two systems (they utilize completely different rendering methods, one combining multiple textures in to a texture atlas).


""During development and testing of The Old Republic, our priorities were to ensure the game looked great and performed well. In testing, we discovered that using our 'maximum resolution' textures on in-game characters during normal gameplay could cause severe performance issues, even on powerful PCs"


It can render them, its just causes severe performance issues, even on powerful PCs. We have to define what "powerful" means. If the person is using workarounds to try and dodge the issues with how the game was designed (loading temp files into ram), etc.

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The medium setting was a bug? So you are trying to tell me that a whole graphical setting that you had in the preferences menu was a "bug". That is some kind of bug that's for sure. Fact is the high res textures are there in the game, you can briefly see them when clicking on the holo terminal in your ship. As expected, this was a PR spin response, i am VERY disappointed.
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Oldschool gamer here, you know, the kind that gets flamed all the time for believe graphics aren't the greatest thing in the world.


Just gonna chirp in an old feeling that none of the newer generations seem to have:

Quality Content > Quality Graphics

I wouldn't mind SNES level graphics if the content has good story and ideas.


Not defending BioWare, but really... "It doesn't look crispy clean and perfect I can't play it!" is really ignorant of the rest of world of gaming.


I've noticed the lower-end graphics. ... And?


Old school gamer here as well. See my join date? That's how long I've been following this. I can survuve sub-par graphics fine, but I don't like being lied to. They did the same thing with shadows in beta as they are doing with high res textures now and at the same time they're lying about it being a bug.



Either their devs are incompetent or their engine is horrible. Either way, I don't like getting lied to with bogus excuses.

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Wouldn't hold water in any court of law. EULAs never do.


Only the idiots point to EULA, as they not worth the paper they printed on in the UK, (this been so for about 4/5 years now when the house of lords tossed it out), sure its the same in a lot of countries now.


Had they just being upfront and honest about it, and said they got a fix or looking at getting a fix, they would, have not had half the amount of jib they have gotten, but no they rather lie through their teeth, shows you just how they rate their customers!!

Edited by Nemeses
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Other MMOs already give the option of Character Draw Distance for Hi Res. Number of Hi Res Characters to draw amongst some other options to specifically tackle this issue.

If I heard - sorry, we didn't have time as we had to meet a deadline but it's planned for Release X or Y then I'd be happy.

I also don't like how we as players cannot choose what is "acceptable" performance for ourselves. I currently get 60fps with everything maxed. If I had hi-res I MIGHT think 40 was acceptable.

Add the required options.

Ensure smart detection works for the noobs

Give us the power of choice

You gain even more credibility.

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I suspect we'll see a "Visual Improvements Patch" somewhere down the pipe.


Question is...when?


I suspect the same... I'm honestly surprised they didn't realize this was going to be a serious concern for a big chunk of their playerbase. I am disappoint :*(

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The medium setting was a bug? So you are trying to tell me that a whole graphical setting that you had in the preferences menu was a "bug". That is some kind of bug that's for sure. Fact is the high res textures are there in the game, you can briefly see them when clicking on the holo terminal in your ship. As expected, this was a PR spin response, i am VERY disappointed.


Same here. I feel there is not reason to respond to this madness anymore. We must either sue or spread the word and/or both. I already informed myself and in my country this cearly falls under deceptive advertisment and can be sued successfully.

Edited by Ommm
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