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I saw a lvl 12 on Illum today


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You are mistaken, anywhere in the game you can get with legit means, that is, your ship is fine. Though if you don't have a ship yet, and are running around on Balmora or Ilum, then you have an issue.


Your misinformation makes you look ignorant.. or straight up like you are pushing negative propaganda.


Alright, thanks for informing me!

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I've seen this lvl 1 guy stand at a mailbox for hours and hours doing nothing but jump up and down every 5 seconds in the start zone of Hutta. A lvl 1 just stand there...at that mailbox just outside the very building you start the game from!


I leveled up a bounty hunter from 1-10 and everytime I came back to town to lvl up and what not...he was still there doing same thing...macro jumping every five seconds next to that mailbox....??? lol....there is alot of weird stuff going on in mmo's


I saw this guy at lightning speed going from nod to nod splicing without any aggro at all in Coruscant while I was on an alt of mine. Could have been a lvl 50 I dunno but it was the speed at which he was doing it...I mean it was instant...nod to nod


If a game is on the internet....it will be botted and hacked. Everytime i log in...i am already getting credit spam in my mailbox ...each day...and it is from a different person with goofy letter'd name like...Wxxxdllwopla,..so why bother reporting as spam? Next day a new name is made and same thing


welcome to mmo's

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?? are you serious..is this in the TOS?? i did actually read them and didn't see anything about forbidding you from exploring the game at whatever level you are...if so thats complete BS...


your saying bioware doesn't allow space exploration?? what if your on a rp server and you have a jedi padawn...:D or sith apprentice..?? and their going along with you but their lower lvl and their there to be with you on your missions and follow by your side...??? they would be penalized??? i think you need to get your facts right...


but in fact if that is true forgive me.... otherwise im pretty sure its not forbidden to go to a planet before your in lvl range...


This is a rumor based on a faked troll post.

Devs explicitely stated that it is absolutely fine to go to Ilum as low level.

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LOL , they cant have seriously forbidden low lvl people to go there , if they want to do that then they should implement a ingame rule that does not allow that , not just say you must not go there and if the person go give them a ban.


I only see as reasonable to ban a player if he is using an illegal program to do that , if he is running around himself at low lvl then it is his game , and they did not implement a lvl restriction to go there.

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wondered what a low lvl was doing there i oberserved him a few mins, as i recall some thread not long ago about ppl crying about being banned from going there as low level.


anyway this one was actually farming security chest that spawned right next to him.


as he was controlled by macro or some botting program i succeeded in looting it first, then when he tried he instead targeted a nearby mob shot it and got killed.


Frequently he was turning a little bit, then just stand still again waiting.


I cant see how this should not be an exploit, so reported and hope something is done about it.


In case it is no exploit i still find it very wrong and hope it is dealt with.


This was clearly chest farming and nothing else....stay alert, i bet chineese sales are gonna open up soon :mad:


File a ticket with server, charac ter name, time, coords and they will ban the account.



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Wold have been pretty ridiculous to get new players banned.


General: Who wants a trip with my ship to Hoth ?

General: Inv

General: Me

General: Me

*Board the party onto your ship and go to Hoth*

*Disband party*

*3 guys banned*


:D :D

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Thats a very good question...

It's called 'pos hacking' and is a common tool of RMT and cheaters .. they're based on poor software design that allows injection of character movement information into the client/server connection and the server is conned into thinking it's a valid movement generated by the client .. hence 'pos' (Position) hacking.

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I went there at lvl 44 for a companion skin. That was only for my latest companion which I only recently got so lower levels have no reason to be there from what I can tell.


The is not to have a reason or , i myself never went here since im just lvl 43 atm , but if they did not implement an ingame lvl restriction then they should never ban a player for just going.

And dont ban if he is farming either , they should ban him only if he is using a macro or ilegal program to farm.

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If someone lower than Level 50 wants to explore Ilum, that's fine. However, the operative word here is "explore", which means *moving* around an area. In the case of that Level 12 character, it's blatantly obvious that they are there solely for the purpose of camping the chest/node to get its high-level items repeatedly, thus depriving appropriately-leveled characters from accessing gear/resources they would actually use.


While I would not necessarily advocate banning people from visiting Ilum before Level 50, I think that the level range should be more restrictive, perhaps in the 45-50 range. If items need to have the proper Light Side/Dark Side/Social level, then why not high-level zones which offer appealing gear/resources?

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If you can go to fleet you can always tag along with another player on his ship...


I've seen this mentioned a couple of times in this thread. When i was level 12 and i tried to just visit my friends ship it wouldn't let me. I think it was when i tried clicking on his ship to enter that it kicked me out of the hangar, saying that i cannot enter any ship until i have my own ship.


I'm not sure how others are being allowed to tag along if this is the case.

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Seen a bot in ilum on my server, reported.

It was doing pretty much the same thing, sitting by a box and looting it the instant it appears.


Those boxes should be level restricted and i do believe it's amazingly easy to script a detection mechanism that can detect botters.

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If someone lower than Level 50 wants to explore Ilum, that's fine. However, the operative word here is "explore", which means *moving* around an area. In the case of that Level 12 character, it's blatantly obvious that they are there solely for the purpose of camping the chest/node to get its high-level items repeatedly, thus depriving appropriately-leveled characters from accessing gear/resources they would actually use.


While I would not necessarily advocate banning people from visiting Ilum before Level 50, I think that the level range should be more restrictive, perhaps in the 45-50 range. If items need to have the proper Light Side/Dark Side/Social level, then why not high-level zones which offer appealing gear/resources?


Rofl, imagine a guy strolling through the woods. Powerful monsters stalking him behind every tree. He sees a gold coin on the ground. He's all alone. He picks it up. He's now staring at the login screen saying "You have been banned for 48 hours".

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btw a deep note.. ships do not require level, during first beta, it was 4h for beta end and my friend wanted see his ship... so i came with my lvl18 test char, boosted him trough story missions, via allow friends join option.. i killed all guyz he encountered during missions etc.. so as a result, he got the ship at lvl11...
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btw a deep note.. ships do not require level, during first beta, it was 4h for beta end and my friend wanted see his ship... so i came with my lvl18 test char, boosted him trough story missions, via allow friends join option.. i killed all guyz he encountered during missions etc.. so as a result, he got the ship at lvl11...


What? I have no idea what you just said...

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Really? So they only have to be grouped with you? and can enter your class hanger?


yep make sure their grouped and they go to your hanger before you do... if you go first you will just auto kick them out of your thing..also make sure you have the shared class story thing turned on through your preferences ;-)


i got help on some class quest i had to do via my ship boarding another ship via class mission...its really cool to have your buddies riding around with you on your ship

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This is a rumor based on a faked troll post.

Devs explicitely stated that it is absolutely fine to go to Ilum as low level.



thank you for clearing that up...ok bioware i am sorry...cause i have wronged you with bad thoughts in my mind...please forgive me?? i have pie!

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I remember couple announcements ago they were forbidding any characters who don't belong there to stay away or they would receive an account warning.


wrong wrong wrong wroooooong.


dont believe ppl on general forums!

Edited by Mrshush
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