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3 Reasons why SWTOR will continue to be succesful


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There are 3 reasons this game will continue to be a massive success....


1. It's Star Wars. Not only is it Star Wars, one of the most succesful entertainment franchise in history, but it's a direct addition to the Knights of the Old Republic series which is some people's favorite RPG franchise of all time. Including myself.


2. It's Bioware. Love them or hate them you cannot deny that they lead the video game industry in pure storytelling and have captivated audiences for over a decade now. Bioware pretty much showed us gamers what is possible in video games when it comes to interactive storytelling.


3. It's a Bioware Star Wars game. You combine #1 and 2 and you're left with a video game that is destined to be extremely succesful.



In my opinion, this game is already a great accomplishment and a huge success. After playing through from level 1 to 50 and now taking part in some of the endgame activities I am confident that this mmo has me for the long run. I have not enjoyed an MMO as much as I am enjoying SWTOR since Ultima Online.


I dont see why or how people can compare this game to World of Warcraft. To me, World of Warcraft is the Michael Jackson of mmo's. It's sold millions yet it's really not that good, it mostly attracts little boys, and it's dead.


The Old Republic just feels fresh. It's not all about the core game mechanics to a lot of people. It's about the story. It's about the lore. It's about the general atmosphere. It's about Bioware's brilliant way of allowing us players to interact with each other in an epic story.


Kudos Bioware! I am loving this game so much and so are my guildmates and we cannot wait to see what is in store for us next!


Post if you love SWTOR! Haters please let us fanboys have one troll free thread. <3

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umm, i dare you to say the same to DC universe.


3 things to make DC universe a failure.


1. it DC universe! Superman, batman, flash, green lantern, who doesn't love those heroes? Heck, the fan base of DC universe should be twice if not MORE then star wars.


2. Its sony! I know Sony is crap but DC universe didn't go down hill because of Sony service, in fact it let DC universe to be one of the first CROSS platform game, ps3 and PC player bases.


3. Its DC + SONY... that combo ..normally would expect to be GREAT, its populate both side...but in fact it fails.








How does this tie in with SWTOR?


Seriously, go play DC universe for 3 days. You will understand and stand on my side of the arguement.


1. Bioware SWTOR is more likely a direct copy of DC universe MMO.


How? Look at how those phases/flashpoint are set up. Look at how PVP is set up. Look at how both game got a "space station for "home base" and villian got a underware station for home base"


The different is SWTOR is selling their game with ALL voice and DC is selling with JUST STORY/Flashpoints are voiced.


2. BIOWARE's takes on add enjoyment is .... ADDING MORE RAID CONTENT AND FLASHPOINT.


Bad idea.


3. GEORGE LUCAS ENFORCE CONTROL ON THIS GAME, NOT BIOWARE. Thus limit creativity and limit bioware into adding thing that DOESN"T FIT IN the game.

Edited by wrongfeifong
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When it comes to storytelling you are correct. Bioware has shown why they excel in this area in other games and in SWTOR. But MMOs are not purely storytelling games and in the end, they thing that will keep you playing after one year is not the story. It is the gameplay, engine and content. If you do not understand what I mean, how many here here still play baldurs gate and mass effect over and over again for hundreds of hours and month on end? Once you finish the story, you need something else.


If you add in the pressure from EA and the awful engine, they have an uphill battle ahead of them and we saw what happened when they released dragon age 2 ahead of schedule. Nearly killed the series.


I do have hope though and I really want this game to succeed.

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When it comes to storytelling you are correct. Bioware has shown why they excel in this area in other games and in SWTOR. But MMOs are not purely storytelling games and in the end, they thing that will keep you playing after one year is not the story. It is the gameplay, engine and content. If you do not understand what I mean, how many here here still play baldurs gate and mass effect over and over again for hundreds of hours and month on end? Once you finish the story, you need something else.


If you add in the pressure from EA and the awful engine, they have an uphill battle ahead of them and we saw what happened when they released dragon age 2 ahead of schedule. Nearly killed the series.


I do have hope though and I really want this game to succeed.


You know that it is actually possible to build on the story in future expansions right?


Of course you need more than just story, but SWTOR is much more than just story.

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I played DCU:O. I did not like DCU:O. It was a very sloppy arcade style game with little to no production value. Oh and also:


1. DC comics are HORRIBLE...Superman? Batman? LAME. The only remotely entertaining DC character was The Flash.


2. It's Sony...What else needs to be said about that? HORRIBLE. They should stick to making TV's because that's all they are good at.


3. It's a Sony DC Universe game...That game was destined to fail and it did/is.

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show me where is the fun beside the story.


define fun.


seriously, if you enjoy TOR you enjoy it if you don;t you don't.


some people need ten raids to have fun..


others don't raid at all so all the raids in the worldare just wasted useless time the devs coulda spent on player houseing or something to them.

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When it comes to storytelling you are correct. Bioware has shown why they excel in this area in other games and in SWTOR. But MMOs are not purely storytelling games and in the end, they thing that will keep you playing after one year is not the story. It is the gameplay, engine and content. If you do not understand what I mean, how many here here still play baldurs gate and mass effect over and over again for hundreds of hours and month on end? Once you finish the story, you need something else.


If you add in the pressure from EA and the awful engine, they have an uphill battle ahead of them and we saw what happened when they released dragon age 2 ahead of schedule. Nearly killed the series.


I do have hope though and I really want this game to succeed.


I've played Mass Effect 1 and 2 at least 5 times each. If I could play Mass Effect with a friend...I'd probably still be playing it today.


Every mmorpg that is released from here on out will be compared to SWTOR. I know a large portion of the mmo playerbase are not even raiders or dungeon runners. A LARGE portion of players are just altaholics and this game is an altaholics dream!


I actually fit into both categories. I'm a big endgame kind of player, and I'm a huge altaholic. While this game is lacking in the endgame department at the moment, I am confident that will change drastically with time. I mean look at Rift! Rift, a game BUILT around endgame content actually launched with ZERO raids. As a matter of fact, Rift launched with less endgame content than SWTOR. If you look at Rift now it's pretty much leading the industry in endgame content updates. Nearly every month there's a new raid or something along those lines being released. Trion set new standards and lets hope that Bioware see's that and competes!

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show me where is the fun beside the story.


I absolutely love the PVP. (opinion). But I'm having more fun as a 50 Bounty Hunter in PVP than I ever have. I'm also enjoying healing raids and flashpoints more on BH than I have on any other class in any other mmo.


Some people do enjoy what little endgame content we currently have.


All I can say before I log in today, is that SWTOR in it's current state is an AMAZING base to build on. It's only going to get better and considering I'm having more fun in SWTOR than I have since Ultima Online, that's a pretty good start! <3


Off to log in and have a blast with my friends!


Oh and...To each their own. Some people will despise this game and those people will try their best to bring everyone else down. This thread is already a prime example. You make something positive and all the negative nancy boys come running to ruin all the fun and excitement.

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Why the hell do bioware excel in story telling? Being able to copy paste their stupid choice wheel that doesn't even give the player a clue about what they are saying anyway, doesn't make them good story tellers.


You guys think the story is good, because it gives you the illusion of choice, jesus christ. Try reading a good book. Good book > Bioware.


People are tired of it, everything that is +1990 with star wars sucks.

Bioware can't help it, they can only copy paste.

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define fun.


seriously, if you enjoy TOR you enjoy it if you don;t you don't.


some people need ten raids to have fun..


others don't raid at all so all the raids in the worldare just wasted useless time the devs coulda spent on player houseing or something to them.


I wouldn't call repeat the same map 100 times fun. Even the most sadistic person would simply go away.


No more fun, when you repeat the same thing over and over. It is not fun when you lost sight of a goal and wandering aimlessly.


That's where people quit.


SWTOR offer nothing then reply the 3 warzone and several bugged close to impossible to complete end game flashpoint...


all for "GEARS" once you obtain it, time to quit.

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Regarding point 1: SWG was Star Wars, and look where it is now.

Regarding point 2: DA2 was not that great game, so even BioWare can disappoint people.

Regarding point 3: KOTOR was great, but that does not say that SWTOR is also meant to be as successful. Only time will tell.

Edited by Drudenfusz
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I wouldn't call repeat the same map 100 times fun. Even the most sadistic person would simply go away.


No more fun, when you repeat the same thing over and over. It is not fun when you lost sight of a goal and wandering aimlessly.


That's where people quit.


SWTOR offer nothing then reply the 3 warzone and several bugged close to impossible to complete end game flashpoint...


all for "GEARS" once you obtain it, time to quit.


You're entitled to your opinion and I respect that. =)


Fortunately you are the minority if my server is any indication.


In my opinion, SWTOR is what you make it. If you rush everything expecting there to be a gigantic pot of gold at the end of the tunnel then you're playing the wrong mmo. Might I suggest going back to World of Warcraft? There is a ridiculous amount of endgame content there, and leet PVP. Oh and World of Warcraft has zero bugs! <3

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Star Wars Galaxies never did particularly well (dont think it ever cracked more than 400K subscribers) despite the presence of the license, direct competition with WoW did not help matters but you should not assume that tacking Star Wars onto a game gaurantees success.


SW:TOR will stand or fall on its own merits, and how well it uses the license, what the ride is like remains to be seen.

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I dont see why or how people can compare this game to World of Warcraft. To me, World of Warcraft is the Michael Jackson of mmo's. It's sold millions yet it's really not that good, it mostly attracts little boys, and it's dead.



^This...made me spit coffee on my keyboard.



I think I found my new sig...

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Regarding point 1: SWG was Star Wars, and look where it is now.

Regarding point 2: DA2 was not that great game, so even BioWare can disappoint people.

Regarding point 3: KOTOR was great, but that does not say that SWTOR is also meant to be as successful. Only time will tell.


SWTOR is already succesful.


People seem to think that for an mmo to be succesful it has to sell more than World of Warcraft when that clearly is not the case.


It's just like my WOW comparison to Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson still holds records for sales in the music industry. Does this mean anyone that does not sell as much as Michael Jackson is to be considered "unsuccessful"?


If WOW is Michael Jackson, then SWTOR is Led Zeppelin.

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Thank you OP. Just proven a point


The only people left playing would be Bioware Star Wars fans. A very small minority. But it wont be sucessful at this rate


It's already successful. =X


They've quadrupled projected sales in the first 3 weeks. I'd call that a massive success.


75% of the players can unsubscribe and it will still be a success. <3

Edited by xNonphixionx
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I'm not a Starwars fan really, although I've seen all of the movies. That's what you get if you have little brothers (surely in the 70's). Not a bad choice for MMO setting though.


I love Bioware games though and they delivered what they said they would deliver with SWTOR. A storydriven MMO.

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SWTOR is already succesful.


it's not a commercial success, it's still in the red


it's not a critical success, the games reviewers have been pretty obviously paid off- anyone who's been in the game for about an hour can cut through their bull


what kind of success is it?

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I'm not a Starwars fan really, although I've seen all of the movies. That's what you get if you have little brothers (surely in the 70's). Not a bad choice for MMO setting though.


I love Bioware games though and they delivered what they said they would deliver with SWTOR. A storydriven MMO.


I agree completely, as do most of my guildmates. Bioware changed what I thought was possible in a mmo much like how they changed what I thought was possible in video games in general.

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it's not a commercial success, it's still in the red


it's not a critical success, the games reviewers have been pretty obviously paid off- anyone who's been in the game for about an hour can cut through their bull


what kind of success is it?



I think from some of these forum replies that they may even have employed paid posters.

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