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The Truth About MMO's: SWTOR > WoW


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Actually Russia is blizzards biggest market currently.


Also I have a really hard time believing this game is pulling hardly any subs from WOW.


I haven't played WOW in a long time but I know any WOW player must log onto SWTOR and wonder why the buttons are so smooshy.


I'll sub to Swtor for 1 extra month but you're fooling yourself if you think a game with this much lack of polish is going to pull subs from a solid game like WOW.


Well you are looking at one. I played WoW 7 years. I canceled WoW after my first week in BETA.

Edited by Thamelas
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Actually Russia is blizzards biggest market currently.


Also I have a really hard time believing this game is pulling hardly any subs from WOW.


I haven't played WOW in a long time but I know any WOW player must log onto SWTOR and wonder why the buttons are so smooshy.


I'll sub to Swtor for 1 extra month but you're fooling yourself if you think a game with this much lack of polish is going to pull subs from a solid game like WOW.


Hmmm thats Interesting! as a former NC member in EVE I would have sworn the Russians all played EVE.. :rolleyes:

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To be honest, this MMO is nothing new. It's basically a Star Wars skins on top of any other MMO. SWTOR had 6 years to do great things with this game. It's 2012! They haven't done nothing different, they've named dungeons to flashpoints, warzones to battlegrounds. They done something different with the tree system, just to a small point. They put in voice overs, and how much did they spend on this game? $200 million! LOL. They've done nothing different.


What I'm trying to say is, it's just another simple MMO with a Star Wars skin.


Guild Wars 2 has done it ALL different. Guild Wars 2 is the one to watch out for, not SWTOR. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure SWTOR will do well, but only because it's STAR WARS! Lol. Not because it's gonna be a great MMO. Wake up please.

Edited by OriginalVs
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i already knew this, wow peaked (key word peaked) at 4.5 million us AND eu subs COMBINED! the 14mil + is all asia which this game does not have a market for at all, so minus 11+ million from wow subs to compare it to this game.


plus casuals and girls LOVE this game, wow has no hope! even pandas and pokemon cannot save it in us/eu markets!


if this game releases in asian? then GG! i could easily see 20mil+ asian subs alone!


yep and hello kitty online will have 200mil+ sub ... just keep your feet on the ground ...


Wow its a fast responsive combat, and so a competitive gaming is possible...swtor simply not.


I cant image an huttbal tournament with all contenders that lag because poor interior optimization and smashing keys to get a damm cc to fire up XD


after this Swtor its just too much on rail..... roll an alt its almost the same ... 99% of quest are just the same except for a unique class quest for zones

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Hmmm thats Interesting! as a former NC member in EVE I would have sworn the Russians all played EVE.. :rolleyes:


Playing EVE? You mean botting until they need to smother something in super caps right? : b


Plenty of time there for them to be playing every other MMO out there.

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after this Swtor its just too much on rail..... roll an alt its almost the same ... 99% of quest are just the same except for a unique class quest for zones


News flash...so is WoW. You can say its not on rails all you want, but the fact is that its a theme park MMO and you can only quest in certain zones at certain times.

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News flash...so is WoW. You can say its not on rails all you want, but the fact is that its a theme park MMO and you can only quest in certain zones at certain times.


in wow you have a lot of different zones that share the same level range (in the base words) and the first 2 in wtlk and cata ... but they are expansion ...just a way mooore than swtor

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News flash...so is WoW. You can say its not on rails all you want, but the fact is that its a theme park MMO and you can only quest in certain zones at certain times.


But you have multiple choices of where to grind out those levels. There are literally thousands of quests to chose from when leveling in WoW.


With TOR you have a few hundred. Ever toon has to follow the same order of planets and run 95% of the same quests each time. The only variation is the class quest.

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News flash...so is WoW. You can say its not on rails all you want, but the fact is that its a theme park MMO and you can only quest in certain zones at certain times.


You say this but it isn't quite true, there is far more choice in WoW than there is here and has always been. You could actually level 3 characters and never cross over questing paths this is pretty much impossible in SWTOR as there are only 17 actual zones. compared with the 40 in the Vanilla release of WoW.


There are 3 starting paths in WoW for alliance alone.


Night Elves/Worgen/Draenei -> Teldrassil -> Darkshore -> Ashenvale -> Stonetalon -> Desolace -> Feralas -> Tanaris -> Un'goro -> Silithus (though you typically hit 60 in un'goro if you did dungeons as well)


Dwarves/Gnomes -> Dun Morogh -> Loch Modan -> Wetlands -> Arathi Highlands -> Hillsbrad -> Hinterlands -> Western Plaguelands -> Eastern Plaguelands


Humans -> Elwynn Forest -> Westfall -> Redridge Mountains -> Duskwood -> Stranglethorn Vale -> Swamp of Sorrows -> Blasted Lands


This doesn't even cover all the paths available either, you could split off at 40 and go to Searing Gorge -> Burning Steppes or go Felwood -> Winterspring or maybe even a small jaunt into Azshara. All of these routes were completely inter-changable with you being able to jump into quests anywhere on your level range.


Horde have a similar breakdown, with their starting points in different locations however there is more overlap on the Kalimdor side.


It was only with the expansions that levelling paths pretty much all joined to give the more on rails approach, though WotLK and Cata have given a choice of 2 starting zones each which is still more choice than SWTOR currently offers.


You may talk about content all you like but this game and many others do not share the sheer amount that was available to even Vanilla WoW players.


SWTOR is good and I hope it does well, I'm enjoying it but I'm pretty tired of the weird comparisons that are horribly bad.

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most wow subscribers had never played an mmo and don't know what's good for the genre long-term. it's sad that the mmo standard is based on wow's popularity when it did nothing to improve upon or innovate the genre. wow is nothing more than linear dungeon crawls and instances (a terrible addition to mmos). imagine if every movie made from now on was similar to the twilight series. Edited by supertouch
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the article you linked lost me at.


Sales during those months were negligible, so their monthly subscriptions totaled approx. $301.75 million gross worldwide.


At a rate of $15 per month, that only accounts for 6.7 million active subscribers! That's almost 50 percent



how is $300 milion at a rate of $15 per month account for 6.7 million subscribers


$300M/$15 = 20 million

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most wow subscribers had never played an mmo and don't know what's good for the genre long-term. it's sad that the mmo standard is based on wow's popularity when it did nothing to improve upon or innovate the genre. wow is nothing more than linear dungeon crawls and instances (a terrible addition to mmos). imagine if every movie made from now on was similar to the twilight series.


Comparing WoW to the Twilight series really? I think you need to stop the nerd rage for a second. This game may do well, but you are smoking something if you think its going to kill WoW. The only thing that is going to kill WoW is when Blizzard announces its next MMO so you might as well get back to enjoying either one you play.

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Comparing WoW to the Twilight series really? I think you need to stop the nerd rage for a second. This game may do well, but you are smoking something if you think its going to kill WoW. The only thing that is going to kill WoW is when Blizzard announces its next MMO so you might as well get back to enjoying either one you play.


what? i just said wow sucks and that it shouldn't be the standard for mmos.

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SWTOR could have beat WOW but they will not. To much instancing not enough persistant worlds. This alone will have most MMO gamers leaving after the free month. The whole game is a grind and is completely mapped out for you. This is a single player game not a MMO design.


If they don't fix the bugs that have been around since the betas they are not going to keep subs also and CSR in this game is very poor for a launch.

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Yep, and it's not like there's a recurring pattern where everyone tries a new MMORPG for a month and then goes back to WoW. Nope, that *never* happens.


See where we are in three months and this might be impressive.


Who on earth would want to go back to WoW?


I'd just quit gaming if that were my only option at this point.



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SWTOR could have beat WOW but they will not. To much instancing not enough persistant worlds. This alone will have most MMO gamers leaving after the free month. The whole game is a grind and is completely mapped out for you. This is a single player game not a MMO design.


If they don't fix the bugs that have been around since the betas they are not going to keep subs also and CSR in this game is very poor for a launch.


wow is a single-player game with a multiplayer option. everything is instanced and you level up by doing mundane quests.

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Here's a fact. A lot of people are throwing around statements how this game will never be as big as WoW. Well I've got some bad news for you. It its almost already equal. That's right!


The fact is that Blizzard is bleeding subs like a sieve. Also add in the fact that the majority of Blizzard's player numbers are from Asia. Also add to this that Blizzard inflates their numbers with creative accounting. Even during the days of its highest popularity, it only had maybe 2 to 4 million US subs, and MAYBE the same in Europe.


So with that said, given WoW's decline, I am willing to bet that SWTOR, as of right now, is on track to meet and surpass WoW in US and European subscribers.


Reference: http://daeity.blogspot.com/2010/08/blizzards-active-subscription-numbers.html


You say these things, then you present no facts. I have no other option than to say that your statements are unfounded with no ACTUAL data to back them up. Consequently, I have ignored everything you said as self promotion and propagation of your subjective view of the MMO gaming industry.


Good day.

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wow is a single-player game with a multiplayer option. everything is instanced and you level up by doing mundane quests.


Right. And if SWTOR was better than that, it may have been more successful.


We'll see how Guild Wars 2 does, and whether people actually want anything different or not.

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Here's a fact. A lot of people are throwing around statements how this game will never be as big as WoW. Well I've got some bad news for you. It its almost already equal. That's right!


The fact is that Blizzard is bleeding subs like a sieve. Also add in the fact that the majority of Blizzard's player numbers are from Asia. Also add to this that Blizzard inflates their numbers with creative accounting. Even during the days of its highest popularity, it only had maybe 2 to 4 million US subs, and MAYBE the same in Europe.


So with that said, given WoW's decline, I am willing to bet that SWTOR, as of right now, is on track to meet and surpass WoW in US and European subscribers.


Reference: http://daeity.blogspot.com/2010/08/blizzards-active-subscription-numbers.html


Heres a fact: The earth is round.


heres another: The earth revolves around the sun



What you have is opinion and supposition.

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In order for SWTOR to become successful it has to bring in more content and sooner.Right now there are lvl 50's pvping and it will only be a matter of time,before they get bored and move on.Im guessing these " predicted " figures will drop substantially outside of the free month as there is already word on a lot of people not resubscribing at the end of it.
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