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What is wrong with you people?!


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And no, I'm not referring to Bioware/EA, I'm referring to all of you cry-babies who are canceling you're pre-orders cause you didn't get in on the 13/14. SO WHAT? The game was supposed to be released on the 20 so thank that you even get to play it before. And just play it for fun, isn't that the main reason for playing a GAME?! I ordered mine only on 2.12 and redeemed my preorder code on the 9.12 and you know why I did it? Cause I played the beta and it was FUN so I wanted to play more and for all I care I can start playing on the 20 as long as I can play this FUN game and NOT to play it like a stupid RACE. So fu. You'll only make the queue shorter and the servers faster. Edited by BarPa
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And no, I'm not referring to Bioware/EA, I'm referring to all of you cry-babies who are canceling you're pre-orders cause you didn't get in on the 13/14. SO WHAT? The game was supposed to be released on the 20 so thank that you even get to play it before. And just play it for fun, isn't that the main reason for playing a GAME?! I ordered mine only on 2.12 and redeemed my preorder code on the 9.12 and you know why I did it? Cause I played the beta and it was FUN so I wanted to play more and for all I care I can start playing on the 20 as long as I can play this FUN game and NOT to play it like a stupid RACE. So fu. You'll only make the queue shorter and the servers faster.


No... FU and an even larger FU to Bioware.


You realize that this is an MMO where traditionally (read: 99% of the time) everyone gets EQUAL access after BETA when the game goes live on X date at X time... none of this BS pre-release "I'm going to get all my buddies in first to exploit" BS.


I've cancelled my pre-order 10 mins ago... and frankly by the time a large chunk of posters on here get to FINALLY play there WILL BE level 50s today... there WILL BE server history that WILL BE missed... there WILL BE people with professions 75% completed... there WILL BE economies locked down good and tight with hard entry to them... there WILL BE PVP lowbies being camped by ******s who've already hit level 50... there WILL BE more name-locking on servers that just come live the moment emails get sent out....


This is THE WORST launch I have partaken... (I've been in day 1 release of the following and not limited to: UO, EQ, WOW, EQ2, Horizons, DAOC< Warhammer, LOTRO, AoC, DDO and more) and while I haven't even SEEN the game on my monitor... I still chose to cancel... because this is a farce and an immoral start to mine and Bioware's relationship as a client. I don't let some ******e slap me in the face with no repercussion.

Edited by FadeXF
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No... FU and an even larger FU to Bioware.


You realize that this is an MMO where traditionally (read: 99% of the time) everyone gets EQUAL access after BETA when the game goes live on X date at X time... none of this BS pre-release "I'm going to get all my buddies in first to exploit" BS.


Its been a well known fact for a VERY long time that early access is dictated by code redemption date and nothing more. If you decided not to do so or we're late in doing so then you really have no honest reason to *****.


I've cancelled my pre-order 10 mins ago... and frankly by the time a large chunk of posters on here get to FINALLY play there WILL BE level 50s today... there WILL BE server history that WILL BE missed... there WILL BE people with professions 75% completed... there WILL BE economies locked down good and tight with hard entry to them... there WILL BE PVP lowbies being camped by ******s who've already hit level 50... there WILL BE more name-locking on servers that just come live the moment emails get sent out....


So you cancelled your pre-order...that is your choice...but we'll see you at primary launch anyway. This is all about not being in on the first wave and nothing more. Had you been in first all of this would have ment nothing to you and in truth probably does'nt now. Its just a good old fashion on the floor kicking and screaming fit.


This is THE WORST launch I have partaken... (I've been in day 1 release of the following and not limited to: UO, EQ, WOW, EQ2, Horizons, DAOC< Warhammer, LOTRO, AoC, DDO and more) and while I haven't even SEEN the game on my monitor... I still chose to cancel... because this is a farce and an immoral start to mine and Bioware's relationship as a client. I don't let some ******e slap me in the face with no repercussion.


If you we're in any of these you would know early access was granted in at least one. I'll allow you to guess which. Most of these opening days for those games we're nightmares. To say other wise is a actually very amusing.So either your recollection is flawed or your just being silly.

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No... FU and an even larger FU to Bioware.


You realize that this is an MMO where traditionally (read: 99% of the time) everyone gets EQUAL access after BETA when the game goes live on X date at X time... none of this BS pre-release "I'm going to get all my buddies in first to exploit" BS.


I've cancelled my pre-order 10 mins ago... and frankly by the time a large chunk of posters on here get to FINALLY play there WILL BE level 50s today... there WILL BE server history that WILL BE missed... there WILL BE people with professions 75% completed... there WILL BE economies locked down good and tight with hard entry to them... there WILL BE PVP lowbies being camped by ******s who've already hit level 50... there WILL BE more name-locking on servers that just come live the moment emails get sent out....


This is THE WORST launch I have partaken... (I've been in day 1 release of the following and not limited to: UO, EQ, WOW, EQ2, Horizons, DAOC< Warhammer, LOTRO, AoC, DDO and more) and while I haven't even SEEN the game on my monitor... I still chose to cancel... because this is a farce and an immoral start to mine and Bioware's relationship as a client. I don't let some ******e slap me in the face with no repercussion.


It. Is. A. Game.

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Well lets see, the people upset with bioware are doing so based on an actual issue. You? You're upset with those people because you just don't like that they're mad....


Seems to me you're the one who should be looking in the mirror as to why you're so raged out that they're rage out.


Just a thought.

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No... FU and an even larger FU to Bioware.


You realize that this is an MMO where traditionally (read: 99% of the time) everyone gets EQUAL access after BETA when the game goes live on X date at X time... none of this BS pre-release "I'm going to get all my buddies in first to exploit" BS.


I've cancelled my pre-order 10 mins ago... and frankly by the time a large chunk of posters on here get to FINALLY play there WILL BE level 50s today... there WILL BE server history that WILL BE missed... there WILL BE people with professions 75% completed... there WILL BE economies locked down good and tight with hard entry to them... there WILL BE PVP lowbies being camped by ******s who've already hit level 50... there WILL BE more name-locking on servers that just come live the moment emails get sent out....


This is THE WORST launch I have partaken... (I've been in day 1 release of the following and not limited to: UO, EQ, WOW, EQ2, Horizons, DAOC< Warhammer, LOTRO, AoC, DDO and more) and while I haven't even SEEN the game on my monitor... I still chose to cancel... because this is a farce and an immoral start to mine and Bioware's relationship as a client. I don't let some ******e slap me in the face with no repercussion.


That's literally one of the stupidest posts I've ever seen.


If you want 1000 people in the starting zone at once, mob camping/tagging, 50 people standing on top of quest givers and lag so bad you are unable to move then go ahead, let all the 1 million+ pre orders in.


Why does it matter if there are level 50's before you? Are you going to cry because someone beat you there? Wow, you sound like a pathetic child throwing their toys out the pram. Why does it matter if someone levels their professions faster than you? Why will the economy be "locked down".. You do realise it makes no difference to the economy at all.. Stop repeating what you've heard somewhere else. Don't want to be ganked? Get on a PvE server, world PvP happens regardless, stop complaining, I don't believe you were part of any of them launches as clearly you have almost no MMO knowledge.

Edited by Boundd
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Well lets see, the people upset with bioware are doing so based on an actual issue. You? You're upset with those people because you just don't like that they're mad....


Seems to me you're the one who should be looking in the mirror as to why you're so raged out that they're rage out.


Just a thought.


I don't see any actual issue :cool:

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No... FU and an even larger FU to Bioware.


You realize that this is an MMO where traditionally (read: 99% of the time) everyone gets EQUAL access after BETA when the game goes live on X date at X time... none of this BS pre-release "I'm going to get all my buddies in first to exploit" BS.


I've cancelled my pre-order 10 mins ago... and frankly by the time a large chunk of posters on here get to FINALLY play there WILL BE level 50s today... there WILL BE server history that WILL BE missed... there WILL BE people with professions 75% completed... there WILL BE economies locked down good and tight with hard entry to them... there WILL BE PVP lowbies being camped by ******s who've already hit level 50... there WILL BE more name-locking on servers that just come live the moment emails get sent out....


This is THE WORST launch I have partaken... (I've been in day 1 release of the following and not limited to: UO, EQ, WOW, EQ2, Horizons, DAOC< Warhammer, LOTRO, AoC, DDO and more) and while I haven't even SEEN the game on my monitor... I still chose to cancel... because this is a farce and an immoral start to mine and Bioware's relationship as a client. I don't let some ******e slap me in the face with no repercussion.


Good bye Mr. Whiner, can I have your stuff? LOL see you in game!

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