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Class's that need nerfing


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baddie's are players that abuse the OP class's and exploits i certainly am not one of them.



im a squishy underpowerd assasin i can do pretty well with that class but i need to use all my abilitys though assasin is a class you actualy need skill to use.


Ok first, it's "assassin." Second, you are probably pulling the typical 7/31/3 like every other squishy shadow/assassin thinking the few extra points of dps matters. I go 22/17/2 and i barely lose any dps. i cant use the spinny lightsaber attack which btw barely does any more damage than double strike (somewhere around 30 points of damage lols) and is only useful for the buffs to project which has way too long of a cooldown to be worthwhile. However I gain force pull and spinning kick which are two of the most useful moves a shadow can have as well as much more useful buffs than what the infiltration/deception tree offers. A shadow/assassin that is specced correctly is more than enough of a challenge for any other class.

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I dont know about Commando, but Vanguard DOES NOT need to be nerfed. Currently elemental damage goes straight through all my armor as a 50 Vanguard and my shields and defense rating only protect against weapon damage based attacks (The default attack for every class), no kinetic or elemental protection from shields or defense rating. DPS also sucks being a tank specced Vanguard, so basically I just have a lot of health and protection from Sith Marauders, thats it.
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ok this is getting rediculous here are some class's that need nerfing



[troopers and bounty hunters]


these 2 class's need seriously looking at not only can they do stupid amounts of damage but they are stupidly hard to put down and to top it off they can heal themselves as well and have armor pen i mean what was bioware thinking giving a class the ability to be DPS heal tank.


bounty hunters rocket spam needs a nerf also.




[sith warriors and jedi knights]


ok again DPS sheild tanks ive seen these do stupidly high damage and you cant even scratch them. whats with the 8k aoe spam thats another ability that needs a nerf



[Operatives and scoundrels]


if your not getting knocked to the ground and back stab pwned in 2 seconds or less your getting perminantly stun locked until death.crazy damage that needs nerfing




and what i cant understand out of all those OP and unbalance class's is why assasins and shadows are getting nerfed the underpowerd class ? are you for real ? all those OP unbalanced class's and the one thats underpowerd get the shaft ?


full dps assasins are squishy as hell and die stupidly fast they have no defense's no heals no sheilds and are melee. you have to stealth for that 6 seconds of force regen buff when exiting stealth to get a good amount of dps off before you get face rolled. then we have to spam all our cd's to stay alive if we dont die before useing them that is. even fully pvp geared 50 assasins/shadows get face rolled.



all i ever see in warzones are trooper/bounty hunters scoundrels/operatives and now i know why im beggining to see alot more jedi knights and sith warrios now also it seems consulars and inquisitors are toning down because they are lacking.



people neeed to get facts straight i cant understand why underpowerd class's get nerfed and OP class's stay how they are or get buffed i could never understand why this happens lol but its silly


One of the better QQs I've seen in a long time.

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Why didn't you just say "every class needs nerfing"? You've combined both AC's into one nerf request. When you say that bounty hunters are hard to kill, heal themselves, and do "stupid" amounts of DPS you're talking about both the Mercenary and the Powertech tree.


Just one example of the many, many things wrong with your post: Powertech's can't heal themselves (beyond using medpacks of course).

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GEAR makes all the difference. Its not the class 100%. Trust me, before I got my gear I was in the same boat as you. Now in almost full champ ( after 55 bags and counting ) i have seen a GREAT deal of survivorbility towards everything you the OP posted. I'm up to 40% damage reduction and climbing. i'm not saying you are totally wrong, there are a few classes that need tweekage love but for the most part, get the gear then reassess your opinion on the matter
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I dont know about Commando, but Vanguard DOES NOT need to be nerfed. Currently elemental damage goes straight through all my armor as a 50 Vanguard and my shields and defense rating only protect against weapon damage based attacks (The default attack for every class), no kinetic or elemental protection from shields or defense rating. DPS also sucks being a tank specced Vanguard, so basically I just have a lot of health and protection from Sith Marauders, thats it.


Vanguards no, OP Commando faceroll spec yes.

Edited by Avindra
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So far i understand the game has a little bit of scissor<>stone but needs some tuning


Take for example the powertech, hes is the tank killer with his elemental dmg.

The sc/op is the light armor killer and does also dmg to higher armor

Tha assassin/shadow is with his light sabers a threat but get problems with defence classes, but as a tank still dish out good dps

The sorc/sage can penetrate with its dmg every defence armor and is tank like with its bubble and absorbs every kind of dmg type, but can be taken out without due to light armor.

The Trooper/BH can penetrate every type of armor, can heal, is a tank and has high dps but struggles in close combat.


This is a great interpretation of the class mechanics. Actually one of the simplest forms I have seen. Based on this post Most of the classes are balanced by their counter or a counter mechanic built into the game. I don't understand all the nerf threads, if your playing collaboratively in a group setting everyone can be countered.


The problem at the moment is that people get pissed when then meet their counter and call for nerfs. The consumable stacking doesn't help much since it makes the defeat that much quicker and more noticeable.

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This is a great interpretation of the class mechanics. Actually one of the simplest forms I have seen. Based on this post Most of the classes are balanced by their counter or a counter mechanic built into the game. I don't understand all the nerf threads, if your playing collaboratively in a group setting everyone can be countered.


The problem at the moment is that people get pissed when then meet their counter and call for nerfs. The consumable stacking doesn't help much since it makes the defeat that much quicker and more noticeable.


over simplified representation of the classes, missed a lot of key points. if you actually read it he just showed why sin/shadows are underpowered in comparison to all other classes. lol.

Good luck with that though



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GEAR makes all the difference. Its not the class 100%. Trust me, before I got my gear I was in the same boat as you. Now in almost full champ ( after 55 bags and counting ) i have seen a GREAT deal of survivorbility towards everything you the OP posted. I'm up to 40% damage reduction and climbing. i'm not saying you are totally wrong, there are a few classes that need tweekage love but for the most part, get the gear then reassess your opinion on the matter


My DPS Merc has about 33% damage reduction +10% from tracer missile + 25% from temp bubble. This doesnt include the damage reduction you get from expertise which is about 10% and then 15% more from the expertise potions.


Did I mention I also get heals.

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evidense is crystal clear that certain class's are OP and items are OP there is plenty of evidense proving this and thats proves you wrong, if your in denial that your bounty hunter is OP after video's and explinations of them being OP then you need to stop posting on my thread trying to get me to retaliate. its not going to work


every class is OP. so why should someone get nerfed?

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Make troopers able to do all attacks on the move, not interuptable, and instant. Troopers are extremly easy to LoS, interupt and they have to just stand ther like stationary turrets, right in the open, to do any damage, and they dont have longer range then other classes or gap closers, and the least amount of cc with shortest duration.


theres vanguard assault spec that does alot of damage on the move (the one most are probably complaining about) and the very good combat medic. A gunnery trooper wont heal for crap, and wont soak up more damage then any class with shields like assassins using ranged shield, juggernauts or even sorcerers using their shields.

Edited by SeloDaoC
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I hope you are paying attention BW. People who want to nerf EVERYONE think that Slinger and Snipers are perfectly fine. Which means we are criminally underpowered.


I guess you missed the part where apart from ops/scounds, ALL ranged classes hav been mentioned with supporting evidence in needing a tweak/nerf

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If BW wants to change sorcs/sage shields then they have to give them better armor than light armor. Bit much having ranged dps Merc/Commandos running about with the heavy armor and damage reductions being able to dish out more burst than the "mage" class. Edited by Avindra
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anyway as i said from my origonal post im right i have facts and evidense to prove and back up my facts about the class's, sorry for being right and all and knowing the game better than you but ive got to get back to playing swtor and reporting bugs and figuring out problems that can be solved, so instead of spouting pooh on the forums and harasing thread posters id sujest you all do the same.



enjoy :)

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I'll address the following


[troopers and bounty hunters]


these 2 class's need seriously looking at not only can they do stupid amounts of damage but they are stupidly hard to put down and to top it off they can heal themselves as well and have armor pen i mean what was bioware thinking giving a class the ability to be DPS heal tank.


bounty hunters rocket spam needs a nerf also.


They do generic damage compared to other classes that I've seen. I've gotten hit for 10k melee hits (no joke) from double-bladed saber hostiles (I dont remember if they were repub or imp so i'm not gonna call out a class name). Also operatives and smugglers do a crapton of damage, which one would expect from a rogue class due to their inherit weaknesses. Bounty hunters can heal themselves but the heals are very very low and high heat unless you spec into healing...in which you aren't concerned about their damage anymore anyhow. It's called being a healer. They can't DPS/Heal/Tank all at the same time. Also armor penetration makes sense. Would you rather healers have it? Really?


Also, Mercenary Bounty Hunters require a lot of "sitting in one spot" due to long casting attacks. Just LOS them and bam, you are not taking damage from them. I consistently take out BH by interrupting their attacks with LOS.




people neeed to get facts straight i cant understand why underpowerd class's get nerfed and OP class's stay how they are or get buffed i could never understand why this happens lol but its silly


I'm not sure why you're writing to yourself here, but okay. I agree. You should get your facts straight first.

Edited by RpTheHotrod
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If BW wants to change sorcs/sage shields then they have to give them better armor than light armor. Bit much having ranged dps Merc/Commandos running about with the heavy armor and damage reductions being able to dish out more burst than the "mage" class.





/yea lets give sages medium or heavy so they can survive EVEN more than shadows/sins. Thats a joke, you and your little bubble not Only gives you 10x more group viability than us, but you can actually tank better than a kinetic spec shadow/sin which is our most powerful (only complete and polished spec too) with a combination of your shield and that heal, and still a good amount of knockback and cc.


You also realize the whole "mage" class damage complaint is null and void because this game already takes a REVERSE approach to any game even close to balanced and that is Ranged DPS = More overall DPS, RNG and debuff stacking required for some burst.


Melee dps= On demand burst, and the most burst damage in comparison, lower overall dps, heavy CD based.




I'll address the following




They do generic damage compared to other classes that I've seen. I've gotten hit for 10k melee hits (no joke) from double-bladed saber hostiles (I dont remember if they were repub or imp so i'm not gonna call out a class name). Also operatives and smugglers do a crapton of damage, which one would expect from a rogue class due to their inherit weaknesses. Bounty hunters can heal themselves but the heals are very very low and high heat unless you spec into healing...in which you aren't concerned about their damage anymore anyhow. It's called being a healer. They can't DPS/Heal/Tank all at the same time. Also armor penetration makes sense. Would you rather healers have it? Really?






I'm not sure why you're writing to yourself here, but okay. I agree. You should get your facts straight first.



I know right!


Exactly what I mean, like just the other day I was hit by one of those grenade launcher holstile guys for 18k in 1 second and than a finisher for over 9000

Edited by cloudxshadowbane
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anyway as i said from my origonal post im right i have facts and evidense to prove and back up my facts about the class's, sorry for being right and all and knowing the game better than you but ive got to get back to playing swtor and reporting bugs and figuring out problems that can be solved, so instead of spouting pooh on the forums and harasing thread posters id sujest you all do the same.



enjoy :)


Evidence which you have yet to produce. I mean it's so incredibly easy to find and it's everywhere, apparantly, but you're not consolidating it at all.


Instead of figuring out bugs and such, why don't you get to 50 and snag some pvp gear so you actually have a basis to speak of balance issues.

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Evidence which you have yet to produce. I mean it's so incredibly easy to find and it's everywhere, apparantly, but you're not consolidating it at all.


Instead of figuring out bugs and such, why don't you get to 50 and snag some pvp gear so you actually have a basis to speak of balance issues.


^ Watch out Mach is going to tracer miss spam you to death doing more dps and burst than 2 shadows

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^ Watch out Mach is going to tracer miss spam you to death doing more dps and burst than 2 shadows


I think I've made it abundantly clear that only a really terrible Merc who wants to die fast just sits around spamming Tracers.


Then again I shouldn't expect much else from someone who claims Powertechs can heal for 250-300k in a single warzone while doing 300k+ damage at the same time. You know, despite the fact that they can't heal at all aside from consumables with which it is a mathematical impossibility to reach anything close to those numbers. But hey, keep living the dream, buddy.

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anyway as i said from my origonal post im right i have facts and evidense to prove and back up my facts about the class's, sorry for being right and all and knowing the game better than you but ive got to get back to playing swtor and reporting bugs and figuring out problems that can be solved, so instead of spouting pooh on the forums and harasing thread posters id sujest you all do the same.



enjoy :)


Can you post the FACTS from a reputable BW team member and not just what you read from other BAD players? The fact of the matter is your are just spouting mindless junk posted by other players with no factual numbers to back up your claims.

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