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Expand OPEN World PVP On PVP Servers


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Agreed, I like the UO, SB, DF (buggy though) open world pvp.


Oh how much fun those games were. Shadowbane had the best siege/city mechanics of any game to date.


BioWare could totally allow more planets to become Open World PvP planets where guilds are allowed to build their own mini cities and fight over those cities.


It would be like EvE and how they break down 0.0 for the Alliances and .5-1.0 space for PvErs.

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Oh how much fun those games were. Shadowbane had the best siege/city mechanics of any game to date.


BioWare could totally allow more planets to become Open World PvP planets where guilds are allowed to build their own mini cities and fight over those cities.


It would be like EvE and how they break down 0.0 for the Alliances and .5-1.0 space for PvErs.



You guys forgot Asheron's Call -- Darktide Server.



we need to keep bumping these threads!

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I totally agree with the OP.


Instanced PvP gets boring really quick, even if you bring out a new BG every month it's still scripted and dull.


Objective-based PvP zones are also dumb, since they still create an artificial atmosphere.


The only way to induce PvP is to put objectives AND lots of auxillary dailies, crafting material nodes and so forth in an area to attract high level characters - not just those there for PvP.


This is the point of a PvP server - unexpected, involuntary pvp. As it stands PvE servers are effectively identical.


Long story short - if they don't fix the world PvP I will be cancelling my subscription bored at 50. I did it with WoW, I'll do it here. WoW world PvP was good for several years however, not broken from launch.

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I agrea with all my heart,


Open World PVP>


The game rocks. and I know that It will get old unless there is some good fun open PVP>


Area's with quest rewards and resource nodes to attract players is a great idea.


As far as faction ballance... It can suck. I have always played the underdog and have never had an issue with poor ods.


Yes, It would really be nice to have pvp in PVP Servers. The Warzones are cool but they get old very fast..


There is no fealing of "epic" starwars battle between good and evil and I think some solid Open PVP could help that.

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I support this as well.


I cannot stand battleground or instanced PVP where everyone has time to get "set up".


It's all about open world pvp where there are either big battles or even just a few players duking it out. You fight when you don't have an advantage of prepping for battle. You don't fight when everything is hunky dory.


Agreed completely!

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The sharding system kills pvp.


That certainly is a large part of the problem, but there's more.


Here's why World PvP sucks:


You split the population of a server up, so you have less targets and less people running around and running into each other.



No Incentive

The average player needs an incentive to do world pvp. There are no rewards for killing players, so people don't engage in world pvp. You have to make the average player want to go out and look for enemy faction players and kill them. Flipping capture points and blowing up NPC's in enemy territory is not a way to do this. There need to be concrete rewards for players that engage in world pvp, and its consequences should have such effects on the game world and its players that they would want to engage in it to bring about a favourable outcome for their faction.



No place to do it

Other than Ilum (which is done wrong), there's no real place that dedicated to world PvP. There needs to be a place that both factions will want to go to, and that place has to be designed in such a way to promote PvP. How about a high level area on Tatooine and Alderaan, full of extremely valuable resources and high level dailies, with capturable nodes that provide a benefit to the faction that holds them. Players will want to go to these places to farm these rare materials and complete these dailies, and there should be dedicated quests and rewards for killing enemy players and defending (not capturing) in the zone. Control of nodes would give de facto control of the planet, which would open up exclusive instances, quests and rewards for the faction that controls them.



No prestige

We need a ranking system that gives players titles and gear (exclusive reskins, speeders, vanity items...etc; nothing that upsets balance) based on their rank. Moreover, I'd like to see "rank abilities." Say there would be 15 ranks, from 1 to 15. Rank 1 is a Private, and your ability isn't strong, so it would be something like a temporary buff. Higher ranks mean you have a stronger ability. Rank 8, a Lieutenant, would be able to call in an air strike. Ranks 12-15, Generals of varying grade, would be able to do something epic that could turn the tide of a battle, like an orbital bombardment or summoning a number of elite NPC's. These abilities would be only usable in the designated zones. Ranks would also have to be arranged in a pyramid structure, so that eventually, a year or two down the line, we don't end up with dozens of Generals running around and dropping orbital strikes by the boatloads.




One of the problems with large scale world pvp is that it's difficult to get everyone together at the same time. So, plan events. Every hour, Imperials and Republic would alternate attacks on their bases, supported by copious amounts of NPC's. If your attack succeeds, you get to sack the enemy outpost/fort/city, and completely control the zone for the next hour. WoW's Wintergrasp, for all the hate it got, was awesome, and I'd love to see something similar in SWTOR.



Population balance

20 Republic vs. 60 Imperials isn't fun. It's quite obvious that there are problems with faction balance on many servers. How about providing incentive (extra xp, credits, all kinds of nice things) for players to roll a member of the underpopulated faction?


Moreover, I came up with an idea that could technically fix this problem, at the cost of "RvR-ization" of the whole process. The zones I previously mentioned, on Tatooine and Alderaan (because you actually have to have people care about the planet they are fighting on, and these two planets are known by everyone and it is prestigious to "control" them), would be instanced. :eek: Meaning if you want to enter them, you have to go through a loading screen. Now here's where it get's interesting:


Say you're on a server that has 60% Imperial and 40% Republic population. It would suck for Republic players to engage in PvP and be outnumbered like that. So you could do something akin to WoW's battlegroups:


Create a "grouping" of 2-4 servers that effectively balance each other's populations out, so that while individual servers may unbalanced, the whole group is roughly balanced out:

60% Imperial, 40% Republic

50% Imperial, 50% Republic

65% Imperial, 35% Republic

40% Imperial, 60% Republic


These servers may be PvP, RP-PvP, or even PvE/RP-PvE. Remember that these areas aren't technically the "open world" since they are instanced, so PvE players will be aware that by entering these areas they are exposing themselves to PvP. The cool part about these grouping is that you could shuffle these servers around, bi-monthly or even monthly, so you don't end up playing with the same people all the time. That and you have a larger pool of players that would be able to participate.


Along with creating a lively PvP environment for the players to play in, this is the most important part. This game needs server forums, because without them there is no community. Servers need a place where players of both factions can get to know each other, get familiar with guilds and players on the opposite faction, build rivalries and even trash talk (which is healthy for the community, unless it get's very excessive).



Do all of the above Bioware, and you would have created a game that, in 10-15 years, people will remember fondly just as they are now reminiscing about Dark Age of Camelot.



I realize that somewhere in the middle of the post I went off course, but I had to spill my heart. :rolleyes: There are some things that might not work too well, but everything can be tweaked in such a way that the whole system would come together nicely.

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That certainly is a large part of the problem, but there's more.


Here's why World PvP sucks:


You split the population of a server up, so you have less targets and less people running around and running into each other.



No Incentive

The average player needs an incentive to do world pvp. There are no rewards for killing players, so people don't engage in world pvp. You have to make the average player want to go out and look for enemy faction players and kill them. Flipping capture points and blowing up NPC's in enemy territory is not a way to do this. There need to be concrete rewards for players that engage in world pvp, and its consequences should have such effects on the game world and its players that they would want to engage in it to bring about a favourable outcome for their faction.



No place to do it

Other than Ilum (which is done wrong), there's no real place that dedicated to world PvP. There needs to be a place that both factions will want to go to, and that place has to be designed in such a way to promote PvP. How about a high level area on Tatooine and Alderaan, full of extremely valuable resources and high level dailies, with capturable nodes that provide a benefit to the faction that holds them. Players will want to go to these places to farm these rare materials and complete these dailies, and there should be dedicated quests and rewards for killing enemy players and defending (not capturing) in the zone. Control of nodes would give de facto control of the planet, which would open up exclusive instances, quests and rewards for the faction that controls them.



No prestige

We need a ranking system that gives players titles and gear (exclusive reskins, speeders, vanity items...etc; nothing that upsets balance) based on their rank. Moreover, I'd like to see "rank abilities." Say there would be 15 ranks, from 1 to 15. Rank 1 is a Private, and your ability isn't strong, so it would be something like a temporary buff. Higher ranks mean you have a stronger ability. Rank 8, a Lieutenant, would be able to call in an air strike. Ranks 12-15, Generals of varying grade, would be able to do something epic that could turn the tide of a battle, like an orbital bombardment or summoning a number of elite NPC's. These abilities would be only usable in the designated zones. Ranks would also have to be arranged in a pyramid structure, so that eventually, a year or two down the line, we don't end up with dozens of Generals running around and dropping orbital strikes by the boatloads.




One of the problems with large scale world pvp is that it's difficult to get everyone together at the same time. So, plan events. Every hour, Imperials and Republic would alternate attacks on their bases, supported by copious amounts of NPC's. If your attack succeeds, you get to sack the enemy outpost/fort/city, and completely control the zone for the next hour. WoW's Wintergrasp, for all the hate it got, was awesome, and I'd love to see something similar in SWTOR.



Population balance

20 Republic vs. 60 Imperials isn't fun. It's quite obvious that there are problems with faction balance on many servers. How about providing incentive (extra xp, credits, all kinds of nice things) for players to roll a member of the underpopulated faction?


Moreover, I came up with an idea that could technically fix this problem, at the cost of "RvR-ization" of the whole process. The zones I previously mentioned, on Tatooine and Alderaan (because you actually have to have people care about the planet they are fighting on, and these two planets are known by everyone and it is prestigious to "control" them), would be instanced. :eek: Meaning if you want to enter them, you have to go through a loading screen. Now here's where it get's interesting:


Say you're on a server that has 60% Imperial and 40% Republic population. It would suck for Republic players to engage in PvP and be outnumbered like that. So you could do something akin to WoW's battlegroups:


Create a "grouping" of 2-4 servers that effectively balance each other's populations out, so that while individual servers may unbalanced, the whole group is roughly balanced out:

60% Imperial, 40% Republic

50% Imperial, 50% Republic

65% Imperial, 35% Republic

40% Imperial, 60% Republic


These servers may be PvP, RP-PvP, or even PvE/RP-PvE. Remember that these areas aren't technically the "open world" since they are instanced, so PvE players will be aware that by entering these areas they are exposing themselves to PvP. The cool part about these grouping is that you could shuffle these servers around, bi-monthly or even monthly, so you don't end up playing with the same people all the time. That and you have a larger pool of players that would be able to participate.


Along with creating a lively PvP environment for the players to play in, this is the most important part. This game needs server forums, because without them there is no community. Servers need a place where players of both factions can get to know each other, get familiar with guilds and players on the opposite faction, build rivalries and even trash talk (which is healthy for the community, unless it get's very excessive).



Do all of the above Bioware, and you would have created a game that, in 10-15 years, people will remember fondly just as they are now reminiscing about Dark Age of Camelot.



I realize that somewhere in the middle of the post I went off course, but I had to spill my heart. :rolleyes: There are some things that might not work too well, but everything can be tweaked in such a way that the whole system would come together nicely.



Well done, here.

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In WAR we had both battlegrounds or whatever they were called and GREAT open world PvP with capturable castles.


BW should consider implementing something similiar to TOR - capturable objects on each planet with noteworty rewards as incentive.

Rewards should be awarded not based on capture but amount of actual dmg, healing or ptotection dealt thus forcing people to actually battle not just tag stuff.

Also capping objects should take way more time so defender have a chance of responding - check Eve online and WAR for inspiration.


I'm not much of PvP player, especialy in PvE focused games (like TOR, WoW or Rift) but would like to have some actual system in place. What we have now is worthless.

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Agree to all! Very well said.... World pvp let the players to work in communities, use strategic, cooperate and this great feeling of achieving things through team work.


Ganging fits great to personalities who like sneaky play, dark sided players maybe.. protecting and group defending or attacking with some sort of respect fits to a more "Light Side" type of players.. so you actually there is a way to farm points in either light or dark side too.


World pvp is actually the very best and true example of a game called, mmorpg! Fighting vs preprogrammed npcs (pve) doesnt make a pvp server... well.. pvp.


So since we choosed PvP bioware, let us get gear through WZ (to have them running ofc) but give us all a bigger meaning-reason-motive-passion to do world pvp, to actually use our farmed good epic pvp gear and skils.

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I wholeheartedly agree with this. I'd love to see commendation / valor point incentives for world PVP as well as less separation between factions. I don't expect current areas to be totally reshaped, but I hope that planets added in future content have much more volatile world pvp due to more common questing areas. There are plenty of PVE servers to go around.
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