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So the question needs to be asked, why am I paying..


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WoW is pretty heavily instanced. Dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, arena.


WoW has instanced Content, but it also has a massive open world


Whether people choose to use it isn't the entire issue. I don't pet my cat, but I'll still be upset when she dies

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Good question because they haven't billed anyone yet. So why are YOU paying already when no one else has had to?


Probably because you gave your credit card info to a scammer and you are actually being robbed.

You're quite the clever one

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Another person who just unloaded hours upon hours into this game, and wonders why they are bored/burnt out.


It's like Hello..How many hours straight do you expect any game to keep your attention? I can't play any game for longer than a week or two before I need a serious break.

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Because really, yeah, there's a few packed zones in WoW, but for the most part, leveling is a single player game. They even took OUT all of the non instance, party required content, while every planet here has outdoor 4 mans, very similar to an instance but is really more content that does require multiple players.


But you're right, this is strictly a single player RPG, no doubt.

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Another person who just unloaded hours upon hours into this game, and wonders why they are bored/burnt out.


It's like Hello..How many hours straight do you expect any game to keep your attention? I can't play any game for longer than a week or two before I need a serious break.

Wrong about me being burnt to a crisp, I'm still enjoying the game at the moment for what it is, just can't see my self forking out money every month for this type of experience.


Please, what did I say in my last sentence?


But you're right about one thing, this game is enjoyable in small doses.

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You pay for the obvious things?


They've got people developing new contect, fix bugs and many more things - Ye I wish having people to work for you was free to.


If it was free to play they wouldn't be developing the game OR as some other free mmo's do make sure you buy stuff ingame instead, to be as good as others.



Stupid discussion to be honest, it's common sense that they have to make some money make sure they can keep the game alive, and of course they want profits from it. So if you don't like the game and don't understand why you should be paying - just reroll to some free to play mmorpg, you have a choice.

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Just read what halou said, it's honestly pure gold and reflects my opinion.


Great.. Then go back to WOW...


OP, there is only one way to say this. But you are not very bright.


Bioware is following Blizzards design model for SWTOR..


Swtor is WOW... Different game skin, lore, game engine, etc, etc..


Blizzard discovered the Winning formula for MMO success. Which is a balance between single player game-play and group based content.


The same exact concept exists in SWTOR. If Bioware continues to follow the Blizzard model how can they fail?


Bioware is making a game the appeals to single player MMO customers as well as group based MMO customers. There really isn't all that much to the MMO industry right now..





PVP instances

PVE instances

Lore Collecting/Achievements


Name two games that follow that design model.

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Great.. Then go back to WOW...


OP, there is only one way to say this. But you are not very bright.


Bioware is following Blizzards design model for SWTOR..


Swtor is WOW... Different game skin, lore, game engine, etc, etc..


Blizzard discovered the Winning formula for MMO success. Which is a balance between single player game-play and group based content.


The same exact concept exists in SWTOR. If Bioware continues to follow the Blizzard model how can they fail?


Bioware is making a game the appeals to single player MMO customers as well as group based MMO customers. There really isn't all that much to the MMO industry right now..





PVP instances

PVE instances

Lore Collecting/Achievements


Name two games that follow that design model.



Sorry what can I say?


This game just doesn't give off that 'open world' feeling that WoW/LOTRO/SWG gave off(infact I'd say it's miserable in this department)


And no, I'm not going back to WoW, especially experiencing the awesome voice work of this game.

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Game is More MMO than WoW is....World of Queuecraft I should say.


EDIT: The game gives it off just fine to me. I get to run around, do my quests at my leisure...I can go do a FP if I want. Its all fine to me. The questing is a little guided but it needs to be that way for the Story elements. I'm not doing any less exploring than I did in WoW ever.

Edited by Mormack
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Sorry what can I say?


This game just doesn't give off that 'open world' feeling that WoW/LOTRO/SWG gave off(infact I'd say it's miserable in this department)


And no, I'm not going back to WoW, especially experiencing the awesome voice work of this game.


What does open world have to do with a functioning MMO that is based on game-play content???


If SWTOR had this fabled "open world" qualifier would you still play the game?


Or would you make another post saying that there is no content?


Which is more important?

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What does open world have to do with a functioning MMO that is based on game-play content???


If SWTOR had this fabled "open world" qualifier would you still play the game?


Or would you make another post saying that there is no content?


Which is more important?


I'd choose C.


Both, as both are essential in a massive multiplayer online game which a player must pay a monthly fee for to continue playing the game.

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I'd choose C.


Both, as both are essential in a massive multiplayer online game which a player must pay a monthly fee for to continue playing the game.


In your Opinion. The only thing that I need is some questing to lvl and some people to group with to do instances/Raids/PvP at max lvl once I get there. Massive Multiplayer means nothing more than 100s to 1000s of people playing at once in the same server. The World is HUGE. Go to Hoth, Go to Tatooine...There's plenty of Real Estate and I feel it every time I log in right now Beign On Hoth.

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why are people so fricken adament about having a lot of people all around them? any game where im in a crowded area I always run into a doosh of some sort whether they are following me around for no reason or constantly spamming duel and im not in the mood. Plus it doesnt feel as immersive with a bunch of people around to me, just seems like a hub. People just get spread out in this game ive noticed too. theres a lot of places to go and lots of options for leveling. I like it though so whatevs.


if you need to be surrounded by a bunch of moronic people then go to the mall.


either way do what you wish with your money, it is after all your money. are we supposed to convince you otherwise?

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I challenge anyone to tell me how any other MMO Isn't a single player game other than doing raids. This game is no different. If you pay monthly for WoW, it's the same thing only this game is way deeper.




Like having a team of companions to run around the heavily instanced world? Yup, absolutely the same as wow but really nothing like it.

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I'd choose C.


Both, as both are essential in a massive multiplayer online game which a player must pay a monthly fee for to continue playing the game.


That's cool you're entitled to have that view.


It will never exist in an MMO game.


WOW itself is not an open world. A lot of people never understood that.

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Cool your panties.


It's not like I yearn to be around hundreds of players constantly when I'm playing this.


But when I have to go through a crap ton of hurdles just to form a group for specific heroics due to the lack of players per planet(due to you guessed what..) even during peak times on a HEAVY server, then there is a problem.


You can say you have no issues all you want, but spamming general chat and finishing 5 or 6 quests before I find just a couple of people(who are 75% of the time tanks) is not my cup or the dozens of members in my guild.. of tea.

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Like having a team of companions to run around the heavily instanced world? Yup, absolutely the same as wow but really nothing like it.


So what is missing?




Frost Mages?

Unholy Death Knights?

Shaman with dogs?


Was Swtor supposed to be exactly like WOW?

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Cool your panties.


It's not like I yearn to be around hundreds of players constantly when I'm playing this.


But when I have to go through a crap ton of hurdles just to form a group for specific heroics due to the lack of players per planet(due to you guessed what..) even during peak times on a HEAVY server, then there is a problem.


You can say you have no issues all you want, but spamming general chat and finishing 5 or 6 quests before I find just a couple of people(who are 75% of the time tanks) is not my cup or the dozens of members in my guild.. of tea.


Anecdotal Evidence is..... you know the rest..



Heroic group quests are OPTIONAL..... Sounds like you play on a server where people do not want to the OPTIONAL heroic quests..


Are the people on your server running Flashpoints and warzones?

You know the other part of the MMO game-play offerings?



Is that Bioware's fault for providing group based MMO focused content and then having the customer base choose to not take part in that content?

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someone explain to me one thing... ppl here whine bout game and that they are not enjoing it... and still plaing - WHY?


if i don't like something - i'm not doing it... are most of ppl here masohists or something?


people do not understand where the MMO industry is moving towards.

they are still struggling with the business side concepts.

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Yeah he is "enjoying" the game to an extent, but doesn't feel the need to pay for it? I would say that is simply a contradiction of the highest quality.


If you don't like something, don't pay for it. The game isn't going to up and conform to your needs because you are "starting to get bored".

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